
청룡 백호


Palace 궁궐 Palanquin 가마Guardian 수호신 Universe 우주 Protect 보호하다 Element 요소 Building 건물 Direction 방향 Main 중심이 되는 Dragon 용

Today’s words

GGyyeeoonngg--bbookk PPaallaaccee This is 경복 Palace, which was built by the First

King of the Joseon Dynasty, King Taejo.

It was used as the King’s main palace until

it burned down during the Japanese invasion in 1592.

경복 Palace was rebuilt by King Gojong.


국국제제교교류류문문화화진진흥흥원원 청청소소년년 도도슨슨트트와와

함함께께하하는는 역역사사문문화화탐탐방방

This bridge separates the world of the King from that of the rest of the people. Thewater under the bridge cleanses whoever crosses it. The monsters protect the Kingfrom bad spirits or people who try to enterthe palace.

This is the 근정전. This is where the Kingwould meet important people, such as the envoys from China.

These stones mark the ranks of the government officials. If youlook at the road, civil officials would stand on the right andmilitary officials on the left.

The road has three lanes. The middle lane was only used by theKing, The right and left lanes were used by government officials.

These are the stairs up into thebuilding. If you notice, the King has nostairs. That is because he did not walk,he was carried in a palanquin. The stone represent the King.



GGuuaarrddiiaannssGeun Jeong Jeon was the main building. 10 of the 12animal guardians protect it. Let’s find the 2 missinganimals.

Number 5 very important 5 directions(east,west,south,north,middle) 5 elements of universe(불,물,나무,쇠,흙) 5 guardian animals(좌청룡, 우백호, 남주작, 북현무, 황룡) 5 colors(단청)= 화수목금토 (일+월=sun+moon, yin+yang) 5 mountains= 금강산, 백두산, 묘향산, 지리산, 삼각산(북한산) (일월오악도)
