
Harshita Karamchandani

Placement, Masters Project and Travels…..


Placement Project Work Background Deliverables Program outline

Masters Usability requirements Current Issues Plan Literature

A little more about my placement Workplace Pictures!


WIL placement at BRI in Toronto Development of an eye tracking system for an iPad Uses for eye tracking

Hands-free use of technology Access pathway for individuals with disabilities Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) apps for

tablets Commercial Systems

Tobii, Dynavox $5000 - $40,000

Currently no system available for tablets Advantages of an eye tracking system on a tablet

Low cost Portable Accessible


Programmed in C using the OpenCV library PC version Uses various image processing functions

Erosion Canny edge detection Hough circle transformation Template Matching

Simple Logitech Quickcam iPad version

Program Outline

Face tracking User selects eye region User selects iris template Tracking begins Calibration process – 4 points Kalman filtering Choice selection

Usability Requirements

tracking accuracy and reliability…………….. robustness to light conditions and head

movements……………………………………. non-intrusiveness…………………………….. real-time implementation……………………... fast calibration………………………………… cost-effectiveness……………………………..(Toricelli et al 2008)

Current Issues

Only works with 2x2 grid Need to improve accuracy (at least 4x4


Account for head tilt Added functionality

e.g. detect blinking


Develop eye tracking program Windows 7 Acer Tablet PC VGA video recording – 640x480 C++ programming Windows 7 SDK Image processing beyond OpenCV

Enhance eye tracking Obtain SBREC Ethics approval User evaluation

Ideas and Literature

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) – Images of eyes are captured for every gaze position

for training 2000 images/position (Baluja and Pomerleau 1994) Large data Computationally expensive User specific

Eye tracking with large head motion Requires external hardware, IR light, multiple cameras (Yoo and Chung 2004) Stereo Cameras (Matsumoto 1999) Ultrasonic sensors (Sugioka et al 1996)


OpenGazer (Nel 2009) Uses optical flow Trained Gaussian process Source code available

Different morphological operators (Wang et al 2004) Thresholding Opening Canny edge detection Edge selection criteria – longest vertical edges Ellipse fitting

More calibration points


Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital

Prism Lab Infinity Lab Supervisors – Tom Chau, Leslie Mumford,

David Hobbs Colleagues

My trip in pictures


Novita 2013, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Tobii 2013, What is eye tracking?, <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Tobii 2013, Tobii C12 - AAC device for independence , <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Dynavox 2013, Dynavox EyeMax, <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Kumar, N. 2006, Reducing the Cost of Eye Tracking Systems, <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Holland, C. et al 2012, Eye tracking on un-modified common tablets: challenges and solutions, Texas State University, <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Ciesla, M et al 2012, Eye pupil location using webcam, Jagiellonian University, <> viewed on 16 April 2013

Thank You.
