Page 1: HAURAKI NEWS - · MERRY XMAS MERR XMAY S SEASONS GREETINGS. 'Two paces forward, march!" ... Committee to wish





'Two paces forward, march!"

This is the last Newsletter for 1997, and we all wish you a prosperous new year

Page 2: HAURAKI NEWS - · MERRY XMAS MERR XMAY S SEASONS GREETINGS. 'Two paces forward, march!" ... Committee to wish

DB Breweries has announced it will play a significant role in the centenary of New Zealand's oldest infantry regiment, the 6th Battalion ( Hauraki ) Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment, which is celebrating 100 years service next year. As part of its contribution to the centenary, DB has commissioned a painting from well recognised military artist Ion Brown. A limited number of prints will also be produced from the painting. In announcing DB Breweries role, General Manager Northern Region, Steve Howells, says the resources for the centenary provided by DB will ensure an important part of New Zealand's history is recorded and celebrated. The Hauraki Regiment can trace its roots back to four interconnecting groups, the British, the Maori, the Colonial Forces and the Local Volunteers. The Hauraki Regiment's British origins go back to the Battle of Gate Pa and TeRanga near Tauranga. It was also this time that Maori mana became embedded in the Hauraki Regiment. Maori Chief Rawari Puhiraki and British Lieutenant Colonel Booth were killed during the battles and now lie side by side.

Since that time Maori have played an increasingly significant role in the Hauraki Regiment. Mr Howells says DB will be involved in a number of the centenary projects which have been planned for next year.

"We are delighted to have secured Ion Brown for the centenary painting. He is recognised internationally and we are sure he will produce a work fitting the importance of the Battalion centenary," says Mr Howells. Ion Brown who is a contemporary and landscape artist was the official army artist for 10 years. He is regarded as this countries foremost military artist. Mr Howells says in many respects DB Breweries are an ideal partner for the Hauraki Regiment during their centenary year. "The Hauraki Regiment is very definitely grass roots New Zealand. The regiment has played a important role in serving New Zealand.

6th Battalion Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Alister McCaw, says the centenary celebrations are an exceptional time for the battalion. "The contribution by DB Breweries in cornrnissioning Ion Brown for a painting to represent the battalion is very significant and will add greatly to how the battalion is remembered," he says.

The Hauraki Regiment's Centennial programme for 1998 includes:

* Refurbishment and rededication of the Bradford Memorial in Paeroa.

* Publication of the Hauraki Regimental history.

* The provision of Military Tattoos in Rotorua and Tauranga

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telephone TPZ?!

Morrihsville 'f: ^:M;:llrtt; telephone 07 : 8875823

The members from the Te Aroha area, recently organised a luncheon and get together, at the Te Aroha RSA which was attended by local members and partners plus a small group from Tauranga.. A very pleasant occasion and many stories changed hands.

These gatherings at the ground roots in the local areas are the binding force that keeps the Hauraki's together.

A gathering has also been at the Rotorua RSA, as well as at Tauranga in both the RSA and the Garrison Club. It is hoped that other areas will organise small get togethers at an RSA or any other venue. Contact the Secretary, and he will quickly arrange to have some representation from other areas join you all.

Our recruitment is still continuing, but as you may be aware, it takes a lot of perseverance to obtain Hauraki's to join. It seems to be common to say, "I'll join later." The time is now upon us, the centennial celebrations begin next year.

I take this opportunity on behalf of the Committee to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Christmas and a great centennial year 1998.


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Please to say nothing to report


Please to say nothing to report

SICK LIST Mr. Selwyn Cooper is to have an operation shortly. Hopefully it will not be too serious. We on the Committee send you our best wishes, and hope you will soon be back on track and hopefully at our next get together.


On Sunday November 2, Members and friends of the Hauraki Association, attended the Bistro type luncheon and get together at the Te Aroha R.S.A.

35 persons were in attendance, and enjoyed each others company and the meeting of new friends. A few of the Members had brought along some photos to view. I personally found these quite interesting There were definitely no complaints about the food. It was real good and a menu was available to allow one to choose the meal required.

As mentioned in Newsletter no 7, prices ranged from $7 up to $18. There were many happy faces at the conclusion of the function. Praise must be handed out to our TeAroha rep Gordon Eagleson. Thank you Gordon for a great day and a job well done. It was really appreciated by all.


Paeroa Charter Parade / Tattoo Objective To exercise the Hauraki District charter The intention is to exercise the charter at the end of the Annual Field Exercise (AFE) February 1998. During the AFE 1998 the unit will be hosting a rifle coy from Australia, who it is hoped will also participate in the charter.

On the 14 February 1998, the Hauraki District Council in conjunction with the Paeroa Pipe Band, will run a mini tattoo and pipe band contest. The unit intends also to participate in these events. MORRINSVILLE NOW HAS REP

As from November 2 1997 there is now an Area Rep in the Morrinsville area. After a discussion during our TeAroha luncheon, the gent involved sort of volunteered. Well you know how it is. The rep is Bill McCabe Address is c/- P.O. Tahuna Phone no is 07-8875823 Thank you Bill your assistance is appreciated. We would still like a volunteer Rep for the Tokoroa ,Taupo and Opotiki areas. It is a lot easier to hold a function in areas that have Reps, and it is a very easy job to do. So please contact the Secretary to advise him of your intention.

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CAN ANYBODY HELP ME ? REMINDER Don B.H.Thomson P.O.Box 487 Cooparoo Queensland This address is now obsolete.

I need the correct address for this Member. It would appear it has changed, as mail sent has been returned.

FROM THE ARCHIVES 1975 NZ Army Territorial Pay Rates

( W e f 9 July 1975) Gross pay inclusive of deferred Pay

for Whole time training

Age Marital Status Daily rate 6 weeks

18 S $7-95 $403-62 19 S $9-12 $452-76 20 S $11-99 $573-30 18 19 M $12-56 $597-24 20 Tax free bonus of $120 is paid to all Territorials who complete a minimum of 20 days efficient service in one year. Those were the days, (sec)

BELIEVE IT OR NOT Cairo: Egyptian soldiers have found a British WW 2 truck in perfect working order in the desert south of El-Alamein. The soldiers only needed to give the eight-cylinder vehicle a clean to get it going, the newspaper Al-Nasr said. The truck had been a refuge for snakes, but will now be put in the Alamein Museum. (Sent in by P.Moncur)

We are still looking for contributions of your happenings, news stories and of course photos. If you have any of the above that you wish to share or lend please post to Hauraki Scrapbook c/- A. (Redeye) Redding, Outspan 86-b 6th Avenue Tauranga or post to

Secretary P.O.Box 2217 Tauranga.

Photos will be sent back if requested

NO LAUGHING ON PARADE Did you hear about the RSM in Papakura 1942.? When calling the Regimental Parade to attention bellowed out "Parade" but never got to shun as his teeth blew out. Supplied by Hugh Harrison

DON'T BE CONFUSED I believe that there is a little confusion about who can join our Association. If you have ever worn the Hauraki Badge regardless wether it be 1 Hauraki or 6 Hauraki. CMT or TF you are eligible to join.

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TRUE BLUE He had red hair so the boys called him "Blue". We were classmates, and over sixty years ago in the High School Cadets, we wore Hauraki kahki for the first time. We were together in the Hauraki army camps through the territorial era and the early war period before going overseas in 1942 aboard the Aquatania. In Egypt, Maadi Base Camp we became separated and posted to different units.

In 1943 after months in 2nd General Hospital and a convalescent camp at El Arish, I returned to Maadi fit to rejoin my mates again, only to find that the Div had already left for Italy a few weeks previously. I was told that it could be a couple of months before the next lot of troops would be sent over there. Disheartened by this news, I went into the Cairo Club where to my surprise I met Blue again. He said he was in a similar predicament so it wasn't long before we decided to get to Italy our own way.

A couple of days later in Cairo, Blue met an English cook who was looking for two kitchen hands to work on a small French ship going to Italy. Blue was a butcher by trade so he said he also had a butcher mate and we both wanted to go there. The cook agreed to take us but only on conditions we were not paid and were confined to the cooks quarters below decks. We put our proposition to the Maadi Camp Administration Officers and it was accepted. On November 15, 1943 we went by train to Alexandria and 2 days later we boarded the "Cuba" a small ship with a mixture of Tommies and South African troops packed in on the deck above us.

On the 18th we left Egypt and headed for the coast towards Tunis. For the next 3 days we worked very hard in the heat and steam of the butchers shop, taking frozen carcasses from the freezers, waiting 3 hours for them to thaw out and cutting them up and putting the prepared meat into trays ready for the stove and ovens. Blue made the work look easy but I had some bad moments. I cut the heads off fish meant for the French crew but was told they would not eat fish without the heads on, also I cut the end out of a large tin of sausages in which the fat had melted, and then spill it somehow, sausages and all, over the cook's gear. There were two other incidents I remember, one was a great commotion in the adjoining crews quarters one night when a couple of Frenchmen had a serious knife fight. The other was during the day when the ship was attacked. We were almost deafened by the gunfire but as we were ordered to remain below we learned no details about that event.

Finally on the 22nd we arrived in Taranto Italy. As we left the boat the cook thanked us for our assistance and wished us both good luck. Then he said these words I will never forget. You are a fine butcher Blue, but as for your mate I knew he wasn't a butcher the moment I set eyes on him. So we went off to Advance Base near Bari where we were equipped and prepared for the last stage of our journey. On December 11 twenty six days after leaving Maadi we finally rejoined our unit at the Sangro. Probably we could say a month or so sooner by doing our journey resourcefully the "Old Hauraki Way"

Sent in by Hugh Harrison

Page 7: HAURAKI NEWS - · MERRY XMAS MERR XMAY S SEASONS GREETINGS. 'Two paces forward, march!" ... Committee to wish

D.B. SPONSORSHIP On Friday 7 November a gathering o f approximately 40 people made up of 6th Battalion Regulars and Hauraki Association members gathered at the Freybera Club for the Official presentation and acceptance of their sponsorship.

During the Official pan of the evening, complimentary centennial shirts were given to Lt.Col.A.McCavv and the Hauraki Association President Des Anderson

At the completion of the Official Ceremony a vers" nice selection of finger foods was available for all to partake.

.Among the guests were Dominion Breweries Representatives who made a Donation towards the printing of the Hauraki Official history.

6th Battalion Hauraki Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Alister McCaw and David Archer of DB Breweries confirmed DETs sponsorship of the Hauraki's centenary celebrations.




The history has been written by Major Richard Taylor o f the Military Studies Institute, and former Territorial Force officer of the battalion. After several years of research and writing the draft has just been completed and is currently being edited for publication.

The battalion is descended from the 2nd Battalion (Hauraki ) Auckland Rille Volunteers, formed on 9 July

It has since undergone various name changes, although it is unique amongst N.Z. Territorial Force battalions in that it has never been amalgamated. Soldiers from the battalion served in both World Wars, Korea, Malaya and Vietnam.

The battalion will run a series of activities throughout 1998 , including charter parades and open days and the production of a commemorative print and its history

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This letter is from a Member in Auckland to the New sletter Committee.

My name is Pat Moncur I was with the 1st Battalion Hauraki Regiment. I

joined in 1937 went to camp at the railway Papakura. Captain Bill Bates was the Staff at Rotorua. I am sending you a photo of Sergeants at Narrow-Neck camp. One man was killed in Italy, one got the M.C.. two got to Major, one escaped from P.O.W camp. Could somebody name the people in the photo. Yours faithfully P.E.Moncur. 261 Richardson Road Mt Roskill.

Upper photo is Pte. P.Fowler, MMG no 2, taken at Papakura Annual Camp 1961, wearing 250 rounds of .303 ammo around his neck. Many years later Sylvester Stallone was seen doing a similar thing playing Rambo. Could it be that Rambo was a Hauraki? Hmm room for thought I suppose.
