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Fight Berween Mind And Heart- Who Has An Edge?

On a number of occasions, we get into a dilemma - whether to go by what our mind reads or to go by what the heart feels. Aconfusion occurs and it gets tough to choose one. But then a decision needs to be made.

Consider a situation - You came across a bad incident. Your mind says, "Get over it, suppress the pain. suck it up and move on." But the heart tells, "What you resist will only persist." Mind says, "This one is not trustworthy." But then heart speaks, "I am always there and I won't lead you astray." A constant battle between the heart and mind prevails. At times our heads are unable to make our hearts understand and then there lies the


Mind works on logic but the heart doesn't. Logic won't always lead to happiness but heart might. It isn't

that our minds are cruel. Like gems and crystals, our hearts are precious and so our minds want to protect it in fear of it getting broken. But the minds don't understand that unless one fails, he won't get the importance of a Win.

People say it is not safe to follow your heart especially when you are extremely happy or sad. They also say heart is an emotional fool but mind is a schemy tool. But then does your mind guarantee a hundred percent success on favouring it? With mind comes a factor of ego but with heart it doesn't. Mind may come with numerous, different and quite logical answers but ifyou listen to w hat your heart say s -however illogical it may seem it is usually right, and you are happier as a result.

How to Bridge this gap? A simple answer is to meditate. It actually changes the lack of tolerance and concem as an awareness spreads. This tug of war between heart and mind lessens. Slowly but surely, heart wins while abandoning any fear or worry in our mind. It ends this long struggle. It helps us in understanding that we should stop and listen to our hearts more often.

Pranav 25

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Tanvi Pashine (3 year ETC)

A Thank 1ou To Indian Armed Forces

14th February. A day of love which witnessed a ghastly and cowardly attack on a convoy of vehicles carry security personnel on Jammu Srinagar National Highway. The country lost 40 brave CRPF men. This wasn't the fir of its kind. The Nation already witnessed attack on CRPF in Pampore 2015, in Nawgam 2013, attacks in Pathank Uri and the list continues. There has been no stop. We even hit them back pretty hard by doing a surgical strik. entering into Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK), destroying militant launch pads but it seems of no use. The rece airstrike also doesn't seem to go well with them. What hurts the most is that our own country men doubting capabilities of armed forces, questioning about the significanceof such retaliations, demanding proof of the numte of militants killed. Like do we really need the numbers to prove? The thenIAF chiefclearly mentioned what the ai of the airstrike was and that they achieved it proudly. We as a nation need to stay strong, stay united, be the politic parties or even the common men. An assurance needs to be given to our soldiers stating We stand united'. Politiciar need not encash the situation and misguide the public. Keeping all diferences away, all of us need to speak or. language of respect and pride for the armed forces. For a soldier who puts his heart and soul to secure his count men, this little assurance has great significance. He would be happier to know that the entire country is proud of hi and suppots the Indian armed forces.

20 years back, in December 1999, IC 814 Airlines was hijacked by militants and demanded release of terrorists. At that time, immense pressure was created on the government to get the passengers back on board safel Their relatives demanded safe revival of their near ones, didn't mater if the terrorists have to be released. Th government could manage to get the demand from 36 to 3 which included JeM chietf Masood Azhar, the mastermin behind 2003 Assembly attack, 26/11 Mumbai attack. Even media hyped the matter and had put immense pressure o the government. Are only soldiers entitled to sacrifice their lives? Can't we sacritice? Had the country acted wit responsibility, Masood Azhar would had been behind the gallows today. Having a mind-set that only the men uniform would sacrifice their lives to secure the country and not us needs to be thrown away soon. One should tak

pride if he/she comes across an opportunity where he/she can safeguard the countrymen, just like what Neer Bhanot, recipient of Ashok Chakra did. She sacriticed her life in safeguarding that of the tellow passengers soldier would never complain. He would continue to withstandharsh conditions- be it scorchingheat, heavy rain or freezine cold. He would not even think once before sacrificing his lile for the motherland just to provide safety t our lives. În return what can we offer? Respect. Don't doubt their abilities aund the hard work they put in. Next tin you find any armed forces personnel, suy a Thank you. Thar's enough for him.

Hind. 26

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Aphone call from corona..

Hello, corona, no please don't afraid.relax, I'll not harm you. But yes, I wanna definitely tell u few things, in fact that is what I came for. I know the entire world is being badly suffering from me. but there is a lesson behind it that I wanted to teach you all. You all were in such a comfort zone, enjoying your life. When I came, as per my observation Igot to know that there were 3 categories of people first on the poor, second of the strugglers or the middle class n third category were the ones enjoying their comfort zone the most. And also one sub category was of the devils that included the criminals, the rapist so on & so forth. I was amazed as I saw people running behind the money.poor were suffering, crime rate was increased to next level, some were chilling, some surrendered themselves to their compressed timetable(tough schedule),

Ozone was depleted, huge chaos was created by the pollution. No one was living their life all were just running behind the never ending race. I was badly hurt after knowing all this. Then I decided to teach u all a lesson and gave my identity proof as cough, cold,fever, headache which was very familiar to all and rest is what you all are going through. When I got to know that government decided to re telecast Ramayanan Mahabharata on yoursO-called gadget of comfortness(television)l felt like my half of the workload was reduced. As you all were quarantine ,l was sure that u all would definitely watch it, perhaps this would be the reason behind yourquarantine.I felt relaxed because, few things whichI wanted to teach u was being done by these two epics. It does include the values like,love and affection for family which was lost, humanity,charity, discipline, regularity, cleanliness (sanitization), respect and so on, was completely diminished. And these two epics would have inculcated everything back in your mind n l'm sure even u all agree with it. I know you all must have related those two epics with your present. Because of my arrival u all enjoyed fresh air, pollution free atmosphere, crime got reduced, u all started spending time with your family, you became aware of cleanliness, you learned to save money and not to waste it unnecessarily, you recalled humanity again. I conclude that the situation you all are facing is the updation of your planet. In your technological words the antivirus is been used to remove the stuff. Hope that uhave understood the reason behind my arrival..this was the biggest chapter u all learned,I made each n every person of all the category mentioned above to bring in force this lesson which I had taught you all. You have definitely gone through a big loss in every term, but yes this was the punishment for you all1. As this is kaliyug, lord Vishnu will surely come up with his last kalki avatar to heal you all, and to arrest me. Anyway this was my positive side and you all only gave attention to my gray shade. Now when you will step out again, I hope one new inning will be presented before with the updated minds. Anyway now I am done with my job and surely make you free as fast as possible. While leaving everyone says see you again, but I'll say and hope that we nevermeet again.....take care... And the phone call ended.. Think of yourself.Mmanal Abhay Anjikar


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3ltdiin But in the joy ol reading!...

Books are an immensely powerful medium that can transport us through time and space- into the Da

the future and faraway galaxies away without us even having to change out of our pyjamas!

Reading a book is a joumey full of twists and turns, bumps and bends.

This is the story of my journey with my books, the friends who do not judge! All set for the ride? Let



As a small child, I had a great fascination of stories. I loved the "made-up" stories that my Aai and Bat and sometimes my aunts told me. My cousin used to feed me with loads of cock-and-bull stories every day. She a little older than me and so I used to believe everything she told me. Once she fooled me into believing tha actually I was her mother's, daughter and that she was my mother's daughter and that they had swapped us whe

Iwas borm!! t had taken my mother a while to convince me that I was her child really! I was very imaginative when I was young (I still am. As a matter of fact!). So much, that I fantasised th

characters play ing with me all the time. I always clutched Krishna's arm in one of my tiny fists and always ha| Pendya in the other. 1 don't know why, but over Lord Krishna himself, Pendya (a childhood acquaintance o Krishna from the stories) was my superhero. I would alvways turn to Pendya for telling on people and he woul be the one to whom I always turmed to for all kinds of help. This had frightened my Baba so much hat he wa considering consulting a psychiatrist!

Anyway, once I started reading properly, say about the age of 4 or 5, I took great pleasure in lookinga the thin volumes of colourful picture books of moral stories and nursery rhymes. I loved Akbar and Birbal Tenali Rama, Hitopadesh, Esope's Fables, Geronimo Stilton, some other moral stories, comic books like Chandoba, Chacha Choudhary, Chulbuli, Meena ki kahaniya, Barbie and all kinds of faiy tales. I remember being in the hospital after the final surgery of my left foot and reading from the books that Baba had got me from in two enormous cloth bags. My grandma used to read them to me.

Then in the school library there were so many books of Enid Blyton's "Noddy". I already loved the character from the cartoon telecasted on TV.

One fine day, at my cousin's place, I saw a small but thicker-than-usual, brightly coloured book on he shelf. It caught my eye perhaps because there was Enid Blyton written on it. It was a book from her famous Secret Seven" series. When I flicked through it, I was very shocked as the book did not contain any picture none at all! I was so puzzled that I actually asked my cousin, "Hey, can you understand a book without t having any pictures?" She had laughed. But I found the book deeply amusing and loved the way I could imagine the story in my head without the aid of pictures.

Hungry for more, I serounged the entire school library and read every last book of not only Secret Seven. but all of the works of Enid Blyton, including Famous Five and Mallory Towers.

Well, after reading Secret Seven, I had my first favourite author and book to name!

During these brief searches, I came across the thrilling mysteries of Nancy Drew and Hardy boys and the totalh enthralled me. I read every adventure of theirs that l could lay my hands on.

I also read some very interesting classies like Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz Calv's Travels, The Treasure island, Journey to the Centre of the Fart1, Around the world in 80 days, The Secrel

Garden, Heidi, Litle Women, Anne of Green Gables, Slack 1Seauly, Ptnocenio, The Jungle book and of cours the very exciting Sherlock Holmes series.

Setting fantasy a fietion aside for a while, reada little of non-fiction: The diary of Anne Frank, India 2020, I am Malala, elc.

Marathi has always had a soft spot in my heart and all this while, I read many Marathi h Shreeman Yogi, Bhedile Sooryamandala, Chhawa, Muktai, Narmada P'arikrama, Radhey, some S Such a



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hfe of Swami Vivekananda, books by Pula Deshpande, and of course, books on Sanatan Dharma and

spiritualism from Aaji's vast bookshelf. Devdutt Pattnaik had me mesmerized with his books and research of the Indian mythology. My maternal grandparents make me read some very deep books on Vedas. Upanishads and Puranas which gave me a very stable spiritual base and taught me introspection

As a teenager, I got engaged in reading moderm fiction like that of Amish, Ashwin Sanghi, Dan Brown Christopher Columbus, etc. The thrillers never stopped giving me goosebumps. The books The Power of Subconscious mind and The secret to teen power taught me to stay motivated all thetime.

Also, l absolutely adore the fantasies of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I am a kid at heart!

Feminism is a character value that I wear with pride and some of the books helped shape it The Palace of Ilusions, I am Malala, The Forest of Enchantments, A ThousandSplendid Suns. etc.

And thus, I grew up surrounded by the true wonders of the world. Apparently. books. the bloodless substitutes for life, have the power to stir the flesh and blood.

Books have openeda plethora of avenues and alleys for me to venture into. They have widened my horizon, moulded my thought process, and deepened my perceptions. The experience of drowning yourself into the tiny canvas of bound pages with an engaging narrative painted on it populated with the most memorable characters and the anticipation and anxiety of the climax in

each story has a special kind of aesthetic sense to it. And there is no skipping through pages. you have to plough through all thick and thin to get to the final "Happily Ever After!! Aah! Isn't this all about life itself?

In the end, while we have all kinds of substitutions for reading in this tech-savvy world, I would get

no greater pleasure than in saying what Dr. MatthewAmold had once said


-Shree Ram.

-Prajakti Deshpande. Civil 2" semester


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Shardul Chawhan |2nd Year, CSE

Home Quarantine irdaI T h ae aguft y

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341 3TyYTGI qUITaR


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ymkhana is a nucleous of numerous extra curricular, technical and co-curricular activities, and main of rGymkhana is to bring all round development in the students through their active role on extra curicular

activities to supplement education and advancing the general welfare of students. To acheive the goal ofgymkhana the students are actively participated in

all activities also, for the growth of students in technical, curicular and co-curicular activities different ty pes of clubs already have been established in our college and the activities performed for various clubs are entirely managed by students.


1. To promote and develop organizational abilities in students. 2.To develop a well-informed, articulate and participative student community life, and increase social


3.Identify student issues and promote discussion on them. (identify current issue in society and provide

platforms for discussion and debate) . provide platform to express their talents

The following targets have been met in the last four years 1. Purchasing of sports equipment and tree plantation around the play ground 2. Development of playgroud at initial level and Audio Video room for Gymkhana activities. 3. Formation of Gymkhana calender for whole year activity and gymkhana council process. 4. Started giving Best outgoing cultural, sports, overall students award to the student from

2019-20 . The organization of various workshops, seminars and various technical, non technical

activities, cultural activities. Also forms various hobby clubs and provide support for their execution.

Turget to be Acheived 1. Creating a cell to make students aware of social responsibility and involve students in campus planning

initiatives to develop model clean, green campus. 2. To develop the table tennis ground and arrangement made for lights and balcony

3. Installing a gym in the college campus for students and faculty members, also organizes various Inter-

department and Inter-collegiate sports championship every ycar 4. Setup a cell which will monitor, implement and enable policies and initiatives of the Green Campus

Committee. 5 Well equipped hobby club, such as music club, photography and video club etc. and Promote

cultural activity.


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3 Gymkhana Activities (2019-20)

In year 2019-20 the sports equipments of Rs. 48000 was purchased also KS. 1,60,000 was spend on

preparation, sound system and club activities.

nd on grour

Ground Area:- 4.84 Acres

Indoor Game:- Chess, Table Tennis, Carom, Power Lifting

Outdoor Game:- Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Vollyball, Football, Cricket, Lawn Tennis, Archery, Running.

Wrestling, Basketball, Swimming, Handball, Hockey, Tug of War, Boxing, Malkhamb, Judo Karate.

Shooting Student Achievement in Sports Activity (2019-20)

students participated in 23 games of University Intercollegiate tournament. from which the co holders are

1. Indrakshi Basu 3" year Computer science student was selected for Lawn Tennis.

2. Anshuman Naik 2" year ETC was selected for Table Tennis. 3. Pankaj Bendre 2 year ME student was selected for lawn tennis.

4. Unnati Chawhan 2" year ME student was selected forArchery 5. Himanshu Bhardwaj 3"year ME student was selected for Handball on state level. 6 Divya Ramteke- 1st Year Civil , Achala Anjankar- 1st year CSE, Pranjali Ganorkar-1s

year Civil, Pranali Bhusari- 1st year Civil got first prize in state level Badmintor Championship held at Aurangabad

also the Cricket, football, basketball, Kabadi team achieve quarterfinal position and Kho-kho team achiev semifinal position in university game. In Punjabrao Krida Mahotsav Chess, Vollyball, Cricket and football tear acheive semifinal position.

College Level Sports Week

First time in history of Government College of Engineering, Nagpur the sport week Sfoorti 2020 wa organized from 20 -26" Feb. 2020. The main aim of the Sfoorti is to holistic development of college studens for that on 13/02/2020, Ranji Trophy player Shri. Vikram Solanki as well as nominated state level player Shn Ajay Barhate, Dr. M. B.Kumthekar the principal of the organization, Under the chairmanship the inauguratie ceremony of "Sfoorti 2020" was held with great enthusiasm in the presence of the teaching staff, non teachin staff and students. The event began with the lighting of torches by the chief guests. During the program, N team, student sports coordinators as well as students nominated in various sports conducted disciplined walks Also the students of the institute gave an excellent pertormance of Lezim. In this program, the principals o organization emphasized the importance or all-round personality in the modern as well as competitive era. As the chief guest who benefited from the event was shri. In his introductory speech, Vikram Solanki gave detaile information about the mental and physical benelits of various sports to the students In sport week The students enthusiastically participated in 27 games

Student Association


Under student association lots of technicalana noOn ECnhical activities continue throughout the year each department. 34

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Extra Curricular Activities (2019-20) E-Cel Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp was organised in association with MCED (Maharashtras Centre for Entrepreneurship Development) from 18 to 20 Sep. 2019 for I" year students. DTE sponsored one week STTP on "Entrepreneurship, Employability and life skills" was organised from 09 to 13 Dec. 2019 for faculty members from different Government Institutes.

Astronomy Club

1. Interscho0ol quiz compitition on "Stars quizs" was organised in the month of july 2019. Total 8 school had participated. 2. Two days workshop on "Star gaze" was organised in Techfest-Adhyyaya and in this workshop telescopic handling, observational astronomy, sky observations, hands on training had been provided to the

participant of other college. 3. Introduction of Astro in orientation programme organised for 1"year students. 4. Deep sky observations by Rohit Chinchwadkar 4" ETC.

Happiness Club

1. Yoga day was celebrated on 21/06/2019 under happiness club.

Reading Club

1. Vachan Prema diwas was celebrated on the birth anniversary of Bharatratna Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam dated 15/10/2019

2. Marathi Bhasa Gaurav Din was celebrated on 15/01/2020

Art Exhibition Club

1.Art exhibition were conducted for students under Virina cell on 29/02/2020

Innovation Cell

1.The award was given to 40 students of our college in the Mayor Innovation Award. And their projects were selected in the top 100.

2. Daniel Qureshi won third prize in Mayor Innovation Award. 3. CSE department students Supriya Singh, Akhil, Lakshman developed Biometric Attendance System

and submitted to the Girls Hostel. 4. CSE department students Zaveria Kulsoom and Uday Rao developed android app "My Covid 19

Tracker platform" wghich solves two major problems of Corona virus that is social distancing and

contact tracing. 5. In 2019-20 total 12 activities were conducted, and workshops on innovation and other topic,

field visits were organised for students.

E-Yantra/Robotics Club

1. The students of GCOEN present "Develop content of E Yantra" in IT Bombay and they Won

prize of Rs. 7000 ended workshop on E farming at IIT Bombay by 2students along with 2 faculties. 60,000 is


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3114etbd Sanctioned for this project. This project willbe carrled out in GCOEN campus

3 Seminar on GATE Awareness in association with TPO was arranged tor all branches

GATE exam material were provided to every departmen

Summer Internship will be arranged for 2 and 3" year students in AGS company with f


Project/Model Exhibition Club

Civil Museum was created by 3" year civil students. In this museum the prototype of civil structu

Were constructed by students only.

Virina Cell

Under the vinina cell for girls students only, the activites like self defence. motivation, art mania, badminton, women impowerment were organised from 25/01/2020 to 07/02/2020


1. Organised two days workshop for 1" year students on "How to make a career in defense" from 23/09/2020 to 24/09/2020. 2. Our NCC students actively participated in Covid 19 pandemic situation.

Trishakti Cell

1. Trishakti cell was inagurated on 23/07/2019 by the hands of Air Vice Marshal B. Manikantan main objective of this cell is to make the students aware about the services of Army, Navy, Air Force 2. The exhibition displayed on 26/01/2020 of soldiers who received the GallantariAward. 3. on the occassion of Techfest- Adhyaaya, AVMC. V. Deshpande informed about defence services

Music Club The music club is the vibrant club in all clubs. The music club has some activities throughout the year. Music Club has over 150 members. The music club mainly participates in 15h August, 26" January and also in college gatheringORANZ.

Brief report about Gymkhana and college activities in year 2019-20.

1. Induction programme for Ist year students were conducted on 1/8/2019 2. online quiz contest was conducted in asSOClation ith Engineers Forum, Nagpur on "Technology Trend: Shaping Future Engineers" on 20" August 2019 and 52 students participated from different branches 3. Blood donation camp and helath checkup camp was conducted in association with Government medical college, Nagpur on 09/09/2019 and 138 students has donated blood 4. Swachhta Abhiyan Rally was organised on the occasion of 150" birth anniversary of mahatma Gandhi on 15/07/2019 5. Lokshahi Pandharwada was conducted in college campus from 25/01/2020 to 10/02/2020 6. in cultural activities Ganeshostav, Dholida and coliege annual gathering "ORANZ" are taken.


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Art is the only way to run away without leaving home - Twyla Tharp

This magazine is the epitome of the reflection of students' creativity and achievements.It fills me with immense pleasure and pride to present this unique creation in form of The Annual Magazine" ABHIVYAKTY"- 2018-2019.

Government College of Engineering Nagpur teaches not only professional courses but also gives us the freedom to express our view through art, poetry, and article. This capacitates us to unleash our hidden inborn talent beside provides us with a stage to showcase it with pride.

Students who subside the ir feelings and emotions, express through this magazine which is master piece of their ideas and thoughts that are too deep to be expressed and too strong to be suppressed.

I am thankful to all my colleagues who dipped their oars into the turbulent water of the journal and have sailed it to the shore of publication.

I am thankful to our respected principal Dr. M. B.Kumthekar and magazine faculty coordinator DR. JB Randhawa ma'am for entrustingus with the responsibility of editing and making a fair draft of floods of articles we had received from enthusiastic and inquisitive young writers. I take this responsibility to thank all the dignitaries for sparing their valuable time for the betterment of our magazine content.



Every artist dips his brush in his own soul ,and paints his own nature into his picture. -Henry Ward Beecher

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