Page 1: How is gender represented in the james bond

How is gender represented in the James bond shower scene

James bond is a British film made in 2006, it was produced by Michael G and Wilson Barbara Broccoli and directed by Martin Campbell. James bond earned over $599 million worldwide, becoming the highest- grossing James bond film till the release of Skyfall. The main character in the film is Daniel Craig who plays James bond and Eva Green who plays vesper Lynd. The film includes action and adventure genre for example hero, villain, vulnerable girl.

Page 2: How is gender represented in the james bond

In this scene a close up was used to show the woman's facial expression, the women is cuddled up in to a small ball trying to protect her self. The woman has a scared, terrified facial expression suggesting that she is in danger. The camera has a small tilt which links to the way she is sitting, also they blurred the hero shoulder so they can concentrate on the girl. In this scene stereotype is used to show the women as week, vulnerable and defenceless.

Page 3: How is gender represented in the james bond

In the scene an extreme close up is used to show the villain getting strangled, the man is black and also from his skin colour I can tell his not from that country, so this is stereotype that people from anther country are evil people. Also the character his playing (villain) shows that his evil. The is getting killed by James bond but also his trying to fight back using weapon, this shows that the hero is much stronger and doesn’t need weapon to save people. This scene is also racists as they make the black guy the villain also it’s a movie stereotype because often black people always die first in crime or other film genre.

Page 4: How is gender represented in the james bond

In this scene a close up is used to show the villain facial expression, the villain has a scare and his much paler than the other characters. The villain is never smiling and also you see him with body guard to support him whiles the hero has no one to back him up. The scene uses mid shot to show how the villain is protrude.

Page 5: How is gender represented in the james bond

In this scene they are many shot that been used to show the feminism side of a man also it shows James bond sweat side and loved up, the use of close up shows the facial express and the way James bond is grabbing on to women and showing he's emotion . This subvert stereotype of a strong man getting he's emotion out.
