Page 1: How to choose a metal roof contractor based on referrals

Metal roofing, especially standing seam metal roofing, has a highly technical application and installation process. There is expansion and contraction rates that need to be calculated and the roof needs to be measured and cut precisely or the whole project can be off. That is why experience is the number one criteria for homeowners in choosing a metal roof contractor.

It is not only important to ask your metal roofing contractor for referrals but also to ask the referrals the right questions. Global Home Improvement has hundreds of referrals in PA, NJ and DE and can shed some light on choosing the right metal roof contractor.

You should always ask:

Why did you hire this contractor? (Were any other contractors considered?)

Did they communicate well with you (before, starting and during the project)?

Was the work crew pleasant? Were they neat?

Did they clean up on a daily basis? And after the job was completed?Did the job finish on time? (If not, why not?)

How long ago was the roof completed, and have you had any problems since then? How did they handle them?

What overall rating would you give the quality of work? (Excellent, Average, Poor, Very Poor)

Page 2: How to choose a metal roof contractor based on referrals

Did your job come in according to budget? Were there any cost over-runs or unexpected costs? What were they?

Were the results what you expected? Were you fully satisfied?

Would you do anything differently if you had to get a new roof again?

All these questions are important because having the metal roof of your dreams often times comes down to the contractor installing the metal roof. For a Free Metal Roof Estimate call Global Home Improvement at 888-234-2929!

To know more about Roofing Contractors Wilmington visit
