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  • 7/21/2019 hcr9_00_IN


    As Introduced

    131st General Assembly

    Regular Session H. C. R. No. 9


    Re#resentati$es %a&er' %oose

    Cos#onsors( Re#resentati$es %uc)y' *)om#son' Romanc)u&' %ec&er'

    %lessing' %ur&ley' %renner' +raus' ,erales

    C - N C R R / N * R / S - * I - N

    To establish a sustainable energy-abundance plan for

    Ohio to meet future Ohio energy needs with

    affordable, abundant, and environmentally friendly


    %/ I* R/S-/ % *H/ H-S/ -4 R/,R/S/N*A*I/S -4 *H/ S*A*/ -4

    -HI- 5*H/ S/NA*/ C-NCRRING6(

    WHERE!, Ohio has many finite natural energy resources"


    WHERE!, World energy demand and usage are e#pected to

    increase" and

    WHERE!, !olar and wind energy technologies are not

    e#pected to provide future and abundant base-load power or

    pea$ing energy-on-demand power affordably" and

    WHERE!, E#tending Ohio%s current energy boom will rest

    in creating a long-term energy plan and developing clean and

    affordable energy technologies such as li&uid core molten

    salt reactors and small modular reactors" and

    WHERE!, merica possesses a nearly ine#haustible supply

    of thorium and uranium 'more than a billion years( that















  • 7/21/2019 hcr9_00_IN


    H. C. R. No. 9 ,age 2As Introduced by t)e House

    dramatically e#ceeds all $nown potential energy reserves,

    including those of renewable energy" and

    WHERE!, The elements thorium and uranium have the

    practical potential to provide unlimited energy resources for

    Ohioans and mericans on demand in the near future and to

    provide many other tangible benefits" and

    WHERE!, 3etter utili4ation of thorium and uranium in

    specially designed reactors such as molten salt reactors,

    including li&uid fluoride thorium reactors, can provide energy

    security from other nations by utili4ing Ohio coal and a

    reactor%s nuclear heat energy to produce an abundance of

    synthetic li&uid transportation fuels. These synthetic fuels can

    be produced for many future generations of Ohioans in a safe,

    affordable, and in a most environmentally friendly manner" and

    WHERE!, The efficient use of thorium or uranium in a

    specially designed molten salt reactor allows for greatly

    increased environmentally friendly energy production that

    improves the economics of many recycling technologies and raises

    the standard of living" and

    WHERE!, 5t is incumbent upon Ohio legislators to be

    forward-thin$ing in addressing the future energy challenges for

    the ne#t generation of Ohioans" and

    WHERE!, Ohio is uni&uely capable to commerciali4e small

    modular reactors, li&uid core molten salt reactors, and integral

    fast reactors with its research and development assets of the

    6ational eronautics and !pace dministration 7lum 3roo$

    '!andus$y, Ohio(, the 6ational eronautics and !pace

    dministration 8ohn H. 9lenn Research :enter ':leveland, Ohio

    area(, the Wright-7atterson ir ;orce 3ase '

  • 7/21/2019 hcr9_00_IN


    H. C. R. No. 9 ,age 3As Introduced by t)e House

    organi4ations that speciali4e in nuclear-technology development

    in Ohio" and

    WHERE!, The academic, scientific, manufacturing, and

    business communities in Ohio have some of the best talent and

    research and development records in the world.

    WHERE!, !.11, the @merican Aedical 5sotopes 7roduction

    ct of *2)),@ was signed into law by 7resident 3arac$ Obama on

    8anuary *, *2)+, and mandates a reliable domestic supply of

    molybdenum-11 for medical imaging and diagnostics" and

    WHERE!, Aolybdenum-11 is used in more than si#teen million

    medical procedures annually in the =nited !tates" and

    WHERE!, 6o domestic supply of molybdenum-11 currently

    e#ists, and present suppliers use old reactors that result in

    fre&uent supply disruptions" and

    WHERE!, The 6uclear Regulatory :ommission, charged with

    licensing nuclear reactors, is not well-funded for establishing

    procedures for new, advanced reactor designs based on different

    architectures from today%s fleet of light water reactors" and

    WHERE!, !mall modular reactors and li&uid core molten salt

    reactors represent a business opportunity that Ohio%s

    manufacturing base is well-suited to e#ploit. This could

    potentially result in creating forty thousand manufacturing Bobs

    in total within Ohio, because these Bobs have the ability to


























  • 7/21/2019 hcr9_00_IN


    H. C. R. No. 9 ,age 7As Introduced by t)e House

    complement Ohio%s coal industry, oil industry, and natural gas

    hydraulic fracturing industry by increasing Bobs in those

    industries" now therefore be it


  • 7/21/2019 hcr9_00_IN


    H. C. R. No. 9 ,age As Introduced by t)e House

    news media of Ohio. ))*