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  • 8/7/2019 handling_guide_tdi



    DiisocyanateHandling Guide

  • 8/7/2019 handling_guide_tdi



    Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) is produced at the Perstorp TDI SCA ISO 9002-certified plant in Pont deClaix, France. This plant is operated by Perstorp.

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    Table of Contents

    Properties........................................................................ 4-5

    Guidelines for Loading/Unloading

    Transportation/Storage of TDI (Bulk) .............................6

    Management of Empty TDI Drums .................................7

    Thawing TDI ......................................................................8

    TDI Safety and Handling ............................................ 9-10

    Emergency Actions ..........................................................11

    First Aid ..........................................................................11

    Handling Spills and Leaks ..............................................11

    Technical Service............................................................11

    Emergency number .........................................................12

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    Perstorps toluene diisocyanate is

    referred to as TDI-80; it is an 80:20

    mixture of the 2,4- and 2,6-isomers

    of TDI. Structural formulas of theseisomers are shown below in Figure


    Figure 1: Structural Formulasof TDI Isomers


    T80 is mainly used in the foam

    industry. The Pont de Claix plant

    produces TDI with different 2.4/2.6

    isomers ratio, such as T65, TX andT100 grades.

    TDI has a sharp, pungent and

    sweetish odor. Its vapors are toxic.

    Certain precautions are necessary

    when handling or using toluenediisocyanate. Before using TDI,

    obtain and study Perstorp'sMaterial

    Safety Data Sheet



    Perstorp TDI is a clear liquid, water-white to light yellow in color. It

    yellows on exposure to light.

    Figure 2: TDI Dimer Formulation Over time

    at Various Temperatures

    Chemical: TDI reacts readily with

    compounds containing activehydrogens, such as acids and

    alcohols. Contact with bases, such

    as caustic soda or tertiary amines,

    might cause uncontrollable

    polymerization and rapid evolution

    of heat.

    Water: On contact with water,

    aromatic poly-substituted ureas are

    formed, and carbon dioxide and heat

    will develop. In time, white

    aromatic polyurea crystals will


    Heat: High temperatures can causeformation of dimer and

    discoloration of the TDI. This

    phenomenon is time temperature-related (see Figure 2).

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    When the level of dimer approaches 1% by weight,

    solid dimer forms as needle-like crystals. These

    crystals cannot be completely filtered out because the

    solution is supersaturated, and new crystals are formed

    to replace those that are removed.

    Temperatures below 15C (59F) cause TDI to freeze.

    Frozen TDI is also white and crystalline. If frozen, TDI

    may be thawed by heating (see Thawing TDI, page 8,

    for methods and proper precautions).






    Physical Properties & Sales Specifications of TDI-

    80 Produced at the Pont de Claix Plant

    Typical Properties

    Molecular Weight 174.163

    Density (g. per cm3)

    @15.5C (60F) 1.22

    @20C (68F) 1.21

    @38C (100

    F) 1.20

    @60C (140F) 1.18

    Viscosity (cs)

    @50C (122F) 1.5

    @100C (212F) 0.8

    @135C (275F) 0.5

    Freezing/Melting Point Range

    T80 (C) 13.5-14.5

    T65 (C) 6.0-8.0

    TX (C) 20-21

    T100 (C) 21.5-22.0

    Freezing Point

    2,4-isomer (C) 15.0

    2,6-isomer (C) 7.2

    Boiling Point

    @10mm Hg (C) 121

    @760mm Hg (C) 250

    Flash Point, COC (C) 132

    Fire Point, COC (C) 142

    Latent Heat of Evaporation (Kcal/Kg)

    @120C 72.8

    @180C 67.2

    Vapor Air Density, air = 1 6

    Vapor Pressure, approx. (mm Hg)@20C (68F) 0.01

    @120C (248F) 11

    @130C (266F) 16

    Sales Specifications T80 T65

    Assay, min (%) >99.5 >99.5

    Isomer Ration (%) 2,4-isomer 80+1 68+1

    2,6-isomer 20+1 32+1

    Acidity, as HCI (%)

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    Guidelines for Safe Loading/Unloading

    Transportation /Storage of TDI (Bulk)

    All following information related to loading/

    unloading and transportation/storage of bulk TDI

    can be found on the ISOPA web site:


    This information includes:

    Personal safety equipment Design and construction of bulk transport


    Safety auditing of road haulers and tankoperators

    Product training for drivers Loading operations Transport by road Transport by rail Transport by sea or inland water ISOPAs Mutual Aid Scheme for providing

    assistance at transport/unloading


    Additional TDI technical information is available

    upon request from Perstorp:

    Bulk loading facilities specifications Bulk storage specifications Bulk unloading facilities with dry air


    Bulk unloading facilities with pumpspecifications

    Hose specifications Isotank specification Loading arm specifications Piping specifications Pump specifications RTC specifications Sample bottle specifications Sampling facilities specifications Vessel specifications.

    Please see contact information at the end of thisdocument.

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    Guidelines for the Responsible

    Management of empty TDI Drums

    The following information related to TDI drum

    activity can be found on the ISOPA web site:


    This information includes the following:

    Regulations Emptying of drums Decontamination Preparation of shipment Selection of qualified reconditioners and


    Additional TDI technical information is available

    upon request from Perstorp:

    Drum storage facility specifications

    Drum facility specifications

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    Thawing TDI

    Thawing TDI in Tank CarsTDI is shipped in insulated tank cars. During the

    winter, it is loaded at temperatures between 30C

    and 35C. Despite these precautions, there may be

    substantial heat loss before the car reaches its final

    destination. Therefore, during the winter, all

    incoming tank cars of TDI should be checked for

    freezing. The 2,4-isomer of TDI-80 freezes at 15C

    (59F); the 2,6-isomer at 7.2C (45F). Between

    these two temperatures, only the 2,4-isomer freezes.

    If this happens, isomer stratification takes place.

    N0TE:After thawing TDI, the layers remain

    separated. If they are not mixed, processing

    problems can be expected. However, if proper care

    is taken in thawing and remixing TDI, the quality

    can be maintained and no processing problems

    should occur.

    How to Determine Whether TDI Is FrozenDetermine whether TDI is frozen is done by taking

    its temperature while wearing proper protective

    equipment. Do not open the manway to inspect it

    visually. Temperature measurement is accurate andwill detect frozen TDI, even when it is not visible.

    When to Heat a TDI Tank Car

    If the TDI temperature is less than 18C, the car

    should be heated before it is unloaded.

    N0TE: If the car is not to be heated immediately, it

    should be re-pressurized to 35 to 70 Kpa with

    nitrogen to prevent crystals from forming as the

    result of contamination of the TDI with water. It

    should be depressurized before heating and


    How to Heat a TDI Tank Car

    The TDI should be heated to 35C - 40C until all

    the frozen TDI has thawed. Never allow the TDI

    temperature to exceed 40C. If TDI is overheated,

    dimerization may take place. (See discussion under

    Heat on page 4 and graph showing conditions for

    dimer formation, Figure 3, page 4.) If dimer forms,

    the TDI should not be used. Call Perstorp fortechnical assistance.

    Heat Sources: The best way to thaw frozen TDI is

    with tempered hot water, thermostatically controlled

    to 40C. Hot water is less likely to causedimerization than steam. If tempered hot water is not

    available, an alternate source of heat is 1.5 bar

    steam, mixed with cold water. A steam/water mixing

    system can be used to obtain the desired


    Plants that have only steam available should avoid

    pressures above 1.5 bar. High-pressure steam, if not

    watched very carefully, will rapidly overheat theTDI. Even at lower temperatures, careful monitoring

    must take place.

    After TDI Is Thawed

    After the TDI has been heated to 35C - 40C, it

    must be completely mixed to eliminate isomer

    separation. Unload the entire contents into a bulkstorage tank and circulate for two to three hours

    before use.

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    TDI Safety and Handling

    The following contains selected health and safety

    information as of April, 2006. For complete, up-to-

    date information, obtain and read the current

    Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) available on

    Toluene diisocyanate is a toxic and highly reactive

    compound. It should be kept in closed, isolated

    systems and transferred with care.

    The sections below briefly discuss some possiblehazards and describe what to do in an emergency.

    Plant personnel should be thoroughly familiar with

    these procedures.

    Reactivity HazardsTDI is a stable compound with a relatively high

    flash point. However, it will react with water, acids,bases and other organic and inorganic compounds.

    TDI is also affected by heat and, like any organic

    compound, will burn.

    Water: When TDI comes in contact with water,aromatic polyurea is formed; heat is generated, and

    carbon dioxide is evolved. Pressure build-up from

    the carbon dioxide will occur. This pressure could

    rupture a storage vessel. To help prevent reactions

    with water, TDI should be kept under a nitrogen pad.

    Closed containers with unreacted TDI and water

    should never be sealed. Leaving the bung open or

    drum lid slightly ajar will prevent over


    Chemical: Contact between TDI and acids should be

    avoided. Contact with bases, such as caustic sodaand primary and secondary amines, might produce a

    violent reaction. The heat given off causes pressure

    build-up, and the storage vessel may rupture.

    Contact with tertiary amines commonly used as

    urethane catalysts may cause uncontrollablepolymerization, with a similar result. High

    temperatures may also cause dimerization.

    TDI should be kept away from certain rubber and

    plastics. These materials will rapidly become

    embrittled; cracks may develop and their strength

    may be weakened.

    Fire Hazards

    TDI has a flash point of 132C* and therefore does

    not constitute a severe fire hazard as a combustible,

    not flammable material. However, it should be

    remembered that TDI is an organic material and will

    burn when exposed to fire. In a fire situation, TDI

    may decompose to release toxic gases.

    TDI is highly toxic through inhalation and, if inhaled

    in significant quantities, can produce serious

    respiratory health effects, including asthma.

    Although technically listed as a low-ranking

    carcinogen, inhalation studies (most appropriate for

    assessing risk) have shown no increased incidence of

    tumors. TDI has a characteristically pungent odor;

    however, it is considered to have poor warning

    properties. If you can smell it, the concentration of

    TDI would be in excess of the occupational exposure

    limit of 0.005 ppm (0.035 mg/m3) as an eight-hour

    time-weighted average.

    Inhalation: Repeated overexposure and/or a highone-time accidental exposure to TDI may cause

    allergic lung sensitization or asthma. Symptoms may

    include wheezing, choking, tightness in the chest

    and shortness of breath. Any individual exposed to

    TDI above the occupational exposure limit may

    develop these symptoms; however, for sensitizedpersons, these symptoms may occur at or below the

    occupational exposure limit. Repeated overexposure

    to TDI may also produce a cumulative decrease in

    lung function, or the onset of asthma.

    Dermal and Oral Exposure:The liquid and vapor ofTDI can cause moderate to severe irritation to the

    eyes, skin and mucous membranes. If not rinsed off

    immediately, burns to the eyes and skin may occur

    with the possibility of producing visual impairment.

    While the oral toxicity of TDI is low, ingestion ofTDI can result in severe irritation to the

    gastrointestinal tract and produce nausea and


    *the value of 132.4 degrees C was determined using the

    Pensky-Martens closed cup method.

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    TDI Safety and Handling (continued)

    Additional Information The web site www.diisocyanates.orglists studies

    sponsored in full or in part by the InternationalIsocyanate Institute. This may be useful for more

    technical information.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Because of the health hazards associated with TDI,

    protective clothing and equipment (see Figure 3)

    must be worn whenever there is a possibility of

    contact. Such occasions include, but are not limited


    Opening tank car hatches, truck manway coversor drum plugs

    Connecting and disconnecting hoses and pipesPlacing and operating pumpsOperating and servicing pumpsBreaking TDI piping, including piping

    previously decontaminated

    Flushing (cleaning) TDI drumsPouring foams, in operations where ventilation

    may not be adequate

    Where liquid TDI spills can occur, protective

    clothing should be worn. If any article of clothing

    becomes contaminated, it should be removed

    immediately and discarded promptly. Acceptableboots, gloves and chemical suits vary by material of

    construction, thickness and manufacturer. Consult

    the ISOPA web site at for additional


    The odor warning of TDI is insufficient to be used as

    a method for detecting the presence of hazardousconcentrations. Whenever there is a chance that

    airborne levels of TDI vapors could exceed the

    recommended Threshold Limit Value (0.005 ppm as

    an 8-hour time-weighted average or a 0.02 ppm as a

    ceiling value), an EN Standard approved respirator

    with a CE mark should be worn. The type of

    respiratory protection worn may depend upon the

    situation. Jobs that are routine and have been

    characterized by air monitoring to be of relatively

    low exposure potential may be accomplished using

    an air-purifying respirator. During a line pluggage, a

    potentially pressurized line break, spills, or otheremergency situations when air concentrations are

    likely to be high, individuals must make use of a

    supplied air respirator with escape capability or a

    self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Whenissuing respirators to employees, ensure that national

    regulations are followed specifically for selection,

    use, maintenance and training.

    Hard Hat


    Full Face CartridgeRespirator or Air-Supplied Respirator

    Impermeable ChemicalSuit or Apron


    Figure 3. Protective Clothing and Equipment

    The equipment necessary to properly protect any

    individual who may come into contact with liquid

    TDI is shown in Figure 3.

    For more detailed information on PPE and links to

    the regulations associated with their usage, go or ask for assistance from Perstorp

    Chemical Company.

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    Emergency Actions

    The following section contains basic information on

    what to do in the event of an accident. Please refer

    to theMaterial Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) for more

    specific information.

    For more information related to emergency

    management system in Europe, please go to the

    ISOPA web site:

    First Aid

    If there is known contact with toluene diisocyanate,take the following steps:

    Eye Contact: Flush the eyes with clean, lukewarm

    water, then periodically flush for 20 to 30 minutes.Seek prompt medical attention.

    Skin Contact: Immediately flush thoroughly withwater for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if ill

    effect or irritation develops.

    Inhalation: Immediately move victim to fresh air.

    Symptoms of exposure to TDI vapors include:tightness in the chest, watering eyes, dry throat,

    nausea, dizziness and headaches. The onset of

    symptoms may be delayed, so a doctor shouldmonitor exposed personnel.

    Handling Spills and LeaksWear a positive-pressure, supplied-air respirator.

    Recommended personal protective equipment

    includes: clothing, gloves and boots made of butyl


    Spill and Leak Clean-Up:1.Stop the source of the spill. Stop the spread of thespill by surrounding it with a dry noncombustible


    2. Apply additional dry non-combustible absorbentto the spill. Add approximately 10 partsdecontamination solution to every one part

    spilled TDI.

    Suggested Formulation forDecontamination Solution:

    % by Weight

    Water 75%

    Liquid soap solution


    n-propanol 5%

    3. Sweep up material and place in proper DOT-

    approved container. Use more decontaminationsolution to clean remaining surfaces and also place

    this residue in a container.

    4. Loosely apply lid. Do not seal for 48 hours, since

    gas generation may occur during neutralization.

    Isolate the container in a well-ventilated place.

    5. Discard all contaminated clothing. Decontaminate

    personnel and equipment using approved


    Decontamination of Empty Containers:

    1.Spray or pour 5 to 20 L of decontaminationsolution (see above) into the container. Insure that

    the walls are triple rinsed.

    2.Leave container standing unsealed for a minimumof 48 hours to allow for a complete neutralization

    of TDI.


    1 Care should be taken to prevent environmental

    contamination from the use of this material.

    2. Dispose of the contaminated product, empty

    containers and materials used in cleaning up leaks,

    spills or containers in a manner approved for this


    3. The user of this material is responsible for

    disposing of unused materials, residues and

    containers in compliance with all relevant federal,

    state and local laws and regulations regarding

    treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous and

    non-hazardous wastes.

    4. Insure that drums are labeled with correct

    hazardous waste code.

    Technical ServiceTechnical service is available to facilitate use of

    TDI. If you have questions, please contact Perstorp

    TDI France.

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    Emergency Telephone Number

    Perstorp TDI France SAS: + 33 4 76 69 56 56

    Visit us at our Web site:

    Perstorp TDI France SAS

    Rue Lavoisier,

    38800 Le-Pont-de-Claix


    Telephone: +33-4-76 69 50 00

    Fax; +33-4-76 98 73 09


    The information in this brochure is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to determine whether

    the product is appropriate and suitable for the customer's specific use. Perstorp makes no warranties, express or implied regarding the product or anyinformation contained herein. The applicable Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) should be reviewed by customer before handling the Perstorp

    product. Perstorp disclaims any liability for infringement of any patent by reason of customer's use of any Perstorp products in combination with other

    materials or in any process.The product that would result from use of these formulas has not been tested or otherwise substantiated for safety by Perstorp.The safety of any formulation incorporating a Perstorp product is the sole responsibility of the customer.