Page 1: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for theYears 2005 - 2015

The weighted data is available for middle school for all years; high school weighted data is not available for 2001 or 2003.Data are shown by year in descending order. Questions for certain health indicators were not asked in all years.

Below are the indicators included in this report and the long description for each indicator.

Suggested citation: Hawaii Health Data Warehouse, State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Module, (report title and years), Report Created: 4/17/16

For documentation on other terms and coding in this report, please go to the following links:

Harassment at School in Hawaii

Click here to access YRBS documentation

Click here to access Race-Ethnicity coding

Click here to access Hawai'i Data Guide

For questions about this report, please contact The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse

[email protected]

(855) 946-5899 x 15

Health Indicator Health Indicator Description

Bullied on school property, ever Students who had ever been bullied on school property

Bullied on school property, past 12 months Students who had been bullied on school property during the past 12 months

Harassed-called gay, lesbian or bisexual at school,past 12 months

Students who were harassed one or more times, because someone thought they were gay, lesbian, orbisexual during the past 12 months

Harassed physically at school, past 12 monthsStudents who responded that someone tried to hurt them by hitting, punching, or kicking them while onschool property one or more times during the past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school, past 12 monthsStudents who responded that someone tried to hurt them by saying mean things to them (things that hurttheir feelings) while on school property one or more times during the past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged at school, past 12 monthsStudents whose property was stolen or deliberately damaged on school property one or more times duringthe past 12 months

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 2: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Totalunweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentBullied on school property, past 12months 2011 20.3%

2013 18.7%

2015 18.6%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentHarassed-called gay, lesbian orbisexual at school, past 12 months 2005 12.3%

2007 13.3%

2009 13.9%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentHarassed physically at school, past12 months 2005 22.0%

2007 20.4%

2009 22.6%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentHarassed verbally at school, past12 months 2005 43.8%

2007 44.8%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentProperty stolen/damaged at school,past 12 months 2005 28.1%

2007 28.3%

2009 30.2%

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

1/2 Report Date: 04/17/2016

Page 3: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Totalunweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentBullied on school property, ever 2011 40.7%

2013 44.6%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentHarassed-called gay, lesbian orbisexual at school, past 12 months 2005 14.7%

2007 10.3%

2009 14.6%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentHarassed physically at school, past12 months 2005 37.8%

2007 32.6%

2009 39.6%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentHarassed verbally at school, past12 months 2005 58.1%

2007 52.5%

2009 58.0%

Health Indicator YRBS Year PercentProperty stolen/damaged at school,past 12 months 2005 36.4%

2007 28.7%

2009 34.8%

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

2/2 Report Date: 04/17/2016

Page 4: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2015

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

State # % CI

Totals 7,500 18.6% 16.6 - 20.5

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

Gender # % CI

Male 3,400 17.0% 15.0 - 19.0

Female 4,100 19.9% 17.1 - 22.7

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI

9th Grade 2,400 21.1% 17.7 - 24.5

10th Grade 2,100 21.1% 16.1 - 26.1

11th Grade 1,600 17.5% 14.8 - 20.3

12th Grade 1,200 13.6% 10.3 - 16.8

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

1/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 5: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2015

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI

Caucasian 1,300 22.4% 17.4 - 27.4

Native Hawaiian 1,700 19.3% 16.3 - 22.2

Filipino 1,900 17.5% 13.7 - 21.3

Japanese 500 13.1% 6.5 - 19.7

Black n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian 100 10.5% 8.7 - 12.3

Other Pacific Islander 200 14.7% 7.5 - 22.0

Other 1,400 20.1% 16.1 - 24.0

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

2/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 6: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2013

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

State # % CI

Totals 7,800 18.7% 16.7 - 20.6

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

Gender # % CI

Male 3,800 18.7% 15.6 - 21.7

Female 3,900 18.4% 15.3 - 21.5

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI

9th Grade 2,800 23.8% 20.0 - 27.6

10th Grade 2,100 20.2% 14.4 - 25.9

11th Grade 1,500 15.6% 11.6 - 19.6

12th Grade 1,300 13.7% 10.5 - 16.9

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

3/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 7: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2013

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI

Caucasian 1,300 22.1% 16.4 - 27.8

Native Hawaiian 1,700 18.6% 16.2 - 20.9

Filipino 2,000 17.2% 13.9 - 20.4

Japanese 400 8.9% 3.2 - 14.7

Black n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian 200 12.3% 6.8 - 17.9

Other Pacific Islander 200 18.7% 13.1 - 24.4

Other 1,700 24.4% 21.4 - 27.4

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

4/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 8: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2011

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

State # % CI

Totals 8,900 20.3% 17.7 - 22.8

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

Gender # % CI

Male 4,300 20.0% 17.3 - 22.7

Female 4,600 20.6% 17.5 - 23.7

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI

9th Grade 3,600 28.7% 25.1 - 32.2

10th Grade 2,200 20.1% 15.5 - 24.6

11th Grade 1,500 14.3% 10.8 - 17.9

12th Grade 1,500 15.7% 12.2 - 19.1

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

5/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 9: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2011

Bullied on school property,past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI

Caucasian 1,400 23.1% 18.3 - 28.0

Native Hawaiian 1,800 18.1% 15.5 - 20.8

Filipino 2,300 20.7% 16.1 - 25.3

Japanese 300 18.0% 9.0 - 27.0

Black n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian 400 16.2% 8.5 - 23.9

Other Pacific Islander 300 19.0% 12.1 - 25.9

Other 2,100 22.2% 18.0 - 26.3

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

6/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 10: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2009

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

State # % CI # % CI # % CI

Totals 6,900 13.9% 11.5 - 16.2 11,200 22.6% 18.5 - 26.8 15,000 30.2% 26.3 - 34.0

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Gender # % CI # % CI # % CI

Male 4,000 15.6% 12.0 - 19.2 7,200 27.9% 21.7 - 34.1 8,000 31.1% 24.3 - 37.9

Female 2,800 11.8% 9.1 - 14.6 3,900 16.7% 13.0 - 20.4 6,800 28.8% 23.7 - 33.9

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI # % CI # % CI

9th Grade 2,100 14.3% 11.2 - 17.5 4,300 29.1% 23.1 - 35.0 5,000 33.8% 26.8 - 40.8

10th Grade 2,100 16.9% 12.6 - 21.2 3,500 28.0% 19.0 - 37.1 4,400 35.2% 25.9 - 44.5

11th Grade 1,000 9.2% 4.5 - 13.8 1,700 16.2% 10.6 - 21.7 3,000 28.6% 17.4 - 39.8

12th Grade 1,500 13.5% 8.2 - 18.8 1,600 14.2% 8.2 - 20.2 2,400 21.5% 13.6 - 29.3

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

7/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 11: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2009Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI # % CI # % CI

Caucasian 1,000 16.0% 11.3 - 20.7 1,400 21.6% 13.0 - 30.2 1,800 28.1% 15.4 - 40.8

Native Hawaiian 1,500 12.2% 9.2 - 15.1 2,700 22.6% 15.8 - 29.3 3,400 28.0% 20.3 - 35.7

Filipino 1,400 12.4% 7.6 - 17.1 2,800 23.9% 14.2 - 33.6 4,100 35.2% 25.9 - 44.5

Japanese 700 13.2% 6.0 - 20.5 800 14.9% 8.1 - 21.7 1,300 26.0% 14.6 - 37.3

Black n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian 200 10.8% 3.0 - 18.6 300 16.7% 12.5 - 20.9 500 29.8% 22.5 - 37.0

Other Pacific Islander n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other 1,400 15.5% 12.5 - 18.6 2,100 23.3% 19.6 - 26.9 2,500 27.2% 23.7 - 30.7

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

8/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 12: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2007

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

State # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Totals 7,200 13.3% 11.1 - 15.5 11,100 20.4% 17.0 - 23.7 24,200 44.8% 40.9 - 48.7 15,200 28.3% 24.0 - 32.6

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Gender # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Male 4,100 14.7% 11.2 - 18.2 6,900 24.5% 19.5 - 29.4 11,700 41.2% 35.6 - 46.8 9,000 32.0% 26.1 - 38.0

Female 3,000 11.7% 8.2 - 15.1 4,100 15.8% 12.4 - 19.2 12,500 48.6% 44.2 - 53.0 6,200 24.1% 20.4 - 27.8

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

9th Grade 2,200 13.9% 7.8 - 19.9 4,400 27.2% 19.5 - 34.9 7,600 47.6% 40.0 - 55.2 5,600 35.0% 25.2 - 44.9

10th Grade 2,100 15.7% 9.7 - 21.7 3,200 23.5% 18.9 - 28.1 6,300 46.5% 39.9 - 53.1 3,800 28.1% 17.8 - 38.5

11th Grade 1,300 9.6% 5.4 - 13.7 2,000 15.2% 9.8 - 20.6 5,500 41.6% 35.6 - 47.6 3,100 23.7% 18.7 - 28.7

12th Grade 1,400 12.9% 8.7 - 17.2 1,400 12.4% 9.0 - 15.8 4,700 42.0% 34.8 - 49.3 2,500 23.0% 16.8 - 29.2

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

9/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 13: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2007Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Caucasian 800 11.1% 5.3 - 16.9 1,300 18.3% 10.1 - 26.5 3,600 51.5% 39.3 - 63.7 1,900 27.9% 15.7 - 40.1

Native Hawaiian 1,800 13.1% 7.5 - 18.8 2,800 19.5% 12.2 - 26.8 5,900 42.4% 30.5 - 54.4 4,500 32.1% 21.3 - 42.9

Filipino 1,900 15.8% 10.5 - 21.0 2,800 23.5% 17.0 - 30.1 6,000 50.8% 41.8 - 59.9 3,600 30.5% 21.1 - 39.8

Japanese 400 8.4% 2.4 - 14.4 700 13.8% 7.3 - 20.2 1,900 36.8% 29.1 - 44.6 900 16.9% 10.4 - 23.4

Black n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Pacific Islander n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other 1,500 14.8% 11.9 - 17.8 2,100 20.3% 15.7 - 24.9 4,500 43.4% 38.3 - 48.6 2,900 27.8% 23.0 - 32.6

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

10/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 14: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2005

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

State # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Totals 6,700 12.3% 9.8 - 14.9 11,900 22.0% 19.6 - 24.3 23,600 43.8% 41.3 - 46.3 15,300 28.1% 25.9 - 30.3

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Gender # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Male 3,300 11.6% 8.0 - 15.2 7,400 26.2% 21.8 - 30.7 11,000 39.3% 36.7 - 41.8 8,500 29.8% 26.6 - 33.0

Female 3,300 12.9% 10.2 - 15.6 4,400 17.1% 13.9 - 20.3 12,500 48.7% 44.6 - 52.7 6,800 26.1% 23.5 - 28.7

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

9th Grade 2,100 12.5% 9.4 - 15.7 4,200 24.9% 21.5 - 28.4 8,000 48.3% 43.8 - 52.8 5,200 31.0% 27.9 - 34.0

10th Grade 2,000 14.3% 8.7 - 20.0 3,200 22.8% 18.6 - 27.0 6,400 46.7% 41.0 - 52.3 3,900 27.7% 24.0 - 31.5

11th Grade 1,400 11.1% 8.6 - 13.7 2,700 21.7% 17.9 - 25.6 5,000 40.5% 33.9 - 47.0 3,500 28.0% 22.5 - 33.5

12th Grade 1,200 11.0% 7.7 - 14.4 1,700 16.0% 11.0 - 20.9 3,900 36.8% 28.5 - 45.2 2,600 23.9% 17.2 - 30.7

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

11/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 15: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

High Schools

Year: 2005Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Caucasian 1,600 18.2% 12.7 - 23.8 1,900 22.4% 17.6 - 27.2 4,200 49.6% 42.6 - 56.5 2,600 30.2% 24.1 - 36.3

Native Hawaiian 1,400 12.9% 9.7 - 16.1 2,500 22.6% 16.0 - 29.3 4,100 37.6% 31.6 - 43.7 3,100 28.6% 23.6 - 33.5

Chinese n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Filipino 1,600 11.5% 8.1 - 14.9 3,700 26.9% 23.4 - 30.4 6,300 45.8% 41.1 - 50.5 3,900 28.1% 23.9 - 32.2

Japanese 800 10.1% 4.4 - 15.8 1,300 15.9% 10.5 - 21.2 3,300 41.8% 34.4 - 49.2 2,000 25.6% 18.5 - 32.7

Black n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Pacific Islander n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other 600 12.0% 8.1 - 15.9 1,100 20.8% 15.8 - 25.9 2,600 48.2% 43.3 - 53.2 1,500 27.7% 19.6 - 35.9

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

12/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 16: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2013

Bullied on school property,ever

State # % CI

Totals 12,000 44.6% 42.0 - 47.1

Bullied on school property,ever

Gender # % CI

Male 5,400 40.2% 37.1 - 43.3

Female 6,600 48.9% 45.1 - 52.7

Bullied on school property,ever

Grade Level # % CI

6th Grade 2,800 47.5% 43.0 - 51.9

7th Grade 4,900 44.9% 41.8 - 48.0

8th Grade 4,300 42.9% 38.9 - 46.8

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

13/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 17: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2013

Bullied on school property,ever

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI

Caucasian 1,700 52.8% 47.4 - 58.3

Native Hawaiian 2,400 40.1% 36.0 - 44.1

Filipino 3,200 49.0% 46.0 - 52.0

Japanese 700 37.1% 29.5 - 44.7

Black n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian 800 45.2% 30.5 - 59.8

Other Pacific Islander 700 34.8% 27.7 - 41.8

Other 1,600 49.0% 46.1 - 51.9

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

14/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 18: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2011

Bullied on school property,ever

State # % CI

Totals 10,900 40.7% 39.2 - 42.3

Bullied on school property,ever

Gender # % CI

Male 5,100 38.2% 36.2 - 40.3

Female 5,700 43.2% 40.7 - 45.7

Bullied on school property,ever

Grade Level # % CI

6th Grade 2,600 44.6% 41.1 - 48.1

7th Grade 4,200 40.6% 38.6 - 42.5

8th Grade 3,900 38.6% 35.8 - 41.4

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

15/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 19: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2011

Bullied on school property,ever

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI

Caucasian 1,700 51.5% 46.4 - 56.6

Native Hawaiian 2,300 37.4% 32.7 - 42.1

Filipino 2,700 42.7% 38.5 - 46.8

Japanese 300 32.4% 27.1 - 37.7

Black n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian 300 36.5% 29.0 - 44.0

Other Pacific Islander 300 29.4% 20.2 - 38.6

Other 2,500 42.8% 39.9 - 45.7

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

16/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 20: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2009

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

State # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Totals 4,300 14.6% 12.6 - 16.5 11,900 39.6% 36.2 - 43.0 17,400 58.0% 55.7 - 60.3 10,400 34.8% 31.1 - 38.5

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Gender # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Male 2,400 15.8% 12.7 - 19.0 7,200 46.5% 42.6 - 50.3 8,300 53.7% 50.3 - 57.1 6,200 40.2% 35.7 - 44.8

Female 1,900 13.2% 9.9 - 16.5 4,600 32.2% 28.2 - 36.1 9,000 62.5% 57.4 - 67.5 4,200 28.9% 23.7 - 34.2

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

6th Grade 800 12.4% 8.1 - 16.8 2,600 39.7% 33.7 - 45.7 4,100 61.9% 55.1 - 68.6 1,900 29.4% 22.8 - 35.9

7th Grade 1,700 14.9% 12.0 - 17.7 4,900 41.4% 37.1 - 45.6 6,800 57.5% 52.7 - 62.2 4,200 35.5% 30.5 - 40.5

8th Grade 1,700 15.0% 11.5 - 18.5 4,200 37.3% 32.0 - 42.7 6,300 55.8% 49.7 - 61.9 4,200 37.5% 29.5 - 45.5

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

17/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 21: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2009Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Caucasian 800 24.3% 11.4 - 37.2 1,400 40.2% 31.6 - 48.8 2,100 61.9% 52.4 - 71.3 1,300 36.9% 26.3 - 47.5

Native Hawaiian 800 11.9% 6.9 - 16.8 2,700 38.3% 29.8 - 46.9 4,000 55.5% 47.9 - 63.1 2,500 35.1% 24.0 - 46.2

Filipino 900 13.3% 8.8 - 17.9 2,800 44.4% 39.3 - 49.5 3,900 61.1% 55.3 - 66.8 2,300 35.1% 28.7 - 41.4

Japanese n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Black n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Pacific Islander n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other 900 15.0% 11.3 - 18.8 2,400 38.8% 34.5 - 43.0 3,700 59.4% 54.5 - 64.4 2,000 33.0% 28.6 - 37.5

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

18/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 22: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2007

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

State # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Totals 3,400 10.3% 8.8 - 11.7 10,900 32.6% 27.3 - 37.9 17,600 52.5% 49.1 - 55.9 9,600 28.7% 24.4 - 33.0

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Gender # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Male 2,100 12.4% 9.8 - 14.9 6,700 39.3% 32.0 - 46.6 8,200 47.8% 42.6 - 52.9 5,700 33.2% 26.1 - 40.2

Female 1,300 8.2% 5.8 - 10.6 4,100 25.5% 19.9 - 31.2 9,300 57.6% 52.2 - 62.9 3,900 23.9% 18.8 - 29.0

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

6th Grade 800 11.6% 7.6 - 15.6 2,300 34.0% 27.4 - 40.5 3,000 45.0% 40.8 - 49.3 1,500 22.5% 16.2 - 28.7

7th Grade 1,100 8.3% 5.0 - 11.6 4,300 32.6% 23.0 - 42.2 7,200 55.0% 49.0 - 60.9 4,200 31.6% 22.7 - 40.6

8th Grade 1,400 10.8% 8.4 - 13.2 4,100 30.9% 24.6 - 37.2 7,100 53.3% 50.0 - 56.5 3,800 28.8% 23.1 - 34.5

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

19/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 23: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2007Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Caucasian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Native Hawaiian 500 5.8% 1.8 - 9.8 2,200 27.1% 19.4 - 34.7 3,600 43.7% 38.0 - 49.5 2,400 29.8% 22.7 - 37.0

Filipino 800 11.9% 8.3 - 15.5 2,400 36.1% 28.0 - 44.2 3,700 55.1% 49.5 - 60.7 2,000 30.1% 21.6 - 38.6

Japanese n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Black n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Native Alaskan/ American Indian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Asian n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Pacific Islander n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other 700 11.3% 7.8 - 14.7 2,100 34.6% 28.3 - 40.8 3,500 55.1% 49.9 - 60.3 2,000 31.9% 25.8 - 37.9

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

20/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 24: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2005

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

State # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Totals 6,100 14.7% 13.0 - 16.4 15,500 37.8% 33.1 - 42.4 24,100 58.1% 55.1 - 61.2 15,000 36.4% 33.2 - 39.6

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Gender # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Male 3,700 17.4% 15.5 - 19.3 9,900 46.8% 42.0 - 51.6 11,100 51.4% 46.4 - 56.3 8,200 38.5% 33.0 - 43.9

Female 2,400 11.9% 9.5 - 14.3 5,600 28.4% 22.5 - 34.4 13,000 65.6% 63.1 - 68.1 6,800 34.3% 30.1 - 38.5

Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

Grade Level # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

6th Grade 900 14.0% 9.7 - 18.3 2,000 30.7% 26.7 - 34.7 3,900 58.9% 53.7 - 64.1 2,300 34.0% 29.7 - 38.3

7th Grade 2,600 15.1% 11.7 - 18.4 6,900 40.4% 36.2 - 44.6 10,200 58.7% 53.9 - 63.4 6,600 38.1% 33.8 - 42.4

8th Grade 2,500 14.6% 11.8 - 17.5 6,400 38.1% 29.7 - 46.5 9,600 57.0% 52.3 - 61.7 6,000 36.0% 30.7 - 41.4

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

21/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.

Page 25: Harassment at School in Hawaii - Hawaii Health Data … · Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, ... Youth

Harassment at School in Hawaii, by School Type, State, Gender, Grade Level, and DOH Race-Ethnicity,* for the Years 2005 - 2015

Note: Weighted counts rounded to nearest 100, weighted percentages, positive responses only, 95% confidence interval; n/r (Not Reportable) - Total unweighted responses less than 100

Middle Schools

Year: 2005Harassed-called gay, lesbianor bisexual at school, past 12

monthsHarassed physically atschool, past 12 months

Harassed verbally at school,past 12 months

Property stolen/damaged atschool, past 12 months

DOH Race-Ethnicity # % CI # % CI # % CI # % CI

Caucasian 1,200 20.9% 14.9 - 26.9 2,400 44.0% 38.5 - 49.4 3,900 69.2% 59.2 - 79.3 2,600 46.4% 37.6 - 55.2

Native Hawaiian 1,000 12.5% 8.4 - 16.6 2,300 29.8% 24.3 - 35.3 3,900 51.5% 46.2 - 56.8 2,100 28.1% 22.5 - 33.7

Chinese n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Filipino 1,400 12.5% 9.9 - 15.1 5,100 45.1% 38.9 - 51.3 6,700 58.6% 54.9 - 62.2 4,300 37.9% 33.4 - 42.3

Japanese 700 15.2% 8.0 - 22.3 1,400 29.7% 24.9 - 34.6 2,400 50.9% 44.8 - 57.0 1,400 30.5% 24.9 - 36.0

Black n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other Pacific Islander n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r n/r

Other 800 14.1% 9.5 - 18.8 1,900 35.5% 26.5 - 44.5 3,200 55.6% 48.8 - 62.5 2,200 39.1% 31.5 - 46.7

Report Source: The Hawaii Health Data Warehouse; Data Source: State of Hawaii, Hawaii School Health Survey: Youth Risk Behavior Survey Module

22/22 Report Date: 04/17/2016

* Race-ethnicity data from 2011 forward may not be comparable to data from previous years.
