Download pdf - Helical Gear Catia


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CATIA: Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application

It was developed by Dassault Systèmes in 1981 and it is located in rench!

"ersions o# CATIA are "1$"%$"&$"'$"( and ") more companies are usin* #rom "' only!

 +ow in the mar,et many companies are usin* "(-1) and in "( we have many versions #rom

"(-1 to "(-%1

It is a tool based so#tware these tools we call as #eatures$ so it is a #eature based so#tware !It is

a parametric so#tware$ parametric mean while desi*nin* or a#ter completin* the desi*n we can

chan*e the parameters o# the component!

3.1 Definition of Software: eat!re "a#e$ %ara&etri' "i$ire'tiona( a##o'iati)e


It is a advanced desi*nin* so#tware compared to Autocad$ and in Autocad we can complete

all the tas,s in sin*le window$ but in this we have di##erent windows those windows we call as

modules$ the main modules in desi*nin* are

3.1.0 Sketcher (To know about 2d tools only)

3.1.1 Part modeling (To create any solid models)

3.1.2 Assembly (n this !ust we insert the com"onents already created in "art)

3.1.3 #ra$ting (To generate the %iews with "ro!ections& dimensions& '& etc.)

3.1.* +ire$rame and sur$ace designing (To create the sur$aces without thickness)

3.1., -enerati%e Sheet metal #esign (Total design $ollows the /ed thickness)

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3.* De#i+nin+ of a ,e(i'a( +ear wit, in)o(!te %rofi(e !#in+ CATIAV5R16

.e#ore creatin* helical *ear we should ,now the speci#ications o# helical *ear based on the data

and #ormulas we can desi*n the helical *ear!

S%e'ifi'ation# of ,e(i'a( +ear:

rb / base cylinder radius

r / pitch circle radius

r, / outside circle radius

r# / root radius

a / pressure an*le 0%de*2

m 3 modulo 0in our e4ample %2 m5p6&!1'1(9 where p is circular pitch %r5m7

/ +umber o# teeth 0in our e4ample &2

 +ow open the catia so#tware set some settin*s *o to TS/;<TI+S/;in#rastructure/;

 part in#rastructure and in Display select <aramteres and -elationsas shown below!

Then in ptions/;=eneral in <arameters and >easures select with value and ?ith #ormula in

<arameters Tree "iew!

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 +ow *o to Start 3 =enerative Shape desi*n

o* and #042 are two most important tools on the ,nowled*e tool bar to create the *ear desi*n$

now we have to enter some basic parameters that de#ine *ear!

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 +ow select the #042 icon #rom the ,nowled*e tool bar it opens the below window and then we

see dialo* bo4: ormulas: <art1 #ist select <arameter type 0real$ len*th or an*le2 clic, new

 parameter o# type and then edit value! @ou can do this until all parameters are entered!

?hen you enter parameters it is time to enter some #ormulas! or$ r$ rb$ r, and r# we enter 

#ormulas by namin* them and by clic,in* Add ormula! ormula editor will appear:

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A#ter typin* all #ormulas and e4pandin* speci#ication tree you will see somethin* li,e this

It is time to add laws that will de#ine our involute! Clic, on #o* icon$ name law 4 add parameters$

t and 4 select their types and add law: 45rb70sin0t7<I71rad22/rb7t7<I7cos0t7<I71rad2

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Same should be done #or y 0y50rb7cos0t7<I71rad2200rb7t7<I27sin0t7<I71rad22 ! This law will

help us to create points that de#ine spline #or our involute! Involute is line that is traBectory o# 

 point belon*in* to line that is always tan*ent to base *ear cylinder! It is used #or tooth pro#ile!I# 

*ears had pro#iles #ormed by strai*ht lines they wouldnt wor,!

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A#ter e4pandin* speci#ication tree you should be able to see somethin* li,e this:

 +ow it is time to start creatin* our points #or involute spline! Clic, on point icon$ select 4y plane

#or support and when as,ed to enter and " cordinates ri*ht button clic, should brin* menu

where you should chose edit #ormula:

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@ou will be prompet by edit #ormula dialo*! Type in: -elationsE4 !Fvaluate02

@ou should do same #or " e4cept you should use -elationsEy !Fvaluate 02! @ou will *et startin*

 point #or involute:

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A#ter repeatin* this step #or !Fvaluate0!12/!Fvaluate0!(2 you will *et this:

Clic, on spline icon and chose all ) points

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@our involute is created! This is how it loo,s in s,etcher 

rom this point everythin* is more or less simple! Create base cirle by clic,in* on circle icon!

-i*ht clic, on radius and chose rb #rom #ormula editor:

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 +ow it is time to e4trapolate our involute! or len*th also ri*ht clic, and chose #ormula 0rb/


@ou can use "iew/; oom and pan to see what actually you are doin*! Create plane! Gse

#ormula: inv0&)626'! @ou will *et /'!(de* an*le o##set #rom H@ plane!

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A#ter this create r# circle and #rom inser menu use corner to create corner! Corner dialo* will


This is what you should *et

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 +ow use trim and result should be

It is time #or simetry! Tooth starts to *et shape

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Create r, circle and use trims to *et tooth shape

Crete a plane above top plane then select s,etch select new plane then proBect the involute pro#ile and

circles then trim the unnecessary portion as shown below #inally it loo,s as below!

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Translate the pro#ile with 1mm parallel to top plane and tehn rotate % de*rees hide the ori*inal now

 pro#iles loo,s as below

Gse multi sections sur#ace tool to create the sur#ace as below!

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 +ow *o to part modelin* select close sur#ace tool and select the sur#ace this sur#ace will be converted into

solid then hide the sur#ace it loo,s as below!

Gse circular pattern and create & parts with 1% de*rees with each as shown below!

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 +ow create two circles as shown below e4it wor,bench!

Gse the pad tool to add the material with hole as below now the *ear is completed!

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To see the *ear clearly use shade option it loo,s as below! This is our #inal output o# helical *ear!
