
How to align your mindset with attraction to closemore sales

Have you noticed you are attracting interest in yourbusiness, but somehow you’re not getting moreclients? When this happens to people, there is usuallysomething we call a “chaotic vibration” going on.

A chaotic vibration shows up when you say you wantsomething (and of course you think you want it), butinside there’s either a belief or fear that’s in the way.It might be, “I want a full practice of ideal high-paying

clients,” coupled with a belief system or fear that says, “Oh my goodness, if I have a fullpractice, I will lose my freedom. I’ll be working all the time with less time for my husband andchildren.”

Or it could be you don’t feel good enough. You might make mistakes or get found out as afraud. Many of you fear clients won’t get results or you won’t be able to handle all the money.

These beliefs and fears are common, and you may have one or perhaps several holding youback. Your goals and fears are like oil and water; they do not mix well, which is why you don’tget clients. So you are attracting, but you are not receiving.

How do you unearth the belief or fear that is holding your back? Be honest with yourself.Most times, my students know exactly what is holding them back. Think about if you had all thebusiness you wanted… What would feel a little wiggly and incongruent or uncomfortable? Thenyou’ll have your answer.

Once you know, then it’s time to plug into faith and your “big why.” Why are you doing thiswork? This is the part that provides joy, motivates and inspires you.

See, you are here to change the world. This is your divine duty. It’s time to get past the idea ofplaying small. You’ve got to dream bigger and plug into faith.

I’m going to share something really personal. I have a sign in my office that reads, “Womenentrepreneurs are here to change the world and the time is now.” We must awake to our

calling and our potential for greatness and step into it with courage and faith, taking a “no-excuses” approach to playing bigger game in service to others.

Client attraction and mindset work hand in hand through your life purpose to make ithappen. When you are plugged into your big why and know this is your divine calling here onearth, of course you’re going to make it because people need you.

So be patient. Move forward with a no excuses approach. Remember, the day you plant theseed is not the day you eat the fruit, and that’s okay. Your business needs time to develop andgrow.

Your Assignment:Get out your journal and write about why your business is really happening. Look at it like abird’s eye view. As yourself why this work needs to happen and how it can impact the greatergood. Look into why you are the perfect person to do this work and why this message is comingthrough you for others. Then believe it and feel it deeply. You only attract what you expect andbelieve. That’s how you get clients.

Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System,the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in recordtime...guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing &success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing yourincome, visit
