Page 1: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223

Website:, Phone (210) 333-5020

Theme: “At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil” (Gospel).

First Sunday of Lent March 1, 2020

Stations of the Cross Fridays During Lent

6:00 pm

Confirmation Mass April 30th, 2020

6:00 pm

Parish Festival May 3rd, 2020

Comanche Park #2 (11 am to 7 pm)

Archbishop’s Appeal

Goal: $21,664.42 Goal Attained: 44%

Donors: 45

Capital Campaign

2018-2021 Goal: $513,000.00 Goal Attained: 50%

Donors: 160

Gift Shop Sunday:

10:00 am to 2:30 pm Monday—Friday:

2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Dirk Jacobsz Vellert,

The Temptation of Christ, 1523

Page 2: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Pastor: Rev. Martin F. Parayno (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5106)

Email: [email protected]

Anointing: 210 367-4231 Priest in Residence: Fr. Leroy Lachica, Chaplain USAF

Deacons: Reynaldo Hinojosa, Sr. [email protected]

Joe Avila [email protected]

Retired Deacons: Daniel Kearns & Roberto Ruiz Director of Ministries: Joe Lopez 333-5020 (ext. 5102)

Email: [email protected]

Parish Special Project: David Torres Website Administrator: Pedro Ybarra Email: [email protected] Faith Formation/D.R.E.: Irma Bickel

(Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5110) Email: [email protected]

Office Manager: Allan Ford 333-5020 Email: [email protected] Bookkeeper: Daryl Ang (Office) 333-5020 (ext.5103)

Email: [email protected] Sacristan: Will Vilanova Assistant: John Honesto Mary Ellen Hinojosa, John Nava, Diane Calimlim & John Hogg

Secretary: Anna Alvarez (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5104)

Email: [email protected]

Activity Center Event Coor. : Yvonne Rodriguez 823-8688

Email: [email protected] Maintenance Facilities: TBA

Legal Adviser: James Porter, J.D. Safety Coordinator (OVASE): Bee Bee Rodriguez Spiritual Counselor: Marta Ponce 649-2414

Pastoral Council (2019-2021)

Chairperson: David Torres, Vice Chairperson: Martha Rodriguez Secretary: Regina Robledo Members: Harry Perez, Lucy Cruz, Michael Gutierrez, Mary Jane Martinez, Suzanne M. Pedraza, Dulce Islas & James Porter, Jr.

Parish Finance Council

Chairman: Miguel Puga

Secretary: Kathryn Santella MEMBERS:

Joe Lopez James Porter Manuel Caballero Gary Mullhollen

Stewardship Committee

Chairperson: Rachel Campos Members:

Lucy Cruz Becky Pawelek Miguel Puga Yvonne Rodriguez

Capital Campaign Committee Chairman: Joe Lopez

Annual Festival Committee Chairman: Miguel Puga Email: [email protected]

Holy Name Catholic School Pre-K thru 8th

Principal: TBA 333-7356

Vice-Principal: Monica Lopez Secretary: Judy Sumner

School Council President: Steve FitzSimon Vice-President: Mark Delgado Secretary: Anna Arratia


Lucy M. Cruz Rosie Ramirez Liz Trainor Manuel Vera Jr. P.T.C. President: Priscilla Flores Alumni Association: Catherine Kramer (210) 264-7134


ACTS Core Louis Rios 573-5870 Adoration Mary Jane Martinez 445-5057 Altar Server Ministry Cecilia Ramirez 326-6902 Altar Server Ministry Assistant Gina Rios 393-0585 Altar Society Lillian Mzyk 333-5539 Bereavement Ministry Laura Garcia 269-0284 Catholic Education Ministry TBA Charismatic Prayer Group Ray Miles 633-3462 C.Y.O. Michael Borrego [email protected] Divine Mercy Cenacle Angelo Bustamante 687-9806 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Louis & Gina Rios 573-5870 Extra Ministers of the Eucharist to the Sick & Homebound Mary Shisk 333-6760 Missionary Families of Christ (CFC-FFL) John & Katherine Baxter (714)322-9215 FIAT (Faith in Action Teens): Irma Bickel 333-5020 First Friday/Saturday Devotion (Oremus): Alden Lim 296-5505 Gift Shop Rosemary Albert 333-5020 Healing Ministry Ray & Nancy Miles 633-3462 Hospitality Alex Zapata 333-8319 Knights of Columbus #8789 Ernest Pena 213-6086 Lectors Miguel Puga 854-4096 Legion of Mary Beverly Zulaica 333-7654 Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Rey Men’s Club Floyd Lutz 333-6160 Music Ministry Jun Sorio, Laura Atamosa & Eugene Jaceldo Outreach/Food Pantry Ministry Richard Rios (210)243-4475 Pilgrimage Lourdes Bugher 516-2139 Prayer Garden Leroy Garcia R.C.I.A. Deacon Rey Hinojosa Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Calie Avila 323-6649

Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 9AM—5PM Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:00PM

Gift Shop Hours Sunday: 10AM—2:30PM

Monday thru Friday: 2PM—5PM

Sacramental Preparation Marriage: Please make appointment with Pastor at least 6 months

before marriage.

Baptism: Every 2nd or 4th Sunday or by appointment. Parents and Godparents are required to attend class. Every 3rd Friday at 7 PM in

the Religious Education Room.

Funeral: Call the Office for arrangements.

Devotions Adoration: Every Wednesday (9 AM—5 PM)

Benediction: Every Wednesday after the 6:30 PM Mass

Rosary:30 minutes before each Mass Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound:

Every Wednesday after the 8:00 AM

Mass Schedule Mass Daily Mass: Monday thru Thursday 8 AM Friday:8:30 AM

Wednesday: 8 AM & 6:30 PM Saturday:5 PM (English) and 7 PM (Spanish)

Sunday: 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM (all in English) Confession: Mon. - Fri. before or after Mass

and Sat. 4 PM to 4:45 PM

Mass with Anointing of the Sick:

The Last Wednesday of every month 6:30 PM

Parish Ministries

Holy Name Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas ______March 1, 2020

Page 3: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

First Sunday of Lent

March 1, 2020 Reading I: Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7 Responsorial Psalm 51: 3-4,5-6,12-13,17 Reading II: Romans 5:12-19 or 5:12,17-19 Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11

Theme: “At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the

desert to be tempted by the devil” (Gospel). Like the rest of us Jesus is tempted, tested, and tried. Satan was successful with Adam and Eve. Using the same tactic, he tried it on Jesus. Food, honor, and pride usually work as baits on humans who clamor and desire such things of life to inflate ego and have a sense of security. On Jesus, Satan terribly failed! Jesus showed us the classic way how to battle Satan. The desert is a spiritual battleground of good and evil. In nature, desert is usually very cold during the night and very hot during the day. Water is scarce and anyone who goes through the desert must only carry basic essentials of the journey. Desert journey is always a journey of determination, strength, and faith. The knowledge of bare necessities, the reliance on instincts, and the sensitivity to what is safe and dangerous are important guarantee to live one more day. Every day of our life, we are exposed to the same temptations. Food as a staple and indispensable part of our sustenance and health can be mistaken as the most essential part of the journey. Jesus reminds us that it is not. When we use food to justify overworking, no time to pray, and even stealing, then it has become an instrument of evil. It is corrupted by the desire to take food as an end for itself. “One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God” (Gospel). When we are over sensitive and too much dramatic about anything, the ego becomes the center of the universe, easily offended and demanding apology all the time, it is their fault and not mine, then evil has corrupted the heart. Pride is the worst sin because it incapacitates the soul to love and be loved. In all, Jesus trusts God and points Satan to the One that deserves the glory, honor and love, God. “The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve” (Gospel). Jesus commands Satan to get away. Instead of Satan tempting us, we can also command him to get away. Let us pray: God the Father, protect us in our weakness. Jesus, be with us in our journey. Holy Spirit, inspire us in our love, Amen.

Primer domingo de cuaresma 1 de marzo de 2020

Lectura I: Génesis 2: 7-9, 3: 1-7 Salmo Responsorial 51: 3-4,5-6,12-13,17 Lectura II: Romanos 5: 12-19 o 5: 12,17-19 Evangelio: Mateo 4: 1-11

Tema: "En ese momento Jesús fue llevado por el Espíritu al desierto para ser tentado por el diablo" (Evangelio).

Como el resto de nosotros, Jesús es tentado, probado y probado. Satanás tuvo éxito con Adán y Eva. Usando la misma táctica, lo probó con Jesús. La comida, el honor y el orgullo generalmente funcionan como cebos para los humanos que claman y desean que tales cosas de la vida inflen el ego y tengan una sensación de seguridad. ¡Sobre Jesús, Satanás falló terriblemente! Jesús nos mostró la forma clásica de luchar contra Satanás.

El desierto es un campo de batalla espiritual del bien y del mal. En la naturaleza, el desierto suele ser muy frío durante la noche y muy caluroso durante el día. El agua es escasa y cualquiera que atraviese el desierto solo debe llevar los elementos básicos básicos del viaje. El viaje al desierto siempre es un viaje de determinación, fuerza y fe. El conocimiento de las necesidades básicas, la dependencia de los instintos y la sensibilidad a lo que es seguro y peligroso son importantes garantías para vivir un día más.

Todos los días de nuestra vida, estamos expuestos a las mismas tentaciones. La comida como parte básica e indispensable de nuestro sustento y salud puede confundirse con la parte más esencial del viaje. Jesús nos recuerda que no es así. Cuando usamos la comida para justificar el exceso de trabajo, no hay tiempo para rezar e incluso robar, se ha convertido en un instrumento del mal. Está corrompido por el deseo de tomar la comida como un fin para sí mismo. "Uno no vive solo de pan, sino de cada palabra que sale de la boca de Dios" (Evangelio). Cuando somos demasiado sensibles y demasiado dramáticos acerca de algo, el ego se convierte en el centro del universo, se ofende fácilmente y exige disculpas todo el tiempo, es su culpa y no la mía, entonces el mal ha corrompido el corazón. El orgullo es el peor pecado porque incapacita al alma para amar y ser amado.

En total, Jesús confía en Dios y le recuerda a Satanás a Aquel que merece la gloria, el honor y el amor, Dios que lo gobierna todo. "Al Señor, tu Dios, adorarás ya él solo servirás" (Evangelio). Jesús le ordena a Satanás que se escape. En lugar de que Satanás nos tiente, también podemos ordenarle que se escape.

Oremos: Dios Padre, protégenos en nuestra debilidad. Jesús, quédate con nosotros en nuestro viaje. Espíritu Santo, inspíranos en nuestro amor, Amén.

Page 4: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Pastoral Reflection By Martha Jo Rodriguez, Pastoral Council Member

It's A New Day so rejoice, be glad and live out for our God in this new day.

It is no accident that Jesus winds up in the wilderness after his baptism. He was led by the Holy Spirit for a purpose, to be tempted by Satan. Throughout the scriptures, the wilderness represents a place of preparation, a place of waiting for God next move, a place of learning to trust God mercy. In the last verse of temptation the Devil departs and Jesus is serviced by Angels.

In our daily life how many times do we get tempted? Choose to trust him! Don't allow the pains of your past to hold you captive. Jesus shed his blood and chains for you. Today is a gift from God. Rejoice.

Monday of the First Week of Lent: LV 19:1-2, 11-18; PS 19:8, 9, 10, 15; 2 COR 6:2B; MT 25:31-46

Tuesday of the First Week of Lent: IS 55:10-11; PS 34:4-5, 6-7, 16-17, 18-19; MT 4:4B; MT 6:7-15

Wednesday of the First Week of Lent: JON 3:1-10; PS 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; JL 2:12-13; LK 11:29-32

Thursday of the First Week of Lent: EST C:12, 14-16, 23-25; PS 138:1-2AB, 2CDE-3, 7C-8; PS 51:12A, 14A; MT 7:7-12

Friday of the First Week of Lent: EZ 18:21-28; PS 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7A, 7BC-8; EZ 18:31; MT 5:20-26 Saturday of the First Week of Lent: DT 26:16-19; PS 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; 2 COR 6:2B; MT 5:43-48

Second Sunday of Lent: GN 12:1-4A; PS 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22; 2 TM 1:8B-10; MT 17:5; MT 17:1-9

Parish Mission Statement: To unite our Parish family to grow in faith, love, and charity as we become active stewards in our church and community.

The power and drama of Fr. Michael Gaitley's

best-selling book The Second Greatest Story Ever

Told are captured in an amazing visual

presentation that will challenge and enthrall you. In

10 fast-paced and lively sessions, Fr. Gaitley

connects people and events in history to a unifying

vision of the splendor of God's merciful love. From

the epic story of Poland's national suffering, to the

events of Fatima, the revelations of St. Faustina, the

heroic efforts of St. Maximilian Kolbe, and the life

of St. John Paul II, the panorama of Divine mercy

is fully revealed as a transformative reality. This

amazing story comes to life like never before. In

fact, you’ll not just learn about the consoling

message of Divine Mercy, you’ll experience it. Beginning each Tuesday evening, March

3-31, 2020, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the

Religious Education Room. Seats are

limited, so please RSVP at (210) 687-9806.

Page 5: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus


1. Countless lives are spiritually transformed and uplifted through the Annual Archbishop’s Appeal, thanks to individuals like you. As Christ, we too, are called to Accompany with Joy, Give with Grace. Your participation in the Appeal is essential in helping form and educate future priests, deacons, and catechists, as well as provide the basic necessities of food, clothing, and other social service ministries that aid the most vulnerable in our community. Who is a Christian Steward? We are Christian stewards when we receive God's gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible and accountable manner, share them in justice and love with others, and return them with increase to the Lord. Being a Christian steward is an intentional, planned, proportionate giving of our time, talent and treasure. The Annual Appeal is an opportunity for you to grow as disciple in gratitude for the gifts you have been given. Pray and discern in your heart a gift of love so that others, may too, encounter Christ as we glorify His kingdom. Our 2020 Appeal parish goal is $21,664.00. You can make a pledge with installments or offer a one-time gift. Please ensure our parish receives credit for your gift. Thank you for your prayers and generosity. May God bless you! Gifts can be given: 1. Using the parish Appeal envelope 2. Online at 3. Calling 210-734- 1604 2. Stations of the Cross will start at 6:00 pm, Friday, March 6, 2020 and every Friday during Lent. Ministry Schedule: March 6th is ACTS & Eucharistic Ministers; March 13th is Adoration, Altar Society & Divine Mercy; March 20th is Knights of Columbus, men’s Club & Hospitality; March 27th is Faith Formation; April 3rd is T.B.A.. Good Friday, April 10th is the Live Stations of the Cross at 12:00 pm.

3. OREMUS First Friday/First Saturday will be March 6th starting at 6:30 pm. Come join us for Mass, prayer, meditation, fellowship and devotion. Some people bring a journal to write what is on their minds or what God is telling them in their hearts. It is a beautiful experience and you do not have to stay the whole night. Come and pray with us, Thank You. 4. Ministry Fair, Sunday, March 8th, 2020 from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm @ Activity Center. Come, visit, learn about all our different ministries here at Holy Name. We are so blessed that we have many different ministries who help build our community here and surrounding areas. Answer God’s call to serve the Holy Name Community, Thank You.

5. Holy Name Lenten Retreat will be 3 days, March 9th, 10th & 11th by Father Ed Hauf, OMI, starting at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Everyday will be on a different topic so one can come on each day or one day and learn something new. Also on Tuesday, March 10th, there will be Reconciliation/Confession at 7:30 pm. Everyone is invited and all Ministries are strongly encouraged to go to this Lenten Retreat to renew our Souls.

6. Attention All Ministries & Volunteers; Mandatory Training! You can do the training online at Click on the first link, ‘First Time Registrant,’ then follow the prompts. Any questions please call Ms. Bee Bee Rodriguez, Virtus Coordinator at 210-416-8518. Thank You.

7. 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal, “Accompany with Joy, Give with Grace,” is the willingness to listen deeply to the experiences, needs, joys, and hardships of another. Holy Name Catholic Church’s Goal is $21,664.00. We encourage everyone to give to the 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal. Right now we have 47 Donors and we are 52% to our goal. You will evangelize and share Christ’s love through acts of kindness, help the formation of seminarians and deacons, care for retired clergy, and protect God’s most vulnerable– the hungry, homeless, elderly, unborn, sick, prisoner, and lonely. Every dollar counts, Thank You.

8. 2018-2021 Capital Campaign Update. There are 160 Donors and we are 50% to our goal of $513,000.00. We ask you to please pray and participate as good stewards for our much needed multi-use building for the future of our Parish. This is a three year campaign and donations can be made one time, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. No pledge is too small and 40% of all collected will be for our multi-purpose building that is so badly needed for ministries; Outreach, CYO, and School. Thank You.

Page 6: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Events for the week of March 2nd– March 8th Monday, March 2, 2020

uesday, March 3, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020 First Friday

Saturday, March 7, 2020 First Saturday

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Mass Intentions for the week of Mar. 2nd-Mar. 8th

Monday, March 2, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Friday, March 6, 2020 First Friday

Saturday, March 7, 2020 First Saturday

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sanctuary Lamps for the week of March 1, 2020


Envelope Collection 2/23/2020………………………….…………………..…………….………....…………...…….……….............….…..$3,966.00

Loose Monies 2/23/2020………………………………………………………………….……………………………..……….…..…….………....$2,998.02

Online Contributions 2/23/2020………………………………………………………………….………………...........................….....……….$20.00

Children’s Mass 2/23/2020…………………………………………………………………………….…....………………….....….....…..…….…...$131.73

Total Collection 2/23/2020…………………….……...……………………………….............................................$7,115.75

Online Giving: We encourage parishioners to sign up for online giving. Please inform the Parish office if you are interested.

Upcoming Second Collections: March 15, Parish Maintenance; March 22, Catholic Relief Services & April 5, Altar Society

Other Collections:

Mass Intentions 2/23/2020…………………………………………………………………………….…...….………………………............…..….$190.00

Altar Society—Candle Box/Sanctuary Lamp 2/23/2020………...........................................................................................$224.48

Maintenance Envelopes 2/23/2020………………………………………………………………….………..…………….……………….......………$1.00

Quince/Baptism/Funerals (Church Use) 2/23/2020………………………………………………...…………...……………..…..……….….$50.00

Hall Rentals (less security, cleaning & mgmt. fees) 2/23/2020………………………………………...…...…..………..……....………$300.00

Mass Attendance 2/23/2020..……………………………………………………….….….…....................................…..…........................... 1117

Expenses 2/23/2020……………………………………………………………...……..…..……………….….....……….…$5,023.40

Page 7: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus
Page 8: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

2019-2020 Religious Education

March—Sunday March—Wednesday 1st 4th 8th 11th No Class 15th No Class 18th 22nd 25th 29th ________________________________________________________________

Upcoming Meeting Confirmation Parent/Sponsor/Confirmandi

March 24th Activity Center

These meetings are part of the requirements for Confirmation, therefore making them mandatory.


Come share and learn more about your Faith!

March 5th 7pm

Activity Center

No registration no fee just come with an open heart!

_______________________________________________________ Confirmation Mass

Thursday April 30th 6pm

Confirmation Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Boulette and

Father Martin. We will ask that all Confirmandi and sponsors

arrive at the Activity Center no later then 5pm.

Parents may proceed to the church. If you have any questions

please email or call Irma at the parish office.

Page 9: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Holy Name Ministry Fair

Sunday March 8th, 2020 Activity Center

(8:00 am to 2:30 pm)

Answer God’s call to serve the Holy Name Community

Volunteers Needed for the Holy Name Gift Shop

The Holy Name Gift Shop is in need for

volunteers to help out customers look for the

perfect gift for their home or their friends. We

have free wifi for you to surf the internet and

all kinds of books to read from. We will train anyone who is interested.

All proceeds from the Gift Shop go towards the Catholic Education Fund to help

students achieve their dreams of having a

great education.

Please call Mr. Ford 210-333-5020 Thank You.

Knights of Columbus Council #8789

Annual Fish Fry

March 13th & March 27th, 2020

Holy Name Activity Center Meal: Fish, Fries or Rice, & Cole Slaw

Buy Your Tickets At The Parish Office or From Our Knights of Columbus at Holy

Name. Tickets May Be Used On Any Day.

$10.00 Donation

Page 10: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Items still open for sponsorships for the Grotto

Holy Water Jar: $5,000 Memorial Bricks for the Rosary: $100

Memorial Bricks in front of the Cross: $200 Memorial Bricks in front of the Blessed Mother: $300

Stations of the Cross (Bronze): SOLD OUT

11 Out of 21 Benches Left! Be A Sponsor!

Foyer Benches to the side of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Whole Bench $1,500.00

OR $500.00 PER NAME; Three Names Per Bench

Front Benches in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Whole Bench $2,000.00

OR $500.00 PER NAME; Four Names Per Bench

Please contact Sandra Guerra 210-378-5951 or Fr. Martin (Parish Office) 210-333-5020 if interested.

Donor Wall Project is complete and is the photo below. Donor Wall still open for Sponsorship

Archangel $1000.00 Angel $500.00 Saint $250.00

Donor $100.00

Page 11: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus

Holy Name Catholic Church Lenten Retreat


Francisca Acevedes

Francisco Alexander Velda Allen R Allison Berwick Allison Clifford Allison Dolores Allison Eldee Allison Esther Alon Zoe Aro Trel Arzola Nieves Arzola Raul Avilez Alex Ayers Jeff Baeza Graciela Ballejo Oralia Barbosa Dolores Beck Marjorie Belle Sage Belmares Rick Benavides Angie Benavides

Belinda Benavides David Berkus Blenek Alois Blenek John Bockholt Andrew Bolden Sarah Brantley Frances Brantley Paul

Brummett C Debra C Frank Calimlim Diane Campos Art Campos Daniel Cardenas Maria E. Casias Becky Casillas R Castro Monica Celedon Dolores Chenoweth

Brandon Cortez Amalia Cortez Kevin Cuellar Michael Cuneo Charles Davis Shirley De'Angelo

MaryAlice DeLaGarza Linda DelaGarza Rose DeLaO Debbie DeLaO Olivia Desidero Jim Desidero Naomi Dubose Sylvia Dugie Joan Elizondo Maria T Elizondo

Raymond Esquivel Felix Jr Esquivel Rose Fath Polly

Fedderson Patty Fernandez

Chonita Flach Melinda Gabrysch Gloria Garcia Rita Garza Angie Garza Ray Garza Santa Gonzales Frank Gonzales Lorenzo Gonzales Phoebe Gonzales Sylvia Gonzales Virginia Gonzalez Alfonso Gonzalez Rodrigo Good M Gribble Cody Guerra Sally Guillory L B Guiterrez John Guiterrez Monica Gutierrez C Gutierrez Paul A H Karen Halstead T Hann Lisa Hann Randy Hawley Edna Hawley Ernest Henze Bessie Hering Flo Hering John


Andrea Hernandez Elida Herrera Lucia Hill Gina Hinojosa E Hinojosa Leonila Hinojosa Maureen Hinojosa Rey Jr Hinojosa Rey Sr Hinojosa Sylvia Hoyt Billie Hoyt Nicole Hummel Gerry Hunt Linda Jaceldo Carmen Jaceldo Teodorio Jaramillo Jordan Jaramillo Marina Johnston Sally Johnston Sarah Kahanek Phyllis Kolodziej Eddie

Jr Kolodziej

Margaret Kosub Kathy Kosub Martin Kotzur Albert LaChica Fr Leroy Lasley Diana Leal Amber Lemus Israel Lemus RosaMaria

Lenox Norma Lewis Autumn Lewis EllieRose Lewis Quincy Liedecke Lim Dorothy Long Cookie Lopez Fernando Lopez Terri Lozano Duane Lozano Louis Lukasik Elliott Luna Fernando Maha Diana Marquez Josh Martinez Dominic Martinez Gilbert Martinez Irma Martinez Monica Martinez Paul Martinez Rojelio

Sr Maynard Suzanne Medellin

Fernando Melencio Betty Melencio Greg Military All Moczygemba

Betty J Moczygemba

Mary Mom B Moorehouse A

Morales Morales Claudia Morgan Diane Morgan Jim Morin April Moy Diane Moy JJ Nance Tucker Niera Rene Norales Brittney Nunez Cynthia Nunez Judy Oropeza Carlos Oropeza Vicky Ozuna Yvonne Parra Victor Parsons Mary Pawelek David Pearson David Pearson Dean Pena Ernest Phan Kaitlyn Piegza Chealsea Ramierez Ramirez C Ramirez Irma Ramirez Mary L Ramirez Pablo Ramos Josefa M Ramsey Rosalinda Reinders Alexis Reyes Linda Reyna Lupe Rico Stephanie

Ritchie MaryLou Roberts Mary Rodarte Joaquin Rodriguez Austin Rodriguez B Rodriguez

Benjamin Rodriguez Carla Rodriguez Roy Rudd Cynthia Rude Dion Ruiz Denise Ruiz Jonathon Ryder Diana C Salas Henry Salas Sally Ann Salazar Jerry Salazar Luis Jr Salazar Luis Sr Salazar Lydia Salt Matt Schultz Segura Annette Segura T Sepulveda Albert Sorio Narciso Sr Soto Jordan Story Carl Story Shirley Sullivan Shelia Syring Charles Tarin Torres Rudy Sr Tougas Nevaeh

Tovar Sylvia Towellett Ruth Troutz Henry Uranga Xia Vajdos Josie Valdez Daniel Valentine A Valentine Joaquin Valentine Viviane Vara Valerie Vasquez Carmen Vela Antonio Jr Vela Antonio Sr Vela Gilbert Vela Rosa Velda Alexander Verbena Ilene Verbena Isabel Vidal Yolanda Villarreal Jesus Villela Frank Vitt Waclawczyk Elsie Wallace Janice Wascher West Nicole Whiteside Cassie Williams Any Williams Grace Wrase Mark Zublionis Emma

L e t U s P r a y F o r T h e R e c o v e r y F o r O u r B r e t h r e n

Page 12: Holy Name Catholic Church€¦ · 01/03/2020  · Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio, Texas 78223 Website: , Phone (210) 333-5020 Theme: “At that time Jesus
