
Helping Teams Work 12 of 12

Do’s and Don’ts for Dealing With

Resistance to Your Team Project

Hello – I’m Mike Cardus of Create-Learning Team Building & Leadership

. An expert in creating &

sustaining high performance teams.

www.create-learning.comDo’s and Don’ts For Dealing With Resistance To Your Team Project

Identifying Reasons People May Resist Your Team Project

Recognizing Resistance To Your Team Project

Is Your Data Persuasive?

Influence Strategies

Dealing With Team Problems

Dealing With Difficult Team Members

Handling Team Conflict Through Compromising vs. Consensus-Seeking

Conflict Management Approaches

Making Team Decision Through Consensus

Running the Team Meeting

Team Leaders’ Biggest Team Meeting Mistake

Identifying Resistance to Your Project

The success of achieving your teams’ goal depends in good part on cooperation from people on your team and across the larger organization. Learning how to effectively deal with resistance is helpful.

Learn and apply steps to minimize resistance.

Do … Start by giving the “resistor” the benefit of the doubt. Consider whether

he/she is truly resisting a good idea, or just reacting sensibly to a poor idea.

Take what you’ve learned from earlier and this content section on reasons for resistance and complete a ‘Project Stakeholder Analysis’.

Using your ‘Project Stakeholder Analysis’ create a plan for addressing this person’s specific reason for resistance and gaining his/her cooperation. Refer to Video 8 Influence Strategies.

Be sensitive and tactful when presenting an idea or data that might threaten this person (such as root cause or performance data.)

Exhibit patience, respect, and empathy. Stay connected. Don’t be put off by the person’s emotion. Maintain focus and perspective, and relax. Review the approaches for how to prevent and recognize resistance. If you haven’t been applying the check-lists and ideas from the earlier

videos and content sections start doing so now.Don’t … Force or manipulate people into compliance. Use persuasion when it’s not appropriate. Continue as if everything is just fine. Assume you can’t do anything and just give up. Lie.

“Fear invites wrong figures. Bearers of bad news fare badly.

To keep his job, anyone may present to his boss only good news.”

W. Edwards Deming, page 94, The New Economics

“Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company”

W. Edwards Deming Point 8 of his 14 Points of Management

www.create-learning.comDo’s and Don’ts For Dealing With Resistance To Your Team Project

Identifying Reasons People May Resist Your Team Project

Recognizing Resistance To Your Team Project

Is Your Data Persuasive?

Influence Strategies

Dealing With Team Problems

Dealing With Difficult Team Members

Handling Team Conflict Through Compromising vs. Consensus-Seeking

Conflict Management Approaches

Making Team Decision Through Consensus

Running the Team Meeting

Team Leaders’ Biggest Team Meeting Mistake

Helping Teams Work 12 of 12

Do’s and Don’ts for Dealing With

Resistance to Your Team Project