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Creating Your Own Magick MirrorClass outline and lesson plan.

By: Athauliz “Dragon's Eye” Firestorm, August 2010


CHAPTER I What is a “Scrying” or Psychic Mirror and what is it used for? An introduction to the Magick Mirror.

CHAPTER II A select number of psychic herbs commonly associated with Divination.

CHAPTER III Selecting the materials used for creating our own Scrying Mirror. Base materials, where to find on the cheap.

CHAPTER IV Making the Black Mirror Paint and charging it. ( Preparations )

PART A) Cleaning and cleansing the glass pane, etc.PART B) The paper backing and markings.PART C) Mixing and Charging the Paint.

CHAPTER V Polarizing our mirror for its intended use ( or not-polarizing, for general use ).

CHAPTER VI Customizing the frame, holder, etc with our own markings, Runes, Sigils, and/or desired ornamentation.


CHAPTER VII Assembling our mirrors when they are dry and ready.

CHAPTER VIII Consecrating and dedicating our mirrors ( Preparation for the next Dark Moon Ritual ).

CHAPTER IX Care and maintenance of our new Magick Mirrors.

CHAPTER X ( Optional ) Some extra info and techniques about what we can do with and for our Magick Mirrors.

PART A) Alternative ways to recharge our mirror.PART B) Some suggested empowerment and scrying chants.PART C) Some helpful meditations for preparing to divine or scry, using our Magick Mirror.PART D) An example Magick Mirror “washing recipe” - for cleansing.


CHAPTER XI Dark Moon Ritual:

PART A) Charging our Mirrors with our intent and consecrating them in ritual.PART B) Using our new mirrors for their very first use in divinations, scrying, etc.

CHAPTER XII After close of ritual: Open-group discussion on what we have learned and our scrying experiences ( optional ).

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Magic Mirrors:

Magic Mirrors - They enabled, it was said, to see the present, the past, and the future. They are of great variety, and of great antiquity.

"Then from his secret Art the Sage Vizier,A Magic Mirror made; a Mirror likeThe bosom of All-wise Intelligence,Reflecting in its mystic compass all

Within the sevenfold volume of the WorldInvol'd; and looking in that Mirror's faceThe Shah beheld the face of his Desire."

St. Augustine (in De Civitate Dei, Ch. VII, 35) says that they were used by the witches of Thessaly who wrote their oracles on them in human blood.

Varron claims that they are of Persian origin, the Magi having used them for a method of divination called Catoptromancy. Spartianus says that Didius Julianus used them to know the result of the battle which Tullius Crispinius fought with Septirnus Severus, his rival for the Throne.

The persons who, in Rome, read these mirrors were called Specularii.

In the East these instruments were called Stellar Mirrors. Pica della Mirandola had faith in them, provided they were made under a favorable constellation, and that they should only be consulted when one felt comfortably warm, for the cold harms the lucidity of their oracle. Reinaud speaks of them in his Description of the Blacas Cabinet. He adds that the operators perfume them, fast for seven days before using them, and recite sacramental prayers at the moment of consulting them. The Chinese and the Hindus made theirs of metal, concave or convex.

Muratori tells us of a Bishop of Verona who was put to death because under his pillow a magic mirror was found bearing on the reverse the word flore which means flower, and proves collaboration with the devil, since, according to St. Cyprian, Satan sometimes appeared in the shape of a flower. A mirror of this kind was also found in the house of Calas de Rienzi. Catherine de Medici had one.

The shape of these mirrors was, as we have said, very varied. Some bore the name of their inventor (Cagliostro, Swedenborg, etc.) More recently they have been used to fix the eye of clairvoyants or mediums so as to put them into a state of hypnosis.

Cahagnet, in his Magnetic Magic, quotes the principal mirrors as follows :-

• The Theurgic Mirror - a bottle of clear water looked at by a child and in which the Archangel Gabriel replies by pictures to his questions.

• The Mirror of the Sorcerers - any kind of mirror or pail of water. The country sorcerer, standing near the consultant, recites a spell and shows him the reflection of the picture wanted.

• The Mirror of Cagliostro - the bottle of clear water is on a piece of furniture, and before it a child, on whose head the operator places one hand and tells him the questions to ask, to which replies are given in allegorical pictures.

• The Mirror of du Polet - a piece of cardboard having pasted on one side a sheet of tin and on the other a piece of black cloth. The operator magnetizes it strongly and places it a foot away from the eye of the consultant who,

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having fixed his eyes on it, soon sees in it the desired object. • The Swedenborgian Mirror - a paste of graphite mixed with olive oil is poured on an ordinary mirror and allowed

to dry for a few days. The consultant, whose image must not be reflected (he stands at some distance for this reason) looks into it, whilst the operator stares magnetically at the back of his head, and vision takes place.

• The Magnetic Mirror - a round crystal globe filled with magnetized water at which the consultant looks carefully until the desired vision appears.

• The Narcotic Mirror - similar globe but a narcotic powder made of belladonna, henbane, mandragora, hemp, poppy, etc., is dissolved in the water.

• The Galvanic Mirror - it is made of two discs, one of copper and concave, the other of zinc and convex, both magnetized nine times in nine days. The center of the concave is looked at.

• Cabalistic Mirrors - there are seven, being seven globes each representing one of the seven planets of Astrology, made of the corresponding metal and consulted on the appropriate astrological day. They are:

• The globe of the Sun, made of gold and consulted on Sundays as to superior beings and the great persons of the earth.

• The globe of Mercury, made of a glass globe filled with mercury and consulted on Wednesdays as to questions of money.

• The globe of Jupiter, made of tin and consulted on Thursdays as to the probability of success and as to the devotion of domestics.

• The globe of Mars, made of iron and consulted on Tuesdays as to quarrels, lawsuits, enmities. • The globe of Venus, made of copper and consulted on Fridays as to questions of love. • The globe of Saturn, made of lead and consulted on Saturdays as to secrets, lost articles, etc. • The globe of the Moon, made of silver and consulted on Mondays as to dreams and plans.

D J McAdam © 2005-2006.


Walk backward several feet out of doors in moonlight with mirror in your hand, or within doors with candle in one hand and mirror in the other, repeating following rhyme, and face of your future companion will appear in glass:

“Round and round, O stars so fair!Ye travel and search out everywhere;I pray you, sweet stars, now show to meThis night who my future husband (wife) shall be.”

(Taken from Mary E Blain's Games for Halloween, first published in 1912.)

What is Scrying?

Scrying is the ancient act of divination for the purpose of clairvoyance. It is usually achieved by concentrating on or staring (gazing) at an object having a shiny surface until a vision appears. Scrying is one of the earliest forms of Divination in recorded history, appearing in China in 3000 BC, Egypt in 2500 BC, and Ancient Greece around 2000BC.

Scrying comes from the English word "descry" which means "to make out dimly" or "to reveal." There have been and are many purposes for the activity; to see into the future, to find lost objects or persons, and track criminals, among others.

Although the object used for scrying usually has a shiny surface, such as a pool of water, innumerable objects have been used for the practice over the centuries. Mirrors are often used. Nostradamus is said to have used a black obsidian mirror. Many such means have been employed to see visions, read mystical signs and divine the future.

Most scrying is done at night in order to receive better psychic vibrations. As a general rule most scryers work at night in order to avoid the excessive psychic vibrations that are generated in the day due to the confusion of everyday living.

The methods of scrying differ but after a period of concentration on the speculum visions, mental images, or impressions appear. Frequently the visions are symbolic and the scryer must meditate on their visions to interpret their meanings.

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The History and Notable Diviners who used Scrying Mirrors and Water Scrying.

Scrying Mirrors: The Ancient Wisdoms

Scrying has been used for thousands of years by different cultures. Ancient Egypt used scrying in their Initiations. This included water scrying, dream scrying, oil scrying, and mirror scrying.

One legend states that the goddess Hathor carried a shield that could reflect back all things in their true light. From this shield she allegedly fashioned the first magic mirror to "see."

Ancient Greeks and Celts practiced scrying using beryl, crystal, black glass, polished quartz, water, and other transparent or light catching bodies.

Nostrodamus is credited with his predictions by seeing the future in a bowl of water that was colored with ink, thereby, using it as a scrying tool.

Alchemists Edward Kelley and John Dee employed a form of scrying using a small crystal ball or shewstone - a piece of polished obsidian. The crystal ball and wax tablets used by Dee and Kelley are on display at the British Museum in London.

The late Edgar Cayce was said to have astonishingly accurate visions of the future through scrying.

Magick Mirrors and Scrying Depicted in Entertainment.

The Evil Witch ( more like “Sorceress” ) in the children's story “Snow White and The Seven Dwarves” used a variation of a “Magick Mirror” when she intoned:

“Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who is the Fairest of Them All?”

The Wicked Witch of the West in the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” used a large scrying bowl to spy on Dorothy and her friends as they set out on their quest for the Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City. She was even depicted as being able to cast spells on them, through the scrying bowl!

A “Magick Mirror” was a common feature in the children's television series “Romper Room” where it was called upon at the end of the show.

The Stygian Witches in the movie “Clash of The Titans”, starring Harry Hamlin, used their Cauldron ( not only for cooking their unfortunate human victims ) for scrying for an answer when Perseus ( played by Hamlin ) was seeking a means to destroy the Kraken that threatened the Lady Andromeda ( his love ).

The malevolent Morgana in the movie “Excalibur” saw some excellent scenes depicting scrying being used, although, very “Hollywood-ized”.

The “Harry Potter” movies ( namely “Goblet of Fire” and “Chamber of Secrets”, for starters ) with Dumbledor's large scrying bowl, and the secret room with the Mirror of Illusions(?) as prime examples.

The “Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S.Lewis has some depiction of scrying in various parts of the stories.

J.R.R.Tolkien's “Fellowship of The Ring” mini-series has quite a bit of scrying, especially the Eye of Sauron, depicted in it.

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Some “Psychic Herbs” that were previously mentioned:

1. Belladonna ( Atropa belladonna )2. Henbane ( Hyoscyamus niger )3. Mandrake ( Mandragora officinarum )4. Hemp ( Cannabis sativa -or- indica ) “Illegal in most states.”5. Poppy ( Papaver somniferum )

Some other useful Psychic Herbs:

1. Mugwort ( Artemesia vulgaris )2. Hyssop ( Hyssopus ssp. )3. Dragons Blood ( Daemomorops draco )4. Orris Root “Queen Elizabeth Root”5. Anise ( Pimpinella anisum )6. Club Moss ( Lycopodium clavatum ), or other dried moss7. Wormwood ( Artemesia absinthium ) “Absinthe”8. Blue Nightshade ( Solanum dulcamara ) “Bittersweet Nightshade”9. Common Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium )10. Jimsonweed ( Datura stramonium ) “Thornapple”, “Angel Trumpet”, “Moonflower”11. Catnip ( Nepeta cataria ) “Cat Mint”12. Common Celandine ( Chelidonium majus )13. Dandelion ( Taraxicum officinale )14. Beet ( Beta vulgaris )15. Almond ( Prunus amygdalus )16. Hazel ( Corylus avellana )17. Lemon ( Citrus limonum )18. Maple ( Acer spp. )19. Mulberry ( Morus spp. )20. Peach ( Prunus persica )21. Yew ( Taxus spp. )22. Goldenrod / Sliverrod ( Solidago spp. )23. Plum ( Prunus )24. Apple ( Malus )

CAUTION: Some of these ingredients are TOXIC if ingested; some even if they come in contact with the skin or other living tissues!

Here are a few good herbs for Consecrating Magickal Tools ( Can also be used as Incense ):

1. Myrrh ( - Or - Orris Root )2. Patchouli3. Sandalwood

NOTE: Generally good practice, if possible, to collect these herbs on either a Full Moon or Dark Moon. If not, no worries, just consecrate them, instead, on the night of a Full -or- Dark Moon.

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PART A) Base materials and where to find some of them, on the cheap.

1. A picture or photo frame ( preferably 8” X 10”, but smaller will work for limited space considerations ) with a glass pane, not plastic as it scratches too easily and lacks the mirror-like shine of glass. The best frame could an oval shape, but any frame that appeals to you will also work. Colored-glass would be great here ( not coated with a tint, but actually “smoky-colored glass” ) as it would add a perception of “depth”! - Cut to fit in to your chosen frame. Also, the deeper the pane of glass, the better the simulated depth-perception.

2. Black, High-gloss paint ( not spray paint ) that is preferably an enamel base, but an acrylic base should also work. Generally, an oil-based paint would probably not do as satisfactorily-well, because it takes a lot longer to dry. It will, however, work if you have a well-ventilated area for it to dry in.

3. One teaspoon each - thirteen (13) dried Psychic Herbs, ground into a fine powder. The number thirteen was suggested for symbolizing the 13 Moons of the Year – and its numerological correspondence is that of “Spiritual Ascendancy”. ( Could be reduced to 9 Herbs to represent the “Nine Worlds”, like those in Norse Mythology, if you wish. )

4. A paintbrush that preferably has a flat tip ( like what is used for varnishing/finishing small trim ).

5. A container for making the paint mixture in ( with a sealing, lid if you were to save the unused portion for another similar project ).

6. Optional ornaments and glue if you wish to decorate/personalize your mirror.

7. Optional Silver-colored modeling paint ( for painting your Sigils, Symbols, etc. ) with a fine-tip artist's brush.

8. A piece of paper, cut to fit inside of the frame behind the glass. ( Black construction paper with a black-ink felt-tip pen would be ideal. )

9. Some light-weight, non-caustic glass-cleaning solution. ( Diluted rubbing alcohol in distilled water would be best. )

10. A piece of dark cloth or something similar to use as a protective “curtain”. This would also be helpful for keeping dust from accumulating on your Scrying Mirror when it is sitting and not in use. Plus, it looks really neat to have a curtain draped over your Mirror. ( This will be attached to the frame or at the back of the Mirror if you aren't using a frame. )

PART B) Always a good idea to check and make sure that everything you need is ready to be used. This would be the time to go ahead and cast a protective circle as this IS a Magickal Working. Call in the spirits and/or Deities that you wish to have present during your working. Generally, the night of the Full Moon is the traditional time to create a Scrying Mirror, but you can still charge and consecrate it after it is done and ready.

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PART A) This would be a good time to clean the glass pane in preparation for painting as any oily, greasy deposits may hamper good quality work by affecting how well the paint adheres to the glass. This where the glass-cleaning solution comes in handy. A detergent-containing cleaner may leave an invisible film that will keep the paint from adhering to the glass properly. Be sure to allow the glass to dry completely before applying any of the paint to it.

PART B) While the glass is drying, this would be a good time to prepare the piece of paper that will be placed behind the glass “mirror”, when the paint dries.

1. If not done so already, you will need to cut the piece of colored paper to the right size so that it fits exactly behind the glass pane when it is placed back into the frame.

2. With the pen ( again, a black-ink felt-tip pen is probably the best idea ), write your secret markings or “secret word(s)” on it. This is HOW you will, in effect, “lock” your Scrying Mirror, so that others will not be able to effectively use it. ( Especially, if it were to be used against YOU! ) This step is very encouraged, as a well-used Mirror could contain enough traceable energies from past viewings and workings for someone to cause it to “remember” some of those activities that you may not want them to find out! This is one of your own personalizations and protection mechanisms.

3. You may also wish to make sure your frame is clean and serviceable. If it appears to be coming apart at the joins, this may be a good time to carefully glue the pieces together, firmly, so that your frame will not chance to fall apart during assembly and use.

4. You will also want to clear, clean, and prepare the work area. It is very good practice to cleanse and consecrate the work area and cast a protective circle so that no “alien energies” may interfere with your work, nor effect your end results.

PART C) Now it is time to mix the paint! If you have a cleansed stirring instrument, you will want to carefully add the paint to your selected container and slowly add the powdered, dry herbs – while stirring in a deosil-circular direction. Slowly stir the paint ( until it thickens to a tarry quality ) while using an empowerment chant like:

“For Vision by Night, By Moon's Dark Light, That Enters My Art, And Thus Evil Departs. I Empower Thee, For My Very Need, For Love and Healing, Are Its Wisdoms, Indeed! ”

As you chant, envision moonbeams entering you through your Crown Chakra ( a few inches above your head ) and passing through your being into your arms, and into the paint you are stirring. When the herbs are completely stirred into the paint ( and you feel there is enough energy charged into the paint ), your paint is now ready!

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Although, most folks may not think about the concept of “polarization” of such things as a Scrying Mirror, or a wand, etc., but there IS good reason to consider the direction of the flows of energies, intents, and focus. A general-purpose Scrying Mirror will probably not need to be polarized, in any fashion, as it should be usable for ANY intent and direction of energy-flow. There are, however, good reasons for one who wishes to dedicate or “program” one's personal Scrying Mirror for specific kinds of workings.

Here are three suggested basic paint strokes for applying the “Magick Paint” to the back of the Scrying Mirror:( NOTE: These strokes are viewed from the rear of the Mirror. )

This stroke-pattern is good for creating a Mirror for doing divinations and prognostications into future events, ascertaining someone's future goals and possible results, as well as your own progress on your Path.

The “Outward Spiral” represents “from the inside, viewing out and around”. This is a good design for using to see relationships of choices and decisions to their possible outcomes. It is also good for use in determining new beginnings and new possibilities. When looking into the Mirror, the Spiral starts in the center of Being, and spirals outward – starting from the East ( representing the beginning, ideas, knowledge, and other things governed by the East [ Air ] ). The “Outward Spiral”

This is the paint stroke.

This is a good series of strokes to create a Mirror for doing “Inner-Viewing” work, as well as viewing past events, communication with Ancestors, and doing past Karmic readings.

The “Inward Spiral” represents the aspect of “looking inward” to the core of the Being, rather than projecting. The Spiral ( from looking at the Mirror ) starts from the West and turns counter-clockwise, or deosil, twisting towards the center.

This could be thought of as “turning back the clock”! The “Inward Spiral”This is the paint stroke.

This is a good series of strokes if you want to have just a “general purpose” Scrying Mirror without narrowing its usability.

This is probably best for those who are just beginners, novices, or those who just need a good “all-purpose” Mirror, such as for a fortune-telling business.

This is the easiest for the beginner or novice to design. Successive coats could be done alternating from vertical to horizontal back to vertical strokes for as many coats that are needed.

Vertical Strokes

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When you have selected which strokes you are going to use for your Mirror, you will probably want to do an empowerment and dedication chant while applying the paint to the glass. A good chant might go something like:

“ Beneath this Moon-lit Night, I Charge this Mirror Tonight, This Sacred Mirror, I Make, This Art, Under the Moon, I Create! I Breathe Life, into That, Which I Wield, May this Mirror, to My Will, Be Sealed! “

Or – you may have your own suitable chant for using, while painting your Mirror's backing. Be sure to reiterate your chant every time you apply another coat of paint. Every stroke counts!

NOTE: Several coats may or may not be required to occlude all light from passing through the Scrying Mirror. This is why Black-colored, enamel or acrylic paint is desired, being that it is opaque enough to do the job nicely!

You will need to set your newly-painted Mirror somewhere well-ventilated and out of the way until it dries. You may want to make sure that it will not be disturbed until it is ready to be assembled for the finishing. The better the ventilation, the quicker the drying. It is NOT recommended that you set your drying Mirror near or on a heat source or anywhere in direct sunlight as this may cause the paint to bubble and blister – causing unsatisfactory results!

CHAPTER VI CUSTOMIZING THE FRAME, HOLDER, ETC. WITH YOUR OWN MARKINGS.Some other things to consider for the frame for usability.

A good thing to consider when selecting your frame or holder is at what angle are you going to be able to set it up at. The more-vertical it sits, the better the viewing angle; the better the effect. This would be a good time to check the angle at which your frame or holder will hold your Mirror, and make whatever adjustments are needed. Luckily, many picture frames that are intended for setting on a tabletop have a foldout leg. That, or either you will need to fashion a suitable holder yourself.

You may also need to obtain a holder such as one a plate-collector may use ( if you are creating just from a piece of glass minus the picture frame ) and make any needed angular adjustments.

If you chose to create your Mirror from a “frame-less” piece of glass or a clear, crystal plate, you will want to secure a backing that will be glued to the back of the newly-fashioned Mirror so as to protect the painted surface from getting scratched. A good piece of leather, wood, or something of similar durability, cut to the same size as your mirror would work very nicely. This you will need to glue to the back of your Mirror when the paint completely dries.

This would be a good time to dress up your frame, if you are using one, with your favorite Sigils, Symbols, and designs with the Silver-colored modeling paint. ( Silver is the color associated with the Moon and is also correspondent with Divination. You may, however, use a different color if you wish. ) You may also have some items to glue on to your frame for personalizing it.

Once you are done with the work on your frame, it will need to be set aside, out of the way, to dry.

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One thing that you may wish to check out before actually assembling the pieces for your Scrying Mirror; You may wish to fit and adjust the stand that will become part of your mirror. Check your picture frame ( if you are using a framed mirror ) to see if it will allow you to view your mirror at a 45 degree angle or narrower ( as in closer to an upright 90 degrees from the setting ) while you are in a comfortable sitting position. You may need to make some adjustments and/or trim the frame's stand to accomplish this.

For mirrors without a frame, you may wish to obtain or make a stand, suitable for its use at the optimum viewing-angle. One could be made very easily ( and inexpensively ) from a piece of coat-hanger wire. Be sure it is sturdy enough for your needs ( like it will hold your mirror without any straining or wobbling ), especially if you are using a larger and heavier piece of glass for your mirror. *** I will demonstrate an example in class. ***

The whole point of having an “optimum viewing-angle” for your mirror is so that you can minimize the reflections of other objects that would serve only as distractions to your scrying session(s). You should be able to set a lit candle about six to eight inches in front of your mirror, while in a darkened room, and see the flame and maybe the upper part of the candle reflected in the mirror's surface. You may have to judge how tall a setting you will be using for your mirror, so that you can get the mirror's optimum angle set just right on that surface.

Once all of your final adjustments and everything else is done, carefully assemble your Scrying Mirror so as to minimize any damage to it ( especially its painted surface ). The painted side should be against the backing of the picture frame so that the shiny surface faces you. You may also wish to clean off the surface prior to using by using a gentle cleaner like water with a few drops of alcohol and a soft, scratch-free cloth ( like cotton, for example ).

Your mirror should now be about ready for use ( that is, after the next step, as suggested )!


Generally, for those who are serious about the preparation and use of their magickal tools ( as this Scrying Mirror IS a magickal tool itself ), it is taken as an important step that their tools be consecrated and dedicated for their intended uses. Basically, consecrating a tools is where one “cleanses and charges” it with the user's own energies to establish and/or reinforce a “connection” or link with it. One's magickal tools simply become an “extension” of the user, and therefore become like a part of the body and/or being during any workings with it. Even though some may dismiss as nonsense these steps of the process, it is at least considered a very good idea to “personalize” your magickal tools as that is what makes them sacred to you.

A very simple ritual is all that is needed to accomplish this effect. It is here where the intended user cleanses or removes the last traces of unwanted, external influences from his/her magickal tool(s) – thereby “purifying them” for the user's OWN use. It is also where one declares to the tool(s) what the intended uses for it(them) will be.

With this simple ritual, the objective will be to Cleanse, Consecrate, Dedicate, and Activate the Scrying Mirror so that it is made sacred to the intended user and ready for magickal uses:

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1. Incense, Myrrh, Patchouli, or Sandalwood will work for East,

2. A White Votive or Tealight Candle for South,

3. A bowl of Water with a little Seasalt added for West,

4. A bowl of soil, sand, or Seasalt for North,

5. Your newly-created Scrying Mirror,

6. A Black or Purple Altar cloth ( optional ),











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SCRYING MIRROR ACTIVATION( Can also be done right after the Consecration Ritual on the same evening. )

August 6, 2010 by Miss Raven

What is activation?

Well, first of all, it is by no means necessary. It can however help tie you to your scrying medium and provide better results, especially if you’re a beginner or having difficulty. Activation is exactly what it sounds like: you “turn on” the medium you wish to use.

To activate your scrying medium, you must spend some intimate time connecting with it. For some, this is best done through ritual, prayer, or spellwork. For others, simply spending time near the object activates and attunes it. It is like an instrument that needs to be turned on and tuned to the way you play it. If you have a small scrying medium, perhaps this means carrying it in your pocket or sleeping with it under your pillow for a night. If it’s too big for that, keeping it near your bed while you sleep also should help.

The point of all of this is to personalize it and imprint upon the scrying medium that it is your tool. It is your window and your eye. In some ways, it is an extension of you and your psychic abilities. If you were given a new leg, you wouldn’t expect to grow accustomed to its use in one day: you would have to spend time manipulating it. The idea is the same with the scrying medium.

Some ideas for activating your scrying medium:

• Carry the medium in your pocket or sleep with it under your pillow. (If your medium is a piece of jewelry, just wear it!)

• Breathe on the medium, visualizing your essence flowing through it, cleansing it, and energizing it.

• Ring a bell over the medium several times (to “get its attention” and to focus yourself), then speak to it and tell it what your purpose is for it.

• … or just speak to the medium and tell it what you intend to do with it.

• Perform a bonding or activation ritual intended to unify you with the medium. This is particularly helpful if you plan to call on the aid of any spirits; the ritual, colors, offerings, and materials ought to appeal to the oracle spirits you have chosen.

Below is the ritual I used to activate my black scrying mirror:

This activation in particular is oriented toward work with the Fae. Feel free to alter it as you choose. If you do not work with the Fae, consider replacing the fairy dust in the ritual with something more appropriate to your system. It would also be important to rewrite the incantations so that they fit best with what you intend to do.

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Make a Mugwort infusion (Mugwort tea)*. While it is still warm, bathe the surface of the scrying mirror in it. As you do, quietly say this incantation nine times. See the mirror awakening to you and your psychic abilities.

Lovely oracle of magic sight,Mirror, thou by faeries blessed be.Bring forth only truth and answers right;What things I seek so let me safely see.

Take a pinch of fairydust, sugardust, glitter, or whatever seems appropriate, and blow it over the mirror. Raise the remaining Mugwort infusion and clearly recite this incantation.

Faeries, bright and good, hear my request:Infuse with energies and bless this tea.With your power join in concord blessedThe faeries, scrying mirror, and then me.

Drink the Mugwort infusion. After this you can wipe down the mirror’s surface if you desire. (You can at any point in the future clean it with any gentle glass cleaner.) Cover the mirror with a cloth or place it in its own bag. Put the mirror away until you are ready to use it for scrying.

Keep your mirror covered when not in use; Scrying mirrors have a way of “looking back” at you and some people find it creepy! Keeping your mirror covered and hidden also intensifies its magic purpose because it is not simply a piece of decoration, but a tool.

*IMPORTANT: Women who are nursing or pregnant should not ingest or come in contact with Mugwort. If you have plant allergies, you may also be allergic to Mugwort. Look up all possible allergies and drug interactions before using any herb.

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CAUTION:: Once the Mirror is created and ready for use, it should be kept in a dark place out of sunlight! A Scrying Mirror can be VERY SENSITIVE to the amount of energies emanated by the Sun, and could become easily “blinded” by it. If this happens, it may result in needing to create a new Mirror for scrying, as it may not be very useful afterwards. Some may disagree with this assessment as a basis of personal opinion. I take attention to it because doing so means I will take better care of it, and respect it as an extension of myself. It is STILL a good practice of care.

Another consideration concerning the Magick Mirror: Occasionally the Mirror may become congested with “stray or stale energies” if it is used for divining for querents or the public at large. This may necessitate a light cleansing with a gentle herbal wash – so as to not remove the beneficial energies that YOU have built up in it. If it has been a while since you last used it for anything, it may be a good idea to “recharge” it anyway.

Also, use a light, non-detergent-containing cleaner for the glass surface. I like to use a clean, damp cotton cloth with just a few drops of rubbing alcohol and gently swap the mirror from left-to-right, NOT IN A CIRCULAR PATTERN! This may introduce scratching from any trapped dust or sand particles. This may also damage or remove portions of any ornamentation, markings, sigils, etc. that you painted on the glass surface.

Continued, regular use of the Scrying Mirror will help you build up your own visual abilities as well as strengthen the bond between you and the Mirror. Just like any other “Magickal Tool”, it becomes an extension of you, more and more, and gets stronger and more-powerful, the more you use it.

Another thing to consider with great caution: Because this mirror will be used by you ( and probably a lot ), it will probably store up “memories” of your past workings over time. One who is very good at “reading energies” ( IE: through Psychometry ) may be able to read what all workings have been done with the mirror, to include such personal things you were seeking with it. This is why, earlier in the creation phase of this class, all were advised to come up with a “secret name” or phrase, that only you will know, to activate and use the mirror. This is what I called “keying” the mirror. This is what seals the Scrying Mirror from others being able to read your energies from it. If you have not keyed you scrying mirror yet, at the aforementioned ritual would be a great time to do so ( albeit, in privacy so that others will not hear WHAT you “incant” into your mirror ). Ultimately, the aspect of “physical security” is the best form of security for your personal mirror; Physically keeping it away from prying eyes is the best practice!

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Page 15: How to Create a Magick Mirror


PART A) Some alternative ways to charge/recharge our mirror.

• ( Similar to “activation” ) - Carry the medium in your pocket or sleep with it under your pillow. (If your medium is a piece of jewelry, just wear it!)

• Breathe on the medium, visualizing your essence flowing through it, cleansing it, and energizing it.

• Recharge by wafting a “Psychic Incense” over it while imagining your own energies flowing into it.

• Use a “Psychic Wash” ( recipe follows ) and wash the mirror's surface while chanting an empowerment chant.

• Perform a bonding or activation ritual intended to unify you with the medium. This is particularly helpful if you plan to call on the aid of any spirits; the ritual, colors, offerings, and materials ought to appeal to the oracle spirits you have chosen.

PART B) Some suggested empowerment and scrying chants:

Your chosen empowerment chants are those that fit best for your own practices. The main purpose is to empower or recharge your Scrying Mirror should there be a need ( like from not using it for a while ). This where you can reaffirm the intended uses of the mirror and reopen it for scrying and/or viewing.

PART C) Some helpful meditations for preparing to do readings:

It is always helpful to get into a peaceful state of mind before attempting any scrying work. A nervous mind is a distracted mind. Here are a few suggested ideas for mental-relaxation and for enhancing mental focus and clarity as preparation for doing scrying work:

PART D) An example magick mirror “washing recipe”:

A good washing recipe for your Scrying Mirror is one you produce and use, yourself. Care must be taken when using toxic herbs in the wash as you may even absorb some of the toxic substances through your skin. It is therefore advisable to use a recipe that does not use toxic/poisonous herbs ( like Hemlock, Datura, etc. ) if you don't have to.


• In about one cup of water;• 1 tsp. Dried Mugwort,• 1 tsp. Dried Hyssop,• ½ tsp. Dried Allspice,• 1 tsp. Dried Willow Leaf,• ½ tsp. Dried Yarrow.

1. Let the dried herbs steep for five to ten minutes in one cup of hot water in a clean container.2. Strain out the herbs so that no leaves or chaff remains in the water.3. When the wash is cooled, it can be used with a clean cotton cloth to gently wash the mirror's surface ( in a

side-to-side fashion, NOT in circular motions as this may introduce scratches on to the mirror's reflective surface ).

4. Then you can take a damp clean cloth to clean off the remaining wash from the mirror and let it dry.

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Page 16: How to Create a Magick Mirror

CHAPTER XI DARK MOON RITUAL – For Charging and Using Our Scrying Mirrors.

PART A) Charging our mirrors with our Intent and consecrating them in ritual.

PART B) Using our new mirrors for their very first use in divinations, scrying, etc.


Creating a Magick Mirror, Page 16 of 16