

- Domination, Subordination and Alexander the Great-—

Takashi TAMURA*

The beginning of the study of Greek and Latin classics can be traced back

to R. Kaeber (1848-1923), who was invited to Tokyo University at the end of the

nineteenth century, to teach Greek and Latin. His major, however, was classical

literature and philosophy. It was only after the Second World War that studies of

Ancient History based on the Greek and Latin sources were pursued. The defeat

of Japan in 1945 liberated the Japanese academic world from the control of

fascist ideology and opened the door to the liberal study of history. At that time

Japanese scholars were much interested in the European democracy, which was

exactly opposite to the Japanese fascism ideology under the Tenno (Emperor)

System. In the field of ancient history, they were particularly interested in

studying the origin of European democracy, namely Athenian democracy.

Consequently even to the present day, in the field of the ancient Greek history,

the analysis of the political and socio-economic history of classical Athens has

played a central role among the Japanese scholars. Under these circumstances the study of the Hellenistic kingdoms with their powerful sovereign rights has

not been particularly attractive to them. So there have been not many researchers

working in this field in comparison with the number studying classical Athens.

This is still the case.

It was R. Awano (1896-1970) who took the initiative in Japanese research

on the Hellenistic age. He was educated in the U.S.A. in the 1920s and obtained

a M.A. from Columbia University. After further study under the direction of W.

S. Ferguson in Harvard University in 1933-39, he returned to Japan and devoted

himself to educating young students and pursuing his research at Kwansei

Gakuin University in Nishinomiya near Kobe. He was the first generation

scholar in the field of Hellenistic history in Japan. His work in Japanese,

* Professor , Chiba University

c 2001 by the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan

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Shutsudo Shiryo ni yoru Girishiashi Kenkyu (A Study of Greek History Based on

the Excavated Sources), Iwanami Shoten, 1950, was the first academic work of

Hellenistic history published in Japan which freely used Greek inscriptions and

papyrological sources. His study is concerned with Hellenistic culture, especially that of the Library of Alexandria and Macedonian history. Another

scholar K. Watanabe introduced the results of the Western academic world,

which the war had prevented from entering Japan. He especially presented the

socio-economic studies of M. I. Rostovtzeff and C. Preaux concerning Ptolemaic

Egypt and Seleucid Syria. After leaving the field of Hellenistic history, he

achieved much in the field of Byzantine studies. We cannot overlook another

scholar who contributed to this field in the 1950s, H. Inoue. He started out

studying Israelite history, especially the Maccabean Revolt. After that he

changed his focus to the study of the Macedonian kingdom and Alexander the


In Japan, from the 1950s to the 1960s, the major trend of Hellenistic

studies focused on Alexander the Great and his Empire, because Alexander was

the most prominent king and his Empire ruled the whole Greek mainland,

including Athens. At this time A. Ohmuta began to publish articles one after

another concerning the deification of Alexander and the process of the formation

of his Basileia. Ohmuta's works, which covered extensively and

comprehensively all the major European works on Alexander and made free use

of the abundant classical sources, are highly admired. Around that time K.

Tsuge, a disciple of R. Awano, began his study of the Pergamum kingdom. His

articles extended the area of research from early to later Hellenistic history,

especially to the history of Roman foreign policy. His research is continued by

his colleague H. Tanaka.

From the second half of the 1960s appeared academic study of Seleucid

Empire, a field which had been heretofore uncultivated in Japan. In his article"Antiochus III and the Oriental" (1968), C . Ohto brought to light the political

roles of the Orientals, i.e. the west Asians, from the inscriptions of Antiochus

III's age and held that this role had been unreasonably minimized in comparison

with that of the Greek-Macedonians in studies of Seleucids up until then. In this

article he showed too that Antiochus III could not have maintained his frail rule,

unless he had depended on leading figures among the indigenous people. After

this first work, Ohto, in his many academic articles, showed that the Greek-

Macedonian ruling class and indigenous people were often antagonistic,




analysing the relationship between the laoi (tenant farmers) and the katoikoi

(free residents), and between the Hellenistic poleis (cities) and the villages. He continues to ask what "Hellenism" meant for indigenous people in Asia Minor.

Also in the 1970s, H. Inoue and A. Ohmuta published some articles on

Alexander and his empire, and K. Tsuge continued his study on Pergamum

kingdom. There continued to be remained, however, only few scholars in

comparison with researchers on classical Athens or Imperial Rome, including

early Christianity.

From the 1970s to the 1980s the major figure was Y. Kanazawa. He wrote a

series of studies on Ptolemaic Egypt based on papyrological sources. He

analysed the philanthropa of Ptolemaic kings, and showed that the regal power

of Ptolemaic Egypt in the later period was weakened, describing vividly the

social instability of Hellenistic Egypt. Then he examined the movements of the

laoi under the royal authority and found that during this period, the

subordination of laoi tended to be gradually strengthened and that in this

situation laoi resisted in three ways -revolt, escape or resentment

demonstrated by the cursings in apocalyptic literature. In particular it is highly

praised that he found an ideology of the racial resistance in a literature. In the second half of 1970s, young scholars in the new generation born after the

Second World War began to publish their research papers one after another. T.

Tamura selected as his main theme the Pontic kingdom, which had been

neglected in Japanese academic world. He published some articles on the

political movements of indigenous people and of the citizens in the Greek poleis in Asia Minor during the First Mithridatic War. T. Hasegawa researched the

purpose of Roman expansion in the Balkan Peninsula in the First Illyrian War and analysed the constitution of Achaean League. He now works on the political

relations of Macedonia and Greece. The history of Macedonia around the time of

Alexander the Great is one of the favorite themes for these young generations.

K. Moritani, who started out studying the political history of Athens in 4th

century B.C., in the 1990s began a study of the ancient Macedonian kingdom

and presently is analysing policies taken by Alexander the Great on his way to

the East. N. Sawada began her work by studying Philip II's policies towards

Greece and now she is focusing on the Athenian foreign policy of the same

period. H. Ogou concentrates on military history of the Macedonian Empire, focusing on its mercenaries.

Translations of classics related to Hellenism into Japanese has been

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important. First, we have to mention A. Ohmuta's marvelous translation of the

whole of Arrian's Anabasis. It is not a mere translation of Arrian's texts, but a

comprehensive survey of past studies on Alexander the Great. He introduces and

examines comprehensively all major theories presented in studies of Alexander

in his notes, some of which are equal to articles. Next we must mention K. Iio's

translation of the Geography of Strabon. Iio had intended to add many detailed

academic notes, but regretfully this plan was cut short by his sudden death. He

did leave some maps, however, which are highly useful in ascertaining the

locations of places named in the text. These two grand translations must be the

bases for the prosperity of Hellenistic studies in Japan, especially for students

who will be starting their studies from now on. In addition to these two, the

Lives of Plutarch, the works of Justin and Xenophon (Hellenika), and some

important orations and letters of Cicero have been translated into Japanese with


We cannot deny that Japanese Hellenistic scholars have had a tendency to

converge on the history of the Macedonian Empire and Alexander the Great in

postwar studies. Admittedly the reason is that the greatness of Alexander overwhelmed other Hellenistic kings, but they have also been attracted to the

conflict between the great powers of kings and the tradition of democracy in the

Hellenistic cities in the latter part of 4th century B.C., when the democracy of

Athens declined. In political history the problem of "domination and

subordination" must be one of everlasting themes. But Alexander's time is not

the only one during this period when there was conflict. The works of Y.

Kanazawa, who paid attention to the social and political relations between

Greek-Macedonians and indigenous people in Egypt, and the studies of C. Ohto,

who raised the question of what Hellenism meant for the indigenous people and

for the culture of the Seleucid Empire, demonstrate this. Especially Ohto's

monograph Helenizumu to Oriento (Hellenism and the Orient), Minerva Shobo

(Kyoto), 1993, is as magnificent as the works of European scholars. It is regrettable that his work was published only in Japanese. T.Yoshimura published "Zum romischen Libertas -Begriff in der Aussenpolitik im zweiten jahrhundert

vor Chr.", American Journal of Ancient History 9, 1984. His monograph in

Japanese, Shihai no Tensai Romajin (The Romans-Geniuses in Domination),

Sanseido (Tokyo), 1981, describes vividly the complicated political relations of

Greek cities and Hellenistic kingdoms during the process of the Roman invasion

of the eastern Mediterranean World. Few scholars in Japan have studied the




formation of the Roman Empire and the characteristics of its domination in the

Hellenistic era, so it is hoped that many researchers will go into this field in the



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58-77. Inoue, H., "Die Makedonischen Stande am Anfang des Hellenistischen Zeitalters,"Shigaku Zasshi 64/9 (1954), 58-77.

Inoue, H. 1959: 井 上 一 「マ ケ ドニ ア 王 国 、ア レ ク サ ン ドロ ス 帝 国 に お け る 王 権 と王 国 」 『歴

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