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Herbs for Dream Pillows I found this list I'd saved that someone else had posted on another board awhile back, for making your own dream pillows. Lavender and Mugwort seem to be the ones I've found in just about every recipe, but the others can be useful as well! Just stuff some dried herbs in a little pouch, and tuck it in your pillow, or get fancy with one if you want. Some lavender essential oil added will keep everything moist and refresh the scent.

, Aniseed - calming

Abies balsamea, Balsam fir - relaxing

, Calendula - prophetic dreams

, Catnip - eases troubled sleep, relaxing, induces sleep Cedar Repels bad dreams.

, Chamomile - induces sleep, relaxing, pleasant dreams

, Cinnamon - exotic & romantic dreams

, Salvia sclarea, Clary sage - induces sleep

, Cloves - romantic (use sparingly)

Damiana - vivid dreams

, Hops, sweet - relaxing, peacefulness

, Jasmine -exotic & romantic dreams

, Hyssop - anti-nightmare

, Lavender - relaxing, induces sleep, visioning, vivid dreams, romantic dreams, balances extreme conditions, is transforming

, Melissa officinalis, Lemon balm herb - calming, induces sleep, visioning, vivid dreams

, , Aloysia citrodora, Lemon verbena - lightness and feelings of flying (use sparingly)

, Lemongrass - mildly exotic feeling

, Lilac - peaceful dreams (use sparingly), sensuality (use generously)

, Mandarin - induces sleep

, Marjoram - induces sleep, promotes restful sleep, comforting dreams

, Mimosa flowers - exotic feeling (use with lemon balm for peaceful, colorful dreaming)

, Mint - visioning, vivid dreams, clarity

, Mugwort - problem solving, prophetic dreams, relaxing, clarity, stimulates dreams, repels bad spirits, symbolizes health & hope, liked by elves, attunes to etheric

Mullein Guards against nightmares.

Neroli, Citrus aurantium subsp. amara or Bigaradia - induces sleep

, Passiflora ,Passion flower (leaves or flowers) - calming

, Patchouli - induces sleep

Petitgrain, Citrus aurantium var. amara - induces sleep

, Rose - induces sleep, relaxing, peaceful dreams

, Pelargonium graveolens, Rose geranium - visioning

, Rosemary - keeps bad dreams away, calming, induces sleep

, Sandalwood - induces sleep

Scutellaria lateriflora, Scullcap - visioning

, Thyme - induces sleep, peaceful dreams

, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Uva ursi - visioning

, Valerian flowers - calming

Chrysopogon zizanioides , Vetivert - induces sleep

,Salix, Willow - connection to and power in the Dreamtime

, Galium odoratum (L.) Scop., Asperula odorata ,Woodruff - induces sleep

, Artemisia absinthium,Wormwood - helps to ingest prana, open the medicine eye, and go between worlds, induces vivid dreams

, Ylang ylang - induces sleep

To encourage special dreams and promote certain types of sleep (sound, healing, etc), one may want to create a dream pillow.You can be as fancy or as basic as you like. Although a 12 by4 inch, handmade pillow is the most comfortable, if you're like me and cannot sew a fancy stitch to save your life, you can simply use a handkerchief and after rolling your herbal creation within, tie both ends secure with ribbon and stitch up the overlap. OR, if you want to reuse a commercial dream pillow, simply cut the stitches from one end, fill with your own conconction and sew back up.A standard dream pillow uses apx 8 to 10 ounces of dried herbs. You can use as many different types as you wish, but do be sure to try and balance out your intent. Next, you will want to gather your herbs. Use the list below as your guideline.You will want your pillow to be as smooth, loose, and as flatas possible so if necessary, grind the herbs using a motar and pestle. Get them to the point where they are softer and powdery so that they are easier to manage.You can use essential oils to provide frangrance if you wish but do be sure that after mixing in the oils that the herbs are completely dry before placing in your pillow or they will rot and smell acrid. This decay is more likely to promote disturbing dreams.Add a single drop or 2 and allow to dry. If you desire more scent, add another drop and allow to dry. Continue this process, one drop at a time until the desired scent is reached.The simplest dream pillow is filled with mugwort alone.Mugwort intensifies dreams, making them linger so that you're more likely to remember them as well as encourages clairvoyance and spiritual protection.Dream HerbsAlecost -Promotes contact with the Earth Mother

Angelica - Provides prophetic dreams, visions, and protection

Anise - Repels nightmares, increases psychic potential and promotes erotic dreaming. A tiny amount of anise seed goes a long way!

Bay Laurel - Provides prophetic dreams, creative inspiration, spiritual protection, and inspires confidence.

Bee Balm - Promotes a restful sleep.

Black Mustard Seeds - Repels night-demons and other malevolent forces.

Calendula Blossoms - Promotes sound & peaceful sleep, physical healing, and soothes nerves.

Catnip - Promotes romantic dreams and restful, sound sleep (do not use with cats in the house)

Chamomile Blossoms - Provides romantic and financially inspirational dreams, spiritual protection, and sound sleep.

Cloves - Initially, the scent of cloves is stimulating but after continuous inhalation, it produces relaxation and deep, restful sleep. Cloves also promote psychic and erotic dreams and spiritual protection.

Henna - Promotes good fortune, protection, fertility, grounding, links to the Earth Mother and Fire Angels, romantic and erotic dreams.

Hops - Provides peaceful, healing, and sound sleep.

Lavender Blossoms - Peaceful sleep, sweet dreams, and communication with the dead.

Lilac Blossoms - Access to past life memories and the healing of broken hearts.

Linden Blossoms - Promotes inspirational dreams, sound and restful sleep.

Mullein - Protection against nightmares

Peppermint - Encourages dreams of the future

Purslane - Provides protection against spiritual dangers.

RosePetals -Promotes erotic, romantic, and psychic dreams. Rose alsoeases grief, provides protection, promotes healing, and is beneficial for premarital, premenstrual, and premaopausal states.

Rosemary - Some find that rosemary is too stimulating for sleep so only use a tiny bit at first and experiment from there. Provides mental stimulation during sleep and is excellent for students. Also promotes romantic dreams and provides spiritual protection.

Saint Johns Wort - Promotes psychic healing, stimulates psychic power, providesspiritual protection,and soothes stress. It also strengthens resolve and is beneficial for those battling addiciton.

Spruce Needles - A Shoshone carm used to prevent illness and also provides deep and peaceful sleep.

Vanilla Bean - Promotes romantic and erotic dreams.

Vervain - Promotes pleasant dreams, protection, sound sleep, financial inspiration, and romantic dreams.

Wormwood Root - Protection, romance, psychic enhancement, and encourages communication with spirits.Recipe's for Dream Pillows Insomnia Pillow4 ounces of dried hops2 ounces of dried rose petals2 ounces of any one of these herbs: calendula, cowslip, or lavender blossomsProphetic Dreams Pillow4 ounces of dried peppermint leaves4 ounces of dried rose petalsA few drops of sandalwood essential oilAstral Projection Pillow4 ounces of dried mugwort4 ounces of dried Dittany of CreteDream Oils Bergamot - Soothes nerves and aids in peaceful sleep.

Coconut - Spiritual protection, romantic dreams.

Frankincense - Encourages deep, rhythic breathing, soothes worries and stress, provides spiritual protection, and calls in powerful spiritual allies.

Gardenia - Romantic and erotic dreams, psychic protection

Heliotrope - Healing, prophetic dreams, financial inspiration

Hibiscus - erotic dreams, prophetic dreams

Honeysuckle - erotic dreams, psychic dreams, and used to access buried memories. Will also aid in forgetting lost love and lessens destructive nostalgia

Hyacinth - provides spiritual protection, soothes disturbing dreams

Jasmine - promotes romantic and sensual dreams, invigorates the libido, and provides spiritual healing

Juniper - Provides protection, assists in accessing buried memories, promotes healing on all planes

Lavender - promotes sound sleep, peaceful and romantic dreams

Mimosa - prophetic dreams, provides a shield for those who are psychically and emotionally vulnerable

Mugwort - intensifies the entire dreaming process

Myrrh - promotes erotic dreaming, offers spiritual protection, and has a soothing, healing effect

Neroli - provides peaceful sleep, protection, and eases stress

Rose - relieves stress and tension, allays grief, heals a broken heart, and provides romantic dreams

Tagetes - stimulates erotic dreams and encourages communication with spirits