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Accio (Summoning Charm)Pronunciation: AH-see-oDescription: This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance

AguamentiPronunciation: AH-gwa-MEN-tee or AG-YOO-A-mentiDescription: Produces a jet of water from the witch or wizard's wand

Alarte AscendarePronunciation: uh-LAR-tay uh-SEN-dar-uhDescription: Spell which causes something to shoot up into the air

AlohamoraPronunciation: AL-lo-ha-MOR-ah Description: Used to open and unlock doors

AnapneoPronunciation: ah-NAP-nee-oh Description: Clears the target's airway

ApareciumPronunciation: AH-par-EE-see-um Description: This spell makes invisible ink appear

Arania Exumai Pronunciation: uh-RAY-nee-uh EX-oo-myDescription: Knocks over or throws back spiders

Arresto MomentumPronunciation: (uh-RES-toe mo-MEN-tum)Description: Slows the descent of a falling object

Ascendio Pronunciation: (uh-SEN-dee-oh)Description: Causes the spell caster to ascend rapidly

Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse)Pronunciation: uh-VAH-dah kuh-DAHV-rah Description: Causes instant, painless death, and leaves no physical signs of cause of death

AviforsPronunciation: Av-if-forsDescription: Turns small objects into birds.

AvisPronunciation: AH-vis Description: This charm creates a flock of birds which pour forth from the caster's wand

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BombardaPronunciation: bom-BAR-daDescription: Spell which can blast open a door

Bombarda MaximaPronunciation: bom-BAR-da MAX-i-maDescription: A stronger version of Bombarda

Bracchium EmendoPronunciation: BRAK-ee-um ee-MEN-doDescription: The spell fixes a broken forearm, unless you don't do it properly


Carpe Retractum Pronunciation: CAR-pay re-TRACT-umDescription: Pulls objects toward the caster, or vice versa

Cave InimicumPronunciation: KAH-vay ih-NIH-mih-kum Description: Spell used to strengthen an enclosure from enemies

Cistem AperioPronunciation: SIS-tem ah-PER-ee-ohDescription: Opens the target crate

ColloportusPronunciation: cul-loh-POR-tus Description: Magically locks a door, preventing it from being opened by Muggle means

Confringo (Blasting Curse)Pronunciation: con-FRIN-goh (hard "g") or con-FRIN-johDescription: Causes anything that the spell comes into contact with to explode

Confundo (Confundus Charm)Pronunciation: con-FUN-doh Description: Causes the victim to become confused and befuddled

Crucio (Cruciatus Curse)Pronunciation: KROO-see-oh Description: Inflicts intense pain on the recipient of the curse

Confundus Pronunciation: Con-fun-dusDescription: Used to confuse opponent  

ConjunctivitisPronunciation: Con-junk-ti-vi-tisDescription: Damages opponents eyesight  

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Defodio (Gouging Spell)Pronunciation: deh-FOH-dee-oh Description: This spell causes deep gouges to appear in the object targeted by the spell

DeletriusPronunciation: deh-LEE-tree-us Description: An erasure spell It erases images and magical "after-effects"

DensaugeoPronunciation: den-sah-OO-jee-ohDescription: This hex makes the victim's teeth grow rapidly

DeprimoPronunciation: DEH-prih-moh Description: This spell places immense downward pressure upon its target

Depulso Pronunciation: de-PULSE-ohDescription: Like Flipendo (uno), except that Depulso is used only for magical levers and switches

DescendoPronunciation: deh-SEN-doh Description: The spell likely causes any targeted object to move downwards

Diffindo (Severing Charm)Pronunciation: dif-FIN-doh Description: Tears the target or a specific area on the target

DiminuendoPronunciation: dim-min-du-en-doDescription: Turns the target into a toy

Dissendium   Pronunciation: Dis-sen-di-umDescription: Opens "One eyed witch" hump  

DraconiforsPronunciation: dra-CON-i-forsDescription: Transfigures dragon statues into dragons

DuroPronunciation: DOO-roh Description: Turns its target to stone

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Engorgio (Engorgement Charm)Pronunciation: en-GOR-jee-oh Description: Causes objects to swell in size

Ennervate   Pronunciation: Enn-er-vateDescription: Counters Stupefy

EpiskeyPronunciation: eh-PIS-key Description: Used to heal relatively minor injuries

ErectoPronunciation: ee-RECK-toh or eh-RECK-toh Description: Used to erect a tent or other structure

Evanesco (Vanishing Spell)Pronunciation: ev-an-ES-koh Description: Makes something vanish

Everte StatumPronunciation: ee-VER-tay STAH-tumDescription: Duelling spell used to send the opponent flying

Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)Pronunciation: ecks-PEK-toh pah-TRO-num Description: Used to conjure an incarnation of the Witch's or Wizard's innermost positive emotions to act as a protector It can also be used to send messages

ExpelliarmusPronunciation: ex-pel-ee-AR-mus Description: This spell is used to disarm another wizard, typically by causing the victim's wand to fly out of reach It can also throw the target backwards when enough power is put into it

ExpulsoPronunciation: ecks-PUL-soh Description: A curse which causes that with which it comes into contact to explode violently

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Fera Verto Pronunciation: FAIR-uh VAIR-toDescription: The spell transforms an animal into a cup or goblet

FerulaPronunciation: feh-ROO-lah Description: Creates a bandage and a splint

FideliusPronunciation: Fid-de-li-usDescription: Hides a secret within someone  

Finite (Incantatem) (Counter-Spell)Pronunciation: fi-NEE-tay (in-can-TAH-tem) Description: Negates many spells or the effects of many spells

Flagrante CursePronunciation: fluh-GRAYT, FLAH-grayt, fluh-GRAH-tay Description: With this spell, the caster's wand can leave fiery marks

FlipendoPronunciation: fli-PEN-doDescription: The spell used to push or topple something

FurnunculusPronunciation: fer-NUN-kyoo-lus Description: Causes the target to become covered in boils


GeminioPronunciation: jeh-MIH-nee-oh or geh-MIH-nee-oh (hard "g") Description: Creates a duplicate of any object cast upon.

GlaciusPronunciation: GLAY-see-usDescription: Used to freeze fiery enemies

GlisseoPronunciaton: GLISS-see-oh or gliss-SAY-oh Description: Causes the steps on a stairway to flatten and form a ramp or slide.


Homenum RevelioPronunciation: HOM-eh-num reh-VEH-lee-oh Description: Reveals humans in the vicinity of the caster.

HomorphusPronunciation: Ho-mor-fusDescription: Lockhart's Werewolf "cure"

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I Solemnly Swear I'm Up to no goodPronunciation: As in EnglishDescription: Reveals the map of Hogwarts Castle on a blank parchment

Immobulus Pronunciation: i-MO-bi-lusDescription: Freezes objects where they are

ImpedimentaPronunciation: im-ped-ih-MEN-tahDescription: Stops an object or slows it down

Imperio (Imperius Curse)Pronunciation: im-PEER-ee-oh Description: Places the subject in a dream-like state, in which he or she is utterly subject to the will of the caster.

Imperturbable CharmPronunciation: IM-per-TUR-ba-bulDescription: Creates a magical barrier on a target object to prevent eavesdropping

Impervius (Impervius Charm)Pronunciation: im-PURR-vee-uss Description: This spell makes something repel (literally, become impervious to) substances and outside forces, including water.

Inanimatus ConjurusPronunciation: in-an-i-MAH-tus  con-JUR-usDescription: Although not identified, the name suggests that this involves the conjuring inanimate objects.

IncarcerousPronunciation: in-CAR-ser-us Description: Ties someone or something up with ropes.

IncendioPronunciation: in-SEN-dee-oh Description: Produces fire


Lacarnum InflamaraePronunciation: la-CAR-num in-fla-MA-ryeDescription: Sets the target robe on fire

LanglockPronunciation: LAN-glock Description: Glues the subject's tongue to the roof of their mouth.

LapiforsPronunciation: LAH-pi-forzDescription: Transfigures rabbit statues into rabbits

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Legilimens (Legilimency Spell)Pronunciation: Le-JIL-ih-mens Description: Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim, allowing the caster to see the memories, thoughts, and emotions of the victim.

LevicorpusPronunciation: levi-COR-pus (nonverbal) Description: The victim is dangled upside-down by their ankles, sometimes accompanied by a flash of light.

LiberacorpusPronunciation: lib-er-ah-COR-pus (nonverbal) Description: The counterspell to Levicorpus.

LocomotorPronunciation: loh-koh-MOH-tor Description: The spell causes the named object to rise in the air and move around at the will of the caster.

Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse)Pronunciation: loh-koh-MOH-tor MOR-tis Description: Locks the legs together, preventing the victim from moving the legs in any fashion.

LumosPronunciation: LOO-mos Description: Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch.

Lumos DuoPronunciation: LOO-mos DOO-ohDescription: Creates a focused beam of light on the caster's wand tip; considered advanced

Lumos MaximaPronunciation: LOO-mos MAX-i-maDescription: Generates a brilliant light

Lumos SolemPronunciation: LOO-mos So-lemDescription: Generates a brilliant blast of light, as bright as the sun


Meteolojinx RecantoPronunciation: mee-tee-OH-loh-jincks reh-CAN-toh. Description: Causes weather effects caused by incantations to cease.

Mischief ManagedPronunciation: As in EnglishDescription: Clears the map of Hogwarts Castle from the parchment being used

MobiliarbusPronunciation: MO-bil-ee-AR-bus Description: Levitates and moves a tree.

MobilicorpusPronunciation: MO-bil-ee-COR-pus Description: Levitates and moves bodies.

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Morsmordre (Dark Mark)Pronunciation: morz-MOR-druh or morz-MOHR-dray Description: Conjures the Dark Mark.

MuffliatoPronunciation: muf-lee-AH-to Description: Fills peoples' ears with an unidentifiable buzzing to keep them from hearing nearby conversations.


NoxPronunciation: Noks Description: Turns off the light produced by the Lumos spell


Obliviate (Memory Charm, Memory-Modifying Charm)Pronunciation: oh-BLI-vee-ate Description: Used to hide a memory of a particular event.

ObscuroPronunciation: ob-SK Description: Causes a blindfold to appear over the victim's eyes, obstructing their view of their surroundings.

Oculus ReparoPronunciation: AH-kyoo-lus re-PAR-oh) Description: Repairs spectacles.

OppugnoPronunciation: oh-PUG-noh Description:causes conjured objects to attack.

OrchideousPronunciation: or-KID-ee-us Description: Makes a bouquet of flowers appear out of the caster's wand


PackPronunciation: As in English Description: Packs a trunk, or any luggage.

Patronus CharmPronunciation: pa-TROH-nusDescription: Conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is the embodiment of the positive thoughts of the caster. A Patronus will drive away Dementors.

PericulumPronunciation: per-IH-cu-lumDescription: Sends up wand sparks as a jet of light

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Peskipiksi PesternomiPronunciation: pes-kee PIK-see pes-ter-NO-meeDescription: one simple Freezing Charm

Petrificus Totalus (Full Body-Bind Curse)Pronunciation: pe-TRI-fi-cus to-TAH-lus Description: Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention.

Piertotum LocomotorPronunciation: pee-ayr-TOH-tum (or peer-TOH-tum) loh-koh-MOH-tor Description: Spell used to animate statues and suits of armour to do the caster's bidding.

Point Me (Four-Point Spell)Pronunciation: As in English Description: Causes the caster's wand tip to point to the north cardinal point, acting like a compass.

PortusPronunciation: POR-tus Description: Turns an object into a portkey

Priori IncantatumPronunciation: pri-OR in-can-TAH-tumDescription: Result when brother wands duel  

Prior IncantatoPronunciation: pri-OR in-can-TAH-toh Description: Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it.

Protean CharmPronunciation: PRO-tee-anDescription: Complex spell that makes something change form

Protego (Shield Charm)Pronunciation: pro-TAY-goh Description: The Shield Charm causes minor to moderate jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker


QuietusPronunciation: KWY-uh-tus Description: Makes a magically magnified voice return to normal


ReducioPronunciation: re-DOO-see-oh Description: Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio.

Reducto (Reductor Curse)Pronunciation: re-DUK-toh Description: Disintegrates or destroys objects in the caster's path

RelashioPronunciation: Re-LASH-ee-oh Description: A charm used to force someone or something to release that which it holds or grapples

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RennervatePronunciation: ree-NUR-vayt Description: Brings someone out of unconsciousness.

ReparoPronunciation: reh-PAH-roh Description: Used to repair broken or damaged objects.

RepelloPronunciation: re-PEL-ohDescription: Spell that keeps something away from the caster or from a target object that the spell is cast upon.

Repello Muggletum (Muggle-Repelling Charm)Pronunciation: reh-PELL-loh MUG-ul-tum or MUGG-gleh-tum or mugg-GLEE-tum Description: Keeps Muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important meetings they missed and to cause the Muggles in question to forget what they were doing

Rictusempra (Tickling Charm)Pronunciation: ric-tuh-SEM-pra Description: The subject experiences the sensation of being tickled

Riddikulus (Boggart-Banishing Spell)Pronunciation: rih-dih-KYU-lus Description: A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object the caster finds humorous, with the desire that laughter will weaken the Boggart


Salvio HexiaPronunciation: SAL-vee-oh HECKS-ee-ah Description: Provides some form of protection to an area or dwelling

Scourgify (Scouring Charm)Pronunciation: SKUR-jih-fyDescription: Used to clean something

SectumsempraPronunciation: sec-tum-SEMP-rah Description: Creates terrible wounds to the target

SerpensortiaPronunciation: ser-pen-SOR-shah Description: Conjures a serpent from the spellcaster's wand

Silencio (Silencing Charm)Pronunciation: sih-LEN-see-oh Description: Makes something silent.

SkurgePronunciation: SKURJDescription: Cleans up ectoplasm, a green residue left by ghosts

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SnuffliforsPronunciation: SNUF-li-forzDescription: Transfigures small books into miceSonorusPronunciation: soh-NOh-rusDescription: Magnifies the spellcaster's voice, functioning as a magical megaphone

Specialis Revelio (Scarpin's Revelaspell)Pronunciation: speh-see-AHLIS reh-VEL-ee-oh Description: Causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties

SpongifyPronunciation: SPUN-ji-fyDescription: When cast on a Spongify pad (marked with a helix-shaped spring symbol), the spell-caster can jump onto the pad and bounce to an otherwise unreachable area

Stupefy (Stunning Spell, Stupefying Charm)Pronunciation: STOO-puh-fyeDescription: Puts the victim in an unconscious state. Manifests as a beam of red light


TarantallegraPronunciation: ta-RON-tuh-LEG-rah Description: Makes victim's legs dance uncontrollably (recalling the tarantella dance)

TergeoPronunciation: TUR-jee-oh Description: Siphons material from a surface, e.g. blood, ink, dust, etc


Vera VertoPronunciation: FAIR-uh VAIR-toDescription: Transforms an animal into a cup or goblet

VerdemilliusPronunciation: ver-dee-MILL-yissDescription: hits the target with a green lightning bolt

Vipera EvanescaPronunciation: vi-PAIR-ah ev-ah-NES-kaDescription: This is a vanishing spell with a target added to the incantation


WaddiwasiPronunciation: wah-dee-WAH-see Description: Appears to launch small objects through the air

Wingardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)Pronunciation: win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa Description: Levitates objects
