Page 1: Historical Development of India

I.1) 3200-1600 BCE: Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa; Dravidian; Bronze Age2) Aryan Migration; Bronze Age3) 1000-500 BCE (700 BCE): Small kingdoms on the Himalayan foothills4) 500 BCE: Nanda Dynasty; Darius made parts of India a satrapy

II.5) 327-326 BCE: Alexander the Great entered Punjab6) 323 BCE: Chandragupta Maurya7) 313-312 BCE: Consolidation –Transition to Imperial government of Mauryas8) c. 227-232 BCE: Asoka Priyadarsi’s Dharma Mahamatra; Trade w/ China & Greece; Nalanda

University in Nepal (1st university)9) 176 -164 BCE: Sunga Dynasty; North India came in contact w/ South India10) 189 CE: Height of Kanishka rule under Kusaba up to Pataliputra; Start of “Maharaja”

III.11) Rise of petty kingdoms: Trade w/ Egypt, Greece & China

250-300 CE: Greek Scythian kingdom from Bactria Scythian king Kanishka brought Buddhism into Central Asia India became a part of Silk road (China-India-Central Asia-Rome)

12) 320-340 CE: Gupta (North) ; Capital at Samudra Gupta (also known as Pataliputra) 320-375 CE: Chandragupta II/Vikramaditya 315 CE: Height of Gupta 1st Golden Age; seen & recorded by Buddhist traveller Fa Hsien

IV.13) 480 +/- CE: Hunas destroyed Gupta

Revival of Sanskrit learning 500-540 CE: Last of the Guptas Hunas destroyed the Nalandas

V.14) 800’s -1251 CE: Chola Dynasty (South)

2nd Golden Age Shifted the cultural center to the South Capital in Tanjore Hinduism appropriated Buddhism = Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu

15) Deccan Plateau underwent cultural development w/ Pallavas in Tamil area16) 1000’s CE: Beginning of Muslim rule in the North17) 1010 CE: Peak of Chola in South18) 1202: Delhi Sultanate

1206: Official start of Delhi Sultanate19) 1330: Brief unity under Muslim rule20) 1398-1399: Timur the Lame/Tamerlane/Temur’s conquest of India; Rise of Samarkand in

Turkestan21) 1347-1489: Bahmani kingdom disintegrated into 5 provinces22) 1526: Babur defeats Ibrahim Lodhi at Panipat (Sultan of Delhi)23) 1562: Akbar’s rule

1564: Abolition of Jizhya24) 1617: Shah Jahan’s rule

1631: Mumtaz Mahal dies25) 1658: Aurangzeb deposes Shah Jahan

Page 2: Historical Development of India

26) 1679: Jizhya reimposed27) 1739: Persians massacre the people of Delhi & carried of the Peacock Throne28) 1858: Sepoy mutiny29) 1862: Death of Bahadur Shah II (last Mughal) in Burma while in exile

End of British East India Company administration Appointment of viceroy of India by the England monarchy

30) May 27, 1498: Vasco da Gama arrived in Calicut, Malabar Coast; Brought spices from Zamoris Diwan I’ Khaz = receiving hall

31) 1502: Vasco da Gama blasted the Calicut port32) 1509-1515: Alfonse de Albuquerque = Viceroy of Portugal in the East; Main architect of Portugal’s

Indian Empire33) 1510: Alburquerque’s control of Goa in Malabar34) 1542: Jesuit missionaries in Goa35) 1554: England’s Muscovy to rival East India Company36) December 31, 1600: Queen Elizabeth I granted her Royal Charter to the government & company

of merchants of London37) August 24, 1608: England East India Company’s ship arrived in Surat38) 1611: First English Seep to reach Eastern India at the Coromandel coast at Calicut39) 1616: Sir Thomas Roe, ambassador to Jahangir’s Court40) 1682-1690: Sir John Child president of EEIC at Surat as governor of Bombay (also known

Mumbay)41) 1765: Robert Clive as governor at fort William42) 1732-1788: Warren Hastings as governor at fort William43) 1738-1785: Lord Cornwallis as governor of Bengal44) 1861: India Council Act; India Opinion45) 1885: Indian National Congress; Government reforms by Arya Samaj-Bramo Samaj46) 1906: All India Muslim League established47) 1909: Indian Council Act, Morley-Minto reform48) 1915: Gokhale died49) 1916: Bal Gangadhar Tilak president of Home Rule League; Lucknow Pact Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s

Muslim League (consolidation of moderate & radical wings of Indian National Congress); Tilak died in 1920

50) 1914-1918: Khilafat movement/pan-Islamic movement51) 1919: Massacre of Amritsar52) 1920: Gandhi entered scene; Rowlatt Acts protest53) 1930: Start of Satyagraha w/ Ahimsa (violation of Salt Monopoly); Nehru’s Independence

Resolution54) 1936: Indian Act – Indian Independence55) 1945: Muslim League under Muhammad Ali Jinnah got overwhelming support56) 1946: Sir Stafford Cripps proposed a 3 tier plan for a federal union57) 1947: Prime Minister Clement Attlee transfer government to India58) August 15, 1947: Indian Independence; Division of Pakistan & India