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How to Burn Belly Fat

I recently went over some intense fat burning information for buddy

Alwyn Cosgrove on his site, and I'm giving you this info below...

Alwyn: Craig, It's a mandatory swimwear weekend coming up. How can

someone who has neglected their training and nutrition improve

their physique in the next 4-8 weeks so they still look great

before the end of summer?


Usually I don't recommend machines for fat loss, but in this


there is one that works really, really, really well.

The time machine.

So if you know Marty McFly and you can get your hands on one


these, set the date for 3-4 months ago,

and head back to when you

should have started getting your butt in gear.

What's the matter? Can't just walk into a store and buy


Okay, then here's your other option.

First, get your head right.

a) Give yourself permission to succeed and lose the fat you are

struggling with.

b) Sit down and identify the obstacles preventing you from success.

c) List 2 solutions to overcome each obstacle.

d) Reverse goal set from your deadline. Knowing how much fat you want

to lose in the next 4 weeks, work back each week and set targets

you need to achieve. Then write up actions you need to take to

achieve each goal.

e) Check your head again. You're going to need a disciplined

4-weeks. But with every hardship that other people are undergoing

around the world, can't we at least commit to a 4-week advanced

program and stick to it?

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That's not too much to ask. I know you have it in you. Now that you have shifted your mindset to

a success mindset, you are ready to rock with training and nutrition details.

Let's move to the most important of the two, nutrition. It goes

without saying you need to cut the junk.

You can have one planned meal per week where you eat small amounts

of food that would otherwise not be allowed on a fat loss program.

For example, you can have a slice of pizza OR a burger. But not

multiple slices of pizza and a burger and hot dogs, etc. Stay

disciplined even during this reward meal.

For the rest of your meals, focus on the following...

a) cutting portion sizes so you reduce calories in (duh)

b) replace grain products with fruits and vegetables - this will

help cut calories - simply by volume, you just can't easily eat as

many calories from fruits and vegetables as you can from


c) Plan, shop, and prepare on the weekend and one night during the

week so that you are never without your planned meal. Remember,

we're only talking about 4 weeks here. Not the rest of your life.

So stick to some sacrifices and focus on the big day or week or

summer ahead.

Okay, on to training.

a) You'll do three days of total body strength training per week. I

like strength workouts to follow this formula:

- 5-minute bodyweight warm-up circuit

- first superset of the most difficult exercises, performed for 3

sets of 6-8 reps (you could even use explosive exercises here)

- second superset of moderate difficulty exercises, performed for

3-4 sets of 8 reps (I look at this as the "bodybuilding" superset)

- third superset features high rep bodyweight or dumbbell exercises

(a little twist I've stolen and deployed from Jason Ferruggia)

- once per week spend 10-15 minutes on abdominal training

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- rotate the main superset to focus on different muscle groups each

workout, so that in workout 1 of the week, you might focus on upper

body pressing, while in workout 2, you'd switch to lower body, and

in workout 3, upper body pulling.

How does this strength program differ between men and women? Not

much, but if you want to gain more muscle, do more volume. If you

don't want to gain a lot of muscle, do less volume (i.e. only 1

hard set of 8 reps with weights).

Muscle grows in response to intensity and volume. Cut the volume,

and you won't grow as much.

b) Move directly into interval training

I like people to do the strength and interval training on the same

day. Intervals right after strength training.

This gives you fewer structured workouts per week. More recovery.

Fewer trips to the gym or to the basement, depending on where you train.

I really don't think anyone can say for sure that doing intervals

immediately after training works better than doing intervals on

off-days - or vice-versa. I'd love to know the answer...and the

only way we'll find out sooner than later is by hearing the

feedback from you.

c) On off days, do low-intensity, moderate volume circuits of bodyweight,

dumbbell, and kettlebell exercises at home, OR, choose a relaxing activity

you can do with your friends or family for 30-60 minutes.

There's something to be said for having more days off from structured,

high intensity training, but that doesn't mean sit on your butt all day.

d) Never take a day completely off from exercise. So on your "rest"

day, at the very least, do a 30 minute walk. No one is going to

overtrain by doing this, but I can't think of a logical reason why

anyone would avoid all exercise for 24 hours. Get up and get moving.

Okay, that's it. That's your plan. The best body-sculpting approach

you're going to have for the next 4 weeks. Work hard, stay focused,

and have the best body for the greatest summer you've ever had,

Get started today:


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Craig Ballantyne, CTT

Certified Turbulence Trainer

Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Turbulence Training Works When Nothing Else Does!

"I am a 44 year old mother of 2. I have been struggling for the

last 8 years (since my youngest child was born) to return to my

toned shape. Nothing has worked for me until giving TT a try.

After spending hours upon hours in a gym and spending way too much

time running and doing other things that will eventually wear out

my joints, I gave in and decided to accept that I should age

gracefully. NO WAY! I decided to try TT and cannot believe the

results. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. It can

truly change your attitude and life."

Lisa DiDonato

Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here:


"I am in week 22 of my Turbulence Training fitness regimen and I

have been in love with it ever since I started the first week of

2007. I am doing TT workouts/intervals three times a week and

playing tennis on at least two of my off days. I am 6'3", 28/M and

my starting weight/body fat% was 208/18.4%. I started with the 30

Day Fat Loss program where I noticed results almost instantly. Diet

had a lot to do with it as well. I have been following Dr. Mohr's

plan and following the 90/10 rule, as my wife and I like to "throw

down" on the weekends. During the week, though, my diet is strict

-eating lots of fruits/veggies (LOTS of Broccoli), natural almonds

in pre-packaged snack sizes, lots of chicken, turkey breast, and

post workout protein shakes. After the 4 week Fat Loss program, I

dove into the Original TT program. The mix of weight training with

the high intensity intervals is the perfect fitness program. You

are in and out of the gym in 1 hour and burn a ton of calories days

after. Next I started the 4 week bodyweight which I finished while

on vacation in Jamaica. I really didn't believe it would be

difficult until I started it. WOW what a burn!! I have continued

the TT programs,2K3 and am finishing up 2k4 this week. In these 5

months, I have upped my dumbbell press weight 30 lbs from using 60s

to 75s. I can't wait to start 2K5 next week and see where I can get

my bench up to. After 22 weeks of TT, I am now down to 190 lbs and

10.8 % body fat."

Nick Walters, New York, NY

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