Page 1: How to fix microsoft office installation errors


SafeBytes Software

Page 2: How to fix microsoft office installation errors

Sometimes when you are trying to install Microsoft Office, you will get an error message, which tells you that you cannot proceed until you deal with some items.

The issues could be with the computer itself or alternatively, the software that you are trying to install. The troubleshooting process is through elimination.

That means that you try different solutions until you find the one that works best. The very first error arises from the inability to get the right legitimate software. If you are working with pirated software, then there is a very high chance that you will get errors.

In that case, you need to get the right version. At other times it is due to a delay in processing your license. A few minutes are all you need in order to restart the process successfully. Make sure that you sign out first.

Page 3: How to fix microsoft office installation errors

Check the possibilities before proceeding

Remember that you can assign licenses to yourself under certain circumstances. Make sure that you speak to your agent or alternatively, visit the website to confirm the correct procedure for doing this.

At other times, you may be given a multiple license that allows you to assign the software package to more than one computer. Note that the procedures for five computers or less is different from that of more than five computers. That is because it is in the interest of the software manufacturer to ensure that you buy as many software packages as possible. Others prefer to deactivate one computer before getting to another.

In this case, you will be allowed to use the software on the multiple licenses. However, the product will not work on the old computer until it is reactivated.

Page 4: How to fix microsoft office installation errors

There are certain online services that give you access to licenses, including SharePoint Online, Outlook and Lync. Once you get the administrative authority on Office 365 for business administration, you are given the ability to assign licenses to new users. You can also create new accounts as well as adding licenses to existing users. There is always a cap on the licenses that are available to you, based on the agreement that you signed. Therefore, you will not be in a position to use up more licenses than those that are agreed upon.

The IT Pro package is the one that is used to download software that can be licensed out to certain computers. There is a dedicated software deployment tool that you can work with. At certain times, you will see an account notice or an indicator that you are working with an unlicensed version. In this case, you need to install the version that came with the Office 365 plan. You can then uninstall the one that was attached to the old plan.

Delays in installation

If the delays are inordinate, you will need to review the status of the services that you are accessing. Make sure that you are up date in terms of payments and that the computer you are using has the right system requirements.