
•BQ .,.._,-q C^^K V ' ' " . ; •^•f Fiie T....^../V R... .;Z..W. 1§• ^ • "" . -••;"-• ^ z -1-- / I^ B H DUPLICATE .. ---•'-—' Covmtr_...Z'^li. z,.^r^:.^.C<f.-.I.-::' ••H ^ '---' --STATE OF MONTANA I• B ; ADMnraSTKSTgB. OF GROUND WATER CODE If^H ' OFFICE OF STATS EN OINEEB I

•H Notice of Completion of Ground water Appropriation I• I Without Wei! I• M B (Tndcr Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961' •

J^H .^'/J .-. s-> . s?/ .- 1H ^ H Date of Appropriation of Gronndwat-T.... :./J^t-^t.<^.:.',. _:''Jr>'7- •^ ^ B • ' • - • / • H

^ ^ H -•"'^V / /'• ^" A ' ' / ' ' ' ' - Ifl^H. Owner-|^r^C^^^.^7rt.iJ*^ r2f Address. .S&£ >T-rHj*.*:/£crLl-*'*tC6>i&A •n /' ./ ^ iB|H Contractor (if any) .....^.J.^£?->U...- •|HH Address of Contractor rf.%.frt\r\-—.- I

^IH Date Ft&TtcdljLZcvC'.S/.lKj. Date CoTnv\eied..jd£Zt.<<*>...Mdjl-r fl•^HB f •B R ^ S N Describe means of obtaining groundvrater without a well "as by I• H I : : ; ——i sub-irrigation and other Djjural propesses". Include depth to •S^^H :. water "when applicable L^lLcX,^^.' I

^ B .-..•-: • ; / - ,sniiddtuA-jE./&.&tetJi.* ^^^tL.^y.ju<t^r'^ I

^m "'sec.'*/ s^e / ; ^.^:ui^9^^Mu^..j&?^jdi:. IHH : " : Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method I^ ^ ^ H • ';•'•• ','•'"'• used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent •

^ ^ ^ B s estimate approximate lengths of periods of use...r ^£:2..<<%5te£<ar*f I

j ^ ^ H s Indicate point of appropriation / u' ^ / </ ' * _y ft' •• I•B and place of use, if possible. ^ . ^ ^ . : . . . A < ! ^ ^ . . . ^ & Z ^ 1

^^^^1 ^d^.4^&.3^^^&.^jj&:£^/Lj2*..s'. I

^Hj ~,^.~.7..~jA -, •H ^ H Signature of Owner.^.,<-^,^'^2^tl^fc).^jr^^.y^^ryi^^^^ •

Hi Date.. ^^ ./ . . . I^ ^ ^ B This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. •

' ^ ^ ^ H T'lrt*? copies of this notice nre to ho tiled with Iho County (lork and Ror-order of the county ir> whicli the I^ ^ ^ H works are located. I

^ ^ ^ H Please answer all question^. If not applicable, so Ktnte, otherwise the form will be returned. fl

•H 1JB9H| Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana H• ^ ^ H Bureau of Mines and Geolocy and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. M

' —— 1

^B f/6/0 I


H ^ V County Rodorda£/ /M By __ ^a^^^H -. —H ^ ^ B «. Deputy

I 1H Fil-No . ^ ' 7 ' 7 r T R

^flH DUPLICATE " Co-.mty


•II Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation| B Without Wei!

H|H (T'udcr Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws. 1961 ' /~) . _ s^, „

• B ^h-r^ 6*9- '?2j•Hi Date of Appropriation of GroundwaUv. //JspLsU &/-//$&

• B . ' /U ^^^M Contravtor (if any)

'^^^^B Address of Contractor '

•Hj Date Sunc<l..../.¥.jrtfb. Datr Cctmpletvd...../.!/.&&?..^ ^ ^ H N Describe means " obtaii;Mg gronndwater without a well "as by^ ^ ^ H p j : Fub-i»ripation a other natural processes". Include ocpth to^ ^ ^ H ....: j ^CfLc/ &( vrater -when applicable ^ifL/LuyiA^fl.

^ ^ ^ H : ! . '• . Quantity oi water developed and "jsed with explanatioa of method ^^ ^ ^ ^ | —'; ••','•"'; used to tiipasure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

^ ^ ^ H s wpimsile approxirn;.tc longfhs of periods of iipi* ..»i-^j^r^^yYyfX2!WV^c[

^H^^H Indicate point of appropriation /L-~ J —tf" // •^0 /£ r» /. /5W~^ B | and pl&jp of use, if possible. £^/^..^i/MjLL{L^^^

m J^XJ£&) &<^^ H Signatar' of Owner (^L^Uji /ytZAs&l**?!^/

^ ^ ^ H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the ;WIIT.

^ ^ ^ B Three ropier, of thin notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county iu which the^ 9 ^ H works are located.|H^ ^ ^ H Plcnne answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, oj.'nerwisc the form will be returned.IB^ H ^ U Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to t!ie State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana[_

H FILED FOR RECORD^m A m »$... 13 73^ | H at ..y^.L raises pcjy V o"ak>ckm i .......p. MB^^B _

^^^H Deputy \\

| | ^ I ^ M ^ ^ B W B - M — ~ T - | — W — | Ml HIM | I m m m m m , | | | — I M — „ , , w

BBB ^ i 3 * ^ ' 1 : R"-wO :i».« ' • ••'•- -•*' C o u n t y I


K9| NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 5-vet shale, sandstone, e-c. Shnw

mm APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WF.U. T*l ** 1 ' t " T ' • T°u n d '".f^^•K he;cht to v.-Hrch v.-affcr rises ;n we'!.^ ^ • H Davpimped after January T, 1962^ ^ ^ R (UneVr Chapter " 3 ' Montana SMSion Laws, 1961, ss amended) T-D of Grc.Tid ,EI-V abo- <-a i---i>

^^^^B This form to be prepared by dr;!'erj anj three copies to be •'•led F~M • T> : I^ ^ H by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county i-. 'T<v: ' 1 ' * ' " " ' ]^ ^ ^ ^ B w h i c h this w e l l is Ioc3»ed, last c o p y i c b e r e t a i n e d by dri i le: ' . ', i

^^^HB Pleads answer all questions. If r>ot applicable!, so state, ethers'.is?: the .|HH form msy be returnee. i I

• • / — , r ~ " v - " • ••"• : • ^ •

|HB &<^z\J?&^:rL^^*£4^jt_<iS$&k ' '.." ; i

JBL (^^^t<.^i^i.::M^t , -. • • !—i—I - " ;H E /?¥£ -v - ;——L

j^^H Da'e well sterted . / . . / . . . ' . f c : .•' , GW 1 . . / • ' 1 1

• ^.^ m^'j , ;—|—, zzzzzz^ H Type of well . . . / ^^£^L. . /?Orr<^<^- ; J j^^^^^H fDiyj, drivtn, bored opydn:led) ! i » » ^ . ^ - . ^ . . — . « _^^HH ./ i i |^ ^ ^ H Equipment t-'sed ; / . . . '~~' , 1 1^ ^ ^ H ^ B ^Churn drill, rotary er t.;*hcr) i j j

^ ^ H Water Use: Domsstip- I] Wua'.cipal [ j Stoclc [J Irrigation u j ! 1 "

^ ^ H ^ Industrial • Drainage • Other [J* Garden/Lawr. • \ 1

^ ^ ^ H 'Describe ..„' : ••

^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industricl, drainage or other. Explain, j i^^^^B state number of atres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ' ' ~*~" "

^ ^H '^ ^ ^ ^ B and Addition) i^ B | ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL j'^^^Hfl S l t « of j S i t * »n<J I V m n T o : " !• " 1 • -' • - -I^KrM ,:nie «r CMUIZ i ! _. __ j 1^B|H , . i A <• I h l n i 1 i «•"«•"• TO :

| A'<£»f I—[—|

• H ^ B ; T ; I Static water level ft.*!•^|H| ; 1 Pumping water level M.*|^ ^ ^ ^ H , i / A •——— — — — —— — — — — —.—-.———. — — — — — —^ ^ ^ K -•;•-• - !--- -• a' Cp vJ. ..gallons per minute,!^ H ^ l \ \ meai.ured . . minuies after pumping] _ . ^ _

H | w i A)t \ K bc9an- I" IL_Z 1—I—

^^^^m ', ; *r\Aedsurcd from giound Ip/el. I^ ^ ^ H | ! Well developed by^^^^B ... j . ,_ . . . . '. for hours. ____ __^ ^ H ; ; Power Pump... HP ~^^HH j j ! Remarks: (Gravel packinq, cementing,! _^ ^ H | £ packe.-s, type of shutoff) {^ H " ..,...- „ - . . . ./... ...,• I 1M r....:.:'.. .N ' R • E r,.,, . . ^ - , v . ^ ^ l \•HB INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PIACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. I^ B | t'ACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. | 1^ ^ ^ H i_^ ^ ^ H Driller's Signature .

^^H 1 i^ ^ ^ B Driller's Address . . 1 •

^ ^ M LICENSE NO Show exact depth of bottom

* .

MB '

| H i

H FILED FOR RECORD I• H r~^ H ..<S/^,^K, c *7 ysfS '^ B at ..^.^.. mlhutea priji . V Co',>>^B - £ MH _ .HELEN L. LOVELY -

^ ^ H Fi';o N>. , •--' T . ^ 17. •-

j ^ ^ H DUPLICATE Cotni.y L C.i--'.... l.'x.'...

^ H S $ A T £ , ( i f itOKXAJJAL L R _ " U .£.;.. ^ fcfcVj '••9 ^ 1 ADMnniTEATOE OF GROTJNDWATER CODE^ ^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER g T p | \_ t. [S V3 UN F. E ^

^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights• ^ ^ H iFn']cr Chapter JIT. .Montana Session Laws, l t d )

fli -•- - ' • • . • • - <^ ^ ^ H /*\~arae oi' Approprlstcr < -Address>_/'.„.^ ., ^ ^ (T .va)| ^ ^ B Count v ol[...^}j^.:3^^.d££rd:j£.-*.,.-. State of iy../S^£:;£'.--t£s:.__ -^^•H have appropriated pronndwater * cor<hnc *>> the Montana lavr« in effect "prior tr> January 1. 10B2. a? follows:

^ H : /:-| ^ ^ ^ H I : ; I : • : 2- Th» b^nrfirial use on -which the cl»i'.i i based ~Cs-..•:i~.'...f^.,i.^-.'r<iS•• ^ ^ L . . , . : . . . . : - . . - • . . _. . . . . • . - . . ,,:C2.,^.^~ .'.C.-i..t.-~..^.^..-^-.^.^ j . . . . r-I.^:.:.\.^: ^-v.-rC_.-

^ ^ ^ ^ B " ; ; ;"" fif B&" " '$• Date or approximat"? flat? of parlies' rur^ficial uso: and h'tve <"on-

^ ^ ^ ^ H — • . . - • . - - • - . •_ ^8B^"--- tinuous the use has t>cen _.'..j^.-^~»:',.-:

• . ! : ; '"V ; : . z::~::::::::::"::iz:.zz:::::.:.z:::::::.::r:::.::^ ^ ^ H • " ; ; ; ' •*• The amount of proundwater olaimod fin rehier's jnobes or gallons^ ^ H : : • - -':-••! - : - - P?T TOiT3ain)....:.;^^^^.^<^«z.^:r?S;-:.::T^r.;:

^ ^ ^ ^ B : • ' : 5. If nsef] Tor irTipation. pive tbo noreagp and description ni i.Ji? lands^ ^ ^ ^ 1 s if. which watex has hee i appli'vi and V*TZO •*•? Vji f^-ner- thertuf

^ H ( r d. / i-zt;:./! ,c^,:te-.. .^.^ ^ H -*? .VSLH (V'-i SPC....??.. T-4»'/y: R.././.AA/ -^ ^ ^ ^ 1 '^ ^ ^ ^ 1 Indicate point of appropriation^ ^ | H *nd place of use, if possible _ . , . . , , , > ,,^ ^ H Each small sqiiarr wprPsentR 10 e The tnr*n» of w]thdraTrnE such wat«r from th« grm,nd end th«^ ^ ^ ^ 1 acres. loi-ation of ench •wrJl or- other, mcuns of •wit.hdrawal -r.-&C.-*£ 'E.-:--•HI ^..^JU^jrjUy^L- ,,, *':'J-t~£r&iL*...6Lt%jC~ ^.Ui-i/C-U:^.. ...X'--C(,-

j^^H 7. The date of commencement and^complctiun of tbt ecn^tnictjoji of the wsll. wells, or other works for "with-^ ^ ^ H drawal ot-proumlwater y..¥.?.ij :: f^.M^rX,.:~iJkC .•..•;S,<<./^..^ H Cl&dL.. ..S./..£&. :-c^ ^Z:.^&<iL&..*

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water tabn- ^ C ^ - t "Zh'l. ..^.t.«-.Z.

fl^H 9. So f*r iw it may be availaMr, the type, siz* and depth of .ench well or the general Rp^ifi<vyiotis .f,f a n y Qt^e-,I ^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of prronndwwicr <£&.:..^Z U.^^^C,...<..- .•.:*:.<.<^...y...?J..J& ?-..^...j;&:^^.~.&.*.-nj,'^^^M „. _ ^ j .•: ./.' V*^

^ ^ H l 11. The log of .formation.* encountered in the drilling of eaoh well if »vailat>lr t/'^..J<ix«.6:£.zt~ &..&£.£.;•<'.£...•


^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature ns may be useful in c.irryinsr out t V po'^-y of thin art, in'^'iiliiifr^ ^ ^ ^ H reference to book axi'\ patre of tiny county record

| H ) / • • * • - . . Y-'-'; •••••••

• • Sijrnnture <»f Ownerv.£.-'?.J::\.V^:.'....y.. ...-.t..T?.t..V:.'. '> . . : : .

^IH Dat(>.<^)faE2fC/..7v.:.; /.X&~**'--

^ ^ ^ B Three copies to be filed h? the owner wi th the Coun ty d o r k and Hevorder of t h e c o u n t y in wliivh the xvell is• j ^ ^ H locali*d.

ItfB Ploase answer all nucstion1! If ?iot applicable, so stjite, utherwisc the Corn) will be reiisme-d.

• I ^ ^ B Original to th" Toun'v Clerk nnd Ileeorder: duplicate to thf Stair- Engineer; Triplicate to tri(~ Montati:; Kureaxi *\I

^ ^ H DUPLICATE C''MtyV-.ii-- •^.-^.r^i.>


Hf - --:- :? mjBHi Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation• Without Weil ^ i t i u ^ ;^HB iljndfr (.'tapter 237 Montana Scs-ion Laws. 1961,'

^ • H | I>ate of Approprialior: »f Ground-water--^ ^ V ^ , • - v

^ B 0wrtj%£4,r<^r..yS*&^£&&7 Address Ct-t _<t,^-<-—C-r^_.

^^^^V CcntrfiCtor (if any)

^ ^ ^ B Ad Irees of Contraftor ;

•H Date Sla^t^dy^'^ftty.^-/..'it>^DaTft Completed./ U>M Lr I-7.&&

^ B ^ H N Describe means of obtaining g-roundwater witKout a -nrell "as by^ ^ ^ B . . 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

^ ^ ^ H . . ' . . . . • . xf-jC' water -when appli^iii-lc r/^^,-f^--\^t^^K *-c2- >Vu-*^~+ •

H H •-•••- ••wM' :{&VX^~Q cx^ol ^ C ^ u ^ J ^ . ^

^ K •••. : t/N Au^~£<^

I • - — : : : . : :::r.=^;.:8 ^ ^ H Quantity of water developed and usfd vith explouation of method^ ^ ^ B : used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent

^ ^ ^ B //V/'£ K estimate approximate lengthH of period8 of use.rr.^ i?li/iu.i,.)..i,.y%cAc*

H *•% 8«1- T. >R.//W ^ \ ^ ^ ^ ^M ±1.*/.^ tKn ^ ^ B Indicate point of appropriation /•^^^1 and place of use, if possible.

| ^ H Sipnature of Owner.. :Jsf^^^^.<~ > • /^-~^^jL*y

^ M Date./^.. . .- .£.C. -...<£. >

^ ^ ^ H This form to be prepa red by < nn t r a r t o r (if a n y ) . othcrviNe by the iiwnpr.

^ • ^ B Throe ooj ifs of this no t i r e nrc to be filed with the County O r k and Recorder of ihf county in which the^ ^ ^ ^ 9 workf* RTO located.|H^ ^ ^ H J'lMURf miMver nil qucntions. If not applicable, sn state, othrrwisp the form will be returned.

H ^ H Oripinal in the County Clerk and KeconW; duplicate to ihe Sttito KnRinpcr; Triplicnt<^ to th Montana^ ^ 1 Uureau of Mines and "neology and Quadruplicate for the Apj.rorrir.tnr.

^^M nSdLf. t.inutes past ....fZ". f%i • BIIH

• • Fl!' N" RECEIVED T *fl^Hj DUPLICATE »•>. "-"7 County H t C I L « 4 | »^ ^ H _ - - ' STATE OF MONTANA•HH ^2H "ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE^ H p — — | Top Of O n r a i l d '" "" STATE WATER CONSERVATION BOARD

8H| ~ (Her. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater^Bj ~ Appropriation by Means of Well^ ^ H - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962

^^HH — • ("ndcr '"hapter '237 Montana Session Laws, 196], as amended)^HB 7 ft . OpeR hole• H H Ow-ncr.JaCiKR«.ed Address..A»*C.Q»da»...ll.oa*.«

^BBHI Date of Notice of cppropriatii'ni c>f trrountlwatrr

^^H) Datf well starteJ....^!Mi«... 27j ...VB.S.T.D.'itr cr>,npll>tf<]..Jttlj.. 5.4... 1967

^ ^ ^ H | __ _ . -A „ . r _ _ , Ti-pe of veil 9r.i.ll£& &inipinent usfd..Cbl*Z>Ol..J)«,lX^ ^ H | Z 4 r *« Ssasfl, W 8 » » l 5 • 'Dv.s. rtriwn, lK.rH or dW«J) (Omni drill. roWj««w ether)^ ^ ^ K ' ^ Water use: Dcnnfstir [ ? .Mimicipnl • Stnek • Irrigation •^ B ^ H — Industrial • ^".'linnc D Oth'T •

^H^M Indicate on the diaprarn the character and thickness of the different strata^B^HJ met with in drillinc, such as si»il, flay, shale, tfravel, rock or sand, etc. Show^B: HV _ dfpth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of watcr-beering^ • • B l strnta and height to which the water rises in the veil.

^ • H M sSi'W"" I MM md Trora I To wmvamL-rmsiuHM - D-11W i « > W rF«<i fF»H. PERFORATIONS^B9 H"t» I or Ca«tas . Klml From Te|^nHf|i • | ! Sl7t (F*cfi {Frcti

B j - •" ;S."t!:S I : ^ « « «

HHIj? — * Stntic Water Level for non-flowing well

j^M - I j I I I • fee t .'9B^B .._ ! • /C Shut -in Pressure for Flowing Well

l ^ H — ' ' Pumpintr "Watrr !/vH 20 ,>ct

U l S H w 1 1 : E at 20 tffil. per minute.

Bul^H i I DiseharKr in pn). p » r tnin. of f lowing well

1 1 1 ~ ; ; How Tested.. Bal»d• I ^ B ~ ' '• ' • Length of T.-st 2 hrs.H t f ^ H — Tteiriarks. (final pneking, ceinentinp, jtack-

Hi - A / ^ . . * Scc..^. T r . . . « . ^ ""• "f ^""^HHH| — Indicnif location </f well ntidffl^^R plnce of use, if possible. KnehJniHHf — small Kfjunrc rcpresfnts 40J n ^ H fieres.

HI^H 'Continue «.n reverse nidc)

BB^H U8E—If «Kfd for irrigntion, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, MateW^^BJ __ number of acres and location or other d.iin (i.«\: I ot, Uktck and Addi-

I U ._ . . ::" .fz,:,^::::BflU fi2• • ! • Thin form lo be prepared by driller, »mi three copira to \* filed by Vhr owner with the " ^ ( v . '^KH County Clerk »n<) llcconlcr in thr county in which the well i» located, tinmut copy to he U n l l « r s l.ic< use Miml>er^•H r e t a in^ ] by driller. ^ 0 . C n^ ^ B l Plca»c nnuwcr all qucntion*. If net ajiplic.nble, no •1,-iU'. otherw-iw the form will be • A«*/ • • * « , . - L4^/^\4"*-*K&*'•HH mumed. Iirill.T's Sipmiturf.

• I -\'j,.^rj

WBm STATE OF MONTANA "RULER'S LOG Bj^^M ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNOWATER CODE i r J > a ^ .w.- s - , • •-, .„>-., .K, r k . •^ ^ H MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD "-_-- = .e • - .= , . .c . -c - H

^ H NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 3 5 c -'5 c sar.d-^e. ere. srew fl• • APPROPRIATION BY M E A N S OF WELL d e p ? at " ^ 7 . ae r : ° J r d ^ 9j^^^^H pp'C' ' *c which wat°r ri^ej. in ,v°b _W

^^^M Developed after January 1, 1962 " • •

^^^H (Under Chapter 237 Me>rtttn» Session Lawi, 1961, as amended) T C O -J Grcvnd F . v . s ..t .,a ...e.. ^ |

^ ^ ^ H | T^ iS form ro be p'tcared by driller, and snree cccies ro be -led r » « jo ^ |^^H3 ^y *^e owner with he County Clerk end Recede' 'n the cc;:rry -. l F f t " ; '

rt1-1' ; ^ f| ^ ^ ^ H \\'hicu the well is locareci, last copy to ce re'sined by criHer. : ^ H^ ^ ^ H P!??-5e ar-swer s!l ques'icns. !f net applicable, sc stale, othtrvk-ise lne , ^ |^ ^ ^ ^ B form r.iay be returned. | WM

• Ow,,e- hM/Ut fm^th^^M, u,e—I ^ f JZ::: : : : I^ ^ • ^ Address —...,Alfj/..~.j.±;.!.^r.. File . i 1 J I

B /jjiA^McAJfijMT - .. ~-i—L —izzrzzi: I^ ^ ^ | Date well s'orted . . / / ' . w . O GW 1 ' . . . • . . . . 1 [- H

HH cc-npleted . f fy.5o ! 1 ' I____ Type of well p^Wg-N ! 1 1 fl^^^^H ' (DOK. Crivt ., t r rM nt drillrd) I | tull

^ ^ H Equipment used . , ..'V J.K I/. /.) R j*~ *T" ; j- \ II^^^^^H (Cham drill, rotary or c.htr) _ | i ^ H

^ ^ ^ B Water Use: Domestic'gfl Municipal r i Stock Q Irrioafion [ j j 1 I

^ ^ ^ B Industrial D Drainage Q Other • * Garden/Lawn • \ 1 \ I

j ^ H 'Describe . / , . . . _//l £'._?. 7T.. /.(_!-< | 1 + IB ^ H ^ | USE: If used for irrigation, indus.triel, drainage or other. Explain, : I | 9^ ^ ^ ^ H state number of ceres and location or other da:.i (i.e. Let, Block I \ H

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 and Addition). . ; I H

^ ^ H ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL/.O 6 ^ < 0 0 >^_ '^ ' . j I^ ^ ^ H «ilM •» i Sir* nn« \ >rM \ ' T»" ' " */ ' " "i . HH^^H HHIW WHfht I F M ) !FM) , rfRFOBVTIONA ; •^ ^ ^ H HnW of fr lnt i !— . . : - f < •^ ^ ^ ^ H | | Kin* I — T« • I , •^ ^ ^ • | i i Stn iF«S) (F*«) ' ' •^HHHE I i . .w. _* HB ~— —. ^ . ~~——«- »B •-» —>—-•» •-* •-» •— —•* — » — — H |

^K^H I j j Static water level ft.>; j I^D^^H I \ Pumping water level ... ft.*i __ _ HI^^^P ! ' a1 / » ? 5 ^ gallons per minute,1 HW_Hn ' ' measured minutes after pumping, fl

__H w 1/ i t be9an' i" I I IZ1_ I

^Hn^H ; * ; *Mcasured from ground level. I S^R^H ; • Well developed by . . _ _ _ i flH ^ m . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ..! for .. hours • : ^Bu^^HJ ; ; Powrr Pump..r^~j/.... HPj ~| H^^HB ; '• Remarks: (Gravol packing, cemerting,! ! ^ |^|HH J" packers, typr; ol shutoff) ' T_ H

• ,;^^.sec.r - ".•i—h-4 I^M 1 / NR.. . , / . . . J • -. • I [ J •^ ^ H INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. ^ I^ ^ H EACH SMALL SQUARE REPREStNTS 40 ACRES. ! j 1 I

^^^^M Driller's Signature . . . .— •-*- ^ • — ^M^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H i i ii ii. - ^ I , . ' . IT — - i II. I,— - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ |

^^^H I T •^^^M Driller's Address • ' . . . • - , . , . H_ _ _ _ _ LICENSE NO Show exact depth of bottom H

Hi ; • • • I


• at^Lrr^P^ 4 c , k at .^ . . .mftute . p c o . -

^ ^ B By l.}\JX^ys^...^..S^W>jUV\j y — v Dfip.utj; (i

BH i •c'C: «•*=*-="—

Ill """*mmmmmm—— ——

^ ^ ^ ^ H G w Approved S:o;k Form—S:a:e Pubhshirs Co.. Hc'c::a. M:ir.-;r.3 -^ : ;? i •*•£•.„„, r ^ ' / I

HB File No - T '._'• ..R. ....'../ I


^ H Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights .; I• * • • • (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) 1

• • • • • ' I • • ^ I^ ^ B L...?»erl'.2<'.- ..2^jK:.-.l ^.ik-1^-.^..:^-: , of...\ / .: /.??...<?..A iA-^iX^.<itC=2.1^ks=x.- I^ ^ H ' (Name of Appropriator) (Address) . (Town) |^ ^ H Goiinty of.^3lL^i:i-.--..^r^X.::rr.^;.<;.. State ai...^^rZ.£.:J.t..&i-.-..-i.«..-£'>^:. ..- 1^ ^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater awarding to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

^H " y•/' / / I^ ^ ^ H ) i | > '; ! ! 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based"..¥--&rt.c-*z-*.d -f -£.-cir- I^ H l —;. .- . : . . . . : . . - . . - - : . . . - :—• —. •^£.-^:r..$£L<L<&~r\^-\..y...~*£^,^.£rrjn/.-. I

wAWAWJ j '. j ; ;" ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how continu- I^ ^ H —• ';....';..-- ; — : ;.--. ous the \xse has been. JJ^?x^^t><^<«>^t:<^.----^^-at«i<<^^---^^^-£ I

•H w —:—;—;—i—:—-—-— P :.kt*.../S.^r±/.. t .. I^ M : .. ; ; . i . : ...!.. 0 I^H^HJ ; : : • 4. The amount of f.groundwater claimed (in miner'a inches or gallons I

B^HB : '• I '• : ; 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands IH ^ H J s to which water has been applied and name of. the owner thereof I

H i .y4 Sec.£..?.</..n./Z/o. C U. I^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation I^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. Each I^ ^ ^ H Binall square represents 10 acres 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- I

^ ^ ^ B 7. The date of commencement >\nd completion of the construction cf the well, wells, or other works for with- I^ | ^ B dra-wal of groTindwatcr...'-.- a«^ .- .-. rt.:r3».-irr .'r2--r.''.../ f r.v! I

^ H ^V , ^' ,/L I^ • | 8. The depth nl water table ^....<: j^-C.<.:i<Z. I

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size >nd depth of each well or the general specifications of anv other I^ ^ ^ H works for the withdrawn! of grouj^water^.^/Vt^^'^^flr... .i-~*i*6**r^c~ZjL -3. ..\&~uJXZ .£JLxLx~jh* I

I r^-^^r^^ =M:M^ ^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ..../. c.' ^ .C'...£:...<'. CL&L«(*. I^^B / ' •/- / I^ ^ ^ H 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available. ^H-f-j-C /.A-- ? c.t-^— I

^ ^ H H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying oul the policy of this act, including 1^ ^ ^ B reference to book and page of an:/ county record I

^^M Signature of Owner /. !r-Z^.?.U.^{....L.i:iu-JzJu~<,^ I

^ ^ B Date |

^ ^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. |

^ ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned, I

^ ^ ^ B Original to the Counly Clork nr.d Itocorder; Duplicnto to the State Enpineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of I^ ^ ^ | Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Apptoprinior. ^S'*^^ I

^M f /**-—^"- —Sr s

J ^ ^ ^ ^ l viW ? Arpr-rvciJ S:i?:k Form—S-a!r Pab:i5hi:i; Cn.. Htltna.—::i?a =vE^g»> - I

^ ^ 1 File No T..../jf.A/' \l.//...±? I

H H DUPLICATE Countj-&£.^J\.M<s.&<£.£r... I


^ H Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation I^ 1 Without Well I^ ^ ^ B (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) 1

^ ^ ^ H Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ' I

• | ^J^JMsJ^t. Address . 4^C: C^O^J^fT" I^ H ^ | Contractor (if any) Ld^J^OX^P....A/..£m^/O.U£ I

^ ^ H Address of Contractor ..&&..(/.£-..$... 1.^... J'l.?.<$.. I

^ ^ ^ 1 Date Started Date Completed I

^ ^ ^ H N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by I^ ^ ^ ^ M I : : •. 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to I

]^H ....:...;...:-.. ...;.. :-...;.-. water when applicable ..JMfP..!s'.P.. V... £..£>. S/?../.?/A!.£r..... I

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 : ; ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method I^ ^ ^ B " '.••-;••"• used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent I

^ ^ ^ H s estimate approximate lengths of periods of vat../.0QQ...£Q-l.. h R. I

• I M&-M Sec.. .... T . ^ R./i-i/ £l&EAl/.ll£.lJ.....$.y....£..^ I^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation I| ^ H and place of use, if possible. ...l:$.£....f=M.LL...MLLLL&.#TJ..t?...&. ^\E.)/....TA.(lQ.u.^ I* 1

^ ^ H .5 &4?T< ^..o.i2/dL<.o..l^Jyir.'l.B..)/. l2f?.<3..k.)Jj I

^m '"-£> y-jTjj] ; rJLZ I^ ^ 1 SiKr,Bture of Owner. C^. . .^^ :^S<^M^<^<<^/ I

^ ^ ^ B This form to be prepared by i-ontraotor 'if any), otherwise by the owner. I

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 Thn!C copies of this notice are to ho filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the ununty in which the I

^ ^ ^ ^ | works arc located. M

^ ^ ^ H PIPBSC ;mswcr all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. •

W^^f l Original In the Comity Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana •H^H Bureau of Minos and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. I

^M ggjUZ minutes pastZ&d.o'cUxL

H | File No. T - ^ / V R " ^


^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights• ^ H H (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961)

^ H i. ..^j±&kjSr..WjA3jirZ.. , Of...^..Y^y..f .' $A?.ft.c#N.D& ;^ ^ H | (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)^M Coxmiy of QfrSn h.9.!><6.* State of MP i^ ^ ^ B have appropriated grGundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

Urn * !^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ; . • i • : 2. The beneficial nse on which the claim is based

• ....j-.L..:.... :....;.-:... . ..&?M..£.ST.t.<&r~ .. .- !^ ^ ^ ^ 1 • • ~> , , 3. Date or approximate date of earliest, beneficial use: and how continu- *^ M ....:....;...• ':..-. — ..- 0US the use has been / ^ T J T ' C <> fi/r/SYV#CS SjE:

• • r H l . h . H . ' : ••-"--•• • - • • " : - - - " - •^ ^ ^ ^ B ; ; ! : i. The amount of eroundwater claimed (in mii>'>.r's inches or gallons^ ^ H . ; . . ' ...:.— ....;..-.:.....:.... perminute) Ot^T..fMfr....F'jS'^...../yit.kf

^ ^ ^ ^ B : ' : '< : 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lauds^ ^ ^ ^ K s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

H Ass* seel . .T^. I&JIV ::::::::::::::::::z:::z" .::::::::::::::::::::.:^ ^ ^ H Indicate poii;t of appropriation :

^ ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. E.irh^ ^ ^ H small square represents 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca-^ ^ ^ H tion of each well or other means of withdrawal. JEA. £:&*r/C/ ^—j ^ H P&.ALA~ UJ.&.LL....L..Q..<L.&XJ&M...M7:..-.S,.&• • '^LjakusUm.GL-J3&.-M-.iB&>£jGii.

^ ^ ^ M 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, welH or other works for with-^ ^ H j | drawal of gromidwutcr /.^.JT.^T .

^^M 8. The depth of water table /?:/?/?./?.<<>. A, 3 ^ ^ 7 ~

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater /?(/G- - \Af.£. £4- 3 Kty JF7~ CLB/MJrA^I&&J~.

^ ^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of promidwater withdrawn each year rP / QOO. C»r •&<—.

^ H | 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available cstSf*r1 W £~£.—

I _„ ^.^^^^,^ ^ B reference to book and pap;e of any county record DJTJBZI?. &.£.QQ.B?&&.£?.....G><>£..n.. &Q .

H y£} JQJ/II 9~4-^ ^ H Signature of Owner C £ 3 < « r i t - ^ - < > ^ ^ ' ^ -^rf

^ ^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the eoUnty in which the well is Jocatcd

^ ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not niiplicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk nnd Recorder; Duplicntp to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Biir<?au of^ ^ ^ ^ | Mines and fleology, and Qua(lru)>liciitc for the Appropriator. 05?t><? $

^ •

H , fit . ^ ™inutes pa :"\

•HB x

9BH DUPLICATE County|HK STATE OF MONTANA I—s, -^ , . ... „ .. ._ . - - ,

9B ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUND WATER - D E j ? ••' *' ' " C ' ' "": ]\ \

•^H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER L L :..•-,-, «;,".,'• o J l ' J

HHH Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights] 4 j ^ nNuiNEER^BkH •1"r:i.]rr Chapter 'S-C. ynruiar i S-.'-.-inn LTSCS. 1961 i

HH % . _ _. . ,~ . _-/•/-•:'.'. (.Vir«- S'^'/r'J^ yW^Bt \...^^*..&.'.^:..^rJ:. X..^:!^.....^;:::..^-i:'.;<< cf - .^^•Z..<?.....<^l.f/fth' ^::ji''r.::''.d.<;..<::-&.£l.±.BHHS 'Name- nf Aprimpriator; (Address iTown'j|BH County of....^..(.-.:.<ri.^: ^V^.fcr.t .^ State of. ../r>:'.l'.^.-.Zk\.:./.f.^ ^ ^ ^ H bave appropriated grounthvater according f the Montana !»•»? in effect prior to January 1. 1962. as follows:


^^^BL : • : ; : ; 2. The ^ty°ficial use on which the claim is l>ased^BBt . - -;....; . : .. - -. ' ;•-•-;--•• ..../-/stM^.G. /k'f.^.A CiJ..^:...-. ^•±*'*:. <•-.£-:?.< J>e*S-

^ ^ ^ ^ H ' • : ' : '^- K*te or approximate date of parlir-r-t bf r.^ficial use; and how coti-•H^H - - : — ,-•- ._.:.-- tinuouR the UFP has bnen^ • 1 •• : : : . i Jr..ZM.SCMA <.../?.. /JLO^B H . w ; : ; ' \ ; ; r /JJi.ur:.J>. 2^?.J.A^.

fl^^^H . : : : • '*• The amount of proundwater claimed fin miner's inches or pallons^ | B : : ; : : per minute) &&!JC4/..O.J*?.6/..

B H M I : ' i S- If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands^HH s to wh'?h water has been applied and name of the owner thereof•HI J....yl.c:x:e jgjr.. &X..J&£....4S,&^(/&J5Z£.^

flH v, sec . T R ;3.C.a.cA:. £. ^.ci.r...*/-HVB .' ' ' 1&W..44A. '^..yehji.e •JxJr../.d.»sj.(=..<a>. attte/e/rj^ H ^ ^ K Indicate point of appropriationHBi^B and place of usek if possible . , , ,^HB Each small square represent.* 10 0- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and tli*H ^ ^ H acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal....j^B| d?A/.^:. £./jE.£jfa!iC. <£i£*!?j&.^ H ..d&./P.M..-j£./!?JL£. jdS^G^te/C at£.....J&J£G.lH H H 7. The date i>f commenccnient and completion oi' the construction of the well, welln, or other works for with-^DH dr*w*l of ground water JL:'c\<»'.UJ!s,:iu'..>z,/s.e.*>. ....iLtt. 4s/.e.J,£ cV./V&>£jf/<:/&.C.....SA>.^^M j^.^^.y^:y.r. £.&A/.r«<£ /f .<r &£*..

^BK 8. The depth of wairr tahlc J?.£: /^<^.-

• ^ ^ H 9. Ho far as it mr.y bi« aviiihihle, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other^ H ^ B works for ih" withdrawal of jTonndwnter^ D B ± - Lf. /...*!.....• <L>.Sjy..^.<LG..s!}. i..l/.£.jL£.- ^"..../Z~(S..<f..S. J>.C~.£*S>.

^ ^ ^ H I

^ ^ H H 30. Tbe eRtiraatfd i.inount of trroun'lwaier withdrawn each yt!KT.../.-!S/.jAL.4'.J..H/- /?/.>

^^^^m 11. The log of formations encountered in the «!• Ilintr of each xvel! if available

]H ••• ^ •••-- ^'* z;:;^^2:^:'Z..;.:.....;::.:.::;:;:;:..;.; ;;....; ;:..:.::::: ;.

^ ^ ^ H | 12. Such other information of a similar nature n-* may he useful in enrrying out the policy of Mis act, including^ ^ ^ ^ B reference, to book and pnire of any county record..i.'V^.<Cr*'.i/'.**'>i£!

fl^^B Signature of Owner [*.'..<£. .C/fc./£d.%?.~'-6A^::.

^ D Date <^:Z..4l,.../f:<£j.

fl^^H Three, copies to lie filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of ih..- county in whiith the well is^ ^ ^ ^ B locntfd.

^ ^ ^ ^ B Please answer all (pirstions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the fovm will be returned. 1

^ ^ ^ H Oripinal t" the Cr.iuity t'lnrk nnd Hi-corder: duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau II ^ ^ ^ B °f Mines arid Geology, «n() Qundrupli.Mti' for tin- Appropriator. r (


^ ^ B -^ M . imJK QXJIGLBI


^ ^ H File . . . . . . T.....' Tv. I '

j^H D U P L I C A T E C o u n t y ^ „ , „ . . . . _ . : : • _ . .



^ H | OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEEE [ / [ ] *" " *° j f|)

^ B Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right^^KM (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws. 1961) ' M t t (V G I fV £ £ P

^ H l 1 J. cv U/ /... -U:T:,-/A...^ o!' •*..>•..'%• I . . . . ; : - . . - - -1 ' :....'^. •.:i..v .w.<-.i...« -*J- ;v .^ ^ ^ H (Name of Appropriator; 'Address! (Town)^ ^ B County nf. ^ ^ ,.',,.,.• ^- ' :>- i . .- A.. ->;,.*. of A .1 A ..'-..">.W*7-.*. ..•.-:*..-.-H^Hj have appropriated groumiwater accord inn to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 3, 1962. as follows:

^^B N ,^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ' '; i I '. • • -• The beneficial use on which the claim is based...'. "J~rC'.r.VS...-.<;.• .'..-.-<•.. .. r' V_

^ ^ ^ S '; '; ; : ; '•'<• 3>atf oi a p p r o x i m a t e d a t e of earl iest beneficial u s e ; and how con- ,

^ ^ ^ H •- •; ; •; ; : : tinuous the use has been ^..:....|^-.\L." .j*>/.r / v?.<£^k'^ ^ H ; ; : : • ; ...c v-fctv..>-xoc-.i~-j '

• " j_i_i_ _u_i_"^ ^ ^ H ! ; ; • ; ; 4 The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons^ ^ H -—; 1 ; ; ; '. per_h*»«wk-)M ->->>.-v. .6..ilj..i: '..j.: ...S.>

^ ^ ^ H I \ • ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and descrintton of the lands j^ ^ ^ H - .- ,_ ;- -j • „ / ; to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

• ^^^^-^: ::r::e^^;;r::;r2^2:T::^s::.:::::::r::-:-:^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation ;

^ ^ ^ | and place of use, if possible.^ ^ H Each small square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the j^ ^ ^ H Rcres. l "\ vi . . ".I" . location of each wejl or other means of withdrawal^ ^ H (^t^.y^AX £•-*• . i> i-t-i...\e<....iX C.U.-,C-\— .Ss

Hi^ ^ ^ | 7. The date of commencement, and completion oi the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-^ ^ ^ | drawal of groundwatcr..L>v.-O ••£>•• > W^.^. ' u ( '.J. .-.j ..../ j ...£}.'..£>

^ H Lt..i.* J 4 . 1 * I L ^ c.v w - U ; - t . tt.-;-) / <iUr.S^^M 8. The depth of water table i'--. .l:...C.,.;.-- >.7. "V -'-*•- : / 7 - ^ |

^ ^ ^ B 9. So far as it may lie available, the type, size and depth of each well^or the general specifications of any other j^ ^ ^ B works for the withdrawal of groundwater.? v \ C-A...L..- ^,'i_.A^kj.X. 1\._-. '.-< 1...0 • i_Al ..«J C. : ^ V .

^ ^ H .(j. L.>>.-.......jcX.viL> ~ ...i_X.,cr.V'v......c..,,. j . l w . i i v l i j

^ ^ ^ 1 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year ^ > i ..*... C C . w < ^«-,.C«

^ ^ ^ B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available... llu.- < s-.f. \ . j . . . . / V V c, /«i^

^ ^ H C«_ ». K-./'V. iJ c^. . \.-.»_..X— I

^ ^ ^ 1 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be .iscful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingAV^H reference to look .and page of. any county record

^H -j-.,.'..c... i- . ^ : j f .. .

| ^ H Signature of Or.-ncr.U - ^ ( r ''U*t -S. - C ^"JjCC-tfu-'Is'

^ H l)a1»-/^-*yt^T...V - /'74>- - •

^ ^ ^ H Thron copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well in^ ^ ^ H locnled.

^ ^ ^ H 1'leanc answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be relumed.

^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Cli-nk and Ht-cordrr; duplieate to thf State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montann Bureau j^ ^ ^ H of Mines and Geology, and (jundruplicnif for the Appropriator. J

" ^ .. J

^ H i

^H !

^ ^ B - / T - M . ANNA OUIGI.F.T

^ H File No. " ' ' T • "-....E / WV I

flHj DUPLICATE •- ' \ : ' , . . . '-. 1 b^Coiiniy . V-7. -'.?>/?. V -f I^ ^ B STATE OF MONTANA I^ ^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUND fATEK CODE HBHB * _ ~ _ r , OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER •• • • • — ~ jOp oj Ground MJ

^ H - (Eiev. above Sca level > Notice oi Completion of Groundwaier I•ffl '° c - 3 Tc ~ $ c 'I Appropriation by Means «f? Well , , L r, IBBBB _ ,•-? . j ,? (Ur--icr Chanter 237. Montana Session Laws. 1961) BJ

PAVM - <a~~V I /„: y Owner A-f : , i - i ' V l i / ' Address /-^I -V'^ /* c/-. A. vi / I

^ ^ B " " ? r > / ^ ' - 3 ^ / > A c-: .5 ^ A, J. Driller / ^ , ^ r 7" -" cT' •' ••" / f Address p c / " /"«:: / ^ ^ A. 7 I

^ ^ H . 6 /»'-^ / v.ell started / c / " / . /f^'.X- Date Corr.plctod/r/^ . / ^ / ^ •

^ B . ^5- :! tdi^^J y •' • '/ ?/ ' 4 '• , I^ ^ ^ B ^ . Tyr-c ft well JL/''i/ •//\rC Equipment Used. 6' '^t /?/t c7£, / / •^ ^ ^ B v &/?.'$ L- £.sf (dug. driven, bored nr (Churn, drill, rotary or •^ ^ ^ H drilled) o'ther) ' H^ H H Water Use: Domestic i K Municipal • Stock • Irrigation [j I^ ^ ^ H Industrial • Drainage Q Other • HH^^H -:' I indicate on the diagram 'he character and thickness of Ihe different H^ ^ ^ ^ 1 strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, ?hale, gravel, roc!', or sand, V^ ^ ^ H etc. Shnw depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of fl^ ^ ^ H water-bearint; strata and height to which the water rs.oes in the wel1. I

^^H^B S(?f Slrr and ! From ; Tn | ^M•K^H of WeiuM nf (Fret) (Frrt) \ PERFORATIONS H^ ^ ^ B ntlllfd | C^ltis | | K l n d . F r o m 7., W^ ^ ^ H H " " : j Sl7f ( (Frrl) (Fi- t) ' •

^ ^ ^ H . . . • •" " ' • • : ~ ~ • - - : i ; • • • • " flj

^EHQ N Static Water Level fov non-flowing Well / "7 feet. 9

fl^BB •- Cfs*•$&•&&• //9"i^'J £~ Shut-in Pi ossi'rc ?f>r Flowing Wcl! . . I

^ • ^ H A?/ '-'~"L i^y'-' Pumping Watei I.ovel / ,5 feet at J2-^C! gal. por minute. I

••^l y/y» //*i ,/ /'/* *A? i D;r.chrn ''e in gal. per min. of flowing well B• • M w Y£Z,UG.y.—iJjCJBL. r. Wk^ ^ H ###?/*£ : .!. . How Teslrr i^V/^rC^^/^vyLength of Test / 1Z- /l/Z_ H

^ ^ ^ H Rrmni ks: (Gravel packing, eementing. packers, type of shutoff. loca- HBMSx , . : lion (if place of use of ground writer if not at well, and any H^ ^ ^ H I other similar pertinent information, including number of fl

l ^ ^ ^ ^ | ; if i '"- irr it'.'itcl. if ii'(-i] f.,r i> nsT.'ition) V

l^^^B Indicate location o' well ru,,! S•MWJ place of use, if )>ossible Eac i H^ ^ ^ H sm:'ll square rcptesiMt • 10 acre:;. H

^ ^ ^ B L«mJ Show pxuet depth of bottom. J ' M-. Q, B J

^BBJ Driller's License Number A]

^ • • J Driller's Signature ^ BJ

BBBJ This form to be prepared by driller, and three copic:. to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and He- BJ

B^BB cordcr in Hie county in which the well is located. • •

•^BB l lciist* answer nil questions. If not applicable, so suite, otherwise the fm-n will be returned. BJ

flBVJ ("»M;;ir>al t(> "he County Clerk and Roconler; duplkaic 1o the State Engine-!•; Tripiicat/- to the School of Mines fljBBVJ and Q:;'-.rimplirntr for the Appropriator. ^ Bj


| H . L ^ At Sf2 minutes past f^Wdod I

W' "-:r~-,-—?, . • ' " ^ ^ " g ^ l ^ SAM w. MITCHELL BUILDING '"*' " ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •



I October 23, 1962 •

I Miss Anna Quigley •I Clerk and Recorder •I Deer Lodge County •• Anaconda, Montana H

I I• Dear Miss Quigley: •

I The driller failed to show the location of the well on the fl

B rfl

I enclosed form. If the original has any such information, will you please |fl

I copy i t on this duplicate and return i t to us? If it is in town, the lot fl

• and block numbers could be shown even if the section number is omitted. •I I• Very truly yours, MI FRED E. »UCK HI STATE ENGINEER [ I

I • ' MI '•"-•••; "• ••" ( II BY: C. S. Heidel II Deputy State Engineer H

I CSH:ba II Enc- 1 II ^ . / , - .«;.- , / . , • v . . - , / < . r . < - x .•-••• ^ - • • - " < • < < " • * * I

I a a/n <txa ^.: Ja:/,?.„ y'st.^ -fi/:..r I

! • ~— ,

IB File No... . T M

^ H DUPLICATE County D e e r L o d < ? e


B^M D e c l a r a t i o n o f V e s t e d G r o u n d w a t e r R i g h t s A T T p g \ i p f \ i p ^ pBlHj (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session La-R-s, 1961)

| ^ ^ B j t'*i/a>(2:%&8.$~* - ?^ c -<- i5 of2 0 5 P i r r t l a r f Va l l ey View Homes,Anaconda^ ^ ^ ^ | 'Jrfame of Appropriator.i (Address) (Town)^ ^ H County of ! .Pee.r.. Lodge S t a t e o f

K 1 ?^.^ r i ^^ H ^ H have appropriated proundwnter according to the Montana lavs in effect prior t(v January 1, 1962. as follows:

^ H N <--*.«.,.,« i^^^^H ; ; I i i i - The beneficial use on which the claim is based....?.**¥4riil

^^^H. ': ; : ___; ' ; Household U3e

^^^H| ' ! ; ' i ! 3- I ate or npproxiraatp date of earliest btnefio.ial use; and how con-

^ H —-! : j ' 1 - - ! tinuous the USC has becn.....MX....15...... 1?5..8... -..*?*Jl**y....«"«16-

^ ^ ^ ^ | ; j ! : ! ! '• The amount of groundwater claimed (in 7niner"s inches or gallons

^ • | 1 | i i :-—i— per minute) 25 gallon^ jMjr...minute

^ ^ ^ ^ B '. I ' ' ' I S. If uscrl for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands|H^H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

•H Lot 25 Block 9 Valley View Honwa•M •H-»e^"^-..-n— "H^^l Indicate point of appropriationV ^ ^ H and place of use, if possible. .•^•1 Bach small square represents in 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theI^HH acres. location of .each .well or, other means of withdrawal...., v .„

W^^m Brined well. Water is pumped tHererroa

f^^H witK electric pump|9RHH 7. The date of corarnenccncnt and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-f^HW drawal of groundwater ConURP/.nce.d .7/7./.58JKM Complated 7/15/58^ ^ ^ B 8. The depth of water table 25 f t , . I

^ ^ H | 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other^^^^H works for the withdrawal of groundwater

^ ^ m churn xlrillad..w*ll.- .6 inch. c«sin -.33 ..ft. .deap

HH 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year UJtOcnOWn I

S^H 11. The lo" of formations encountered in the drilling of each w»ll if available 8.Urfa.CQ tp. bpttptt-1 H J. loot. top., aotl,.. 1 ...£ .26 i«et. oan.cU....ur.«Lf.el and bQulders. -^ ^ H 2a..ieet.t.o. 33...f.ejat..wa.tar...baarijng.. Band'd.T.el

^ ^ ^ H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out thp policy of this act, including I^ ^ ^ H reference to book and pape of any county record none j

^^^H Signature of Owner^/Jxi^/?/a.Lyti~u^/.?L~<,< t .C--C--

^ H Date August .(^/l?63

^ ^ ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is^ ^ ^ H located.

^ ^ ^ B l'lease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ ^ ^ ^ | Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau^^HB of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the App'.-opriator.

Hi File No.. - -\.4?..M.... vjj... . Hj ..... I

^Hk DUPLICATE . '" •'• C,-mnt:>\.ri!Wr.^..>^.rti.H.-.r:.-^.^=v. I• H L O r STATE OF MONTANA; • _- 2 L ' I 1 '< "] : 1flflj ADMTNISTKATOR OF GROUND^^TE* CODE ^ , ] 1• • j 1 Top of Ground OFFICE OF STATE ENGlk^B$Ep 9 , 1 5 E 4 ^ I

H (sier a veseaieveL ,:__ ) Notice of Completion of Grpyndwater I• • - Appropriation by Meahi of Well N EER I9H - DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962 I•Bwfl — (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, \%1) I

•H _ Owner >;:.!.. JZ~^iL? Address.1.' "l.J.......^r'>....: vr , fl

^ H - Draier..:l»I.f ?.il?. Wdress 'i±ll^l" ...A I

^ ^ ^ B Date of Notice of appropriation of <jronndwa1or I

fl^fll ""? JLJ?-. ' •""• V - ' ' "!"!*••• Date well started .:.'/. \fc.».....i.J,.?:.:=-i/...Dat.e co:nploto(l.:^....:^.»....k&.-.Ai/--i I

BHJr _ Type of well.. J.i.'.i.l.'Li.l..- Equipment usc<l...;/.!:.:JX?; JT.A-11 fl^ ^ ^ B "(Duf, Driven, bored or drilled) (Chum drill, rctary or other) M^ ^ ^ B "Wat %:se. -. Domestic £} Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation Q •^ ^ H — ' Industrial Q Drainage Q Other D fl

^ ^ ^ B . . . • 4 • Indicate on the diaeram tho character and thickness of the different sti-ata I^ ^ ^ H '-'- '"*•' ' ' • r I •-1 ' n^et witli in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show I• • • j — dopth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing •HH strata and height to which the water rises in the well. •

• H ^ H Sift of | Stem From To rTRPORATlONS I^ ^ M - IWIM WH,h. (Fed) (F«t) FERFORATTONS •^ ^ ^ H Hole of Owing Rind Fraik To flflfl^H — n- r-n • r - • - • 7'" Slle <Fwt) (F"**) I

^ ^ H 7 _ f t . —'•':?•'ciu i" 1 1I..1- '.jt-P.1 I __:__ Shut-in Pressure for Plowing "WclL IA ^ H _ '".-r •-': r i : : ' . 1 ; Pumping Water Level -V.?. feet I

^^^K w ; ; E at \J. gal. per minute. Ifl^H < • Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well •

^ ^ B ~ '; i How Tested '.'.';.?..].£& H^ ^ B "" I : 1 1 Length of Test 1....V,X*....1J ;i&» flflBflj s MSV^I — Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,pack- •• ^ H — ers. type of shutoff) •• • f \% Sec T R •^ ^ ^ B — Indicate location of well find I^^^H place of use, if possible. Knch IHBVJ — small square represents 40 •

^ ^ ^ H (Continue on reverse side) •

fljflHJ USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explnin, stott! fl•BAV _ number of acres nn>l lorr.tion or other data (i.e.: Lot, ]'»l(ick and Aildi- fl

^ ^ H LMMJ Show exact depth of bottom. I

flflfl This form to be prepared by driller, aind throe copies to be filed by the owner with the ............-.......•*.« •^ ^ f l County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, ti8gue copy to be DrillerH Incense Nuinb<r •BAVf rctainwl by driller. s* ,- •

fl^H I'lcafic answer all questii-ns. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be •£-—--/ * *£**?£;£...- J.«<__^ •^ ^ H returned. Driller's Signature •


^ ^ ^ H %v . • - • • -"-


^ H gtl^ minute, pMtli^'clock fl

H - ^ ' I• H M. KcDongj, . I^ ^ H ——~ County Kecorfer H| ^ H Kaude Echols •| H ^ " Deputy " •


Ia^B oROU'-iDWATER INDEX, ^age- _ / _ O T _ ^ _ _

• H County ^^ j . J l f i t i ^ sL . T w P - £/H R^e- /-.-*-l

| H | j i j County | ^ ; 1^ ^ ^ B S e c . N a m e oi A p p r o p r i a t e ) - * y ? e o t r o r i r , i f i l e »>o. j r \ e n a r K s

|H| « —|— 1 1H^B —L /dgL^i, ^ Tr-ix^ *' y-\ i<*yBW ! • —ISB _______£ p^eA^-U}. fi^fi^^ /ffWy " | ? ^ .? O j .•H /f-/ ~}?/£^v^>~ ft. -}S/*SVL j ^ - ^ V ]$/<>-<?</ V[ H / &&-x>«- uy ?^ J^fez-^^- j o~VU-JUJJ py> I / ^Pf f i ;-H | / _ - ^ / / , ; ^ l ^ J f i a^&i^c^ j xfi* ^ ' y j ff/ n< /4 L

•H| X— - ^ ^-^L^eesJL^ • €c - -y^e«-^ i . ^ i J ^ "? $ 11 > t ' .^c^^r c,^, . ,^>_e.

•B y 0k<yJ._z. -HCejJg . Jc*i u $c/9y8' \

^ H f .^^Utf^V' ^^s^^ *£L±*JJi- ^-Jtl.3_9e i:^ H st /^i^i^A- 2^>,,^ ^/<^s.^ ^ K J Y 9 3 ? {^ B /n JsJL. $ oA&u | jtfoi y 57*/7 j^ H /6 €UUUL<±- u. fi#jr~; jds£M-— ff'^gy : „• • /o *£jk*ib/u€t t>uBAi>± M^> v U/309 :• • 1 /o %.;4LJL f o^4QtjL> ^ / a w Kiiiy* ; _Hi /d ^ito ^w,^, / . ^uvaw .^^y f/^yyH | _/? fewrt^. f j&J^'iv - ^ ^ ^ ll'c^-/ ::

IB fo &.&^€b> fUJJ. =^co /__ 17/3 3^ IM l _jo_ t^tfr €.&33ksL,b^t ^f^H g / v / 7 j^ H B -US 3/i-^^^-1 ^-i.*^-*-^^ =^.i^LH -••??!> y-^U. -*^r. IH H /<? j ^ ^ 7?/us~^^ <-r< J£±o_H g/t/V/^ H ^ "fyuu. /&L^~^_ -?f^y ^ o o a ?qy3f .•H /^ ^^^^o 6c/ j/,^jAa McO y _ ? / 3 ft \^ H /a jfJou^ut^ -A&s^eJtf *£/JA2±L IL?.ASL^A .^ H A yi..*,X) ft. JSULAJ( ^ o j c / $/3c<j^ B _^_ JLMALC tu^uUii*- - ^ Y %' as"° H

H i _ 2 te£~-Mo**4A** M.^H ^^33 .|H[ _/0__ /^oc^^v^w^ j j . /ia^a^v^ A i^ij liireiT^ H /tf ft*xy^ <r~S)4i(i~i^c /4X(1^ ^ aj "f _ ? ^ « J P

^ H M Q*^"** &*T M*<^r>s& -Sf'-Tj * ' ^^Y

Hi /o w<*"**- p^~£~> ^^' ^ — rH ^8 <7<?£ut± H^I— > <v ^ ? ^ t

• _____ XA^^%.-1u***~, ^ c J <j I ^ 7 5" ;;^ H /'0 "^-g^zfe^r-^ ?>i*u. fti <SKK.U- ^ o^ y _2_;_l_l_f.__ T

^ ^ 1 /0 ^ - c ^ . ^ 9 . >n_.y. V-tXaLAa, _V cQ y _[ t -J/y i 3_,_... c r«»_-> ow;.^. s

• ^ H /<3 j^jg.^ fc^;•„ . • K^-t, VH cfvtc r_(i_W ° / :t^g- j (.. L l i

H - l 1 /<J 1 ^ V ^ >>\ .-vui> ! ^ C O Y I fla-75- T _. 1: LJ J


l(pMHM5?"^^ 0.JlltI GRGU-JDWATER INDEX ' • .- • _ , , v •.. ?*S« _ ~ 3 J * i _ .', -. ;t ' 'BS"

I . "" ' •'• ..-•.i.AdSite .;;" ,I County . A ^ ^ k ^ '"*• — - ^ ' - . - =*e- ^ c J , . - ^ ^ ' ' ' !

I ' | | j County I ; ; |• Sec. i N"ai?t of Appropr i a t o r i>'pe °' fo ra ! - l i e .\o.•-.

B ~ ' " • '

• /5 ^g*i&.e>T ^X^rz^ ^ ' <^_J<; j_.Sj 3 /(r _£ JI ^^js^LaJu^.^ *<ki i^ft- 1 j£ <<; 7 [__^v 7 j _ j _

• /<? ^ ^ . . ^ J / - g f e 1. * <^~ ^ j a«5- J -7 1 ]

I /<? )^^..w j . ^ i f a ^ ^ . . , . ^ ^ H_ i ^^^' ' J I

V I QL^X^^* n.pjdbiv*^. i ^ o . ' ^ ! g/g-^g; i

I /# 1 £&l&^ W,£^*. I M^-H I $iy<2 y I

I /^ ^ ^jyy^/^^u'^g^i.. :vu'j iXL Jd^XL

I ^ Ji.y^/^-^» s ... ,f ^ ^ ^ 1 gi c/31 iI __^_ /7^»nt ^ u v ' i+f^L x/ cy J^T^CL_:

I _^^__iic^_i4^^Xi -<fojy __JJcy ^ _ -I _/6_ 7?7^.,(c JLh^ijL M cc A j Si a/<f :I /0 ^^,.,-h <*-\ M-^ ^ ?^y I ?/37«/ TI /o &^.J- J -Lfc^^ MLI^L^ ^ ' ? ? J : ^ ^ o u c^^-,^I /o .^fe^1 ^ . ^uA^^J- I / ^ y 1^/V^ I- .I /6 f^^A -J t&t^yj Va.'y F< 2?^ ;I / > b(/nS/tw m 7^,^> ^'^> Y ^"3-^ -:I Zg^. .&£<%%** f/'iU(^6^^L ^v> / ^ 1 WcW_J• 7o^ - ^tf/^iif- (*s~*z*z< V UJ^Y ZSJ£-&&—: =I yc? -g^i. /jjy^* ^^V' rSl&XS.

I _/ / C^/ajJjyO ){\^fe ^'(^H \Sl y.3,y •:

I _ZL_ _JQ. jtooJ&_^!dJiA ^loij£___i JiUzJ^ 1 ZjI / ^ ^/S^^TL^IOJL {LrLt* *«**•& -£j^-Jf—- U£13—:.: II Jl ^^^M^kk S^J^^i UM ::I _Z2_ /6^.,M £ f^jL,^ _^j^^.___|_^3.?L?__;I /* pJU. f. ^V~c<JU^ 1 ycjy &'1£CI _y£ hJUj^ -ht^iLuo JQ^H \$<<s*<~ -:

I -h .. ^ r 7-- >^! ^ 3 V*'? -I ^^^S^^L_I3Bg^tBgBi ZJI J^L. ^ ^ L f^.>^j& M^ * l'*ll!i_:I / y ^ ^ - c2 fpj-fj^*, ^sZi^Lj^ 97 3J#^:I -Z£ P+fr ifo&^.cn • ^L_C0_a L 2 1 S - 2 J _ 4

I _^1_ P^^liJ+P+fryfj h"-^ ^V0 V _ U ^ ^ ? _ 4 ~I ^ ^ -1^,.,-ni llLrf ^j±_^_ll±2XJrI ZlL. ?£x -r^v^u^^^^rvy? Vco _!WJL_jI IAT I ^ ^ ^ r ? — ^ 7 ^ ^ - 0 ^ > ^ ' V o V \$/s-/$\ 1

^ H " -..- v-v -•>=• ^ ^ - ; ^ : ; ^ r^^^B County _js^=±S^—^z^y-**^

fl^^^B — —i

^ ^ ^ M , . • 1 ; .- . . , - , (•-• I I

^ H S e _ . :jair.e of Appropr ia te^ j '-""" O l ""' r '" I ' |

^ H ~ ~Z~ ~s " M CU^L^ASJ-H^-^, •

H I ]/5~_^^^^-_^S2i^-^^^^ P ^ — — - ITTTV ^ i

^B V/^r^^^-21-^^^ — wf f - "• • /<r feJLsz^ML^*^—-r—; | O •*/'3^r- j . I^ H / ' c M J ^ i ^ ^ ^ L ^ - ^ ^ ^ J^si^i-i- r ^ - 7 7 " L j

H r S l I ^ — L _ ^ - ^ — i f r ^ ^ ^ I l L Z Z Z I I 1

H u3^2I^w^^^-4^^ jizzzzzzzzj

• LZLJ ^^^e^^--—r^tt—r^T" t __ J

•H C Q _ _ £ 4 ^ ^ — ^ i ^ r ~ : — z z m z j

^ ^ H — J h 4* 0 1 ~^_jA_y _yj_5__i 1

^ B County ._jL^u_jLfeiL^^ -••"• UM:-.. ''•--• /.P^:.....

^B r— 1 • c--ur.:v ! "i^ ^ ^ S j S e c . Nam<= o f A p p r > ~ i > n a t n r j ' v n p .... f ,i o n s i r i l e N o . j .-*-. r i r r - s j

^ H . ,* i L_ ——| ! \

S B /£ 1 JUli^K- /JJV4L. I ^Vy . I .f/v.rj-} i

• • O2 j ^ J ? A/ ^ . ^ > j , t | ^ ' ^ c / \£jj£_l±^H | 23 _JJJA^C^^ )3J^-^^J u^sL^Ji j £/*<••>? h1 _g r r^ fes^S^Si^zfc : j -^^-cT—f-^-^^ I

• • 4 AiL &±J£JLJ&,<w«e^ U c ^ ^9? Wt ih^iOuJd^^^j ^ K feZ-W-^f X ^ - ^ — j ^ ?• • -p -"7 ? 'I t ^ : ^

^ H .a^_ A ^ - / ^ ^ j ^ ^ °f-y/o^ _ _\ I

•B c3i_ ^v^,.w.v ipaiU^.^v. ^TGJ X | <f/3^^ ! I^ H J*A_. __Jshzi—# dr<+cAj$ -Jgj$j&grA #v± -A^ H 3* <?/J^_ n.. &^^J I Atu> ? u/35-y |^ H .a^_ t.U-L*. ci. TC^I<L » ^ C - J v I ^>/ 3- y :

^^B 37 /Ac ,/^oci^kL' tX <g_QJ y §LU3L2I ::^ H v*_2ii >xf /ku^L..^ij^.h^_. ^ u> % -:

^ ^ B jS^_ yfru*. -c I.A- c rav^L^ > . ^ o ^ Y ^ / (T-'-'S' f- i

^ 1 JLe jl w^ ^ ^ J/^ 3 l^/^y -j- .

^ H . ^ ^:-\>L*<1 su^fi .rfa' 3, yy?r?s} I^ H ,3^- - ^ ^ ( i. 2/ v / i / <i v: 1 ^ ' oJ V I y/ -g y [ -• • _2£.^^tai:_26«^- iu.i : L - ^ l . M 1 . ?^^ f^ H ii_?_ __^^V J> )i^-^^l> U^T- ^ S £l£^£-l^ H ^"-D Uul&^nx X> /ift-U - ^ L ^ 1 J , | _ . I '/c< 7 I ]| H JLL5_ ^-H,,^« v^^^a^^s. 1 Jy.<L '{l/Jlf£-4 j^H n)Lb y i. ft^C/ai. A . ^ y 1 r£±Ljd i. lU^^LJl .^ H **^ Tto^A^d £• HA^~ l ^ c ^ - c j | ' ? W / s - fH i ^UL.jfflfei L.jiuLi wto, I g u) x. i^ry/ fH ' 36 U» 14 t *£.A**+^ a * 0- \99 7*/£r\• I ^j£_ ^TJZ^AJA$IH,+~ 1 & > u r ' 199776 fJB ^4> I Ab^Kl , g. . ^^u>^^/^<^-^ (2 t^ - \9?777 Td >[35 v^^^ ZLu^c C>UJI !g^g i jL^ B |V«-D pfp/t-Tu>;Tc|C^g -gryr C ~> a, r ~>£CjJ±/±

]^B J ^ _ &M*S*t^—9*e>»**-£ J S 7 JrW^fS^TZZ 1 j^ B jU-i_ Hww^n^, -JLS^. j SI UJ/lrj — 1 J^ B /Z? "}}t^^; ">PM/S- *rf. { «T 7 .L^l/Ly I 4 1^ B / y g^jM^jr^ nUL*j H. \ &^i^ \ - - f s^ H *~ ' T' i —• — — —i

^ ^ 1 , i 1

I Jjf_ i k * - ^ ^-^ -I lJeMi±^ \ J2 c y j_£l_l/_rL_i 1 II _/ <i kiLi^x 7J- /<&*&. I <fu--u j ,yV^'->-{ j •^ _ ^ _ ^ — _ j / / , - i r ~ •" — H ^ ^ H

• e I ^-)/Ot-ni/Vq-<><i^- ^ - * - * ^ £ ^ fr»- "V^ C, .-< j ' j; j H

I lg^ i^G^2^uM j_^r^H j /rTcL,, ; J •

I ja^ M. / ^ % 1^*^*- u^L^ ..-A .• ? .7 ? 3 |->v^-»v^^^c^,^ i II « GH .\VM H* £-3^*>'— i . ^ ^ 2 . i ? / > -t K> Ift Ai- > iLr.^u,^ | -J<^_2. |2? ;? f ^ I• ML «jC'e - A ^ t^'.c^La ^ " - ^ ^ j 1) I• <? Jpp- .- z7 •fL-L-x-njiA--vt*jL _ L- 7 5*/5"// | ; II fe £^>w.v ^i^v^rv.^ -^oi ja , l^/r^ j i1 II j 66i^ )G,J±+uJ- - h- C^La&^__j__Av:iL...4_ I II 34 f/k^_ 7, r ^ ^ ^ - jtfcj. ? j^/35-y | II ^ ^ f / ^ i ^ (^ /&..3O,' | ^sfc'-H ~$'r3'S<( •

• A 7 X/Le - y(\-»^. ^jt^Jic^i r<w. .^/c<j c | *& / 5" ;: •

I V | ^T > t~. fa^Lj£±L**J&*&~. ^_^L_3___ ' i II H SX, •&4pf %^^^ ^ oo \ \7?Clsr\^p^ >iitt*-*3< I

I .14-_-£*4^ lo^J^L ^ ^ 2 _ 4 ^ ^ — - k - l j I

I 3 —jf«~r .^^^ ^^:_^ Lmi^. t - I

I Li£_ •^^^/-•aam^ijuj L^ ^. a Liij^^L —1 II |»LL?L ^ ^ f fS^j^L f . f. o-Li|___ _JZ£!£L_i_ I II »»±ft_ Jd&M±z2±S.> /JOLL A/ CJ .._ ^ ^ ^ 7 } , II _wiP_ ^ ^ . v ^ u k i.s. ^ cu i [

tlLlfr_4 I

I i J t i ^ - - ^ 8 ^ ^ - ^ - ^ ^ * ^ 1 ^ - II 2( J^ j f f l | ^_ . l ^A i44 jWA^ jS_«L3r. [2?^aLL II ' J^J^L^jt^il^^ Q^L^r.. 22.1&L.: J II ^J^J^LL14JLJ^^^ I522±i: J II M-lJ^-jLl^j^liu^^. <LJ*L _ S277J - _ _ _ _ ! II % 3 51 ^4u^ZZEL4^_ZpLiP-aL-. .E&LHL. ::- I• UD opftATu^xL| c .^ -er^r a QIC w j . •I JZI y f , 1 ^ 7 I ZZ -js&uL- ." ZmZZIiZI I"ZZ11Z..I II j&L-Bjup*^ Q*<*a6«-J, s3-h**lM __rr- __i I• ULd Htntnuufif, $. 9. ^"7 UIJJJ^ — ; , •

I ^2_%ud*^ Tn*J<r rt- ^IL^IIJ — 4 I

I _x___!_ Z_ZZJ I

| - • "


j ^ B T T.L..i R ...::..: •••'

H H V ' '" C o u n t y . . . i l . l . l ' . . ' . . - . . * . : . / : . - . : '



J^K j \ Owner...i:.Qr.l^....i-.....A;oais Address . : . - ^^ .^ . . . . - ^^ .^ ' : I

j ^ ^ H | j | Driller....i.ric.G...o.-..Li::i.v.sfi]r:. Address..^.L.;AV?.Ir..\.J.:P.VA:v-:V1: 1

^ ^ H _ i _ J _ _ j _ Date Started u.uri.G...l$:51 Date Completed.. .v::4.n .9... .'.51 I

^^M i i Location: Sec IP. T k R IP... tf sec.....l£;?.c.£....7.1 I

HH Type of well .vXi.JLicd Equipment used.....":.11^.11. I^H^^H (Dug, driven, bored, or drilled) (Chum drill, rotary-, other) I

^ ^ ^ B Water use: Domestic \ XI Municipal 1 Stock 1 I Irrigation 1 Xj 1

^ ^ H Industrial \ \ Drainage \ j, Other: I

• • Casing: P It. to 3.2 ft. Type l£:..ib Size ...i.U.Q.h I

H ^ H Casing: ft., to ft. Type Size 1

^^M Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size I

^ ^ B Perforated or Screened: Ft to ft Ft to ft I

^ ^ ^ B Type of screen or perforations I

^ ^ H Static Water level, for non-flowing well: 3-..-t feet. 1

^ | B I S'nut-ln pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in. on: I

HH (dalc) I

•^H Pumping water level feet at ? per min I

•B How tested: ••'.i.iXzi: I

^ ^ H Length of test I

^ ^ H Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-ofi) I

I ~ iHH - Log o.' Well^ ^ H Depth, feet j^ • H — — I Description of Material Drilled

^^^B 0 2 : ^ ' onsc i l

fl^H <•- 1<-- i h-\vo.l :'iio. "i;r-V iCG •.-•: t . c r

^ ^ B l i \ 2U. • ; l a r a:;d :';r.r-dixan

• i ! : '^ H 2/t JJ ! Sand rriri ti rht ry.ivel

^ ^ H 3 1 ; 34 ; '-i-a;' 'rxi sr-ns of r'ind

H ' ' ' !

• i r Z

^HB ._

^m .

^^^^B GW 2 Approved Stcck Form—S-:::L- ruL.;:-.h:r.s Co.. Mcitr.i. Mj.-.tina—«'5. < ^ | j 5 £ t 3

^ ^ B File X.' T :.;...! R ._


^ H ~ (Eiev. above 5ea kveL V Notice clF Completion of Ground water^ H — , _ i Appropriation by Means of WellP^H - O C* *-' / ' ' ' - . DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1962• H ^ B 1~" ' i - ~ _ _^ ^ H — i^^n-ir~-\ ^(Trndpr-Chapttr 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended)

j^^B _ . ;j Owner )ALv...>X^J*^':>r:^O^^

^ B B _ ^ ,'•; ., 4^-vA Driller...U/^o....^..>^^.^.^ Address....^^k^^U.v..^Mir>^/.,

'SK^H I Date of Notice of appropriation of grounchvater

Jf^H* , Date well started.. .'.LiJ^l.J..i .j/J.±L'Datc completed^J^i^./..? /?.*:.£.

Wi _ ,^ ^ ^ ^ " T ' . Type of weU...X.:U. k^! Equipment uscd..._^^ife „.H f l ^ H ' ^ t<,V; (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other)H 9 H — ° j Water use: Domestic HJ Municipal G Stock D Irrigation |fa^ H H _ Industrial D Drainage G Other •^ ^ H H c f\ O 7 -}' ' Indicate on the diagram the character and tliickncss of the different strata^ ^ ^ B :S *) \ I. " 1 m c t Vvritn ' n drilling, siich as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show^ ^ ^ H _ ,o.<j»_-,-a ~' rxiy-\ depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearingH | • "" ' strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

^^^M L-- -n \y j f Size of j Stee and | From j To \ prepoBATIONB I

^ ^ H — -n q t(. J ¥ 4* » « * < ! W«W« I { F ^' (FMt) ' PERPORATIONB^ ^ ^ H ' ' ' f) R n > r o f CMh>t ! Kind Fnin T»

• - n P /' I !

^ ^ ^ H — ^f(j U; ' T N Static Water Level for non-flowing well

^ H l — /^^H-^-^C ; ! —(& 'feet.^ ^ ^ H h j 1 __ Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well^ ^ B _ ,/£ Ti //?f* • i ; Pumping Water Level 3.<2 .feet •^ ^ ^ B .. . ,<i v-^~ti-' 1 | ! E at 3L.& gal. per minute.B B B l ; I Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well

^ H - / • i iH - / ^ ^ / / ^ / ; "I""" 1IowTcstcd ff^n^.^HB ~ ci/-^(\.--\>-J^ I i 1 ! Length of Test JH.../l±?...: .•BBBBBBj J j j i

^ ^ ^ H — o Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- j^m - NSIkA&teML TM MM on'typc of Rhutoff)

•BB£ — Indicate location of well andJ^BBj place of use, if possible. EachHBBJ ~ small square represents 40^ B B l acres. 4

^BBJI (Continue on reverse side) ,

^•Bji USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state• ^ • M — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-

B H W ) - • : ,•^ B A,>^^\,AJ.. ".p^J r:.^V.^

• • B | L M « J Show exact depth of bottom.

B B B | This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the ow-ncr with the '""".", ' .",,• vr v• • • County Clerk and Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tiEEue copy to be Drillers License Number^ ^ H retained by driller. / f\ D .j ^ ^ ^ H P!car-c answer a!l qucylions. If not applicable, FO state, otherwise the fonn will be ••! •** \-9..x.....\^ ^ H returned. Driller's Signuturrf: >J

™ ° — — . —

IB Log of Weil

^^HL Depth, feet^ ^ ^ ^ P -— ~--- Description of Material Drilled

H z |. -? ' i . r-r _. -. _.

• ::.! "v:.;;:..;;: :;.:..:.i:r;_"zzzi_

I ""ztzr.;; " ." r: r.::. :z:::z:z:zzi

• : . : : ";•; •;.: : . : z z z ~

IB U U : . County .'....:v.:i •.....•.:...S....t...A,



^ ^ ^ H I ' Owner ."...:.: \.i.A... /..'. '..>.... Address '....... L....'...'-

^ ^ V ! i Driller...;...!.::: ..:.c:.... .:....v....'.. .-?: ...X Address -...:'.:.. '?.;•...^X..:.^/..'.:..".':.:...

^ ^ H i i Date Started... '.,:'.....?:......*./. Date Completed ....V:.,.... .?:/...k.£.

^^m -—-} 1— . -i^ ^ H I i , ; I Location: SecltrL T.7 R.'..1. 1/4 sec

^ ^ H M Type of well... Q:.R....J..L.'..\.<~ Equipment used y....'..?'.....:'...'.

^ ^ ^ H H (DuK. driven, bored, or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary, other)

^ ^ ^ 1 Water use: Domestic j / N Municipal j | Stock \ \ Irrigation | \

^ ^ H f Industrial j [ Drainage Other:

fl^H Casing: 2..1. ft. to ft. Type Size ±:...'..'.

^ ^ H Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

^ ^ H Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

^ ^ ^ B Perforated or Screened: Ft to ft Ft to ftH^ ^ ^ H Type of screen or perforations

^ ^ ^ B Static Water level, for non-flowing well: feet.

^HH Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb./sq. in. on:^ ^ B (date)

^ ^ ^ K Pumping water level feet at gal. per min ?!.?.:

fl^H How tested:

^ ^ H Length of test

^ ^ ^ H Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-off)I , :.

^ ^ B File No T 4 ^^r^B- 10 t»e&t ^ H |

Bfll ^HB B B DUPLICATE L-ounty &*j«r Lodge B B B |•H STATE OF MONTANA ^ H |• H ADMINISTEATOE OF GEOUNDWATEE CODE j ( 0 C E L V £ • ~~'l ^ ^ H^ H OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER jjQ ., _ ^ . J ! ^ ^ BB B B — wrti1- i> V38'<- ~~y ^ ^ B

• • Declaration of Vested Groundwater R i g b K , ^ ' -AJ ' -?VC-D ^ H•H (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ l " " " tl r\ U i IX L tl K HH

^ H !• Robert•••**, Mlbquna : -; • of a * ; - A * - B o x 33B yiSS,?11* ^ H^m TSame expropriator, (Optftftakty) Aneconda ( 1 W ) • •^^H County of o^er Lodge State of Montana • • •B B H have appropriated grounoWater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: • • • J

^m , z , B H•BRj i '• i • 1 ! 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based HmTKehold B Y ^ H^ ^ V .---;-.-.;..... : . . . . ; . . . ; . . . use^ and the watering o f gr888 and tre«t • ! • .SHfl :" : "". j ' \ 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use* und how continu- • •« •SBH . :—:. . . . • . . . j . . . . : — : — ous the use has been Ju$9 1944 B ^ | H^^M : | | • ': I Household- GCMvtiRU»u» ^ ^ B^^M "' . : • : , : F Outsld»> oo&asional, during auramar aonfehs • • _ •^ ^ H f ; ;--•-•, ; ^ ^ e a m o u n t cf groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallon! ^ ^ ^ H

j ^ ^ H • : ; j j 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands B ^ ^ B•HH. / ,sf3 ^ ^^ x f to which wAter has been applied and name of the o,nier thereof •BHJ^•S . u t Four and ^>n^thir4««POB, sloping «««twapd • • •^ H y4 Secit^T.7/«'E../:2-./4/ About one * c r « of t h o t o t a l i « wa te red . ^^M^ m Indicate point of appropriation Jtofc«rt.-tt.-Kilbo*» ^ H• • • J and place of use, if possible. Each . , , . , , , , , , , • V ^ B^ ^ 1 small square represent 10 acres. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the loca- • • •BBBj tion of each well or other means of withdrawal ^ ^ ^ H^^M HauaahoXd .ua«» alaatxic aotor. » pump. ^^H^^B 0utsXd**i elact-ric motor. driven pump ^ ^ H

^ ^ ^ | 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction uf the well, wells, or other works for with- BBBJ^ ^ H drawal of groundwater Household W«ll» 1945 ^ ^ H

^ H 0ut»14« well- June 1956 ^ H

^ ^ 1 8. The dcp4h of water table Suimner months- 3 | f e e t . Winter- 12 f e e t VAVM

n V B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, Bize and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ^ ^ ^ H

^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of groundwater One driven pipe well-y ins ide -th» hOtt»» B ^ H^^M el«etrle motor <Jriv«n ptunp ( i frip*} ^^HJ^H Qn« aix inch Iron e«»trtg«ncla»inft BBB|^ H one 2i inch pip« for po««ibl« use of conBunity ftre «njitt», B v S^ H one 1 Inch pipe for u«« in watering grao» and troee-^lectrie ^^M^^M motor driven Dump. (3/4 h.p.) ^^HB B B 10. The estimated amount of groundwafer withdrawn each year i ^ 500 J t « l l o n 8 { a n n u a l ) BBBJ

<^^^B 11. Tlv log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if .ivailable Lake bO%fcOM~ Bedi»»nt«iry ftVAf^^m » o i l « n d gravel •• • • ^ ^ H

fl^^B 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including BBBJj^H reference to book and page of any county record ^Jje l«nd "*HS r^r«h«««d from "thtt "Aa^COttd* ^ ^ HKVB Company by « I «Bplox««,ttobert v . Kilboura for p«raonal «a» « • a hon«-* VAHBBB The land -was orlgixtally laid out into 10 acre tract• for icrai»inr or ^^mWM x{m£ted" agriculture. ' "T) /' ^ >~^, ,:/ ^ ^ BH H Signature of Owner •/( i> iH^ii'.fpC i*ittAiAs~><-~ ^ ^ H

H Da^ ^ «i 0(L l.$A 1. H^^^B Three copies to be filed bv the ow*ner with the County Cler'j and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. B ^ B B

^ ^ ^ | Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ASBJ

^ | ^ l Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer-, Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^ ^ ^ B^ ^ H Mines and Oeology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. , ~ - BBBJ^ B V jv t~> ^ p H I

^ ^ 1 - * * * -

^ ^ ^ B ' " . ' ' ' '; "' •" -L. -'• '

• Kf , L < , ft IH ! F «" 1

n — • ••

^H[ File No ~ ... R .. .. .


^ H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights^ ^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lairs, 1961)

^M L..a>^V-rr-^....5L..>..^lrrerr.... - .. , of ^:^:>-r-A<^. -^r -.- -. :.: .'a... - ! & - ' -^ ^ ^ B (Name of Appropriator) f Address) (Town)^ ^ H Comity of •...:^,N=c.S;..:r.^.1.;3r^-^. -. JState of "'">.-.V-."t<-"~ .'.:~^ ^ ^ H have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in pffect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

H N ,. ( (^H|H| • '• ; '• 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based ~ s^^r1: ..^y...".

• •-;• i--|-; r-:-;T" — -^ ^ | H • , ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eontmu-•^H : : ; : : v • i. - - i i- ^ • r" "s '-'^^^M ...;.... --..;— . . . — . '--. ous the-use nas been .---S,— . ^ l . - . i ' r .;• " — : ; ' "; ; ; F . . : : : • • : • : : • • : : . • • • • : : : • ' " . ' - . • . • . : : . . : : : . . : • • .

^ ^ ^ H ; • , 4. The amount of eroundwaler claimed (in miner's inches or gallons^ ^ ^ H ; : ; — ; — ' - - per minute) i....': *r>...-.. ' r^--— /?v^A^r'..-V:S- •>

^ ^ ^ H . . . . . : . . : . . . . : \ "

^ ^ ^ H ': ; • 5. If used for iTigation, give the acreage and description of the lands^ ^ ^ H s to which water has Wen applied and name of the owner thereof^ H K..Q. ,H H 14 Sec T R^ ^ ^ H Indicate point of appropriation^ ^ ^ H and place of use. if possible. Each^ ^ H small square represents 10 acres. 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground andthe loca- _^ ^ ^ | 'X'c-v^c-^v. ^f ivAii ( U-^j tion of each well or other means of withdrawal "tS. -T. ...L..U '^^M j -cXuL—^ \-A \ ; \si R. ^0, ' ^ , r^ H "U^-Y i^. ^ , -^ ^ ^ H 7. The date of commencement and, completion of the construction of the JEpU. w ? ^ ^ . r other, works for with-^^M drawal of fiToundwater....<X.^.^...:^^A^..\.l..^r...C i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ .^^..C^~'.k-('...S<3>..?.

^ ^ 1 8. The depi;h oi water table .A^^J*" >-^- ... .^•V.^rrvr^ftSr V . ..* r^S ...U-C^-*-. t:.'.^..^.'....^:..~..

^ ^ ^ B S. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other^ ^ H works for the withdrawal of pronndwater \ ,V">>-s. 0^-V'-v.^^...-V-^V-*• *-- ^ • . . c ^hr^ . . . - -

^ ^ B 10. The estimated amount of jjroundwat«r withdrawn each year tV-'v-t^-••-'• ^ ( 1 <* <"\. c^*-:-.^,

^^^^B 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available .'>*-<.- Av-L' """ **' *"--•"".

^ ^ ^ H reference to book and page of any county record ..• " ..T"—!" ....":

s H^B Signature of Owner ..... >S^^^rn>r?r--.^.—."!^rA-:.".'S.'5trr»L

^ H Date.J^-^.'.'..^X^ B ^ H Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located.

•1^ ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, NO state, otherwise the form will be returned.

^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer-, Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of^ ^ ^ M Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Approprintor. O Jf 7"7*^

^ ^ H . ' ' CountyD..e- I<»d^9 ,



^Kt __!___L__' _ Owner Stotf4 W i i l w r g Address

' ^ ^ B I j j Driller. C»J., ?rol»l« Address.. J=Q 8#* 1?<J.

• ^ ^ H i _i__ Date Started July 80 19G9 DateCompletedj^ \9&r-

^ ^ ^ ^ B I i i I Location: Sec - T • .... R .'i sec

^ | H Tj-peofwell .Drillftd Equlpmrntused.. C>ura .drtlX^ • • ^ • B J lt>uE. rtrivpn. bfjrfS. or rlriiled) :Ch-jm drill, rotars'. othrri

^ ^ ^ H Water use: Domestic {JM Municipal { J Stock | J Irrigation \ \

^ ^ ^ H Industrial | Drainage \ | Other:

^ ^ ^ f l Casing:. S«rfft«« ft- to 1-14 n- Type. StaaiMM. Slze. .w

^ ^ ^ B Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size...

^ ^ ^ H Cosing: ft. to ft. Type Size

^ ^ ^ B Perforated or Screened: Ft 1Q». to ft x\A F t t o f t

^ ^ ^ H Type of screen or perforations 1/9 ia, X 6 In. *lot*

^^^^B Static Water level, for non-flowing well: S feet.

• ^ H H Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: . lb.sq.1n.on:

^ ^ ^ ^ H Pumping water level 60 feet at I S . gai. per mln

^ ^ ^ B How tested: Mr coapr«a«or

^^^H Length of test 2 boura

^^|H Remarks: (Gravel packing. cemenllnR, packers, type of shut-off, depth, of shut-off) I

*^^H*..4pt*9Bl p»ok V * " ^ ' r»ok I

^^H 1


BATATA i -tqgtk lover)

— —. . _ M

^ • 1 Loc of Well ^ ^ B^ ^ H Depth, feet ^ H |^ ^ ^ B D'.-rnption of Material Drilled ^ ^ ^ H

^ H ffi§^ SurftM -^ lop -Mi l - - . . ^ H

^ H -i!-_ 3ai_ orawn e l my »nrt—rajrtl. _._ ^ ^ B

•H »»* «J Il«ht pg»g««d Cwri j^H

^^^H 43' iil IntTilii^wnt ltytri >nfl g**»T ^ wwrt G - y - ^ H

^ H _ill'_ 114* *»t»r boar Ing 8md and graT»l. ^ H


1 •;::zi:zzz::::::::::::::::_::. :::_z:;z II :::z ::z:: : ~. ;;;z: zzz.;:::::.:. ::z: I

I ZZZIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ II ::;v;::zz:::::: •.:z"zzzzzzzzz I

^HBJ File No. .. T ": ^ J


^ H j Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights - :'"'' H• • H i f r i d r r C h a p t e r - w . M o n t a n a S < - > j r , r , i . i ^ r a . 1 9 P 1 o - r, • t v . , : [ • ! • - ^ |

flj^H OJam-? '.f Ai'jropTjator • 'Ajldn** .. To-wrr!- ^ J• • H Ciunty o f . ^ i . . ? . -.rf.'"".. - .. -*-.,. Stat? of... .^...l.. .........:;....-...,,.-;. H^ ^ ^ H hftve appropriated piown^watcr af."orfHnc t" *hc MnnTan* ]»xv in »-*f• •'•• prior to .l&nuarj- 1. \9G2. &s follows: H

^ ^ ^ H : • • • : . 2. The bpn^ficiAl use on -whirh th^ lain is ba.seti...!'"T/.:'..v.-C.-i> .-L\^tfu. H

^ ^ ^ B ; ;i. Date or approximatr date of earliott bfrio'i^ial us&; and how ?on- H

^ ^ ^ H - - • — tinumjs the use hashcen ,..'-.~.:l?: ':..A .:jc-...: .s ." V. i..*^:.'...^- H

^ ^ ^ H : . 4. The amount of proundwater claiTne.1 (in miner > inche« or pallons H

^ ^ ^ H : ' per minute) H

^ ^ ^ H • • '_ • ;i. If used for irrigation, give Iho and desrrijition of the lands B^ ^ ^ H s to «hifh water has been applied and narar of the "trner thervof H

^H[ V4. S<eJ:2.. T...':.. K...:''..f I•^Hl Indicate point of approprialinn H^ ^ ^ B and place of us,e, if possible. , . , » . , , , . H^ ^ H E«fh Rmall square represents 10 6 T h p mean* ° ' withdrawinjt rech water from the ground and,the , •^ ^ ^ H aercR. UxKitin* «f *lichJW'ell or other meatw of vi\\hfah*tiXy*-JfS---Jr" •<••• H

^ H J^Zx^ ly.jj,....,rz' J^TJar.^-,/...!^ •

^ ^ ^ B "• The date of commenerment aiwl,cOTnpi«itivn nf ^r "onstpiietttjn of t*e wel' wellij. o^ other worku for with- H^ ^ ^ H drawal of (rroundwivf- .... ..O..f .«*..L/.<-i i... C-. 1..' ***:>-j'. .'.:r .•'. <.:.<'.:> - . . . . > J. h.. H

^ ^ H 8. The depth of water ta)>)<* /L.C-.' W

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far an it may »>p nvailabl . the tj^te. sire uri'l depth of each **'ell or the sremral sj><'i:ifieation« of any other H^ ^ ^ B works for the wi,hdr«wi 1 of jrroandwnyr +. - /.y.:,.,^... _...r//....-: H^ H ,:l .i+ (./...). L~l-^i^x.^ •^..i^i.^u.J ,u :..-r:.../ •

^ B / ' ' ' / /•••- -• I^ ^ B H 10. The eRtimalrd amount of trroun'lwatcr withdrawn <>acli year /....w....»..£...£....' H

H ^ H 11. The lop of formations encounters] in th<- drill'mc <>f fae.h well if available (—::.<L.:.\..'..l....j...\.H.*.i.\. .. H

^ ^ ^ H reference to bonk nnd pnjre of «ny countj' record ^m

^ ^ H Sijrimture of OwnerL./x ...:.U\.^... J/./. 'A£?±:.\:L.2*.lir. <1 I

^ H Date.../.^:.Ir:...Z/^..^ •

^ ^ ^ B Three .-fipie« to l>e filni try I1K> m n« r with tbe County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well in ^M

^ ^ H locntcd. H^ ^ m IM('Hs(> answer all (j«c»tion>. If not «j\tilici.lil". so stale, otherwise the form will be letunr-d. ^M

^ ^ ^ B Original to the County Cl< rk and K''"order, -iwpl »••«! •' 'n th«- State Enpinee1*: Triplieat? to \b? Montann Hijrcau B a• • • I of Mines and G»>olf»!T, nnd Quadrnplicnte for i V A|ipr"priator. HJ


• Fib No T -R

• DUPLICATE County..,,....... ^, _.....?• STATE OF MONTANA ;



m .^ ^l i lNEER• Declaration of Vested Groundwater RignfsB 'Under Chapter L':'7. Montana Session Laws. 1961)

I i %t^*2^^.^^?^ of fc.f...'D.l™. L^.&i.i&&/iduH ' (Name of Appropriated,)/'' (Address) >- (Town)B County of .-^k^<«%*. .%r<?3&g&r&~ State of ^2^<S?<r:i??^2W.B have appropriated ground-water accwding to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1. 1962. as follows:

I ; ,;• • /• •B : ; : : i i 2. The beneficial use on,which,tfie claim is itsod^.^J^(-^ir:/S^f^.K ..-.;.-:. ..; :..._•-...!-. ^u^.-d^-^ c - ^ ^ ^ l . . , . . - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

B ' '•'"'• - - - , - ^ Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use: ana how con-H — ' . — : — i - - - " : — : - - - tinuous the use ha? been. -AjkC^htL^ /..^..^.^.....x^i^Ca^.-iicu.....B : ; : : • ! Ci^..^?x<x^uTr£^<*L!:...u£dj~<^Lu<s....^B w —; ; ; ;—; ; r su.pz**^L*J>Z.— '. g..

H : : : ; ! 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallonsB . • _ . : . . . . . . - : - . - . : . „ . : — per minute) .^.. .Q- £fc^.^?!>i^...Ja4Arr:.r^Mr<rtrZ^<^^

I .. . .;. . . .:. . . .i | . . . . | . . .l . . . &- -•B ' \ ; ; 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landsB ^ s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereofB ff1 J}fl .<344< ,..^.i*Z*L^,&.<&£&C^>.B \> yZ S**B±T.*..HJ<»& 4B Indicate point of appropriationB »nd place of use, if possible.B Each small square represents 10 fi- The means of withdrawing snch water from the ground and theB acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal ^JL.:^..B £)#r<Lttfr4&r. /X.B 'Z u. _B 7. The dat» of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-• drawal of groundwatcr .JLt^*^,, /..Jr.*..*:.

B 8. The depth of wnter table •£....r~r.

B 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherB works for the withdrawal of groundwater //.''. CtUxAovq^. .'.../3^rf^<€^?.*^,.^-*A£^j^.

B 10. The estimated amount of groumiwater withdrawn each year ^../j...r?r...'?..f?,...^l.(&£.£&xi'.4i.

I U ' 9 t j?• 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available .<?£*????^...^¥ZL<J±ixA^Cp~—*

B refereace to book and pace of nnv cour.ty accord ^3i*tt^.....?£b9fa^L^c.i:<t'.tr.r.'Ltr~T?.• * </....!B P //B Signature of Owner /^^t*>t^1^. 1C^^^f<5^^(^ '

B Date jL^fer...3..£' (.//"4.M....

• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk And Recorder of the county in which the well is• located.

H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so ntnte, otherwise the form will be returned.HB Original to the County CM-k and Kceordcr: duplicate to th? State Engineer; Triplicftte to the Montana BureauI of Mines nnd GeoViirr, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. _


I rc)£-;&r/sr-. T #* *>*•*-j^H '' JM J^J County.. J*MS.r .IfOdgf.

Hi , T » T C iMi^i--;; r MONTANA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY^ H STf \ ! t t N ' o i t t t u R Butte, Montana


^ H j ; owner 1W..-...C..J:..... Address....???..'.T'T???.^• H v ' r <\n&eond* "'ont.fl^A | j Driller C.£^...*ro.b:> m Address...£O...£.?X...V™^ ^ ^ P j ~ Anaconda i o n t .fl| i I Date Started J.c.fc o\>.*T. ...5. ..1A.-58 Date Completed..*! *" .•....**.. *-9?9...

B B —r 1~~~ Lot i^^M i ' I Location: Sec ^ T ?N R . . 1 . ^ . . . ^ sec

•^H Type of well X>T.l.lX.e.4 Equipment used Churn J^i l l^ ^ ^ ^ H (D' B, dnvcn. bored, or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary, other)

^ ^ H Water use: Domestic | \ Municipal j | S' ock | J Irrigation \ £ j

^^^ f l Industrial | Drainage \ | Other:

^Hj Casing:....Surf.»O.e 2.45 ft. Type.$.!*nd*rA Size .p".

^^M Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size

I ^ ^ B Casing: ft. to ft. Type Size•IHH Perforated or Screened: Ft 230 to ft 24£ Ft to ft

| ^ ^ H Type of screen or perforations •?.%-.'*>.§...1/* X 5

^ ^ H Static Water level, for non-flowing well: 14.9.' feet.

^ ^ • p Shut-in pressure, for flowing well: lb. sq. \n. on:^Sj (date)^ ^ ^ | Pumping *ater level 236 feet at X-f?.Q gal. per min

^ H How tes ted: &atU<L4...h«WirB Air..«o«pre.88pr .9 hour«

^ ^ H Length of test

^ ^ H Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shut-off, depth of shut-off)

—~— . 1


^ H gtjyLrnimites past JlQLLv^< •

• • • I X

B Log of Well ^HB

I Depth, feet ' ^ H l• — ! Description of Material DrilJeci j^^H

•l Surface %X7__£±*. ^ad)L nl»y, g r w i - and 8o*nt twA^er*- ^fl£

I _lll_fts—15^_tt^ Ij^eraliJautf^ay^^ flH

• _JL5B_fX. —ftrrgy-o^anel ef *at*r bearing Ban; -an g.fatf l -^—^— • •

I :—_ .L-AbQiit a...fcal. per f i n . • HH

I 159 ft. 162 ft. Clay HI

• __I6g ft> Harrow wat«r b»arjnr ohtuiol Yeald about y ft.p.m. ^ ^ H

• lfig f i. -|fl f f-lay ^ ^ H

I 3>g4 ft. narrow wntar htarlnw ohan»l.-^»ld about a| g.p.t». ! •

• \fi& ft, i?p ft!. Clay ^^H

I 178 ft. ^ 9 ft1,.—¥ater btarlne sand and ^ f J T e i . Yflrt ahout 10 r^y iK- ^ H

I 179 fti 2 o ftl may m^m

^•y^^ — ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ — • 1 ••••mi — — — — — — •

^ ^ ^ ^ H GW ; Approved Stock Fora—State i-ublishinf Co.. Htlesi, Montana—50551 ( f ^ l -. I

H | FilrXo TMM- R-/f-V^^ H MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD K y /V^ ^ B DUPLICATE R E C E I V E D County. . ^ ^ ~ . : ^ . f ^ . £ s ^ . < S r ^ . . .


^ H (Eiev. ?bovc sea level rr^r-r) NolitejoX Completion of Groundwater^ H C- 7.Yl^ • ^~ Appropriation by Means of WellHH — J '" 'sN-J/j-xS*' DEVELOPED AFTER JANUARY 1. 1962^ ^ H B k ,y iVnder Chapter 237 Montan. S .ssinn La^-s, 1961, as aracnded)

• H H , Owner...i.. r /'.-'-' - i - ' - i C ' - ^ . Address.....'...'" ''^ "-" • - •-. L+> / / ' l ^ .^_ / ._ .

I^H ~~ • " / fv O Driller'iv...^.vi...->.^^-^^r:^ Address X.-^.i~* -••-e-.j./).< ri^T.

fl^^H -^^ ^^ Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater

^^^Qt _ Date -well startod(£t,fe»Ta,V.<>.' ^.^...Date cornplete(U^v.<KXr/^ /

^ ^ ^ | — Type of well.-is^^-^riC.-VtrfV. Equipment used...Lj'iA-.V.v?: V.C:

• ^ ^ H ' (Dug, driven, bored or drilled) (Chnfn drill, rotary or other)^ ^ ^ B Water use: Domestic • Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation C^ H l ~~ fr~7< ^ilS'T^ Industrial D Drainage D Other Q^^HH ' I / / Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different strata^ ^ ^ i j ^J-/-{,'&i-/\ met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show^ ^ ^ H — f i X £*~ 7 ' ^ " ^ depth at which -water is encountered, thickness and character of •water-bearing^ ^ ^ H y5' n strata and height to which the water rises hi the well.

^ ^ ^ H Hnl« of Cxfnc : Kind ] From ' To

• U^f\AJ^L 5Z_'^ ^ ^ i * Static Water Level for non-flowing well^ H — y j sy i : ^ " ••£ ^ e t -^^9j — / /JP -- - 5 / / / - ^ . J -' Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well^ ^ B — / * j y J/V$ : ' I't-mpinp Water Level ^..a. feet

^ ^ H j&L *~ A'~l* ** w ; ; E at <*L~ gal. per minute.

^ ^ ^ H ; ; Discharge in fial. per min. of flowing well

^ H | i ; ^ How Tes- cd ./Z<'U.^.n^>.^ ^ H ' • •• [ Length of T p . u t . ^ - ^ ^ .^ ^ ^ H Hemarkft: (Gravel packing, cemcntiii;.;, puick-

H " S C v A : ^ . T.//.. R/M. ors-1yF"of Rhuloff;

^ | ^ H Indicate location of well and I^H^H place of use, if possible. Each j<^^^H small gqiiare ropreKentK 40^ ^ ^ H acres. *

^^^M (Continue on reverse side)

^ ^ ^ Q USE—If used for irrigation, induiitrinl, drainage or other. Explain, state^^^^H " number of acres an-J location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-

H 7 !Hv \,A*M %**£. t.^U.%Ays.^ ^ H L. Show exact depth ot hottom.

H "£#•I^H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the , " » • xr ,^ ^ H County Clerk »n^ Recorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s l icense Numberj|^H retained by driller. / Q U xfl^Hp Please answer all question*. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be j ^J-...BK returned. Driller's Signature. %J• -r^


H FILEH_I9? R ' 9°r D

^ B - <:J-M HELEN L. LOVELt ^

^ H By ^X^,^~.^- "^•'-^-1

^ ^ ^ H Deputy . ,

•^^^•iHEIMIHHHHHnHHBHBHnHBMHHHHnBaHaBIIHnaHaHBHHHHtaBBHrj^^^ I n I n i l — 1 • « • IMI ill II—4

m ! ' "

9 | ri:,N. T * ...u - ' ..". . :

fl^B Dtil'T.ICATE C^ntv...,:•*'7- ., . ' ' •^




^Hj Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights^ ^ ^ H | Under Chapter 2'T. Montana Se>sion L..-vs. 1961 :

•H I.....^«2AV. ./^.i--LJ&r.^.:.:J^L o^iJuJjJ^J.J^.rlr.MJ.l -L.L^:^--^^:fl^^B "" •/ 'Name <•[ Appropriato? > ~" (Address; <.Towr.i,i^ ^ H County of...-V^i..i.:i--....J?f2.t.-r^tiSLS->: State of ':*2i:*'.-.;...L<*-:.-<?**:<^ ^ ^ ^ H have appropriated gnrandwater/aecordine to th-1 Montana laws in effect prior tn January ' 19r~"2. as follows-.

^flj^^L : . ; : : 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is nased

^ ^ m • -\ ••'; - : - • - • - - ! - - • ; - - ,/^dtn^c.^Zi:.^

^ ^ ^ ^ | ; : . ; M Date or approximate date of earliest beiicfhial use; and how oon-

^ ^ ^ ^ | --- :-•- ; --: : - - - ' — tinuoB.; the use has been /..^..-S..*£....

• " ;.. i. i . . . . i J . . i . . ' = = = = ^ = - • - • = = = : = = = =^ ^ ^ ^ B ; : : : • : 4. The «.monnt of proundwater claimed/(in miner's inches or gallons

^ ^ 1 ...;. :...:.... : ... per minute). ./.&..!?-tl£jb!^<^J.f?^

• i . r x;-:-; • - z ;B ^ ^ H 1 • \f* '• '. • 1 >- If used for irrieation. pive the acreBge and description of the land*^^HB s i<> which w»tfr has been applied and riAtne of the oirner thereof

• • r n , ^JLCuMr^U.^ ^ H ^ ^ . . V i ^ . Sec T U-^ ^ ^ ^ | IndicRd' ]< int of appropriation^ ^ ^ H and \iiacc of use, if possible. , .^ ^ ^ H K.'K-h sma)' square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the^ ^ ^ ^ B ai res. lotyilion of eacu well or other pieaiu; of wkhdrawaL.. +^ H T/^.u ....>ik^^..^-6^.^^...F5«^^^ ^ ^ H 7. Th# date of coramrncement and completion of the construction of the well, vellii, or other wirks for -with-^ ^ ^ H drawal oi' fciourdwater J~J[.3(A

^ ^ H 8. The depth of w:>ier table £iX

^ ^ ^ H 9. So far a.s it may be available, the type, si?e and depth of each well or t.he pener,.! Kprcifieations of any other^ ^ ^ H works for the withdrawd,of pronndwater

^ ^ ^ H 10. The estimated amount of pronmlwater withdrawn each year /jff.Q....:Q.Q.Q... ttl*xl£<&3XJtLS. .

^ ^ ^ ^ H 11. The lop of formation encountered in the drillinp of eai-h well if available'

• ===—=:--—-=ZIT==^ ^ ^ ^ B 12. Such other information of a similar nature ns tr.ay !><• useful in enrryinc out the policy of thin rirt, includingV ^ ^ H reference to book .md pape of ».jiy oiiinty record

^ ^ B Sipnatur.-. of Qvini-T^.2ld^/.i^r}rf^:^^^..ry^^^

^ H Date L.'*t..:.A{.:.&3.

I^^^B Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk ard Recorder o" the county in which tbe well is

fl^HH located.

j ^ ^ ^ H l'lcnNc answer nil (juevtions. If not nij>]'.c»hle, so state, oihcr'.vise the form will be returnee'.

^^^^M Oripinnl to the Conn'.y Clerk and Keeorder: diiplica-,• 1o the Stste Enpinerr; Triplicate to \hv Montana Durcnti^ ^ ^ ^ g of Mines and Geoiopy, nnd Qundruplieatr for the Approprinior. . ji.^

• *


H .(.. Jl minutes past ..JLod^

^ ^ B STATE OF MONTANA DRILLERS LOG^^M ADMINISTRATOR OF GOUNDWATER CODE ,„ :„ . . , .h<= c h - . - -r- c .v - •h'-'-^ ^ 1 MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD r ; ~ ^ ,.', J ? . . V j . " ' . „ ; . °^,w 1 3 ^

^fe NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER r? ? > : s ^ s ' o , 5 : * sh=w

^ B APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL = e = t . T w ? r !S c d a , f :^ ^ H Developed after January 1, 1962

^HB (Untter Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, »s amended) Tec o*' C-rr-nd T=..- .*,,*^t:. _

HHB This •forrr, to be prepared by dn'-ier, end three coc:es tc be Tiled From ToB | by the owner ,vith Ihe County Clerk and Recede, ir, the county !" l F w " j lFfW

^ B ^ B which the wen is located, last copy tc be retained by dr'.ller.^ J ^ B Please answer all questions. If net applicable, so state, 2'herw;se the C '.Qfl'^ ^ ^ H form may be returned. ' ;

M owner ..The Anaconda Coapan-ipT-^^^,^^^ Use | ^----frfrT.f " ^ ^ ^ " ^ S

^ ^ H Address F:>- *f C*/f'f- '• ' ——^ K \Jcp&-~-£t - j.< /9?/ H"' W oanfl & gga^el —^ ^ V Axuaconda. iiontana S> /{ ^nn i- \ 2h fjw wMi<—' —^M i«<' jiBW'i fine-oawa «m€ g g a ^ l^ ^ H Date well started .. . .Jjxne. 1 , ..19-71GW 1 . i 1 «-—^ • ^ H {r*:'5 'rtAWV 9OBS &IM1 CfCaVei. WAUBE *^^^H completed JU'He 10,. 1371 • : _-»»->

^ H Type of well . . . . D r i l l e d -i 1 —^ ^ ^ ^ H 'D\IE. drntri. Kr«j or inlltiJ) | i .,.. ...

^ ^ B Equipment used . ChUta D r i l l , 1 1 *^ i~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H (Criurn dril1, rot»r>- or cnhtr> | j I^^^H'I •

f^H Water Use: Domestic • Municipal L~, Stock H Irrigation D ; j »-_—

• i " ' : ; i r"^ ^ S Industrial Q Diainage • Other ~ * Garden/Lawn [_' 1 [ -**1—

^M -DeKtibe " ^ ° « t r o 1 On . t l d l l»«»..*^«». ! i 1 —^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage o: other. Expla.ri, ———< 1 "^ ^ ^ H stave number of ocres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, BICT'. ; "*" j *"*"" ~ ' "

^ | and Addition). J f ^ 8 * JJ*» > «^« 6» ''• J T Z Z Z Z " "^ ^ ^ _ T | R| I ID W«,| ^ H ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL 2 ^ ° » 0 0 0 ° * l - * , j j <

_ ^ ^ H M»» «• -Itr -*4 i h w I Ti>'~ :' ' '~ ' ' ''';^ ^ ^ H Rub o«(wlfi| : i i- _ _ ; >- * - . .r-..'-

Hj ! j "" ! irw<) (F'*t ; j i . ,;•;;^ B 8" 8 5/8"id i j ! 1 • \;.:'^ H x * 2 5 i 0 !19" aA 9&f j c t t t t in l ; - | I ;;._ • i T : ! _ a 1 : -.^M 6 5/8o* torch j201f 207* 1 || ^ B Ux»fr| 16" a$ 210- i i | • .^m , ! T! ' ..^_. !.. _... : J__ s' \ ; " • ••^M » '" ~ "' ;____; i -^'| ^ ^ B P ! j j I E'atic water le-.'ol X74» <t.*' I i •'.• •<•<•'^H^B ; I Pumpinq water level ....^QQl * ' • * ._ L^ ^ ^ H ; '...- at jjtj gallont per minute; ^^ ^ ^ B " ; meaturcd minutes after pumping I

^ ^ B _, : I • h p 9 8 n - i 1 .: ••••^ ^ ^ H — — - — — "Measured irom ground level. ' ! '• • : • Wpl1 developed by t 0 a t . p c a t ^ T i " 3Z Z I Z I L J^ ^ ^ H i . . . . . !• . . . . for »|_ hours. : j^ ^ ^ H ; ; Tower y \vr\ ^L'mP HPj I !j ^ ^ ^ H • ' Ren .irks. (Gra'?cl packing, cementing. I __ _^ ^ ^ B pneker:,, type c< shutoff) . .. 1 J ____________

^ ^ B Wi Vi SS \ Sec. 6 • -•

__^_| T.. 4 N R.. 10 M.J[ 1 1 J 3 _

• • _ W l_Jt ,| ^ H INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PI A :.E OF U$E, IF POSSIBLE. - I \HH EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. — -| 1B^H : „j ^ H Driller's Signature OiXytl+sVafib/Cttet&Rq Conpany - | 1 T

• ^ • J Drillers Addrui* *^2«O4 HaTVfUrd AVftZtUO ~

- — H , ] r m V w n 210' Show c*ad depth of bottom^ B intte, iiontana LICLNSF NO 0

_ • yt//JS



^m I J S ' 0 :niautCK Pas: ^ ' - W

• .. »'-aW^ Ji, i£_

I_ ^ ^ B — i _ . - ~ : • • - • • • • - • • • • :*••- • & ^ C o u - ' y ~ : - « i " ^Odcz. . . .

^ ^ H S" ATE OP MONTANA DRl-USSI LOG^ H ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ,A. .So c h a . s . ^ r im, .h , k .^ B MONTAN^WATER RE5OURCESJOARD - ; ; . . s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

^ H NOTJCc OF COMPLETION OF GROUN0V/ATER 9 rsve £ ^ e "-^stone. etc show| H APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF Wa i f p t V '"** W*T S "y n d 'nf^^BBY he;c3h* *c w^ich water T. WS!1.D A V A I Developed after January ' , 1V62^ ^ ^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, at amended) Top cr Ground ,T..., .,*,,„ w , LV.;>

V ^ ^ ^ H This form to be prepared by driiler. or>d three cr>p'es to be !ed rnm : To ;H H by thi; owner with the County Clerk ~r.d Recorder in the county in ' r " " I 'Tt*" ,^BKBB which the well :s located, last copy n; be 'e'.aired by driiier. j j^ ^ ^ ^ H Please answer a! questions, if not applicable, so state otherwise the | ' • - ; ' *"•^ ^ ^ ^ B form may be r°iurnr-d. i '

| H j Owner."- ;,.j,-c.-:.:.a. •-Qapemyj--7^-nis,,ator.s ,Jse i " - r l — - ^ r ~ r - v - T - r ^ r :

^ •1 Address ..Cl'Jfu uOC;^ F e C'~'f//f _ _ _ _ l _ j

WRw ^ - , i c ^ i . . . ..xx:l.2-;a . rc^f_J-. -?/J •-';' •-<;*•,• r~-- .

^•9 Date weii started ....,;.._iy i c , . „vE.- "< 1 j—sa^-Sfitar:

^Hft completed u :^.Iy..21.. I';'7|2 . . ] 1

^ ^ ^ B Type ot well 7_i:.l..l -i ! I• • • • (DtiR. drivtn. borrd or «ritt«J> | j

^ ^ ^ ^ 1 Equipment u£.ed . .. t;!.^^-. . . r i i l 1 1^ H H H B (Churn drill, rc«r>- OT other) } j

• • • • Water Use: Domestic • Municipal • Stock ~\ Irrigation LT j 1" ""

VAVAa ~ i i•^•H Industrial g) Drain8C>e Q Other [Jf Garden/Lawn Q ! - j

^ ^ H *Dc;cr,be C\wt control i j^ ^ ^ ^ Q USE: If -jsed for ivrioaticn. industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ; ! j• • • • si8tf. number of f.crcs and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block i "f 1~

^ ^ ^ H and Addition) . . . ; I

^ ^ H ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL . ! j J• • • • J ^ ^ . ^ _ ' " ! ^ — ^ ^ ••— — —

• • • • ] I I I KHX l-TtMn To

^ ^ H o' s ^/P. ;cxi i j \^ H •, .....u' -I-2 • 123'6 | .. ' \^ • • • j I j I r | • ' J i ..

M | 6 5,*,^ | j ; .—|—1}§ • • -x .280] 0' ' ?0C'6!" I **• • • • ! | j j cattinjg 1^ ^ ^ B ! | i_ i t c r c h i i • 1• • --^ -.^^- ._=_TO=r^r. •,.._ -_-, —+--• J^ | H | f , "T 0 I Static water level . - . 0 f i . ' i I^ ^ ^ ^ H | ' ! Pumpinp water level X,Z~ ' ... . .M.*1 _ l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•AVjB .' ; ' M 4C gallons per minute, j I^ ^ • ^ 1 1 ; '' sjiured minute: aftftr pumping __ I j __ ____

J^H w i I • , bcs«n- ; I L 1 II «^HHHJ ; ; ; *Mca;.urP'd from ground level ! _ _ _ _H ^ H : '; Weil developed by Vu:> U ;.' .;.;^ii^g jffMSMV .....:. .. '... for .. 'I hour*. '; ! _ ^ « _^ ^ ^ H '; j Pow<*r Pump 2 HP: i , "" "* " " " ~B ^H • j RCIT^I-- (Gravel pecking, cementing,! _• • • • peel. •',, typt of thuto^y ...'.

IB NE ,4 NE ,. s ^ 7 i. 1 1 -.HI T. 4 sfo .. . j i m i - \wm 0 w . . !—|—,•m*m| INDICATE LOCATION Or ' cL, AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. ! 1 -4^ ^ H EACH SMALL SQUARE V '•' rVNTb 'l(. ACRES. j f • • |BEBBf - ii ,.,,.. , . !BBBB Drilier'** S'Qnaiurw ' , •', ' . ' ' " •' ' ' I )^ ^ H i'••".',/'• ' I..T-..'-V.- / i LBBBB ' v r ,- i^ ^ ^ 1 Dr i t l e r ' t A.-JdreJ' '' ' ; --11 * ' >^ ^ M .-.'..Vr : .:\r\* r'"':.\ jctNSLNO. .." 2 0 0 ' - i O " .. ^ 'ov exact depn. of bottom

^ 9 >;-/, ^-7.$-
