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Teaching English:

Infant Education –



Paola Aguirre Granizo,

Amaia Arnedo Sasal,

Rebeca Pérez Campo,

Marta Santos Sáenz,

Nerea Vélaz Barquín.



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Didactic Unit 2015



Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………..Page 2

Justification………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….………………Page 3

Contextualization …………………………………………………………………………..………..………………………..Page 6

Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 8

Resources…………………...…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………Page 9

Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… Page 9

Sequence of activities (including timing, grouping, explanation, title and materials)…..……Page 10

Suggestions for variation/catering for diversity………………………………………………………..………Page 21

Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….Page 23

Annex……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 25

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Didactic Unit 2015



Didactic units are not topics to be developed in the classroom and referred to a series of concepts that

children can purchase, but also as a way to group experiences and activities based on the needs and

interests of our children. Didactic units contribute for the overall development of their full potential.

The principal objective of this didactic unit is that students achieve a good knowledge of the English

language through motivating and interesting activities, as well as effective for learning.

We, as future teachers, have to develop an interest to know the language from our students, not only as

a subject itself, also as a way to communicate with other people from different countries and cultures, a

reflection of an external world where they belong.

We know that every classroom is unique and different. This is extremely important when planning as we

must select the activities that are suitable for our students. To do this we must know about our pupils,

their motivation and their needs.

Our didactic unit is designed for students of third year of Infant Education in a normal educational

centre where English is part of the curriculum of Primary Education and it is also taught in the second

cycle of Infant Education.

The timing of the school year will be organized in the first term, coinciding with the date of the

celebration of Halloween, in October. The unit of work is organized into activities (10 sessions) that will

be put into practice in sessions of fifty minutes.

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Reason for choosing the topic

Our didactic unit will be focused on traditions, holidays and festivals of English speaking countries,

specifically “Halloween”. We have decided this topic because we think that is a very good topic to teach

and learn English. Also, it is the English teacher’s duty to approach the Anglo-Saxon culture to the

children. They must be aware that there are other customs in the world than the ones they already

know and are familiar and are about to work in different areas.

For that, we think that Halloween is an excellent topic to work in Infant Education. We think that talking

about unknown aspects from countries they haven’t heard of and about their culture and customs will

make them understand that English is a tool and a vehicle that they can use to learn, to have fun and to

discover all the wonders around us.

This didactic unit will present one of the main topics related to English, Halloween. This can be a great

interest to children. Moreover, this culture is spreading more and more and we can see how many

schools celebrate this day.

With this unit, children can understand the differences between different cultures and how each is


Situation within the curriculum

Área conocimiento de sí mismo y autonomía personal


3. Identificar los propios sentimientos, emociones, necesidades o preferencias, y ser capaces de

expresarlos y comunicarlos a los demás, identificando y respetando, también, los de los otros.

5. Adecuar su comportamiento a las necesidades y requerimientos de los otros desarrollando actitudes y

hábitos de respeto, ayuda y colaboración, evitando comportamientos de sumisión o dominio.


Bloque 1. El cuerpo y la propia imagen

- Identificación y expresión de sentimientos, emociones, vivencias, preferencias e intereses

propios y de los demás. Control progresivo de los propios sentimientos y emociones.

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- Valoración positiva y respeto por las diferencias, aceptación de la identidad y características de

los demás, evitando actitudes discriminatorias.

Bloque 2. Juego y movimiento

- Gusto por el juego. Confianza en las propias posibilidades de acción, participación y esfuerzo

personal en los juegos y en el ejercicio físico.

- Comprensión y aceptación de reglas para jugar, participación en su regulación y valoración de su

necesidad y del papel del juego como medio de disfrute y de relación con los demás.

Área de conocimiento del entorno


3. Conocer distintos grupos sociales cercanos a su experiencia, algunas de sus características,

producciones culturales, valores y formas de vida, generando actitudes de confianza, respeto y aprecio.


Bloque 3. Cultura y vida en sociedad

- Identificación de algunos cambios en el modo de vida y las costumbres en relación con el paso

del tiempo.

- Interés y disposición favorable para entablar relaciones respetuosas, afectivas y recíprocas con

niños y niñas de otras culturas.

Área de lenguajes: comunicación y representación


1. Utilizar la lengua como instrumento de aprendizaje, de representación, de comunicación y disfrute, de

expresión de ideas y sentimientos y valorando la lengua oral como un medio de relación con los demás y

de regulación de la convivencia.

2. Expresar sentimientos, deseos e ideas mediante la lengua oral y a través de otros lenguajes, eligiendo

el que mejor se ajuste a la intención y a la situación.

3. Comprender las intenciones y mensajes de otros niños y niñas así como de las personas adultas,

adoptando una actitud positiva hacia las lenguas.

6. Acercarse al conocimiento de obras artísticas expresadas en distintos lenguajes y realizar actividades

de representación y expresión artística mediante el empleo de diversas técnicas.

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7. Iniciarse en el uso oral de otras lenguas del currículo para comunicarse en actividades dentro del aula,

y mostrar interés y disfrute al participar en estos intercambios comunicativos.


Bloque 1. Lenguaje verbal

1.1. Escuchar, hablar y conversar

- Comprensión de la idea global de textos orales en otras lenguas del currículo, en situaciones

habituales del aula y cuando se habla de temas conocidos y predecibles:

- Participación y escucha activa en situaciones habituales de comunicación. Acomodación

progresiva de sus enunciados a los formatos convencionales, así como acercamiento a la

interpretación de mensajes, textos y relatos orales producidos por medios audiovisuales.

- Utilización adecuada de las normas que rigen el intercambio lingüístico, respetando el turno de

palabra, escuchando con atención y respeto:

- Descubrimiento y conocimiento progresivo del funcionamiento de la lengua oral con curiosidad.

- Actitud positiva hacia las lenguas.

- Uso progresivo, acorde con la edad, de léxico preciso y variado, estructuración gramatical.

- Interés por participar en interacciones orales en otras lenguas del currículo, en rutinas y

situaciones habituales de comunicación:

- Reconocer e ir asimilando el sistema fonético de las otras lenguas del currículo. Imitarlo.

- Conocer el vocabulario y las expresiones de los temas y situaciones tratados.

- Desenvolverse en las situaciones desarrolladas en la clase, así como en juegos, explicaciones,


Bloque 3. Lenguaje artístico

- Experimentación y descubrimiento de algunos elementos que configuran el lenguaje plástico

(línea, forma, color, textura, espacio...).

- Audición activa de obras musicales presentes en el entorno. Participación activa y disfrute en la

interpretación de canciones, juegos musicales y danzas.

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In the Infant Education, students are between 3-6 years old. According to Piaget, children at these ages

are starting the concrete operational thought that will be developed during Infant Education stage.

Children can reason about concrete, tangible things and can perform mental manipulations in an

organized, integrated and systematic way. They are able to decanter, focus on and coordinate in more

than a single dimension. In Foreign Language, they will learn many words, expressions and will acquire

an awareness of the countries where the target language is spoken. One of the main objectives of this

cycle is to familiarize students with the foreign language.

Our didactic unit is designed for students of third year of Infant Education in a normal educational

centre. Our class is a group of twenty-four children, thirteen boys and eleven girls. Since this is an

inclusive school, there are several students who come from different countries.

Also, we have a child from Latin America with which educational measures should be adapted taking

into account their learning capacity due to lack of maturity in their psicoevolutivo development.

Receives an educational support to encourage their maturational development. The student participates

in the activities of the group class, but requires special attention inside and outside the classroom. So it

is serviced by regular teacher support outside the classroom.

The school is located in an area of the city where various parks are present, because they live many

families with children, the vast majority of which take their children to this school, some of them are

present in our classroom.

Each of the children belong to a type of different families, with specific characteristics, and they all

become part of our project.

As we mentioned above, our class is a group of students with specific characteristics and ways of being

different. The most important of each student are:

Paola: She is very affectionate and constantly smiling. Always she tries to help his

classmates, although sometimes she gets nervous when she can’t do his work.

Victor: His classmates ignore him because he doesn’t seek them rarely. Usually they do

everything on your own without asking for help from others.

Emilio: He is very tall for his age, very strong speech and sometimes disruptive in class. But

when he sees that someone needs something, he helps.

Ione: She is very small for her age, shy with adults, but with his classmates she gets along

very well.

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Daniel: He is the best friend of the leader of the class and constantly imitated. In new

situations it gets a little nervous, but he is very affectionate.

Esther: She loves football, his parents have a bar and work long hours, so she does not

spend much time with their parents.

Alejandro: He has very good performance in all areas, even if it costs relate to their age,

rather be with adults and is absorbing them.

Marta: She helps his friends, tries to protect Ione. She performs all tasks well, and loves to


Alberto: He is a bit rough and easily altered, sometimes he is not aware of what he does, but

shows great affection to their classmates.

Arantxa: She is beautiful and friendly, very affectionate with everyone.

Jesús: He is friendly, intelligent and competitive, although he is very talkative and very much

frustrated if he don’t win or is the first. Always he likes to stand and be recognized.

Adrián: He is very confused and a little slow in understanding and doing things but is very

affectionate with people.

Karen: She likes to experiment. She moves a lot and sometimes threatens to see something

closer or know how it works, is very curious. Not always see the danger and drag his


Denis: Not integrated into class-group, but gets along very well with Emilio and Adrian.

Attila: Hungary, just come to school, looks very nice. He tries to integrate and tends to make


Ana: She is very shy, does not know why she gets nervous, always with Paola, because it

helps a lot.

Paloma: is the girl is discussed above requires more attention from the teachers, she is very

loving but have a hard time paying attention and is easily distracted.

Olaya: She is nice and is very well connected with their class, has good performance and

makes the tasks very easily, but doesn’t like much effort.

Begoña: She is the class leader, a good athlete and student acceptable. Sometimes she takes

the opposite, and she is competitive.

Fermín: He loves to learn, always wants to try new things.

Diego: He is very nice, quiet and gets along with everyone. No performance problems, but

has trouble doing homework.

Said: He is from Mauritania. He looks very shy but sometimes he gets along well with

everyone and is smiling.

Deyo: He is the little. Often misses class, but now is more stable.

Marcos: He hugs to everyone when he's happy. He is very extreme in what he does and a

little theatrical. He shouts at everyone when he is happy, but to others it seems a bit


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Our didactic objectives are specifically selected to achieve an enjoyable atmosphere so that the students

can feel motivated and confident to integrate English in a spontaneous way in their everyday lives. The

main objective we pursue is to help our students to become communicative competent, in a way where

they (to their level) master the skills in a gradual manner.

- Linguistic:

Listening o Attentive listening to brief, simple texts. o Understanding and use of basic expressions and formulae appropriate in social

communicative situations about habits and routines o Recognising easy structures of communication previously worked.

Speaking o Greetings and farewells. o Identifying and introducing one-self. o Expressing feelings, likes and dislikes and abilities. o Singing songs o Using expressions to interact with partners and the teacher in class. o Verbal and non-verbal responses in communicative contexts. o Positive attitude about their own ability to learn a foreign language.

Reading o Identifying key words from flashcards. o Reading of simple words o Relationship between graphic representation, meaning and pronunciation of words.

Cultural aspects and intercultural awareness o Open attitude towards people who speak the foreign language. o Respecting other cultures celebrations.

- Vocabulary

New: vocabulary related to the different festivals and holidays of the English speaking countries.

Knowing cultural aspects from English speaking countries: greetings, songs, games, customs, holidays...

Extra- linguistic: o To acquire the accurate vocabulary to develop an appropriate expression. o To work the socio-cultural dimension. o To show interest and participate in the activities. o To understand and follow instructions in varied situations. o To express ideas, feelings, emotions and experiences through oral messages.

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o To identify things, people, places... using the basic vocabulary of unit. o To become aware of the importance of the foreign language as a means of

communication. o To identify and respect the differences between students’ own culture and other

cultures. o To recognise main idea and supporting details from a short story. o To identify and use the vocabulary in easy dialogues and games. o To respect and value the celebration of typical festivities of English speaking



For this Didactic unit we are going to use flashcards, class computer, masks, Halloween costumes, class

material, Bingo cards…All materials that we are going to use are in Annex.


Methodology is the systematic and planned way to get to the aims. Therefore this must be adapted to

our students’ needs and levels in order to cater to diversity. Methodological strategies will depend on

resources that can be material, human and organizational; and will be based on communication

principles or methods. Participation and effort of the society and all the members of the teaching

community will be necessary: teachers, parents and students.

On the one hand, teacher is a facilitator of knowledge, helping the students to acquire discipline,

appropriate study habits and knowledge about other areas. We will guide students effectively to

develop their capacity to control the learning process, believe in knowledge and expand their creativity

and personal initiative. Therefore, the teacher modifies contents; caters for diversity and keep students

motivation high.

On the other hand, student is a performer; it has an active role and is encouraged to work in pairs or

groups. We must bear in mind our students’ knowledge level and be realistic and aware of their

linguistic limitations.

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Description of activity:

What do they know about Halloween? They have to participate and we can ask questions. Explain the plans for these two weeks, the activities. (10-15 min) We are going to tell a story about Halloween. "Ghost wanted", and then, We have to imitate the movements of Halloween’s characters with a theatre. The teacher tells the story again and children have to imitate what the teacher says. Each student will be a character. (35min) What do you know about Halloween? Do you liked the activity? Why? (15min)

Classroom distribute: in a circle and in groups.

Materials: Halloween book.

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Description of activity:


What do they know about Halloween?

They have to participate and we can ask questions.

Explain the customs of Halloween, the date, the typical characters and customs(10- 15 min)

Show flashcards with the picture of Halloween’s characters; witches, pumpkins, spiders, skeletons,

monsters,… and we are going to explain the customs, the party,...

(20-25 min)

Kids can play at class; we are going to distribute different materials (costumes, accessories) of

Halloween. (20-25 min)

Classroom distribute: in a circle.

Materials: Flash cards, fabrics, accessories and material symbolic play to be Halloween.

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Description of activity:

What do they know about Halloween? What characters are in Halloween?

Among all remember the story of the other day. (10- 15 min)

At first, we will sing the song twice. Then, we can talk with the children about the characters of the song

and what they do. Finally, we can repeat the sing moving our body, doing the actions. (30 min)

Kids can play at class; we are going to distribute different materials (costumes, accessories) of

Halloween. (15 min)

Classroom distribute: in a circle and in groups.

Materials: Computer and CD to play music. Fabrics, accessories and material symbolic play to be


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Description of activity:

First, all students will sit on the floor making a circle in assembly. We give the good morning and the

teacher will explain what will be today's activity. Today we are going to decorate the class because as

you know already about halloween. (15min)

Teacher then deal a picture of a pumpkin and a bat for kids paint it when finished drawings, students can

choose the character they like halloween and color it (witch, skeleton, mummy ...) (20 min)

When they are finished they will put the names in the drawing and begin to glue them around the

classroom. Also they will decorate the classroom with spider webs, sheets, and bats hanging from the

ceiling. To end the day on continuous paper will draw or something representative of Halloween will

stick and put the mural on the wall of class. (35 min)

Classroom distribute: The first activity is individual on the table and the mural activity is all together.

Materials: drawings Halloween paintings pens, glue, plastic bats, plastic spiders.

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Description of activity:

If you raise one flashcards, you must find the same pictures but, if you raise a different picture you have

to turn it off. So then you have to remember where the different pictures are to match each flashcards

with its pair. For example: You have to find two pumpkins in your turn. (25 minutes).


Activity 2: PUZZLE

Description of activity:

Then, in groups of 3 or 4 kids, they must choose one picture and they have to do the puzzle (25 minutes).


Materials: Flashcards.

Adaptations for special needs: In the first activity, we will play with less flashcards. We will use three


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Description of activity:

Every day as children enter and leave their coats backpacks we sat in a circle to give us good morning

and tell today's activity. Today we will make ghost tea light holders decorated by us.

To make this, we need to divide the class into small groups (no more than 3 or 4 people for group). It´s

very important to remember that the children must wear coveralls to paint. (10 min)

The kids have to paint the jar white and leave to dry and the teacher would provide them snippets of

black paper, ready for them to paste on the jars. (30 min)

Finally, the teacher pop in a candle and everybody could watch the ghost glow and tell the history

about the Halloween book again in a circle. This Halloween craft is a good excuse to get the paints out

and children will be excited to see their creations glowing when the lights

go out… (20 min)

Materials: Small jars, Acrylic paint, Snippets of black paper, candles

Classroom distribute: This activity is individual or in a group it depends the moment of the class.

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Activity 1: CROSSROAD

Description of activity:

First of all, we show them the different flashcards and they must say the name of the pictures. Then,

we will give the crossroad and they will have to match the pictures with the names (20 minutes).



Description of activity:

Put the pictures beside the word. They will have to implicate the words with their pictures. We do this

activity so, because it is easier for kids due to kids are learning to write at this moment (20 minutes).


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Materials: Crossroad. Crossword puzzle.

Adaptations for special needs:

In the first activity, we will work with a simple crossroad (two pictures and two words). In the second

activity, we will have the pictures with the names. She must recognize the same word in the crossword

and seeing the picture.

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Description of activity:

First, we teach and hear the video of the song “Knock, Knock, trick or treat?”. Once seen, we try to make the

children repeat the first words of the song. This song we will work the other days so that parents can sing at

home. It is in each time you start a session in English children hear and see the video of the song and imitate

the characters in the song. Also it tries to remember the names of the characters also work with the story. (

10-15 minutes)

Song "Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat?"

In this session after hearing and seeing the video, play the game of bingo. Cardboard and sheets per couple

will be distributed. The game involves a student or teacher chooses one of the images that appear on the

cartons, if the child or the child has that image has to place the ad above. Once the child can gain complete

whole can say bingo. ( 35 minutes)

Classroom distribute: each child will choose a partner.

Materials: Cartoons of bingo and pictures.

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Description of activity: Every day as children enter and leave their coats backpacks we sat in a circle to give us good morning and

tell today's activity. Today we will make Halloween masks decorated by us. (10 min)

Professor then deal a mask to each child and have to paint. We will be able to choose between different

masks (ghost, vampire, witch, pumpkin)

(30 min)

When children have finished we will put the name to the mask and put it to a paste. (20 min)

Materials: masks glue paintings.

Classroom distribute: This activity is individual or in a group it depends the class.


Description of activity:

First, all students sit on the floor making a circle in assembly. We give the good morning and the teacher

will explain what will be today's activity. (10 min)

Children will take pumpkins, masks, bags and go by the school knocking on doors and saying trick or

treat!!!! When other teacher open de door, children say: Trick or treat!!! And other children give to them

sweets. (40 min)

To finish, students will return to class and make a Halloween party.

Materials: Masks, costumes, bags, pumpkins.

Classroom distribute: In big group outside of classroom.

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Our didactic unit takes place in the last two weeks of October, date on which the festival is celebrated:


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The teaching process should go together with the children’s learning process. Not all of them learn at

the same time, have the same abilities, come from the same cultural environment or have the same

previous knowledge. There is a diversity of interest, capacities and motivations in the educational

system but educational need is a fact we have to deal with.

LOMCE (Article 14) established a treatment for students requiring specific educational support:

Students with special educational needs (handicap/ serious behavioral problem)

Students with high Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Students who have been integrate into the educational system at a late stage.

Those students suffering from some physical, mental, sensory disability in from personality or behaviour

disorders will have some special educational attention at any point in their schooling period. The main

aim is to avoid discrimination, promote educational standardization and achieve their integration.

Therefore, Education Authorities will provide these students with the necessary support since they start

attending classes or once the specific need has been detected.

In addition, these students will be integrated into ordinary groups, special classrooms at ordinary

schools or at special education schools. The identification and assessment of special educational needs

will be done by means of different team consisting of professionals skilled in various fields. These

professionals will establish different action plans in relation to each student educational needs.

Finally, the incorporation to the educational system of the pupils coming from foreign countries will be

favoured. For those pupils who do not know the Spanish language and culture, or show serious lack in

basic knowledge, we will develop specific programs of learning with the purpose of facilitating his/her

integration in the corresponding level.

Halloween fun for kids with special needs

Kids with limited mobility

If one of your students uses crutches, a walker or a wheelchair, it´s important to get creative with their

Halloween costume. For example, the wheelchair can become the city skyline and like “a ghost” go

around the castle.

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Be careful with your creative because maybe could be it interferes with your child's ability to move, though. And also, the costume should be short enough that it doesn't get tripped over or caught in the wheels.

Kids with sensory processing or cognitive disorders

For kids with autism and sensory issues, there's not much pleasant about this type of holidays. Costumes are scratchy, too tight, too loose, too cold or just wrong. Parties with kids dressed up in scary costumes and tons of noise are frightening in general.

These tips could make Halloween more fun for your students:

- If the noise and commotion bother, stay in class and give out treats. Play a game like for example of "guess what costume will come to the door next" to make the unexpected less scary.

- Create a costume out of comfortable, familiar clothing. For example, your favorite black sweat pants and t-shirt morph into a skeleton when you add white tape "bones." A soft and loved hooded sweatshirt can be decorated as a dog, cat, bunny or devil with felt or construction paper. Pair it with matching legging or sweat pants. Your student may have as a simple costumes as a hat or one as complex as their imagination -- and yours -- allows.

- Kids with special needs may have a harder time understanding the steps of trick-or-treating. Practice ahead of time. You might invite another child for a story hour and help them learn what to expect on Halloween night or in other moment depends the activity of the class.

- Have craft ideas, a fun activity and healthy snacks on hand. You can fall back on a movie or Halloween hike with all group.

Halloween and special diets

If one of your students has food sensitivities or allergies, plan ahead to offer alternatives like toys or all-

natural candy.

- Add a warning. You may have seen a child wearing a "STOP! I'm allergic to..." t-shirt. Using the

same concept, incorporate a badge or label into the costume and treat bag that explains the


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Assessment is the phase of the evaluation process and it is the selection of different techniques to

assess students’ learning process.

The evaluation is regarded as an integral part of the students' learning process, since it is concerned

with the improvement of students' academic performance. In order to do so, evaluation is regarded as a

continuous process.

I will use different techniques and instruments to assess the students as well as the learning process and

the results will give me a good reference of my own teaching experience and the development of the

pupils throughout the unit; Teacher’s observation; Teacher’s assessment notebook, pupils’ notebooks,

worksheets, games, TPR activities,...

We also will use our own ‘Teacher’s Diary’, where we will do a self-evaluation of our work, our

objectives, our class, etc. This we will help to see if something must be changed (Teaching-learning

assessment process).

Teacher’s diary

Date: Class: Didactic Unit:

Have the objectives of this unit been achieved? If not, why?

Did students show interest in participating? If not, why?

Was the class as planned? If not, what was different and why?

Was there any unexpected difficulty? How should I have solved it?

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Did any student have special difficulties in understanding? How can I help him/her?

Do I have to make any changes next time? What?

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SONGS I´m a little ghost and I can vanish, I´m a little ghost and I can scream, I´m a little ghost and I can fly, And now … It´s Halloween! Trick or treat! Booo! Trick or treat! Boo! And now … It´s Halloween! I´m a little ghost and I can vanish, I´m a little ghost and I can scream, I´m a little ghost and I can fly, And now … It´s Halloween! Trick or treat! Booo! Trick or treat! Boo! And now … It´s Halloween! So you are a little ghost and you can vanish, And you are a little ghost and you can scream, And you are a little ghost and you can fly, But you cannot scare me! It´s so dark and spooky… Boooooooooo! And I´m really scared!!!

Lyrics- Song Knock Knock

♫ Knock knock, [Pretend to knock on a door.]

trick or treat? [Trick-or-treat gesture.]

Who are you? [Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.]

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. [Point to yourself. Ghost gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.

[Float around the room making ghost noises.]

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Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy. [Point to yourself. Cowboy gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a cowboy. I'm a little cowboy.

[Move around the room like cowboys riding on horses.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch. [Point to yourself. Witch gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.

[Fly around the room like witches riding on broomsticks.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a monster. I'm a little monster. [Point to yourself. Monster gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.

[Stomp around the room with your arms in front of you like Frankenstein's monster!]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina. [Point to yourself. Ballerina gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

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I'm a ballerina. A little ballerina.

[Stand on your tippy toes and spin in circles.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate. [Point to yourself. Pirate gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Who are you?

I'm a pirate. I'm a little pirate.

[Make pirate voices - Aaaaarrrrghhh! - and pretend to have sword fights.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. [Halloween gesture.]

Knock knock, trick or treat?

Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween. ♫

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Lanternfish ESL

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