
^v j? , ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ . . . ' v.-. ¦ ¦¦ -. : . ¦¦ < - ¦ :*: i f5$¦¦ ' TL I 1 k. JU » a demonatration of rejoi ctog, to combl- ani of honor wffl stM^

InP AmRrOn SMB IBi nation with that fruit . It appeors from lie, even If by the German Kaiaer. ITY IS A HUfrAIO DO<J HX0>?4& ^dry bonk f/Tb^t 1b ^tiilUb> it ' '" -tf^*1^-?? "

V ' ^^"* ^0?^. --:.:J '--^>ii -V.^V^c:-^ r * * .¦ II I C niH UIIOUII lOIUOIIU i l the hnitimu ] aUit 40i that the fe8. ^, JlH>$IflM ' V^ rn^tbe auppoew;*-I-'' -r- live wreath was secondary, It is there- The new edition of Dr. Hamburger 's <;'r~ir ^

•' ¦> of reeaneoiti dii.ha djiot been ascribed OW^ ^ r^-^K^iiRs^'V* '¦>'' ' {'Iww KwKK flP.ISAAC M. WISE, - - - - ' fore not meutioned again in Deuteron- "Roalenoyolop tcdie fner Bibel nnd The Mishnah 1b tbo old^tooDeotlo n of in the, case of Elijah reviving the wid- • ¦- ¦ Jr ^ ^ #- ^ -^B v

EJ lJM %El-

MWC— ~~ omy, and was intended only for those Talmud " with the supp lements , 1b in the the laws, ouatomJ J and dootr lnefl ,.bellejf8 ow*b dead' BOri (1. Kings , xvil., 31); the '- -H MKlM'^W^RiflwlRH^'LEO WISE <& CO ., wh0 ^nje near the ana ,. ^fore the pPegs, and may be subscribed for at three and obaeryanoeB .whiphlife inJ ^Vdnr - l nl reiWi Int o, the b of . tie dead 'lHfl AJ ^ ^ :V|iJAfl -V ' B^fWmt^Mjp l!if*l[ll^PDDU BHiE s ihd pro pbi«t«m. Tabernacle or the flamoA , and only one marks for the first and each following Ing the second Hebrew commonwealth oUId and it Utob :again , and the wb,ole ^¦fo^KffSS r " t£^>- _ ¦'-¦ ¦ TjwWl tfiiBfcg.KT<* ZT^7~~ 7T7, r," -—^T" snob wreath for any community or con- part . evolved, and a century of afterthought , p&able wa8 not ' an. ¦ ampMoatioh of - "vl»v--^fcV$ '3| SS®;/»'^ ,

V^'^lPP *Office : N. W. Ur. Fifth ami \ i no Ms. t stilI time Sloped the „ ~ !™ ~

u „ research and codtfjtog added' to ^the Isaiah' s message of life (xxvi.; 19), "Thy ¦ ; ; A^Wi.t-iflMW- BMfWS^ ''

—— , A A , k „ l0ft - cTaSns, the rabbis mode laws of them . f *AmJ*am * " wftSE "W"1 ^ttteriaI -^ I»

the Miahhah dead one ahall live. Mk my dead body .

v -AQMIX flCfl-ir ^$fi | :

.Cincinnati , 0., October 3 , 189a. nnd KftbballBt8 en,eloped the whole ln Union College clasa 9o was elected by (8aahedrl p , Section CheIek)it lB teobrd- BhaU they arise,, awake and sing those ^ ^ , , ' , * '/.-. , ' . J ¦'!. ' ¦ - I ,

' ' . N -¦Ent ered ., -^u, ¦..! ».«u, t u,. - -ystic circle , bo that the original law . ^^T^Mb d! 2i The "d

'if• ^1 1 *d^U- ln th* dnflt ' *» «**»# Moatf/except the TighiomVand this is ; FBEB ^III 'lNP;JJ EO|!S>ITY.Post Offi ce .iciDcinu t ti . I t8 import and object can not be oscor- < 9n0c0eUm« cne late «'• °,en >- "» world. . . . And these have no share the dew of Ugbta, and the land of the their own misconception of the Penta - . ¦/ ¦, .| i: \.v' WS—«»au ¦ - ¦ » » » —? «r" nh ™' f~ °' sr^ssssitsns spinas rsas r^'**»V„"j ;-,ir»*' sw-vss&l* ->--" ^^i .with nphimn - - - - to on certainty. Thus much is sure , however . t . " ,. " j »u- 1 1 .1 u -

not teapn tne resurrection fore (jcxy., g). •<He will swallow op <I^7^ ¦/.:•¦taL M DUODe

' 001 Tear - - - $ 10 that this law wa. never intended to be 'he "n»j regat ,on . ¦»« think '-''' h^e onhe dead , alB0 the Thorflh not ^m death in ete^tyj ^^ Thor ah begins with the solemn ' (Co^W> ,) :

. _ enfo rced in countries , where those "fo ur flo"e we"' . m . heaven , ( he denies jrevelat aon) or also the wipe away tne tear from off aU faces." declaration "In the beginning God creat- Should yon trik th6teaohers :of ethics ,bates op AUV B BTI8I.VO. kinds " do not grow. ,„„.„„ convereion8 come 1 - . .. in EPicnrean < «"> atomist who is an athe- The' prophetioal trope s are to illustrate ed the heaven and the earth ," which ^Mr^SsJ ^10aSrr ^S.^'r^IS . I- regar d to the booth , however , it E I l7ZZSZ<£Z ot *Z 'Z ^LTT " 7 *•«*"" ». ¦«* ^uat be taken from declares that God i. e. the spirit is prior

^ JSff ^S g^^'*-—• is ord ained expressly "Every native 000 ^nntribnted to the London Societv doctrine or immort ality that which Is well known and commonly and superior to matte r and all material might , in/order to become , a completeta c'XKoI

AI ,VEUT ,3EMKim nud' (n - im, in Israe i shall dwell in booths " SJ^"5rSJ S^T£ ^^^TlTZV 1

*"* " **•»¦* « »«* ^ *» «¦ beings, prior and superior as is the maker ^ J fi ^jmEthis seven days. The word mm used in Je

™ meet the annual Leases - the Hebrews , when the Mishnah was com. known by another unkn own. The im- to the things made by him. This start- i ^??^^^! ; *

J&^&^ttJSZW . this and no other commandment must StlTBt bapSmst o7Zl and ^ ^'^-^i? ^ ^ >«•*-» ^» ing P^int of the

Pentateuchal system is % &?& !&&gg£.fSSSf&S^f tt oS&h*1 m6tU>r ' " " mean something. In our estimation it five children , and thirteen confirmations . oP'nion existed as to

the origin of this known in the times of. the prophets , as a blunt denial of all heathen concept ions '.Onltifate oarefuUy ^ah5'dilig ently themn"0rm ^rt W

means that only the Israelite and not Abont the 8ame avera ge will hold jrood dootrme - One party-perhap s the Sad- they employ it to Ulustrate the unknown of deity, elemental , celestial or anthro - powers of thy mind. Develop the faoul-l. .....ri.?

«r .f »h. i^rti

ti.1. dBO tto proB8ly te or aUen i. commanded ^T^United TstatesTnd if the JeVs d^S" not deny .the belief in immor- futnre of the people of Isr ael. Again, pomorph all of them are dethroned ^^^h^ihwV^, t*»»per , on r rewUn will ooa fer»fiT »r npon both the «" u "" f j in tne Unitea ataces ana u me Jews tg u^ but mainta lnnd it had oriirina ted ™.u«_ ™« _, j ¦ V, . • „Vt^ ¦ \i ¦ v m „ « «.* „t«™«« youth up till thine Old age. For all theSftrl hienH d tke psUiiht n iv iutta K ttat ikv this observance , because only the Israel - were expend the 8ame ^ of W. '°n *>^™*

»{ nad °^*„f when we read w Psalms xvi.. -I have in the six epochs of creation , the elemen- fcsne*of the higher lifeWe^frbm the••wtiie«drertmiiieDtiatheAiliBiCA! )iBBA8LiTB. ite and none else came out of Egypt and money to COnvert the missionaries to • . , en>

^gyPtlan8 > as xainy a> placed the Lord before me continually, tal first , the Celestial next, and the an- unfoldhient of the -lateht Vforoe Cof the-77—; —

CT>..t.nn. nnlM.Bthnr . then dwelt in the booth . In the second -r ' we have no hesitation in sav- 80 mamtaine Q: or ^V1 the ChaldeauB , as if he is at my right hand I can not be thropomorphous then including the fla- Intelligence. , The tru e-HW of man con-^:tt eS^KS « place it is intended to tell, that only the J ^ ^b^t^ Samaritans mMt .likely also the Es- moved. Ther efore my heart is glad and ertd OS. of Egypt last, as is specified g^a Jg^- X8 X£S£tf% tttJ& native in the land of Israe l, and not also ^tSSIJ. Benes may have maintained and then , my glory (soul) rejoiceth , my flesh also and explained hi LeviMcuB xviii, 8, 4 and SES^^-^MgJ?££a E? °to

0llAn tZ, '*ft to^pubiiSSS' the Israelite in another coontry is held / ^ - fore believed in the immortaUty of the shall restleoure. For thou aban donest Dent . iv, 14-20; all of them are mere crtfat- of n reaso<What i!^Uveah:h dredofioMi oi ooLr ^aonl ue requ«t«d w be»; to dwell in booths. This accounts for /thbbk is no greater or more baseless 80nl and not a^ .111 the resnrreptioti not my soul to Sheol, thoa eufferest not ures of . hinv who created heaven and 'yearB tod to 'BQiBl^^ tod rBBjrrea 'and^N^ afc^iid ^«nT .nV.

1 the fact recorded in Nehemiab vni. 14 libel than that contained in the state- of


J? " " J f _l°BP<"ito *h<

T th™im» ones to see corruption. Thou earth with all the hpste thereo f. It is a

^ Sm ^ S ^toX S^ ^ Mi ^ 'S^SA that the exiles in


forgot this ment that re


reform among the ***? ?£ "»e -Ph arisees- -who be wilt make known to m*the path of life, positive .announcement of the nature of thl ^m g^ &aAhSnmaatworden . ^^

commandment , simply because it was Jews has been followed by moral degen- Ueved botn the hnmortahty of the the fullness of joya which are with thy Godaflentirel ydifferen tand &stin6tfro m tordiaoern the .lawB*at tnfihite ;\rtsdomAccounts 01 w ddin g. »nd bnriai. win be not understood originally to refer to eraoy, a statement made once more by mvl aai the : resurrection of the body countenance , the pleasures which ore at all' material being, different as ia tbi iMarn'a^'to:cre ^ttpn^d;^t6jna

rk thepublished free of charge , when tb .y occur in w, country outside of Palestine and Rev. Henry IllloVrizi in the Jewish Expo- -maintained that ; the doctrine of the thy righ t hand forever ;" or in Psalms perishable from the Imperishable and :

^ 'T^.°lr™ fP irjMg tha "feofwm'bfm^e for'pubi fc^onoMrom ptTo there it refers only to native Israelites. ™n, and thoughtlessly endorsed by the resurrection of the dead is* revelation of 49:16. " But God will ranso m my toul dialnot as is the cause from its effects , igSr^SSte^the ^aS

%k?£ SolSD^ ta ^wui te

nUUM SSffii stm as


before , long practice pro- editor of the JewUh Me ^tnger. It ta true Mosmo origin aadconKquenay a dogma from the land of Sheol if ¦ he takes me. the creator from its creatures. The an- disgraoe vand degrad *;our huma nity, if•om^anied with an order of lubsoription and daoed a number of customs around this that the present generation of Jews is oi Jndaism , the disbelief of which makes Selah," and numerous similar passages, thor of this first verse of Genesis could we who are potentially , made but a jiittlet ito paj foroae year.

law also, of which the rabbis made laws given to the vices springing from self- one a heretio ' The. o^odox dogma none can imagine that those sacred bar oVoniy call, him Elohim "the Alinlghti- jS-lfeS^MS ^ -^.a£J »p-no?Wu



wm and the J"*00*118*8 ft my *ti0 ^ole- Jt indulgence more than were.its predeces s- to God revealed in .the Thorah , henoe were ignorant of the immortaUt y doc- ness" who is the Ruach , the will, the f ot^u^SSS*™\*i ffi£-*SSbe returned unless fo'rwarded for examtuatiou at seems according to the texts that these ore in the past and precedin g generations , tnrough Moses, the. promise of immor- trine: When one listens to, the prayer mind, the Intelligence , the arohiteohto- with lifelong effort bring tt Ughftti ehid-¦ ' »i*<*n reque.1 of the publisher. observances were not intended for us. having more money and less work to do, tab

to tho ri8h*eon8. It is historically 6f Hannah in the 'sanctuary of Shiloh nio power, "Th e Spirit" or immaterial den wealth of the unseen BQuL ^Let theNE WS ITEMS . > but in the standard of personal integrity evident , that this was. the orthodox dog- and hears her say " The I^rd k^eth and m nature and substan ce. This is the


,' The main object of this feast is the and eapeoiaily it8 Bttttnde toward the ma then ' for m thia Pnarl sean form maketh aUve, he brin geth down to the postniate of the Pentateuchal system. 8£i»TK.eW'&^iri «d™' !hoecHi.^

joy and rejoicing at the autumnal bar- 00, ^ it stands on as

high a plane exactly it was taken ^ver into the New grave and bringeth uPi » and he knows The narra tor having run through the solf-ednda tion •mto r a.far -shining-hbly¦end newt items they desire chronicled to tho vest feast , when all fruits are gathered if not 0n a higher one Unfortnnotely, to Testament , and Jeans, hke Babban this to be a mere transcript of the words, whole chain of creation arrives last , at flame , ihtcT a guiding 'light ! Let: every

"^v^M^^ t ; in: [ t Bhould *" B moral joy> a saOTed qnote the words of a bright contempo- GanUiel and other ain the Talmnd , in of Mosea (Dent. xxxU., 89). "See now the creation of man. Hereh e P ^to^'l J ?" ^^^ ^"•%™£- »•*»*»«•* ¦«» to M X enjovment before God and with the rar y; .-This ia one of those cases in which Wa reply to the Saddnoees argues from that i, eren I, am he, and, there ia no lay down ' the second postulate of the ¦&^Bie8B ^m^ d%ffl?S ^


wn'iSSion!Uon<1*y D'>OD ,0 ,,Mu r" p o0T and needy ' The LaW BanotionB one can't say what ought to be said with- tbe Thor ah. He is the God of the living Qod with me, I Mil and I make alive, I Pentateuchal system.whic^is.this: man , Belf hring tolbtoh "tke; ,wisr g6d, ^hoBMtt abnrs- i»»v-Before Monda y noon to i°7 and enjoyment in proper time and 0nt saying something which ought not ^d not of the dead; and yet he calls wound and I heal," he will have to agree male andfemale , is made in likeness with shall looklinto the heart bathings! who••incoe/nfsBAsiur B, 0. 0. Allegheny p. o.. place, and in proper form; it provides to be said " // himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and with that Amora in the Talmud that God. xsHe is bodily like o'thef- animate BbaU assin ^te-


t^utSn ^-Mw Monday noon to to* k Bgain8t cndue hilarit y' debauchery, bao- *l . m . Jacob-is the argument of Jesus. Keith- Hannah and Moses forcibly announce beings, dust of the ear th, but this body .S5S^jB^ iBffi'-2td ^fS^& *Sd 'Kentucky St., between island Brock ets. ' ohanalia of the heathens , the excesses thk death of Joshua Heschl Sharr er Paul nor the Grec ian litera ture of the immortali ty doctrine \ ia the mere shell containing the man- space; over monatiina v'ofT' disease and^SIsx akjti0 No^lJ i'irbom St! E00S of Egyptian Isis and PhaUus festivities , was briefly reporte d in these ;coIumns be- that age or even the Book of Enoch de- .«v0loe», sweeping through all tlmo peal kernel , which is the brea th of divinity, * sorrow,; 'over \the ineasii^esa^'grosshess714.7M and 717! ' ' It connects the moral idea and the char - oanBe the information reached here a viatea from the then ' established resur- lake th*e eternafthun dera of the deep, ' coming direct from God and is aubstan- of low^ passions; , for theSpurer .lhappierMew Orl e»xn»i-Before.Baturday noon to jtable sentiment with every mundane few minutes before going to press. J. reotion doctrines of the Pharisees. Later Into my ears this truth : Thou livest forever." tiaUy of God, the image of God, God is £ ®*>?8a8on<>_. °' "dda^e^thOBghts." UvWeu.- iw. 8t. ohane. Ave. plea8nre or paill | it 8anctifle s the mater- H. Schorr of Brody, in Galicia , was born rabbinical sages (A™*™ ) seek to prove When oome to in man, and man by his spirit to in God., Five ^ws me«SKSSffiw iSMB. 8AMCKL W ootvDBEBO ial in life, and life itself. It continually 1815, the son 1 of .wealthy parents . His the dogma minn |D o-ron n'nn by quor eighth ohapter of l t Samnel Md read to Mm the circle of creati on to complex ians, the>M

th. ,.^i*riy accredited basin... reP«. remmdB the poor that ttiere is plenty for talent and taste ran in a literary direo- tations from Pwphete and Hagiog raphy there twice (verses 8'and 9) that'Kin g ed; the-AU -conscious produce d the un- 3^ r^^ «


¦entative and correspondent ot au of our them in the store of Providence. It re- tion from early boyhood up. and he be- (Sanhednn 91 and »S) only to ahow that Sanl haA removed fcom the land the oonacious All, to become consoioua again messa to^the ^ Ve^ewttWpublications , who i* now travelin g in minds the rich that he once was poor came one of the most enlightened and the doctrine must be in the Thorah , as it Qboth md yidonim the sorcer ers and iA the consciousness of man, who is thus fromThe heavenfl above J and ^tne ^arththe North i. authori xed to aoiieot money md ^y become so again. It reminds most fertile writers among the starters was known to the Prophets and Hagio- etches that conjured up the spirits 'of *he connecting link of crea tipn and its beneath. . If ;.by.1 .Btre ^uouB 'ijfforts' . weon oar account and to reoe pt tor sam«. ^ j ^ntinna Uy that they were slaves of the new Hebrew school, and especial* graphi sts, and those sacred writers —ao- the deoea8ed to inform the livinK of the Creator , perishable dust accordi ng to hto Jearn to spell ¦ont.vtheirSTOahihg, we

ttWISH CALKHDAB, in f83?' "I

!£%*" *

*? ** Talmndioal oriticism: *» "f



"^™ rf


*??** events which will occur in the future , *>** imperishable spirit according to J flu^iuTb ^SS¦§§§$ ¦ S"tt"

s^-W made them ft


^* Q<A S

rtlT UW yeWS h6 WM befnended bT Prot6Bsat -^

\ n°*b/

ng whi0h

T ,?ot

*he vsrhioh was a popular practic e also in the **¦ spirit. Death is only an. attribnte of wisdom wiA^aSa%tdoi ^The

Thnr sdav OoL i Tabernacle. fSnccoth i people' " by dIfl0DedIence and rebel- Lnzatto , Naohman , Krochmal , and es- Thorah. The outcome of ail this is, y^ 1 ^ (jsaiah viil.,

19) in larael ""**«> md thore even ifc « » "mere nniyewe to crying to ua ?with ,' the:voice-; Wedlefily. Oot '9;r.: Rabbi "on they became slaves again . On pecial ly by Isaac Perter , with whom he that : ,-;-, . and neighborin nationa, althou gh change of forni ;.Bpirit to not matter and rf ^^ada, Af IpJax ieBjstretohing/^ ¦Thurtday, Oct. 10 Jihemfail Atoeret. the day of superabundance , in the published the Hamascp h. In later years 1. Jew and Christian alike took the _*,. 1r_ of -J ^ nmh<Mt > tK ollQ ™a «n is not anbject to any of the accidenta of ^

n™?™i LfWa 11??!?"8 offa fe a^ . land which flows with milk and S^ame espeoiall /celebrated among immor tahty doctr ^J om the Phartoeea ,

^£^££! ^££ matter; ifter these

two ppstulate a are Zff S ^^tSSS^Si. Moodav, Nov. l8...»New Moon , Klalev. honey, the Law reminds them annu- me„ 0f learning by bia journal called of a time prior to the.Babbinical and the threaten a upon this apodal practi ceas laid down at the very start , it would be earth , with the voibe;bf :the-nibfmtalnswSayD^'l^ewMoon. Tebet . m the most appropriate time, yon flaeAflte Hto criticism on the Talmud New Testament i^ds. . . the UolQQh WOMm ^. tautolo gy to speak again of the immor- SjS'o^.ffi1 ?f « 'Friday, Dec. 27...Fa .t of Tebet were once but dwellers m a desert was incisive and made for him at home 3. Jew and Chrtetaan alike believed death (Leviticus xx '2 6 27)— we know taUty doctrine , especially if the Penta- S'SJiT h'^fe?1896. land and yon may become as miserabl e many enemies. More enemies yet he that thto mWortaUt doctrine was a,di-, th lt the belief of personal extotence after tench tells repeatedly .that God appeared , to lmow<me;all ^as^n?/'Feb i5 ''' »N


hdebat " again if you disobey God' s laws. -From made by hto remarkably stingy and pe- vine revelation through ,: MosesJLn the death in the apiritual realm was general aaid apd apoke to man. and to anmtire tJons^fnnv. hearfc th> j ^a'^ a J

T*ur« ^r, Feb. 27.".'.Fa»t of Esther "" the hut you advanced to. the house, the nnrious disposition , although he was the Thorah , and therefore wellknown also among aU'classes of people m Israel and People, and speaking 'means conveying ©noea.i/the budding and .'fruit farin g ,-> ,Frfday, Feb,28 Porim. town, the oity. J the metropolis with all poasessor of considerable wealth, which to the sacred writ ers after him. th «!««/««,*• t^nr,tJZ tok« ^ wa *„-. ideas from mind to mind between beings ^y618'*1!008 of toy ( being. -,;Let ,- thy ¦):i»&&32»£&

*»*- *>* «-«¦ - **¦ °° bT ^

d to the Rabbin ical seminary. ta^E to „ . th t S ^Z ^S ^ZZ S; ofa^least

similar mental Zmi iff t t^Sgt i£Z£&*&l

Samr/ay.Aprjl *. Passover , 7th day. down to hut agam one week every year, , _ "J f 0

ta1fcUM ™« *°' at«a0 ' tbat in an hour of despair .^ent to that witch tella ^ou that 'man to a free-wUl being thy.growing souL rXetffln#mhermo8t I

Frida y iitoVil rii"b Om« ' """' Bee what vou were and might become / dr. Schreibbr of Toledo , who fre- the Phan aeea learned >the immortality Qf Endor ) doma^de<i of her to caU np which none else on earth is;-a self-con- life ah^esaende pais oW;tn to#thee and r1¦ Wedne

,8dM,Ma'y l3-..New Moon , Sivan. again. In your joy and enjoyment nev - quently abuses our American rabbis and doctr ine from Jesus who is supposed to the debeased nronhet Samuel which she boIoub being which none besides him to. bo ^;^Jn

^^00 ?n???iBS'i'as nni-)

¥S5d*yvHf y,i8 -Pe.^ec0

5i' (8he^

uoth er forget that you and yours with all especially the graduates of the Hebre w nave lived nearly two centuries prior to ^ na tA to have done Samnel am**™ so setf-oonsciou s that not only all nature TSiKVi^ ^ S^-7*?*6

¦¦¦J» .te^±^KlJ? ¦

,,,¦ vour wealth are in God' s hands ; never Union CoUege^Tnt to Europe last July, the compUer of the Mtohnah In the h?£^^ reflecte


in him ; but (Ld himself

tS ^SS ^^ ^SS '' 'Saturday, July li New Moon , Ab. desert your hapless fellowman ; never come back , and writes now in his own first place there can , be no doubt that tej riWo message to Saul which he aeema becomea known in the human mind : piece, my inter preter and sweet .singer.Mv, AnV! ioZ $ew JfL. EUnl. m™ tne sweetneBB of life in. the prea- org thus : the more ancient rabbte, Borne of .torn ¦

haye faUfl ..Thm haet lMm ^ to know, that 5g^ f^ig,^.'WM «**;Tuesday, clept 8 New Year , fi657. enoe of misery which you can alleviate. To those of our dear breathren of the contemporaries of Jesus or the original «,._„„£, ^^La Ar,n fai„H«« «nn» Jehovah to God and there to none be- ?£r2Ltn ?.lnafT1(laal extotence uni- ,

^servea ^o



g da, That is the object of the feast of ^wto-.mto

i^ ^ tojndj apostles , must have ^naidered

the nr at * ™^*Z*S£ S him '.^ya toses

" to Sto^Pto. ^>E^*%P$BSg - '3L^Observed following day. tooth ,, The law gives us object lessons. n TZTiiI ^ £ g n ^

ti!ai J

6*"* ! ^ l « " *? scions extetence after death was the fun- To all this comes the repeated admon ,: Gazeupon me . long 4h Sg*.eyes.1 it "Peakfl in symbolic actions and it is the 8tate of Judaism in London . Paris they would not adopt any teachin gs in ^ balief-also in the

conviction tiofi of love* to love God and man, to ?bM9*™S|NM«n va^

aa9niDD for ns to 9tudy by deeds - and vienna we are free to confess, that religion. In the second place we have . g-Bi^Don whi0h that superstition 'ear and worship the highest ideal of S^ ^ SSJSff -^kW ^IS »nUU Be all blessed on this festive season , we are beginning to appreci ate better the histor ical records in Josephus from lTJ ^„rw„ L«f ^™ perfection and to walk in God' s wavs ftto SSS_ , „ ,, .,t atAf a nt .TnHaiBm in AmRrifi a 'Wi th nil ^ . ** t> ™ ^, * i \ *, ana noma practice was built . Bo we po«ou«on, »uu to wmj iin uoa b ways. JNature ones,- "Oman, learn 'to knowThis Wednesday October 2, afte r sun- Rejoice , and enjoy liberally God 'sgifts. -taw of

^Juda ,sm m Amen ca. With al abont 150 B. C that to that tune the ^e up to'the Thorah with the immor- Is not man's similari ty to hto Maker ex- ^*l^w^1&*®Mg^set began the Feast of Booths called in together with the poor and needy, Re- dia ling and miserable state of af- PartieB or Becta - Pnarisees . Saddnoees taU. doctrine as the universal belief not pressed in every one of those insta nces, mexorable Tawia. I am Within thee andHebrew Suoooth , to last eight days , the joice with moderation and never fail to fairs so far aa the Jewish religion to con- and Essenes were ther e already as popu- . ^

j fe - , does not 'every one teU better than wordi SS?aS+£^fc - iSSW } f *^first and the last day is "a holy convo- hold up before you the moral idea and

^^ Z^& to say to^ur S? ^\ "* "T ^°K naaon a, especially amongL Egyptians , can do it , "man thou art a God-like ^ffi ^^iSS^fe

1^cation ." the six middle days ore called the God-ideal , never forget what you ^S^SZ'^^ ±

differed also on the


ty doc- M Pliny otner8 j ™

It being, hence .like spirit in general im- being and &fe. Th/body to%ubjebt toin Hebrew Choi ham M oed the profane days were and may become again. This is au the Reform-Rabbis in Ameri ca are a trine , the one holding if in the form of f^ maintam that the Israeli tes mortal and imperishable ? It must be my soverei gn, rule. Thou art ;Cbone ofof the feast , half holidays. This feast is your Succah and your Lnlab , if yon have uni t, they are bound to exercise a bjme- immor tality of the souL the other in the j. their MgihaT ideas of Deitv and borne in mind that Moses did not find it mv

^d flesh of my flesh^I havesix times mentioned in the Thorah , no other. When you ore right glad and flciaJ iuflnence , 0B. the effete Judaism in form of corporeal resurrection from the lofKer '^^8 of human nature , necessary to repeat over ^'d over again, 3 I anT ^cleinC^dw?Ufor, twice in Exodus , once in Leviticus , once right happy remember also your old v • ¦ realm of death , and a third not believ- 8homd ^ been { orant of that which what he cwuld weU

expeoVto be univers- goc4 and for evU m.every fibre din Numbers and twice in Deuteronomy; friend The Israkutr. All right Dr. 8. When those abuse d ing it in either form . The rabbinical nationfl with much lower concoction of ally known as being the corner stone of I We with .maaterful ouhiiihg formedthen again in 1 Kings . 2 Chronicles , ~ graduates of the Hebre w Union College tradition [pats that schism up to the ffodhead and manhood knew univer sallv hto sole struct ure . He had too much to £e-?on£2r05^1?S? Wi?*™**- rZachariah tiv and in Nehemiah. The T„ B most ^inguis b£'**«£2o' spend a summer in trav eling over Amer- third century B. C. as having occurred SS^S^^S^Sii say. to begin always anew. Xlk iKS^SgSgSK^SSSauthor of 1 Kings calls it emphatically of the day Prof. Louis Paeteur , dled Sep- 10a they might also get another opinion among the disciples of Antigone s, who n.^aia that those God-inspired prop h- always again to first principles. Aside through thr ^ St& f a e ™J P Chag "the feast " without adding tember 28th in Pans He was no less of Dr. Schreibe r. // - was a disciple of Simon the Just (died et ho in a moment8 of ecataL of all tha t Moses was no deductive meta- along the , n^we^-ohMtoels as theSuccoth. It seems to have been in his distinguished as practical physician than " ' . 292 B" C -> and thiB may ta corre ot- stood bo near the universal intelleotus, physical reasoner ; he continu ally reasons ^S^S^^J^..} **time the most popular of the three high as a nat uralist. He was bom in 1822. Thh old fight over religious services Anyhow it to beyond doubt historical , Sd not have felUhe universality IS from facts induct ively and by Lalogy, gj JJ l?££ffi :£fi£*T £feasts ordained in connection with the • * • . » the public schools has agam broken that this belief was old in Israel , when i ^ ty of their own natur e. as the lawgiver and the founder of a veal mvseU in ^aKaetoeof touchSinaic revelation. The lower house of the Hungarian out this time in Linwood a suburb in 150 B. C. three popular par ties or new culture must do. As for as he had l am incarnate; ta 'thee raa^thei -sense ofThe sacrificial services for these holy Diet has passed the bill to acknowledge of Cincinnati. The trouble, according sects held different opinions as to the facts to present he apoke of immortality tftSte' * h*ve/''i^e 1M'v'ihyBe]f asdays are .to be found in Leviticus xxiiii Judaism as a religion entitled to the to the daily press , arose over the with- form of the dogma. This leads us his- "We came to the Thorah convinced that as our philosophers and also the Talmud' haf * t tM* rK f ^u *,ia e7er?to which the psalmodic service and or- same respect and consideration as that drawal from the school of his child by torioally into the apocrypha of the Old *he author did know the immortaUty tats digo, m

nj^y pa88a(?e8 and ufe ta th ^nngi ^tovV«tef™

e^ess. ohestras of the Levites and the wind in- accorded to other faiths. The upper Mr. James Hoctor , a Roman CathoUc , Testament , especially in "Wisdom of doctrine , and knowin g this we find plen- pnrfts e8 occurring in the Pentateuch Be- evointioh s and progress ive labors , ano-strument s of the priests were added es- house , being composed of the nobility, because he was required to learn "The Solomon" and .the Maocabe an books, in ty of passages in it which indicat e this yond tha t wonld not go_Moses was oeeded fa build to^myBelfyup in thee aspeoiall y on this feast , which had the which has until recently monopolized all Lord 's" and other prayers. As soon which the immortality doctrine is treat- doctrine as one of the premise s, npon, honest man—and those who eo be h *0-"^ h?*6 f°*

' i: ''^Stton ,, as thy

character of a musical festival to which lands and profitable enterprises , and as the objection was made Principa l ed as an old and universal belief; and to which the whole structure of the Law^a' yond ^gi^te facts run into a labv- dweS' toe^to tod to 'vfark^Tit andwere added the games in the temple wants to make it unpleasant for its ri- Andrew ordered the disconti nuance of Hagiogr ophy of the Bible, especially to erected, as did all^the Jewish philoso- rinth q[ absurditi es, especially in the through it the divtoel- ^dick ' of world- "courts and the pompons ceremonies at val s, will probably defeat the bill. The the religious service , and the maj ority Daniel, Koheleth and Psalms, and there phers—like the Talmud —from Philo Ju- deoiamBt ory literature and speculation oor,(lnerfn & thought Learh' , ther efore ,the libation of water with ' the wine on Roman Catholic prie sthood is also bit- of the village trustees sustained his ao- we have the doctrine in both forms, as daeus to Moses Mendelssohn. None of on immortality future life reward and

to knowT

me in. 'a^'tb^m:.-great and 'the water , and the extra illumination of terl y antagonizing the bill and moving tion , all of which is, we believe , accord- immortality of the soul in Koheleth: them whose literary production has be- pnni8hment > resnrreotion '

judgment within theeand wifchdilfcee"' "^v Thythe temp le mount. The festival liturgy heaven and earth to bring about its final ing to law . This however does not sat- "And the spirit returns to God who oome known to posterity, the Grecia ns day, heaven 'and hell, its joya and pan aa UfQ and well-being Xpqnjurei thee, apendof the synagogue was established after defeat. However Hungary is progre s- iafy the fanatical element , which speaks hath given it. " and the reaurrection of included , failed to discover the immor- m ^

onr Kabbaltot s and Christian thy mind '8 be8t . ener gy '"in! learnin g tothe destruction of the altar and the term- sing toward a higher civilization and openly of dismissing Princi pal Andr ew, the body in Daniel xji, "and many of tality doctrine in the Pentateuch. The theologians are equally omniscient elo P^6184"™1 S^ v?1


J °nt ' beneficentination of the sacrificial cult , to which there is hope that some day justice will impeaching the school trust ees and boy- those that sleep in the dust of the earth main witnesses in this case are Saadia , quent and uncou soionsly absurd Moses tov?sibTeyet unbre Sbtth S

dfor^edwas added much later on the variety of prevail within its boundary . cotting the P. C. C. & St. L . Ry„ of shall awake , some tj everlasting life, Ibn Gabirol , Baohi a, Judah Holevi, Ibn has told us enough about the immortal- bv mine eternal eforcea/VV^atoh me ;pinti m, Yazeroth and sacred poetry of * * ¦» which Mr. Hootor is the ticket agent at and some to shame and everlasting con-1 Dand , Ibn Zadik , Moses Maimonide s, ity dootr ine to justify the Rabbi s of the witn a ^^ t and eyelf:;6bseryant eye,other denominations , as we add hymns In the case of Mr. Stern of New York Linwood ; and it will be done if they tempt. And the enlightened snail shine Nachmanide a and before him Abraham Mishnah in assuming as a dosma revn l

to°t thoumay est ga^^a'ight into myand prayers in the vernacular. Besides in Kissingen , the "Nene Nachrichten , " should have the power. It does not re- as the brightness of the firmanent and Ibn Ezra , Chasdai Creskas .Shem tob Pal- ed from God by Moses, that man is an Se teS*!f t ttemS'leii 'Sthe mTtest'the 150 psalms we possess but a few in Munich published the following cor- quire very mnoh penetr ation to discern they that turn many to righteousness as inira, Levi ben Gersom , Joseph Albo, immortal being, as in one form or anoth- and regtoter them'^.the'volunie of thy ,fragments of prayers in the Talmud rection. Mr. Stern was accused of having that every man who advocates the giv- the stars for ever and ever " **• "And and Isaac Abarbanel , all forerunners of er it wag ^ Delieved t . . " memory. Obey - thehi 'allj cheerf ully, ¦;;, from the tini« prior to the destruction of regis tered his son as being under fifteen ing of religious instrnction of any kind thon ( Daniel) go thou to the end , and Baruch Spinoza and Mosea Mendels- Urael bn(. ftm . G-nrilfi

^e them intolhy mind,-let the knowl- ¦Jerusalem. The Psalms of Solomon years of age nof m Kia ingen but on the in the public schools ia simply furnish- rest and thou shalt rise to thy lot at the sohn 's Phoedon. The witnesses are am- far baok in antiquity as the records of thfwUl cSXhUhM ^aa^hy^wn l, which Iwve been brought to light in our steamer on board of which he came to ing ammunition for the enemy. If the end of days." One step forward and we pie and the testimony conclusive that the languag es and the dumb witnesse s of lawa *""* willingly SnWnlf to them. "century .seem to be apocryphal. The Europe , and this proves to be a mistake, theory be correct that tho best interests stand before the last chapt er of Isaiah , the Thorah teaches the dootrine of im- inscripti ons reach None oan denv it For It Natu re , am thon, vO man, andKaiblUh ', Kalduth ih and /(««,/,« seem to Mr. Stern came to Europe on the steamer of onr country requir es that all future where the closing words in import ore mortality. On the other hand , however , n0ne oan prov e if so did Moses «. H ' ^°M firt m? ^owmgl. If thon wilt -;

; .be the oldest pieces extan t, therefor e "Majestic " and anothe r Mr. Stern of citizens shall be educated in the common nearly the same as those of Daniel. «»e Th°rab was looked npon from the we ought to do in 'submission to comm

8° wUl be maxrow to th '^ bones '

they must be recited only in acougr ega- New Orleans came with his twelve year sohools-and we firmly believe it is—it Thus we trac e the immortality dootrine standpoint of legalism only by Jewi sh Benfl6 an(J the feelinff8 of man on

and health to thy body? Thy knowl- 'tion of ten adults . old son also from New York on the naturally follows that there should be in Isr ael back to the year 540 B. C. as students , of congealed dogmatism by _ ' edge of me .shall the' thy guar dian ;steamer "Columbia. " These two young no valid reason wh y any man or class of universally known and believed. Christian studen ts, or unripe skepticism " ' * " and physician. I will keep thy blood '

Two extra ceremonial observances are men Viteru were mistaken for one ann ther men connot conscientiously send its — hy different invest igators; so Bishop FBANCE. rich , pure and wholesome,.,and will float . ,;ordained in the Thorah for this feast of This of course exonerotes Mr. Stern of childre n there . There con in the very It is fallacious to maintain that the Wharburton could write two columns on A Building Society which owns the Se-ourrent

1 U thon wlft know'rne andbooths. The firs t is the »urcaA "the New York as far as the age of his son is nature of things be no reli gious service prophetical literatur e does not teach the the point , why Mbae a did not place him- nouses in the Ru e Coup rie, in the 14th walk in all my ways, I will be stre ngt hbooth " which gives the name to the ron cerued , and Mr. Stern 's son of New ' or instruction that is not more or less immortaUty dootrine . The great parable self upon the ' immortality standpoint homage to^nefof' the"*' has rendered and suppleness ih'th v limbs. I willfeast; the second is the festive wreat h Orleans was in fact but twelve years old. I sectari an . Absolute secularization is of Ezekiel (ohapter xxxvii.), joining to- and the sainted ^ Shelop »npn Vhv .thropi sts

in Pa ris by^nlfminKthe

nTaUT°bl in %°^

aB joy, I will per eu- ;• ponstoting of the palm branch p^), All that oan be charge d against Mr. Stern , therefore necessary to enable the public gether the human bones scatte red over aboaLthe same time oonld write in hto street Rue Pur tado-Heine. The gener- heart

^as ootiage ^^ou shalt ru fte- ^¦"the fruit of the Hadar tree (J )lnn), myr- is his conduct toward that officer that ' school system to render the very highest the valley, covering them with sinews heavy folio vblnme#a numb w of reasons , om

B°£rfa«adame Purt ado-H eine has race of life and not be weary; for knowl- ;'tie branches and branches of the willow, gave him the lie, when he stated his son ' service it is capable of. Whoever op- and flesh and pouri ng into them the why Moaea does not teach the immortal- tJje i^^Arrond toemfiivk >


m\ °* edSe ^ y tpi° w'atenfl , and '.;the palm branches tied together with was above the age of fif teen. No gentle- (poses this to an enemy df the Public spiri t of life, ahows the behef of hfe dflya ity doctriiie. . Like the Bfahq p the Babbi dtnated the diapenaary found ed tmd en

3 a^^tmS '^^J' ^^^-t'8^^those other branches ahould be waved as man a cons tomed to the American atand- ' Schools whether he know* it or not. and hto people in the wsowwtion of the gives many ^ zieaaoha ^Qrihto pmtoalo n to tirelyTnatotain ed by her. ^^%j g^

W aoang^ toiaffioh? >rith ::
