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Hofstede 6-D model & the certification course in Intercultural management

Info Webinar

with: Egbert SchramManaging Director of itim International

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The itim International group has spent over 30 years helping some of the world’s largest

organisations transform their intercultural and organisational challenges into business success

stories, and translating academic research into applicable solutions.

Itim’s hofstede centre offers high quality education and certification

in the field of culture and management based on academic

research and practical experience.

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AboutProfessor Geert Hofstede

our co-founder. He conducted the most

comprehensive studies on national values, introducing the dimension


His most popular book, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, has been translated into 20 different


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The collective programming of the mind with which one

group distinguishes itself from another Prof. Dr. Geert Hofstede

“ “

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The different levels of culture

PracticesOrganisational CultureThe Hofstede Model





National Culture6-Dimensional Model

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Organisational Culture is about differences in practices between organisations and/or parts within the same organisation (sub-cultures). 

National Culture is about the value

differences between groups of nations and/or


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2Hofstede Models

Did you ?know

There are

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The Multi focus Model of

Organisational Culture


Means versus goal oriented

D2Customer orientationInternally versus externally driven

D3 Control

Easy-going versus tight work control

D4Focus/Social control

Local versus professional

D5 Approachability

Open versus closed systems

D6Management philosophy

Employee versus work oriented

D7Leadership acceptance

D8Identification with own organisation


About the differences

in practices

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The 6-D model

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The 6-D model of national culture

D1Power distance


versus Collectivism

D3 Masculinity

versus Femininity

D4Uncertainty avoidance

D5 Long term

versus short term oriented D6

Indulgence versus Restraint


About the value differences

between groups of nations and/or


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Hierarchy vs. equality

Individualism vs. collectivism

Performance vs. caring/quality of life

Uncertainty Avoidance vs. let it be

Flexibility vs. discipline

Controlling your emotions vs. indulge yourself

Basic life dilemmas6

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The power of the 6-D modelCase study

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David (American) was surprised by Kanako’s reaction (Japan).

In a meeting of the division, David had given Kanako special recognitionfor her extraordinary work on a team project. David had called Kanako up

to the front of the room and cited several instances where Kanako had distinguished herself from the rest of the team.

Instead of being grateful, Kanako seemed to be very uncomfortable with the praise and had tried to deny that she had done anything better

than the rest of the team.

How might David have given the feedback more effectively to


Why did Kanako act that way?

Case study

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About the Certification



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3-step certification process

Collaborate, discuss and

reflect on the influence

culture has on daily activities

Pre-course e-learning

5-day intensive directed by itim’s certification


Certification course

A blend of online and face-to-face


Post-course assignments

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Day 1 In depth exploration of Hofstede’s 6-D- model. Q&A

DinnerDay 2

The power of the 6-D model: Combining the dimensions + exercises

Day 3 Application and Clusters

In depth case studies and group tasks Day 4

How to: use, understand, interpret, analyse the cultural needs of your customers. How to train and

consult about culture in different cultures . Q&A Dinner

Day 5 Sales exercises, make the best out of itim’s

solution tools, PR material.

Programme subject to change


Practical Post-course assignments

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Benefits of the courseGetting deep insight into the 6-D Model of


Navigating the topic of culture and management, based on combinations of

the 6 dimensions both on a theoretical and practical level.

A certification to show that you are sufficiently knowledgeable to service your clients as a lecturer, trainer and consultant

based on Hofstede’s 6-D Model and its applications.

Join the itim Network

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Certification courses

ACCREDITED PRACTITIONER Focus on change managers and consultants July 24-28 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ACCREDITED LECTURERGetting theoretical insight into The Hofstede´s Model on Strategy, Culture and Change that goes beyond the publications by Hofstede in comparison with other approaches.July 24 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Organisational Culture Intercultural ManagementACCREDITED PRACTITIONER Focus on managers and consultants March 6-10, 2017, Helsinki September 18-22 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ACCREDITED LECTURERGetting theoretical insight into The Hofstede´s Model on National CultureMarch 6, 2017, Helsinki FULLSeptember 18, 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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We provide services to over 5000 organisations

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Itim Network

36 countries

86 members

5000 clients

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Access to Prof. Dr. Geert Hofstede and the latest research in

the field. Work under a strong


Connect, discuss, learn, plan with other

experts during our annual conference

Access to all itim materials case

studies, exercises, presentations,

background information and P.R.


Access to a worldwide network of expert practitioners.

Benefits of joining the itim network

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Egbert SchramManaging Director of itim InternationalArabiankatu 12, 00650 Helsinki

Email: [email protected]: www.itim.orgTwitter: @egbertschram