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7/23/2019 Hadith wanita 1/2

Volume 2, Book 15, Number 96:

Narrated Aiyub:

Hafsa bint Sirin said, "On Id we used to forbid our girls to go out for 'Id

prayer. A lady came and stayed at te palace of !ani alaf and I went toer. Se said, '#e usband of my sister too$ part in twel%e oly battlesalong wit te &ropet and my sister was wit er usband in si of tem.(y sister said tat tey used to nurse te sic$ and treat te wounded.Once se as$ed, 'O Alla's Apostle) If a woman as no %eil, is tere anyarm if se does not come out *on 'Id day+' #e &ropet said, 'Her companion sould let er sare er %eil wit er, and te women souldparticipate in te good deeds and in te religious gaterings of tebelie%ers.' " Hafsa added, "-en m/'Atiya came, I went to er and as$eder, '0id you ear anyting about so/and/so' m/'Atlya said, '1es, let my

fater be sacrificed for te &ropet *p.b.u.+. *And wene%er sementioned te name of te &ropet se always used to say, '2et my fater be' sacrificed for im+. He said, '3irgin mature girls staying often screened*or said, '(ature girls and %irgins staying often screened//Aiyub is not sureas wic was rigt+ and menstruating women sould come out *on te 'Idday+. !ut te menstruating women sould $eep away from te (usalla.

 And all te women sould participate in te good deeds and in tereligious gaterings of te belie%ers'." Hafsa said, "On tat I said tom/'Atiya, 'Also tose wo are menstruating' " m/'Atiya replied, "1es.0o tey not present temsel%es at 'Arafat and elsewere".


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Page 2: Hadith wanita

7/23/2019 Hadith wanita 2/2
