  1. 1. How To Deal With A Difficult Boss
  2. 2. At some point in our working lives we all have to deal with a boss thats being difficult. How you cope in this situation can make all the difference to the outcome. The difference can be as great as staying in a job and improving the situation or having to leave.
  3. 3. Being happy at work is of course extremely important and unhappiness can lead to stress, a fall off in performance and worsening problems with the boss.
  4. 4. Dont take It Personally
  5. 5. If you have to deal with a difficult boss, you should check that youre not simply being too sensitive to the situation. It could be that he or she is just extremely busy and feel youre interrupting them too much. Some bosses dont always have the time to be as pleasant as you might imagine they should be.
  6. 6. Dont Allow It To Affect Your Work
  7. 7. When youre put in this situation, it can make you feel you dont want to put in as much effort because your work isnt appreciated and youre not being managed properly. However, even if this is the case, you should continue to put in the time and energy, as it will highlight your strengths to others.
  8. 8. Dont Be Too Quick To Judge
  9. 9. If your boss suddenly changes in attitude towards you, it might be a personal or a work issue. Allow them some time to deal with the situation before you take matters further.
  10. 10. Find Ways Around
  11. 11. By changing how you work, you could learn to cope with a difficult boss. This will show them that youre making an effort, and if youre helping, then they may not be as hard on you.
  12. 12. Maintain Records
  13. 13. If the situation persists and you want to take it further, then you need a record of all your communications. This will provide you with evidence if the matter escalates.
  14. 14. Remain Professional
  15. 15. Whatever happens and however your boss behaves you need to maintain your professionalism. Its vital that you remain calm throughout and ensure that it doesnt become a major argument.
  16. 16. Bullying in the workplace is unacceptable and if you consider that is what you are experiencing then it might become necessary to report the matter to the HR department.
  17. 17. Good luck!
