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How Open Data Networks Influence

Business Performance andMarket Structure

Lynn A. Streeter, Robert E. Kraut, Henry C. Lucas, Jr., and Laurence Caby

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OPEN networks allowbusinesses to sharecomputerized data withcustomers, suppliers,and other outside enti-ties. Businesses invest-ing in such data

networks gain competitive advantage. Anational data network provides virtuallyuniversal access, interconnecting mostbusinesses and private citizens in a coun-try. But establishing a national data net-work is very costly and must be justifiedthrough its economic, service, and socialimpact. In 1991, France—with its Teletelsystem—was close to having a nationaldata network, whereas the U.S. was not.Using data from 619 businesses in Franceand the U.S., we analyze three claims:

• Open networks improve business produc-tivity, efficiency, and quality of service.

• National open networks benefit smalland medium-size firms as much aslarge firms.

• National open networks allow relation-ships among companies to be basedon an electronic marketplace.

We found that firms using open networkswere more efficient and profitable andhad more stable relationships with theircustomers. The natural advantage thatlarge firms have for exploiting new tech-nology was moderated in France, sincesmall and medium-size firms that use the

national network gained the same advan-tages as large firms. However, even inFrance, the use of open networks by thegeneral business population was still rela-tively low, thus arguing for a long diffu-sion constant for the beneficial effects ofopen networks.

National Vs. Industry-Specific NetworksCreating ubiquitous open networksinterconnecting most businesses and cit-izens in a country costs many billions ofdollars of public or private money. Whilepolicy makers call for this level of invest-ment,1 to date there is little empirical evi-dence to justify it—with much of theprior literature being theoretical, ratherthan empirical (e.g., [2, 7, 10]). This arti-cle provides some relevant data by exam-ining how a cross-sectional sample ofbusinesses use open data networks. Weexamine whether the use of these net-works is associated with better productiv-ity, efficiency, and quality of service, aswell as with different types of relation-ships between firms and their customers.By comparing the use of networks inFrance, which had the best national datanetwork in 1991, and in the U.S., we pro-vide evidence about the possible effectsof a national infrastructure as opposed toproprietary and uncoordinated net-works.

A national data network is both ubiq-uitous and interconnected. A former

1Justifying funding in 1988 for the High Performance Computing and Communications Initiative, then Senator Al Gore (D-Tenn.) argued, “Properly harnessed and directed, massive computing power [including high-speed national data networks]can change the way America does business and conducts research. . . . We cannot afford to hesitate in crafting a blueprint to

Do open national data networks make companiesmore competitive and more profitable? National

networks generally increase network use and promotesmall-company participation in electronic commerce.But significant business benefits take time and lots of

government investment before user companies see positive business results.

e d

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head of DARPA and current CEO of Bellcore, theresearch arm of the U.S. regional telephone operat-ing companies, George H. Heilmeier has argued that“building a national . . . information infrastructure issimply the entry fee for participation in the globaleconomy. It is not enough for a nation’s leadingcompanies to participate by building their own pri-vate information networks. First-rank nations will seeto it that homes, schools, and small businesses, as wellas large corporations, have access to the global infor-mation system” [9]. Policy makers argue that suchnetworks are necessary for reasons of both economiceffectiveness and equity. As more entities have accessto networks, the benefit to any entity increases. Fair-ness is an independent motivation for advocatingnational networks. To the extent that networks bene-fit their users, fairness argues that the benefits accrueto both small and large users.

Improved PerformanceBy electronically exchanging data with their cus-tomers or suppliers,2 firms can handle transactionswith fewer staff, ship orders more rapidly or withfewer errors, operate with smaller inventories [14], orimprove coordination of complex processes [8].

As in many other domains of information technol-ogy investment [18], rigorously identifying whetheropen data networks improve important business out-comes is difficult. It is sometimes possible to establishthat information technology investment has positivelocal effects on the tasks the technology was explicit-ly designed to support. In the case of data networks,for example, Mukhopadhyay [13] found that elec-tronic data interchange (EDI) networks in the auto-motive industry decrease the error rates intransactions between suppliers and large manufactur-ers. However, identifying downstream effects of newinformation technology on productivity, profitability,or market share is more problematic [15]. Given thepaucity of earlier evidence about the effects of opennetworks, one of our goals was to examine correlatesof open data networks and firm performance.

However, the argument is not simply that opennetworks improve data transfer tasks and businessperformance, but that the ubiquity and interoper-ability of a national network add incremental value. A

national network might provide incremental effectsin three ways:

• By changing the effects networks have on firm performance

• By changing who uses networks• By changing the relationships between firms and

their customers

Diminished Natural AdvantageGenerally, organizational size and wealth stronglydetermine the use of new technology and other inno-vations [19]. Larger organizations typically havespare resources in the form of both expertise andmoney to allow them to experiment with and deployinnovations. However, as a technology becomes morewidely used and standardized, its price declines andthe expertise to deploy it becomes available in themarket and does not need to reside within the com-pany that deploys it. Moreover, in the case of com-munication networks, the costs are shared acrossusers. For these reasons, national scope should makeopen networks more available to small firms [4].

In the U.S., where data networks were compara-tively rare and incompatible in 1991 when the studywas conducted, communication applications had tobe written on an industry-specific or even firm-specif-ic basis. In contrast, in France, the national Teletelvideotex system provided a relatively ubiquitous datanetwork and display standard. Interviews with severalTeletel business users indicated that the Teletel sys-tem greatly facilitates development of communica-tion-intensive data applications [4].

More Electronic Marketplaces How firms use networks generally depends on theirindividual competitive strategies and on the maturityand ubiquity of their networks. In general, firms com-peting on the basis of product and service distinctive-ness are likely to use networks to establish proprietarylinks to their customers, while firms competing onthe basis of price might use networks to lower costsand to broaden their customer base. Similarly, earlyin the evolution of networks, when few firms usethem, entry and exit costs are likely to be high andthe networks are likely to be used to establish propri-

irms using open networks were more efficientand profitable and had more stable relationshipswith their customers.F

2The phrase “open data networks” is used analogously to the phrase “interorganizational networks” [8], but we recognize that organizations can use net-works to connect to individuals, households, or other entities as well as to other organizations.

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etary relationships with customers. As network usebecomes more pervasive, customers are likely to usenetworks to generate competition among suppliers[10]. Because national networks lower switching costsand connect many more parties, customers can moreeasily shop among suppliers to best meet their prod-uct, price, or service needs. The ubiquity of nationalnetworks means that suppliers have access to nation-al and mass markets, rather than being restricted toniche markets.

Research StrategyFew empirical studies have lookedat the impact of open data net-works, particularly the role ofnational networks. Here, we exam-ine propositions about the use ofopen networks through our cross-national survey of 619 firms that dif-fer in the degree to which they thenused open networks. To examinethe role of open networks across awide range of industries, we focusedon sales and order processingamong firms in the tangible goodsindustries—wholesale, retail, andmanufacturing. Sales and relation-ships with customers are importantelements of success in all business.Moreover, since sales and order ful-fillment functions are often initialtargets of automation, this domainis a likely site for examining the effects of open net-works across a range of industries.

To test propositions about national networks, wecompared firms in France, where the Teletel videotexsystem provided a rudimentary national data net-work, with firms in the U.S., where networks were iso-lated and industry specific.

France’s national data network—Teletel, theFrench videotex system—provides a national datanetwork for businesses as well as information servicesfor consumers. Teletel consists of widespread deploy-ment of the Minitel data terminal, an electronic tele-phone directory, and more than 17,000 informationand communication services and business applica-tions. In 1992, there were more than six million Mini-tel terminals in France, with a growth rate ofapproximately 10% per year. About 20% of Frenchhouseholds had Minitels, and about 80% of business-es had at least one Minitel. About 40% of the nonre-tired French population had access to Teletel, eitherat work or at home [5]. Although a minority of ser-vices are password protected, any member of the pub-lic can access most services on a nonsubscriptionbasis; either the customer or the service provider isbilled on a use-sensitive basis.

Whereas Teletel began as a mass-market service,growth is shifting from mass-market entertainmentand information services to business-oriented infor-mation services and internal operation applications.

In 1990, nearly 50% of the services were business-ori-ented. At that time, about 15,000 companies had cre-ated their own internal videotex services.

It is relatively easy to create Teletel services, andmany service bureaus aid in their development.Reports based on interviews with several Minitel usersindicated that the Teletel system greatly facilitatesdevelopment of communication-intensive businessapplications. Common commercial applicationsinclude inventory control, order entry, electronic cat-alogues and product listings, electronic mail, and

online company directories.In 1991, the U.S. had a collection of isolated data

networks, offering no widely available videotex ser-vice for the mass market. Videotex systems in the U.S.were limited to the estimated 5%–10% of householdswith both home computers and modems. In 1992,approximately three million people subscribed tosome form of online computer service geared tohome consumers [1]. Online databases, such asMead Data Central and Dialog, succeeded by appeal-ing to the business and scientific niche markets. Thegeneral public had virtually no access to any of thesebusiness or scientific networks. While there weresome national data networks, such as the Internet,Bitnet, and Tymnet, they were fragmented, servingdifferent client communities. Businesses subscribingto one network could not easily exchange data withbusinesses subscribing to another except throughelectronic mail gateways.

While many business applications used open net-works, they were typically industry specific or firmspecific. Perhaps the most common use of open net-works in U.S. industry was EDI, the standard manymanufacturers and their suppliers used for ordering,billing, and inventory control. Except for the rarespecial-purpose network designed for mass marketaccess (e.g., the banking industry’s automatic teller

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FirmCharacteristics Resources Industry


Industry XInfrastructure

Resources XInfrastructure

Competitive Strategy Marketing Niche Cost

Use of opennetworks

Performance Profitability Operational efficiency Service quality

Customer Relationships Market/Short-Lived vs. Hierarchy/Long-Lived

Figure 1. A model of open network use

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machine network), industry-specific networks con-nected only a relatively small number of well-definedentities (e.g., Chrysler and its 17,000 suppliers).

Figure 1 shows the model underlying our analyses.Although establishing causation in a cross-sectionalsurvey is impossible, we assume that some variables,such as firm resources and the availability of a nation-al network, are likely factors in deciding how firmsuse open networks. (In the short run, it is unlikelythat network use would lead to changes in firmresources.) We also treat a firm’s competitive strategyas a possible influence on network use, although theavailability of networks may change competitivestrategies and the way firms attempt to deal with theircustomers [16]. Other variables, including firm per-formance, firm efficiency, and customer relation-ships, are more plausibly seen as outcomes of usingopen networks.

Since industries may systematically differ in theiruse of networks, we treat the industrial sector inwhich a firm is located as an important control vari-able. To use a telephony example, no catalog retailercould survive in the U.S. without a national 800 num-ber, whereas for a manufacturer, the need for an 800number is by no means critical. A regression analysisis used to identify characteristics of firms and theirbusiness environments that predict their use of opennetworks, holding constant these characteristics ofthe business environment.

The research model is not meant to describe all fac-tors affecting network use, but rather to incorporatethose variables for which we had measurements fromthe study. Price is an example of a variable that cer-tainly determines network use but is not in the model.The study had no direct measure of the amount of

money firms paid for theiropen data networks, pri-marily because such costestimates are nearlyimpossible to obtain andthe accounting of thisnumber differs substan-tially across firms.

The analyses testedthe effects of open datanetworks in general andnational networks specifi-cally, as well as the effectsof competitive businessstrategies. We tested fourpropositions:

• Open data networksimprove firm perfor-mance. In particular, wetested the extent towhich firms using open

networks are more profitable, operate more efficient-ly, and provide customers with better service.

• National networks diminish the natural advantagesof large firms. Firms with greater resources useopen networks more. However, a national networkpromotes use by firms and reduces the correlationbetween firm resources and network use.

• National networks promote electronic market-places. If a national network infrastructure is avail-able, firms using the network have moremarketlike, transaction-based relationships withtheir customers. If a national infrastructure isunavailable, firms using open networks have morehierarchical relationships with customers.

• Competitive strategies influence corporate use ofopen networks. In particular, aggressive market-oriented firms use open networks more than firmsthat compete by reducing costs.

Survey MethodsWe compared three samples of French and U.S. firmsby industry and firm size, using a Teletel sample, aFrench general sample, and a U.S. general sample.

The Teletel firms represent a random sample,stratified by number of employees, of the 4,585 com-mercial3 firms identified by France Telecom as usingTeletel for at least one business application. Beforesampling, the nature of the application was notknown, nor was it known whether the application wasstrictly internal (e.g., allowing company field repre-sentatives to access an online price list) or involvedpeople outside the firm (e.g., allowing customers toorder from a firm). We determined the number ofemployees in a firm and its four-digit Standard Indus-trial Code (SIC) from the International Dun and

66 July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

3The commercial classification is based on the French industrial classification known as APE codes. Since the French APE codes do not map directly to U.S.SIC, 13% of the Teletel sample was in banking, finance, real estate, or services, rather than in the wholesale, retail, or manufacturing sector.


Number ofEmployees



21-100101-500> 500













TeletelFrenchgeneral TotalU.S.

Table 1. Sample attributes

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Bradstreet database. For the approximately 30% ofthe Teletel sample not listed in the D&B database, weused an interview to determine number of employeesand industry (based on descriptions of a firm's pri-mary and secondary products).

The French general sample and the U.S. samplewere drawn as random samples from the Internation-al and the U.S. D&B databases and stratified to reflectthe size and industry (four-digit SIC codes) distribu-tions of the Teletel sample. The French general sam-ple was selected by replacement—that is, if a firm wasincluded in the Teletel sample and it was randomlyselected for the French general sample, it was includ-ed in both samples. There were 31 (out of 201) suchfirms. To have sampled without replacement wouldhave underestimated the true business use of Teletelin French business.

Each of the samples was stratified with respect tosize. There were four size categories:

• From 6 to 20 employees• From 21 to 100 employees• From 101 to 500 employees• More than 500 employees

Since pretest interviews showed very small firms used vir-tually no networking technology beyond the telephone,the sample excluded firms with fewer than six employees.

Because of differential nonresponse rates acrossindustries and countries and occasional administra-tive problems, the comparability of the three samplesis only approximate. Table 1 shows the distribution ofthe three samples across industry and size. We soughtto concentrate on manufacturing, retail, and whole-sale because the survey concentrated on the order-fulfillment process; computers are frequently firstused to automate order fulfillment. Questions relat-ing to order processing make sense in the context ofa concrete good. To control for these differencesamong samples, four industrial categories—manufac-turing, wholesale, retail, and other—are included ascontrols in all the following analyses.

Data were collected through telephone interviews.The controller or other senior financial manager ofeach firm selected for the sample was sent a letterexplaining the project. After approximately oneweek, an interviewer called to arrange the interview.Interviewers made up to 10 calls back before discard-ing a firm. The effective response rate was 69%. At

appointment time, the interviewer administered a 15-minute–to-30-minute, computer-assisted survey. Afteranswering questions about general firm operations,competitive strategy, and financial performance, thefinancial manager was asked to recommend the mostsenior manager in the firm who could best answerquestions about the firm's sales and order-fulfillmentprocedures. This individual was contacted for anadditional telephone interview. If financial managerswere comfortable answering questions about opera-tions, they were given the second interview; 87% offinancial managers completed both halves of the sur-vey, most from smaller firms in all three samples andfrom French firms.

The survey was originally in English, translatedinto French, and translated back into English toensure comparable wording. Interviews were con-ducted, over three months in France and five monthsin the U.S.

The following paragraphs give an overview of themeasures from Figure 1 and their internal reliabilitiesif appropriate:

Industry. Based on a firm's four-digit SIC code, firmswere classified into one of four industry groups:wholesale, retail, manufacturing, and other. Industrywas used as a control variable in all analyses.Network infrastructure. National network infrastruc-ture was determined by the sample: Teletel, Frenchgeneral, and U.S. All firms in France had the Teletelnetwork available to them, although only the Teletelfirms were known to be using it for business applica-tions. In addition, firms in France had other open net-works available, including firm specific and industrynetworks. In the U.S. sample, firms had access to non-interconnected data networks and no coherentnational data network. The clearest case for demon-strating the importance of a national infrastructurewould occur if the French general and Teletel samplewere similar to each other and different from the U.S.sample in the variables predicting network use and inthe variables predicted by network use. Interpretation isclouded by differences in the two French samples.Firm resources. To provide an estimate of firmresources, two highly correlated variables were com-bined—company sales and number of employees in1990. Data on employees came from D&B or from theinterview if not available from that source. Data on salescame from the financial managers’ interview or from

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 67

he ubiquity of national networks means that suppliers have access to national and mass markets,rather than being restricted to niche markets.T

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D&B if the respondent refused to answer. Because bothmeasures are not normally distributed, we took the logof each variable before creating this scale. The log ofeach variable was standardized, with a mean of 0 and avariance of 1; results were then averaged to create thescale (reliability a = 0.75).Network use. The network-use scale (reliability a =0.81) consists of 16 items describing the extent to whicha firm uses data networks to communicate with individ-uals and firms beyond its own business. A factor analy-sis showed that these 16 items loaded heavilyon a network-use scale. Use of fewer itemswould have made the scale less robust. Forexample, respondents described whethertheir data networks were open to outsiders,whether they could communicate with cus-tomers by computer, and the percentage oforders from large- and average-size cus-tomers received by computer. These itemswere standardized to a mean of 0 and a stan-dard deviation of 1.Competitive strategies. Our scales for com-petitive strategy were based on earlier work[3, 11, 12, 21]. Items in the scales wereintended to measure the extent to which

firms compete by distributing a widerange of goods and services, by sell-ing to niche vs. mass markets, and bybeing the low-cost producer in amarket. Firms with product/market-ing orientations focus on rapiddevelopment of new products andadvertising them aggressively. Firmswith niche orientations focus ondeveloping new specialized marketsfor their products, rather than sell-ing to the mass market. Firms with acost orientation compete by tryingto be the lowest-cost producers in amarket.Firm performance. The firm-perfor-mance measures include variablesdirectly connected to order fulfill-ment—order processing efficiency,quality, and speed—and a broadmeasure of firm profitability. Weinclude three measures of order pro-cessing efficiency:

• Orders per employee—the num-ber of orders in 1990 divided bythe number of employeesexpressed in quintiles.

• Employees per order—therespondent’s estimate of thenumber of people handling anorder as it is processed, notcounting production staff.

• Cost per order—the respondent’sestimate of the direct cost of pro-cessing an order.

Service quality. We included four measures of servicequality:

• Returns• Back orders• Errors

68 July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

NAdjusted R2

Independent VariablesInterceptInfrastructureU.S.TeletelFrench generalIndustryManufacturingWholesaleRetailOtherFirm resourcesFirm resources X infrastructureU.S.TeletelFrench generalInfrastructure X industryMarketing orientationFirm resources Xmarketing orientation

619 .14


.02 .58*** .00

–.43*** –.24** –.12 .00 .27***

619 .17


.06 1.24*** .00

–.11 –.02 .40* .00 .40*** *** –.09 –.26** .00 ***

610 .19


.09 1.20*** .00

–.11 –.03 .33 .00 .34*** ** –.03 –.26*** .00 *** .06*




Structuralmain effects


Structuralmain effects

+interactions+ strategy

Note: For variables with one degree of freedom, the table entries represent standardized beta weights andtheir significance levels. For variables with more degrees of freedom, the table shows significance levels only.


p <= .001p <= .05p <= .10

Table 2. Predicting use of open networks

















Route U.S. Teletel Frenchgeneral

Note: Numbers within a row with different superscripts differ significantly from each other at the 0.05 level.

Table 3. Percentage of orders entering by differentroutes

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These three are respectively the percentage of allorders returned for any reason, have items that areback ordered after once being in stock, and are inerror for any reason. • Order processing speed, that is, the time an order

is in house before being shipped

Profitability. Profitability is the respondent's estimateof the firm's profits or losses, expressed in quintiles.It should be noted that profitability is difficult tomodel adequately. Many factors affect profitability,such as pricing, volume, and competition.Customer relationships. Two variables were designedto measure the extent to which firms have either rel-atively transient, marketlike relationships or more sta-ble, hierarchical relationships with their customers.Customer longevity is the number of years the largest

customer has been ordering fromthe company. Repeat ordering isthe percentage of both large andregular customers who place morethan two orders a month. A highscore on these variables indicatesless marketlike relationships andmore stable, hierarchical relation-ships between firms and their cus-tomers. If a supplier faces acompetitive market, customers donot show strong loyalty; instead,they search the market for the bestprices and, as a result, do not dobusiness with any firm for long,decreasing the number of cus-tomers that place multiple ordersduring the year. Control variables. Because the wayin which firms process ordersdepends on the average price of anorder, the average price of an order

was included as a control variable in analyses predict-ing customer relationships and operational efficien-cy.

Here we describe path analyses based on ordinaryleast squares regression. We use network infrastruc-ture, industry, firm resources, competitive strategy,and firm interactions to predict the extent to which afirm uses open networks. We then use these variables,along with the control variables, network use, and theinteraction of network use and network infrastruc-ture to predict customer relationships and firm per-formance.

ResultsHow do open networks affect firm resources and net-work infrastructure? The first column in Table 2shows the statistical main effects of industry, networkinfrastructure, and firm resources on network use. Interms of our predictions, firms with more resources—more employees and more sales—use open networksmore. The effects of a national network infrastruc-ture are mixed. While the Teletel sample used opennetworks more than the U.S. sample, the French gen-eral and U.S. samples did not differ from each other.

Table 3 and Table 4 show this network-use phe-nomenon more concretely. Table 3 shows the pro-portion of orders coming into firms through severalroutes, including electronically (either by computeror by Teletel). While the Teletel sample has moreelectronic ordering than the U.S. sample, it also hasmore electronic ordering than the French generalsample, which does not differ from the U.S. sample.The two French samples use text-based ordering, thatis, mail and fax, more and phone ordering less thantheir U.S. counterparts. Electronic ordering is aminority strategy in all samples.

Table 4 shows the percentage of occasions on whichrespondents reported using data networks for otherbusiness functions. The items in the top section of

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 69

Order from suppliersCustomer track ordersCommunicate with customersDistribute documentation to customers

Employees check inventoryEmployee-employee communicationFind corporate phone numbers






















Task U.S. TeletelFrenchgeneral

Note: Numbers within a row with different superscript are significantly different from each other at the 0.05 level.

Table 4. Percentage of time tasks are done electronically

Figure 2. Association of firm resources and use ofopen networks by sample







– 0.5Small Medium- Large


Open Network


Page 9: How Open Data Networks Influence Business Performance and

Table 4 represent external communication with cus-tomers or suppliers and are included in the open-net-work scale. The items in the lower section representinternal employee communication. The data showsthat across a number of tasks, the Teletel sample ismore likely to use data networks than either the U.S.sample or the French general sample, which generallydo not differ from each other.

The second column in Table 2 provides partialsupport for the prediction that a national networkreduces the advantage large firms have in using opennetworks (see Figure 2, which plots the overall fittedregression model and shows that the leveling of thefirm resource effect on network use occurs only forthe Teletel sample). That is, the effect of firmresources as a function of firm size is virtually elimi-nated for the Teletel sample.

How do open networks affect competitive strate-

gies? The third column in Table 2 (structural maineffects plus interactions plus strategy) adds the prod-uct/marketing-orientation scale to the structural vari-ables examined earlier, showing that the more a firmhas a product/marketing orientation, the more it islikely to use open networks. Surprisingly, a cost-reduction orientation is unrelated to the use of opennetworks, causing us to drop this variable from themodel. These findings suggest that firms are usingopen networks to make it easier for customers to dobusiness with them, rather than to increase theirinternal efficiency.

How do open networks affect firm performance?Here, we test the hypothesis that greater use of opennetworks is associated with better firm performance.Table 5 shows the results of the multiple regressionanalyses, controlling for variables suggested by theearlier analysis to be associated with network use.

70 July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

NAdjusted R2

Independent VariablesNetwork usage

InterceptInfrastructure U.S. Teletel French generalIndustry Manufacturing Wholesale Retail OtherFirm resourcesFirm resources Xinfrastructure U.S. Teletel French generalInfrastructure X industryMarketing organization

Firm resources X marketorientationCost of average order

360 .27*


.36 – –.47 –.27 .00 – –.10 –.32 –.24 .00 .73***

–.26* –.13 .00 – –.05



376 .48***


–.47 – –.27** –.23*** .00 *** –.34** –.63** –.82 .00 –.12

.06 .00 –.00 * .07



381 .27***


–.23 * –.34** –.58** .00 ** .09 .59** .13 .00 .47***


–.38** –.02 .00 – –.05**



561 .05***


–.32 *** 1.34** .10 .00 – .33 .10 .16 .00 .03

–.04 .03 .00 – –.03






.14 ** –.60 –.54* .00 ** .52 –.27 –.34 .00 .15*

.10 –.06 .00 * –.05



556 .09***


1.18 *** –.91*** –.08 .00 – –.08 –.11 –.52** .00 .05


.13** .12 .00 – .03



Profits Orders peremployee

Cost perorder Errors Customer


Note: For variables with one degree of freedom, the table entries represent standardized beta weights and their significance levels. For variables withmore than one degree of freedom, the table shows significance levels only.a******–

Of the 356 firms reporting they had large customers who differed from a typical customerp<= .001p <= .05p <= .10p > .10

Table 5. Regression of network use on outcomes

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Results show a marginally significant association ofnetwork use with profits in the expected direction.Firms using open networks more were more prof-itable in 1990.

Network use was also associated with one measureof the efficiency with which orders are processed. Asshown by the second column (orders per employee)in Table 5, use of open networks was significantlyassociated with the number of orders firms handledper employee. On the other hand, more direct mea-sures of ordering efficiency—estimates of cost andpersonnel to process a typical order—did not showassociations with open network use, once the averagecost of an order was included as a control variable.The third column (cost per order) shows the resultsfor the estimated costs to process a typical order. Theresults for number of employees who handle a typicalorder were also not significant.

No associations between network use and any mea-sures of service quality included in the study. In par-ticular, firms using open networks more did not havefewer shipping order errors (as shown in the fourthcolumn, ß = –0.02, p > 0.65), back orders (ß = -0.03, p> 0.45) or returns (ß = 0.03, p > 0.45) and were notquicker in shipping orders (ß = 0, p > 0.90).

How do open networks affect a firm's relationshipswith its customers? We presented two competinghypotheses for the effects open networks might haveon relationships between firms and their customers.One is that open networks promote hierarchies,using open networks for competitive advantage bybinding their customers to the firm. The competingargument is that ubiquitous open networks promoteelectronic markets; customers use open networks toshop among suppliers, so relationships between themtend to be short-lived and market-based.

Our study found that the hierarchy/market con-tinuum translated into customer loyalty. The data sup-ports the hierarchy hypothesis over the markethypothesis. The fifth column (customer longevity) inTable 5 shows that firms using open networks moreextensively have customers that have traded with themfor a longer time. The sixth column (reorders) showstheir customers trade with them more frequently.

The effects of open networks may depend on aparticular firm’s and a particular industry's expertiseusing networks. One might expect that open net-works would be most likely to lead to a market rela-tionship most when the networks are widely deployedin an industry and when the deploying firms have had

substantial experience with them. However, addition-al analyses (not reported in Table 5) show that theassociation of open networks with measures of cus-tomer loyalty did not differ for industries with moreextensive network use or for firms that used open net-works for a longer time.

ConclusionsThe survey’s results support a weak form of thenational infrastructure hypotheses—that a nationalinfrastructure increases network use in general andpromotes technological participation of small firmsby reducing their capital and expertise disadvantages.These hypotheses are consistent with the data fromthe Teletel sample. Firms in the Teletel sample usedopen networks more intensively and for more differ-ent business functions than their U.S. counterparts.Moreover, the association of firm resources on use ofopen networks was virtually eliminated in the Teletelsample. However, contrary to the strong form of thenational network hypotheses, the U.S. and theFrench general samples did not differ in terms ofoverall use of open networks or the effects of size andresources on use.

The results for the Teletel sample have two alter-nate interpretations, one substantive and onemethodological:

Early adopters. The substantive interpretation is thatthe Teletel sample consists of early adopters of tech-nology and that their behavior provides a forecast ofhow less advanced firms will operate in the futurewhen open networks are more ubiquitous, barriers totheir use are reduced, and experience with them ismore common [20]. When the study was done, opennetworks were not used extensively, even in Franceand even among the Teletel firms, as shown in Table3 and in Table 4. Truly national data networks (anal-ogous to the U.S. telephone network) did not yetexist. If the firms in the Teletel sample are indeedlead users, one would expect that once data networksare widely deployed, small firms will be able to exploitopen networks almost as easily as large firms, just asthey did in the Teletel sample. Given the positiveassociation of network use with firm efficiency andprofitability, one implication is that a national net-work infrastructure could promote competitivenessof small and medium-size firms, which are responsi-ble for much of the growth in the world economy.Future longitudinal or cross-sectional research com-

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 71

irms are using open networks to make it easier forcustomers to do business with them, rather than toincrease their internal efficiency.F

Page 11: How Open Data Networks Influence Business Performance and

paring eras, countries, or industries with differential dif-fusion of open networks should test this interpretation.

Unmeasured variables. A methodological interpreta-tion of results for the Teletel sample is less informativeabout public policy. According to the methodologicalinterpretation, the Teletel sample differs from theU.S. sample and the French general sample on someuncontrolled or unmeasured variables, and sampledifferences in degree of network use result from thesehidden differences. While the samples were matchedon many relevant dimensions (e.g., industry at thefour-digit SIC code level, country, and firm size), theFrench general sample and the Teletel sample maystill differ on other relevant dimensions. It is possible,for example, that Teletel firms use open networks andother technological innovations more because theyhave a more technologically sophisticated work force.This technological preeminence gives them a com-petitive advantage we attribute erroneously to theavailability of a national infrastructure. This techno-logical preeminence argues that early adopters oftechnology may not be representative of companies ofsimilar size and that it may be dangerous to use theirbehavior as a basis for forecasting.

This research presents evidence that firms usingopen networks operate more efficiently, at least fororder processing. That is, firms that can communicatebeyond their own structures through data networkshandle orders with less labor, whether the firm is largeor small, is in France or in the U.S., or uses Teletel ora proprietary data network, Although the results areconsistent with the hypothesis that use of open net-works leads to efficiencies, no causal order can beestablished from this cross-sectional data. Surprising-ly, we found no effects of using open networks on thequality of order-processing service—the elapsed timein which orders are processed and the errors associat-ed with them—although such a relationship has beenidentified by other researchers (e.g., [14]).

Our data also address the controversy aboutwhether data networks change customer-supplierrelationships. Economic theory leads to the hypothe-sis that by lowering the costs of finding and transact-ing business with suppliers, open networks encouragemarket relationships between firms. Yet our datashow that the more a firm uses open networks, the

more stable are its relationships with its customers; atypical customer trades with such firms more fre-quently and for a longer duration.

From the cross-sectional data, we cannot tellwhether open networks encourage customer loyaltyor whether firms deploy open networks primarilywhen they have loyal customers. In either case, theassociation of open networks with customer loyalty isinconsistent with the electronic market hypothesis.Together with the finding that firms with a market-ing-oriented competitive strategy use open networksmore, the data suggest that firms use networks as acompetitive tool to tie their customers to the firm.(See also [17] for case study material leading to simi-lar conclusions.)

However, using networks for marketing-orientedcompetitive strategy may be a temporary strategy thatchanges as networks become more ubiquitous or ascustomers grow more sophisticated in their use. Thetheoretical literature on this topic often assumeswidespread adoption of these networks, whereasadoption is slow and fraught with much uncertainty.

While our research supports the hypothesis thatopen data networks are valuable to firms, it raisesquestions about the role of a national infrastructure.Does a national infrastructure make it easier for smallfirms to reap the advantage of networks? Will it leadto electronic marketplaces? Answers depend on thedegree to which the French Teletel experienceapproximates a ubiquitous national data network.Our observations suggest that 1991 was too early tosee strong effects from a national data network.

If our analysis and interpretation of the data arecorrect, what does our study of networks in Franceand the U.S. imply for national policy? The U.S. isdeploying a dramatically expanded national network.Debate has centered around the focus of the net-work, the role of government, and the role of existingcommunications companies in developing the net-work. Based on our findings and our backgroundresearch, we offer three recommendations:

• Strong central support is needed for a network. Forexample, the French videotex system, Teletel, succeededpartly because the French government provided strongdirection, guidance, and capital in its development.

• While home use of Teletel has been the most suc-cessful videotex application undertaken in any

72 July 1996/Vol. 39, No. 7 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

arly adopters of technology may not be repre-

sentative of companies of similar size; it may be

dangerous to use their behavior as a basis for

forecasting network investment and use.


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country, we think it unlikely that any special-pur-pose Minitel-like terminal will take hold in theU.S. Previous videotex efforts in the U.S. wereunsuccessful, and audiotex now plays a similarrole to videotex in France. While the functionalityof audiotex is more limited than that of videotex,most audiotex residential services either do notneed the increased functionality or compensateby using human intermediaries. For example, inFrance, Teletel is used extensively for mail-orderapplications, while in the U.S., 800 numbers areused for mail-order sales. Eventually, the demandfor more complex services will exist in the resi-dential market and will probably require morebandwidth than the current Minitel or the ordi-nary telephone. In the U.S., the terminal ofchoice for these services will probably be a PC orits descendant. Thus, in the shorter run, we rec-ommend that the U.S. focus on applications ineducation, health care, and business. Organiza-tions in these areas likely already have the com-puters and modems necessary to interconnect tothe network or are in a position to acquire theneeded equipment.

• Firms with the most resources in the U.S. alreadyuse data networks. An appropriate role for the gov-ernment would be to encourage smaller organiza-tions to take advantage of the Internet. Thisassistance might be provided through government-sponsored network consulting firms that wouldshow small businesses, local schools, and citizenshow to use the network and what kind of applica-tions they might benefit from.

Our research points to the value and importanceof concerted long-range planning by governmentand private industry. The Teletel experiment beganin the early 1980s as part of a large-scale effort thatsuccessfully propelled French telecommunicationsfrom a far follower to one of the two or three worldleaders, along with Germany and the U.S. In less than20 years, ordinary French businesses came to be on apar with ordinary U.S. businesses in network use,something that would not have happened withoutmassive government intervention and capital.

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About the Authors:LYNN A. STREETER is a Senior Director at U S West AdvancedTechnologies and manages the company's advanced computingeffort. Author's Current Address: U S West Advanced Technolo-gies, 4001 Discovery Drive, Boulder, CO 80303; email:[email protected]

ROBERT E. KRAUT is Professor of Social Psychology and HumanComputer Interaction in Carnegie Melon University. Author's Cur-rent Address: Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Sci-ence, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; email:[email protected]

HENRY C. LUCAS, JR., is a research professor of information sys-tems at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York Uni-versity. Author's Current Address: Stern School of Business, NYU,Department of Information Systems, Management Education Cen-ter, 44 West 4th Street, Suite 9-67, New York, NY 10012-1126; email:[email protected]

LAURENCE CABY is a member of the technical staff in the Cen-tre National d'Etudes des Télécommunications in France Telecom.Author's Current Address: Centre National d'Etudes des Télécom-munications, 38-40 rue du Général-Leclerc, 92131 Issy les Moulin-eaux Cedex, France; email: [email protected]

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