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Heres what you dont say, I sometimes wonder if the universe is a movie and if its really all about me.You dont say, I am still competing with everyone I competed with as a child.Or, I fall in love a little with everything.You never say, I think everyone else knows something that I dont.Or, I can be distracted when youre not here, but not happy.And dont ever say, I just want you to cry like I cried.You never say the most important things. Thats the rule.If youre lucky, the horrible thing that happens gives you some distance from the world and it lets you to look at it in a way no one else does.If youre lucky, the horrible thing that happens makes you move closer to everyone around you because you understand how bad the horrible thing can be, and you know theres a chance someone else might have felt something as horrible as you have.So you are not careless with others.You try and make sure the horrible thing dont happen to them.Because youre the lucky one.De curnd, Bangladesh a progresat in ochii Bancii Mondiale de la statutul de tara cu venituri mici la cel de tara cu venituri medii.Mai mult decat atat, tara sud-asiatica a redus gradul de saracie, a crescut numarul femeilor care studiaza in ciclul primar si secundar de invatamant si a avut ctva succes si in reducerea mortalitatii infantile si materne.n ciuda succesului, situatia tarii in ceea ce priveste situatia drepturilor omului lasa mult de dorit.Organizatia pentru drepturile omuluiAin O Shalishi Kendra (ASK) a publicat un raport care arata ca in primele 6 luni ale acestui an, 101 persoane au fost victime ale omorurilor extrajudiciare in timp ce erau detinute de catre unitati legale.Douazeci si noua de oameni au disparut sau au fost rapiti, iar 132 au murit din cauza violentei politice.Conform unui raport intocmit de Daily New Age, peste 200 de oameni, cei mai multi activisti politici au fost victimele unor disparitii fortate din 2007 pana in 2014.Fostul membru al Parlamentului,Saiful Islam, este pe lista persoanelor disparute.A fost declarat disparut in noiembrie 2013.Familia sa nu stie daca mai este sau nu in viata.Participand la un seminar in cadrul Zilei Internationale a Victimelor Disparitiilor fortate inDhaka, fiica acestuia, Mashrufa Islam, a spus:We do not know what was done with my father. We do not know whether he is alive or dead. There is no progress in the case. We faced different kinds of threats and pressure not to pursue this case.Nu stiu ce s-a intamplat cu tatal meu.Nu stiu daca este viu sau daca este mort.Nu exista niciun progres in acest caz.Ne-am confruntat cu diferite feluri de amenintari si presiuni pentru a nu urmari acest caz."Dr. Shahdeen Malik, director al Facultatii de DreptBrac University si avocat la Curtea Suprema a spus intr-un interviu acordat publicatiei Daily News ca o "cultura a impunitatii este principalul motiv pentru care au loc disparitii fortate in Bangladesh.Familiile disparutilor presupun ca politia si fortele speciale, mai ales Rapid Action Battalion au fost implicate.Dar guvernul rareori ia masuri impotriva acestor forte.Intr-un raport publicat in septembrie anul trecut, Amnesty International a mentionat.:Without providing any details, the government said that cases of enforced disappearances have been investigated, and torture charges have been framed against certain number of law enforcement personnel under [Torture and Custodial Death (Prohibition) Act 2013] (on the basis of evidence).Fara a oferi vreun detaliu, guvernul a declarat ca aceste cazuri de disparitii fortate au fost investigate si au fost formulate acuzatii pentru tortura impotriva unui mare numar de persoane care fac parte din personalul politiei prin Actul de Interzicere a Torturii si a Decesului in Custodie (pe baza de dovezi) din 2013.
