Page 1: How are crt (cathode ray tube) monitors recycled

How Are CRT (cathode ray tube) Monitors Recycled?

The computer recycling process begins with consumer or companies bringing the CRT to an electronic recycling drop off center, like GreenCitizen. Next the CRTs are shipped out of the collection center to the recycling plant for further processing. Unfortunately many electronic collectors ship CRTs overseas where they are often dumped. If you choose an electronic recycler with the e-Steward certification you can be confident that it will be properly recycled in the United States.

When the CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor begins the dismantling process the plastic casing of the monitor is removed. This is done manually, exposing the panel glass, glass tube, electronic chip boards, wiring and electron gun. The electron gun contains the cathode and anode units. The cathodes are heated filaments which produce a stream of electrons. The positive charge of the anode draws the electrons from the cathode’s copper components and directs the electrons to create the image. All of these parts contain different materials that are removed and sorted into separate bins to undergo their own bayarea recycling process.

Within the glass tube is a vacuum seal, so to prevent the unit from imploding specialized equipment needed to dismantle it. Inside the glass is a phosphorus coating which glows when it is hit by light. This phosphorous is removed so the glass can be recycled. The glass used in the tube generally contains 20% lead by weight. Adding lead to glass is a common practice to improve optical quality and creates a shield against the radiation produced by the electrons. The lead glass needs to undergo a lead smelting process and can be used to make new CRT monitors.

Once the plastics, electronic gun, glass tube, motherboards, wires and other miscellaneous parts have been separated they all undergo the separation process. They are crushed, vibrated, also Document Shredding or sprayed by a strong current of water to separate the different materials. Once they have been separated strong magnets with specific electronic charges for each different metal are used to separate the different metals, such as copper, gold, iron, and steel.

After these parts are separated they are often sold to different processors where they will be further refined, then sold production of new materials. This process will reduce the impacts of mining and keep toxins out of the environment with business recycle pick-up.
