Page 1: How retail leaders SUITSUPPLY and DECATHLON cracked the

To learn more about

‘The impact of COVID-19 on the Retail Sector and lessons learned’

We’ve seen employees who decided to take

action and make the most of today by changing

our business model from the frontline to the

head o!ce. This has given us the confidence to

see the Corona crisis not just as a crisis, but as

an opportunity for growth.

3 goals to come out of the crisis stronger as shared by SUITSUPPLY and DECATHLON

Make employees feel safe. And always keep them engaged.

Keep the team spirit strong and morale high, no matter what.

Take good care of your employees, and they'll do the same for your customers.

The results you should expect

Online is the new offline, and personal touches can make all the difference in the world.

Get creative and train employees for amazing online store experiences!

"Today's prep determines tomorrow's success," someone somewhere once said.

Prep your stores for the new normal: shopping screens, hygiene measures,

and one-on-one appointments.

Have one central, easy-to-access digital home for all employees - frontline, storage,

and HQ - to come together and share information (like our app! :) )

Make sure employees know you're together in this: discuss with your CEO how he, she or

they can be more present, for example, by posting regularly on whichever internal comms

tool you use.

Don't forget about team spirit: create fun digital events and group chats for employees

to catch up, crack jokes, and share information.

Share the right content in the right format at the right time.







Different measures across locations affected stores in different ways. Teams supported each

other with heartwarming and inspiring posts.

Latest news and important messages traveled with the speed of light.

Communication became faster, more effective, and brought employees closer together than

ever before.

Unexpected situations and fast decisions became the norm. With simpler processes,

employees felt safer and more prepared to do their best job no matter the circumstances.

Employees felt empowered to change their company from the inside-out with new ideas.






6 tips to power your retail business through any challenge

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How retail leaders SUITSUPPLY and DECATHLON cracked the challenges of COVID-19 and sent

performance through the roof

Employees at SUITSUPPLY and DECATHLON didn’t just get used to the new normal; they completely rocked it.

Bruno Pinto Coelho

Training Leader, Decathlon

They seem obvious, but they're often overlooked: