Page 1: How SEO & Content Marketing teams can work together

When SEO Content Marketing…

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If done properly, the synergies between SEO and Content Marketing / Social Media teams working together can make 1 + 1 = 4.

When SEO Content Marketing, it creates rich dividends in areas such as brand building, content creation, and goal tracking.

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1. Write for Humans, Not for Search Engines

Do not stuff your content with keywords. Unless you want to be penalized by a humming bird.

Use simple, easy to understand language

Use supporting visuals / videos to complement your textual content. Make sure you tag all media with relevant keywords.

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2. Create multiple forms of content

Videos, Blogs, Tweets, Facebook posts, Images, eBooks, Infographics, Press releases, Webinars, Voice/Audio. Make them all.

Add keywords to the content you create –title & description.

Host content on a platform you own i.e. your website and then distribute it. Make your website a content warehouse.

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3. Brainstorm with your Social Media Team

Work closely with your social media team to identify engaging content.

Leverage your social listening tool to identify keywords that have high resonance. Start with a word cloud.

Segment social data to as per audience persona – Gender, Age, Location. Create content for every TG persona.

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4. Identify & Manage Influencers

Have the SEO team identify influential websites / blogs (relevant to client’s industry) whose back links, if obtained, would be of high authority.

The Social Media team needs to carefully build a relationship with these influencers.

Request influencers to write about your client / brand. Exchange gifts, if necessary.

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5. Promote your stellar post. Go paid-organic.

Identify content on your blog / website that has already got high attention - # of social shares (from plugin), page views (from GA).

Use Promoted Facebook posts or Promoted Tweets to propagate stellar content.

Make sure you are targeting the relevant audience. i.e. Relevant Industry Influencer’s Twitter handles or Interest based targeting on Facebook.

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6. Optimize for Mobile Mobile search queries have fewer

keywords (2 or 3) as compared to desktop queries. Optimize accordingly.

Avoid Flash, JavaScript & heavy images to ensure crawlability of your mobile site.

For a brick and mortar business, be on Google+ Local, which feeds into Maps business listing.

For voice based searches (Siri, Google Voice Search), focus on having a presence on local websites – Yelp / Burrp / Zomato (restaurants)

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7. Understand Intent of Searches

Use your analytics / webmaster tool to understand the type of search queries to your website

Based on search intent, devise a content strategy. Use intent keywords to tag posts accordingly.

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8. Build Authoritative Content

Authoritative content is one that comes from your top management. Coax them to contribute to your social media efforts.

Create Google+ profiles for blog authors and link them back to your blog profiles. In the near future, author rank might affect search rankings.

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