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Hello and welcome

My name is imran. I living in spain. But i was born in Pakistán 03/24/1991.

I love play football like music and films of cultur indian. I study in 10 classe in spain. In

my classe has got 12 student. I love english my teacher of english is cristina.

She is very nice. I play football in park. My companyans they are very nice.

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MY classe has got 12 student. Syeda , paulina, diego, lito, maria, sagar, xixi, jie, zakaries, azel arb, joaquin, and imran.

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MY TEACHERS My teachers is Jesús Mª Jover Casas. Cristina , Ana depares , Isidro , Pili, Xavi, Sheila.

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SPORTSThe proper end of games is bobily health and physical fitness. Greeks were the the earliest people who introduced the marathon race and many other sports. Sports and athletics are now consierdead an essential featureh human activity.Apart from making the body limbs and muscles strong games and sports teach how to use the energy in the right way
