
How and Whyto Buy a Dehumidifier ?

Prepared and presented by The Dehumidifier Critic (

Table of Contents

Reasons Why You Might Buy A Dehumidifier

How to Tell if a Dehumidifier will help

Areas of your home to consider

How to Choose the Right Dehumidifier

Reasons To Buy A DehumidifierThe 5 most common reasons to buy a dehumidifier:



Water Run-Off



Allergy Sufferers:

- If you find either dust mites or mold, a dehumidifier in that room will help.


- Mold shows itself in the form of dark spots, usually on the ceiling in a moist


Water Run-Off:

- Identify by watermarks in your basement after rain. A dehumidifier will help

control the moisture until you can find and fix the root problem.

How to Tell if a Dehumidifier Will Help


- A musty smells means moisture and likely mold that you can’t see.

- A dehumidifier can help control the moisture and mold growth until you

find and fix the problem.


- Condensation on your windows is a sign of high moisture and improperly

sealed windows.

- A dehumidifier can help prevent mold growth until the problem is fixed.

How to Tell if a Dehumidifier Will Help


- Frequent area of concern because of large water use.

- Hot water causes condensation, leading to mold.


- Under ground location makes them prone to moisture.

- Mold on the walls and a musty smell are common.

Areas of Your Home to Consider


- INot always moisture proof, even when attached to the house.

- Damp environments lead to mold and must.

Crawl Space:

- Under ground location makes them prone to moisture.

- Not treating this can lead to problems with mold, dust mites, and other

allergens inside the house.

Areas of Your Home to Consider

First, evaluate the dehumidifier by size. Use this as a general guide:

- 30 Pints-300 to 400 Square Feet

- 50 Pints-600 to 800 Square Feet

- 70 Pints-1,000 to 1,500 Square Feet

Buying a Dehumidifier large enough to service the area should be your first

priority, even over convenience features.

How To Choose the Right Dehumidifier

Next you can evaluate based on any of these convenience features and

choose what is most important to you:

- Type of Drainage System-Continuous and/or Manual

- Noise Level

- Automatic Settings-Auto Shut-off, Automatic Start, Humidity Settings, Fan

- Speed

- Warranty

- Energy Star Certification

- Electronic Controls and Digital Display

How To Choose the Right Dehumidifier