Page 1: Gut rehabilitation and intestinal transplantation...approaches, bowel revascularization and restoration of gastrointestinal continuity. As part of the rehabil-itative efforts, bowel-lengthening

Future Drugs Ltd

10.1586/14750708.2.6.853 © 2005 Future Drugs Ltd ISSN 1475-0708 Therapy (2005) 2(6), 853-864 853


Gut rehabilitation and intestinal transplantationKareem M Abu-Elmagd†, Geoffrey Bond, Laura Matarese, Guilherme Costa, Darlene Koritsky, Karen Laughlin, Bonnie Schuster, Kyle Soltys, Hossam Kandil, Rakesh Sindhi, Stephen O’Keefe & George Mazariegos†Author for correspondenceUniversity of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, MUH, 7 South, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USATel: +1 412 647 1458Fax: +1 412 647 [email protected]

Keywords: intestinal transplantation, short bowel syndrome, total parenteral nutrition

The field of short bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal failure has recently evolved, particularly after the clinical introduction of intestinal and multivisceral transplantation. For nearly three decades, the management of short bowel syndrome was limited to the natural adaptation process and lifelong intravenous supplementation. However, recent clinical availability of intestinal transplantation as an alternative to total parenteral nutrition, has fueled the field with relentless efforts to enhance intestinal adaptation and gut rehabilitation with the achievement of full nutritional autonomy. Intestinal and multivisceral transplantation has added new dimensions as a creative therapy to short bowel syndrome patients, as well as those with extensive abdominal pathology that could not be treated with conventional methods. With continuous improvement in the survival outcome, the procedure has become more widely applicable and commonly utilized, with more than 65 intestinal transplant centers worldwide. With the procedure currently showing improvement in therapeutic indices, including cost effectiveness and quality of life, we believe intestinal and multivisceral transplantation should promptly be offered to short bowel syndrome patients who fail conventional rehabilitation as well as those with complex abdominal pathology.

In late 1960s, intravenous feeding was introducedto rescue patients who lost most of their smallbowel, developed short bowel syndrome (SBS) orcould no longer maintain their needs throughenteral nutrition [1]. Since then and until 1990when intestinal transplantation became clinicallyfeasible, little attention has been given to the fieldof SBS and gastrointestinal failure [2,3]. In the 1970sand 1980s, limited success was achieved to enhanceintestinal adaptation and restore the gastrointestinalnutritional autonomy [4–8]. Recent improvement inthe therapeutic efficacy of intestinal and multivis-ceral transplantation has fueled the field and trig-gered further interest in new innovative therapeuticmodalities rather than transplantation. In Februaryof 2004, the National Institute of Diabetes &Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and theAmerican Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutri-tion (ASPEN) jointly organized a workshop onintestinal failure with a special focus on current andemerging therapies including intestinal rehabilita-tion and transplantation. Similar to other complexdiseases, a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach isessential for the optimal management of thisunique and orphan population.

Gut rehabilitationNatural adaptationShortly after massive surgical resection, theremaining bowel begins to adapt for functional

compensation with a duration of approximately2 years [9,10]. Luminal nutrients from complexfoods are the most potent stimuli with respon-sive changes including an increase in epithelialsurface area, protein expression, gastric secre-tion, gastric emptying and intestinal transittime. Intestinal hypertrophy rather than entero-cyte hyperplasia seems to be the central mecha-nism of natural adaptation with an increase invillous height. In addition, an upregulation ofthe peptide transporter PepT1 in the remainingcolon was observed suggesting an increase inthe luminal transport of simple peptidesderived from the diet [11]. The dynamics of theadaptation process and the effect of the thera-peutic intervention on the different phases havebeen conceptually depicted by Jeppesen andcolleagues (Figure 1) [12].

RehabilitationGastrointestinal tract rehabilitation involves res-toration of nutritional autonomy with an unre-stricted oral diet and elimination of the need forintravenous nutritional support. A successfuloutcome is largely determined by the status ofthe remaining bowel and the implemented diet-based protocol. The clinical availability of apotent enterotropic agent will unequivocallyevolutionize the field with significant impact onthe clinical outcomes [13,14].

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DietThe diet regimen is an essential component of anytherapeutic strategy for intestinal rehabilitation.The recipe reflects the surgical anatomy of theresidual gastrointestinal tract, with the aim tomaximize absorption and reduce output. Con-sumption of small frequent meals and avoidanceof simple sugars, primarily disaccharides, help todecrease the intraluminal hyperosmotic load.With the colon connected to the proximal bowel,diet should contain 60% complex carbohydrate,20% protein and 20% fat with no fat restrictionin the absence of a functioning colon [15].

FiberPatients must utilize viscous or soluble fibers fromfood sources with additional supplements ifneeded. With a functional colon, undigested fiberand carbohydrate will be metabolized into short-chain fatty acids with a significant increase in thenumber of calories being absorbed from thecolonic mucosa [16]. In addition, soluble fiber sup-plements increase the viscosity of the ostomyeffluent, if present, and prolong transit time.

Oral rehydrationMaintenance of adequate hydration is achievableusing oral rehydration solutions that contain

90 mEq Na/l and 20 m of glucose/l [17]. Thesolution utilizes the active cotransport system ofsodium and glucose molecules at the intestinalbrush border [18].

SupplementsVitamin and mineral deficiencies, particularly vita-min B12, fat-soluble vitamins, calcium, magne-sium and zinc, are common in patients withSBS [19]. Often vitamin and mineral supplementa-tion in doses exceeding dietary reference intakes arerequired to maintain adequate vitamin nutriture.

Pharmacologic therapyThe success of dietary modification can beimproved using medications that prolong transittime, reduce secretions and improve absorption.Commonly used antidiarrhea medicationsinclude diphenoxylate-atropine, loperamide andtincture of codeine or opium. Octreotide, asomatostatin analog, is used for severe secretorydiarrhea, whilst histamine receptor antagonistsand proton-pump inhibitors decrease gastric acidsecretions and prevent peptic ulceration [20].Exogenous bile salts are usually added to improvefat and calcium absorption [21]. Gut decontami-nation and probiotics are often helpful inpatients with bacterial overgrowth [22].

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the dynamics and different phases of the intestinal adaptation.

Reprinted with permission from [12].

1 year 2 years 3 years








Early treatment Late treatment

Accelerated hyperadaptation

Accelerated adaptation


Spontaneous adaptation

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Gut rehabilitation and intestinal transplantation – SPECIAL REPORT

Tropic factors such as growth hormone andglucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), have been usedeither alone or in combination with a modifieddiet, to improve absorption and reduce depend-ency on parenteral nutrition [13,14]. In December2003, the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approved the use of growth hormone forthe treatment of SBS based on the completion ofa Phase III randomized, controlled clinicaltrial [14]. GLP-2 is currently under evaluation inan international, multicenter, controlled studyincluding the author’s institution.

Reconstructive surgeryPrompt operative intervention, when indicated,plays a major role during the different phases ofSBS. During the adaptation phase, the surgicaltechniques entail preventive measures, conservativeapproaches, bowel revascularization and restorationof gastrointestinal continuity. As part of the rehabil-itative efforts, bowel-lengthening operations andsurgical techniques to slow the intestinal transit

time should be offered to selected patients. Themost commonly used bowel-lengthening opera-tions are the Bianchi (Figure 2A) and serial transverseenteroplasty (STEP) (Figure 2B) procedures [23,24].

Prognostic factorsPredictors of successful rehabilitation include:• Patient age• Distal versus proximal resection• Length and status of the remaining small bowel• Presence of the ileocecal valve and or colon• Status of the abdominal visceral vascular struc-

tures including the patency of the superiormesenteric artery and mesentericoportalcirculation

Favorable prognostic factors include:

• Young age• Healthy residual bowel with intact absorptive

and motility functions• Restored continuity of the gastrointestinal


Figure 2. Surgical techniques for lengthening of the intestine in patients with short bowel syndrome.

(A) Bianchi procedure. Reprinted with permission from [23]. (B) Serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP). Reprinted with permission from [24].


A BStapling site


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• Preservation of portion of the ileum, colon, aswell as the ileocecal valveThe cumulative rehabilitative benefits of these

biologic, physiologic and structural factors aredetermined by the ability to maximize theabsorptive capacity, slow the transit time, restorethe physiologic interaction between the differentabdominal visceral organs and prevention ofintraluminal bacterial overgrowth.

Intestinal & multivisceral transplantationFor nearly three decades, the human intestinewas considered a forbidden organ for transplan-tation due to the associated massive lymphoidtissue (gut-associated lymphoid tissue), highantigenicity and colonization withmicroorganisms [25]. With the clinical introduc-tion of the powerful immunosuppressive drug,tacrolimus (FK-506) in 1989 [26], the formidablerisks of allograft rejection and subsequent lethalhost infection were ameliorated and the proce-dure began to emerge as a rescue therapy forpatients with intestinal failure who could nolonger be treated with conventional modalities.However, the complexity of postoperative careand need for heavy maintenance immuno-suppression, delayed the widespread use of theprocedure for nearly a decade. With innovativesurgical techniques, novel immunosuppressiveprotocols and better post-transplant manage-ment, the therapeutic indices of both the intesti-nal and multivisceral transplantation hassignificantly improved. Subsequently, the proce-dure has been better utilized with rewarding out-comes for patients with end-stage intestinalfailure and incurable gastrointestinal diseases.

The year 2000 witnessed the US governmentsrecognition of the procedure as the standard ofcare for patients with SBS and gut failure whocould no longer be maintained on total parenteralnutrition (TPN) or treated with conventionaltherapy [27]. This milestone achievement was theresult of the primary author’s formal request for anational coverage policy based upon the cumula-tive improvement in survival and full gastrointes-tinal nutrition autonomy after the procedure. Inits deliberation, the government considered vari-ous sources including the information submittedby this author, the 1999 technology assessment ofthe Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association’s Techno-logy Evaluation Center, and the report of theCenter for Practice and Technology Assessmentat the Agency for Healthcare Research andQuality (AHRQ).

IndicationsIntestinal transplantation has been primarilyutilized as a life-saving therapy for patients whohave failed TPN therapy and those with life-threatening abdominal pathology. Such limitedindications were implemented during the earlydeveloping phase of the procedure and contin-ued to be used as the guidelines for clinical prac-tice by most transplant centers, as well ashealthcare providers, particularly the Center forMedicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in theUSA [27]. Failure of TPN therapy was defined bysignificant liver injury with elevated liverenzymes, multiple line infections, thrombosis oftwo or more of the central veins and frequentepisodes of dehydration. However, the currentsubstantial improvement in patient and graftsurvival, justifies the lifting of these restrictedcriteria and offering the procedure for mostpatients with irreversible intestinal failure.

The causes of intestinal failure differ amongadults and children, with SBS being the mostfrequent indication for transplantation. Otherindications include motility disorders, gastroin-testinal neoplastic syndromes and impaired ente-rocyte functions. According to the IntestinalTransplant Registry (ITR) database, the mostcommon pretransplant diagnoses are gastro-schisis (21%), volvulus (17%) and necrotizingenterocolitis (12%) in children, and ischemia(23%), Crohn’s disease (14%) and trauma(10%) in adults [28]. A hypercoagulable state ofprotein C, S and antithrombin III deficiencies,Factor V/II mutation, lupus anticoagulant andanticardiolipin antibodies are frequently diag-nosed in patients with visceral vascular thrombo-sis. Hereditary neoplastic and motility disorderssuch as familial polyposis, Gardner syndrome,desmoid tumors and hollow visceral myopa-thy/neuropathy are not uncommon among bothchildren and adults. Recipients with hypercoagu-lable syndromes must receive life-long anticoag-ulation therapy [29]. There have been no reportedcases of primary intestinal disease recurrence,with the exception of a single case of recurrentCrohn’s disease [30].

Type of intestinal transplantationThere are three main types intestinaltransplantation:

• Intestine alone (Figure 3A)

• Liver plus intestine (Figure 3B)

• Multivisceral (stomach, duodenum, pancreas,intestine and liver) (Figure 3C)

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Gut rehabilitation and intestinal transplantation – SPECIAL REPORT

postoperative fever, cytokine syndrome, adrenalinsufficiency and histologically documentedrejections. The 12 h Prograf trough levels wereaimed at 10 to 15 ng/dl within the first 12 to 16postoperative weeks. After that time, the wean-ing process was initiated in patients who contin-ued to be rejection free with normal baselineendoscopic biopsy. In patients with a history ofrejection, weaning was delayed for at least8 weeks from the time of last episode. With thisinnovative protocol, current 1-year patient sur-vival is 92% with a graft survival of 89%.Equally impressive is the ability to safely spacethe tacrolimus dose with more than half of therecipients currently on every other day (44%) ortwo to three single doses of tacrolimus/week(56%) with no maintenance of steroid therapy.However, rejection does occur before (first 3postoperative months) and after weaning, withan incidence of 45%.

InfectionOne of the lessons learned from the Pittsburghearly experience is the high risk of cytomegalo-viral (CMV) infection and Epstein–Barr viral(EBV)-related post-transplant lymphoma [27].Subsequently, most centers have adopted long-term prophylactic and preemptive antiviral ther-apy. Preemptive treatment has been guided bythe recently available molecular diagnostic testsincluding PP65 for CMV antigenemia andquantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)for EBV replication [27,36]. Such a strategy hassignificantly reduced the risks of CMV and EBVinfections in both the adult and pediatric popu-lation, respectively [31]. The risk of bacterial andfungal infections has also been reduced by adopt-ing perioperative prophylactic antimicrobialtherapy, surveillance blood cultures and promptremoval of central lines.

RejectionThe diagnosis of early intestinal rejection remainsone of the most challenging aspects of post-operative care. The early described clinical mani-festations [37] and recently defined histologiccriteria [38] remain the gold standard for diagnosisand treatment of rejection. Surveillance endoscop-ies with multiple-guided mucosal biopsies are rou-tinely performed once or twice a week during theearly postoperative period. The procedure is per-formed through a temporary chimney or simpleloop ileostomy (Figure 3). Since the allograft ileumis more susceptible to rejection than the jejunum,enteroscopy with jejunal allograft biopsies is only

required for cases with indeterminate ileal biopsiesdespite the high clinical index of suspicion.Despite all efforts, it is sometimes difficult to dif-ferentiate between allograft rejection and infectionin a timely manner. The clinical availability of areliable serum or tissue marker for prediction orearly detection of rejection will undoubtedly easeand guide many aspects of postoperative manage-ment. In addition, the therapeutic indices of theprocedure will continue to improve particularlythe cost effectiveness and QoL.

NutritionThe nutritional care of intestinal recipients is themost complex component of the early post-operative phase. With a cumulative experience of15 years, the current trends are early enteral feed-ing, utilization of nonelementary formulae andprompt discontinuation of TPN [39–41]. Contraryto early experience, most recipients receive all oftheir nutritional needs enterally, with completediscontinuation of TPN within the first 4 to6 weeks after transplantation. Commonlyobserved postoperative self-limited gastric dys-motility has been overcome by initiation ofenteral feeding through a jejunostomy tube(Figure 3) and use of prokinetic agents [40]. In con-trast to the pediatric population, acquired eatingdisorders are rarely seen among adults, and dis-continuation of tube feeding is commonlyachieved within the first 6 to 8 weeks after trans-plantation. Despite discrepancies in the nutri-tional protocols currently adopted by thedifferent transplant centers, early utilization ofenteral feeding enhances graft adaptation, simpli-fies postoperative care and eliminates the poten-tial risks associated with TPN, particularly lineinfections and thrombosis of the central veins.

Achievement of full nutritional autonomy isthe most reliable and practical tool to assess fullrecovery of intestinal allograft functions. How-ever, it is a dynamic process that is commonlytriggered by multiple factors including immuno-logic and nonimmunologic events such as severepreservation injury, rejection, viral enteritis, life-threatening systemic infections and technicallyflawed operations. Accordingly, careful monitor-ing of the recipient’s clinical and biochemicnutrition indices should guide the judiciouswithdrawal of TPN and advancement of theenteral feeding.

The immediate, early and long-term effects ofallograft preservation injury, enteric lymphaticdisruption and central denervation of the trans-planted bowel, are important non-immunologic

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factors that contribute to delay and incompleterecovery of the intestinal graft functions. Thecommonly observed mutual adaptation betweenthe engrafted viscera and residual native gut mayindicate reconnection of lymphatics, reestablish-ment of neuroenteric functions and restoration

of hormonal balance. Nonetheless, mostrecipients achieve long-term gastrointestinalrehabilitation with full nutritional autonomy.

Survival outcomeCurrent resultsThe 2003 report of the ITR highlighted a newera of intestinal transplantation with increasedpracticality and improved survival outcome [28].The data confirmed the therapeutic efficacy ofthe procedure for the intestinal failure patientswho can no longer be maintained on TPN. Theanalysis of 923 patients that received 989 intes-tinal transplantations in 19 different countries,demonstrated a continuous improvement insurvival rates (Figure 5). Similar results have beenobserved with a single center experience(Figure 4). The 1-year survival was similar to thatof liver allograft recipients. Of greater impact,were the immunosuppressive protocols thathave evolved over the last 15 years with theintroduction of new agents and adoption ofnew treatment strategies (Figure 6). With the cur-rent Pittsburgh recipient pretreatment proto-col, the 1-year patient and graft survival wasmore than 90% [35]. Equally impressive is thediscontinuation of TPN with achievement offull nutritional autonomy in most survivorsworldwide [27,28].

Figure 5. The Kaplan–Meier survival curves for the intestinal transplant registry population.

Note the significant improvement in graft survival over time. Reprinted with permission from [28].

% S



Years post-treatment




Graft survival by era

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10












Figure 6. The graft survival rates of the intestinal transplant registry population plotted according to the type of immunosuppressive protocol.

Note the significant improvement in survival with the use of induction therapy. Reprinted with permission from [28].IL: Interleukin.

Tacrolimus + rATGTacrolimus + Campath 1H

Tacrolimus + IL2 antagonist

Tacrolimus with no induction

Tacromilus + OKT3

p = 0.0002

Years post-treatment0 1 2 3 4 5 6

% S














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The impact of the liver allograftThe significant survival benefits of including theliver as part of the composite visceral graft, hasbeen clearly demonstrated in two of the land-mark papers in the field [31,42]. Recipients ofliver plus intestine had the best long-term prog-nosis (Figure 7A) and the lowest risk of graft lossfrom rejection (Figure 7B). However, a few impor-tant points need to be addressed to put to restcurrent debate, particularly with recent analysisof the ITR database that included the Pittsburghpopulation (25–30% of the data registry). First,it is obvious from the Kaplan–Meier (cumula-tive) survival curves shown in Figure 7A, thatlong-term follow-up (beyond 5 years) is neededto demonstrate differences in survival in thethree types of the intestinal allografts. The lowerlong-term survival rate of the multivisceralgrafts, compared with the combined liver–intes-tinal grafts despite inclusion of the liver, is sim-ply due to the documented higher risk of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease and lethalinfections among multivisceral recipients [31].These nonimmunologic risk factors partiallyeroded the immunoprotective advantage of theliver and its positive impact on early and overallgraft survival. To eliminate such an effect, thecumulative risk of graft loss due to rejection wascalculated with and without inclusion of the

liver. As shown in Figure 7B, the difference washighly significant (p = 0.00001), with clear doc-umentation of the immunoprotective effect ofthe liver allograft.

Early transplantationPrompt referral for transplantation has beenassociated with better survival outcome.Recently published data shows increased sur-vival in patients who were waiting at home atthe time of transplantation (Figure 8). Anotherpotential advantage of early referral is rescuingthe native liver from the deleterious effects ofSBS and subsequently required TPN therapy.In addition, patients and primary caregivers arerehabilitated earlier, with a better chance ofrestoring the family’s socioeconomic status.Equally important is the surgical option ofremoving the transplanted bowel, if failed, withdiscontinuation of immunosuppression andreinstitution of TPN.

Cost effectiveness & quality of lifeWith the continuous improvement in survival,the cost effectiveness and QoL issues haverecently become primary rather than secondaryend points. The current limitation in the availa-bility of scientific publications that address thesetwo important therapeutic benefits is the com-mon use of the procedure in its three differentprototypes as a rescue rather than an alternativetherapy with prior exhaustion of all availableconventional therapeutic modalities. Accord-ingly, most patients are critically ill and chroni-cally debilitated before transplantation, withpoor functional reserve.

The use of intestinal transplantation alone canbe examined on a cost-effective basis due to theavailability of TPN for patients with intestinalfailure. In preparation for the formal request thatled to government recognition of the procedure,the Pittsburgh data showed that intestinal trans-plantation (like kidney transplantation), becomescost effective within the first 2 years after surgery.The cost effectiveness of a combined liver andsmall bowel or multivisceral transplantation isimmeasurable as there is no alternative treatment.A measurable value; however, is the achievementof a high rehabilitative index in most survivors.With the continuous improvement in post-operative management and subsequent reductionin the length of the initial hospital stay as well asneed for readmissions, the cost effectiveness of theprocedure will continue to improve, particularlyat centers of excellence [28,31].

Figure 7A. Kaplan–Meier survival curves of the three different types of intestinal grafts.

Reprinted with permission from [31].

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10












Isolated Intestine (n=65)

Liver-Intestine (n=75)

Multivisceral (n=25)

P = 0.5






Time After Transplantation (year)

Time after transplantation (year)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

p = 0.5

Isolated intestine (n = 65)

Liver–intestine (n = 75)

Multivisceral (n = 25)


ft s
















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SPECIAL REPORT – Abu-Elmagd, Bond, Matarese et al.

862 Therapy (2005) 2(6)

As a result of chronic illness, disease gravityand long-term use of TPN, most intestinalfailure patients who undergo transplantationsuffer psychiatric disorders with significantpsychosocial derangement of their primarycaregivers. This important observation wasfirst reported by the London Ontario

group [43] and subsequently confirmed byother centers. Accordingly, a comprehensivepsychiatric assessment has been required bymost centers as an essential part of the initialevaluation process.

The rich multidimensional QoL conceptcannot easily be measured and properlyassessed by current clinical tools, including theQoL index. Nonetheless, simple measuressuch as improved daily activities, personalindependence, occupational rehabilitation,improved personal habits and less narcoticdependence, should be considered valuablepractical tools to assess the procedure’s reha-bilitative index. With a lack of prospectivecontrol studies, there have been reports dem-onstrating significant improvement in somepsychiatric domains after transition fromTPN-dependence to post-transplant TPNindependence [44]. These observations were val-idated by different centers, including reportsfrom the ITR [28,45]. In these reports, long-term physical and psychiatric rehabilitationwas achieved in 85% of the recipients who sur-vived beyond the sixth postoperative month.Similar observations were acknowledgedamong the Pittsburgh 6-month survivors, witha 92% achievement of successful occupationalrehabilitation [unpublished data].

Establishment of an intestinal rehabilitation & transplantation centerThe optimal management of patients with SBSand other gastrointestinal disorders can only bedelivered through a multidisciplinary teamwith expertise in the medical and surgical man-agement of these complex patients. The teammust consist of a gastroenterologist, nutrition-ist, dietitian, pharmacist, social worker, casemanager, physician assistant, clinical co-ordi-nator, psychiatrist, gastrointestinal pathologistand gastrointestinal surgeon. With intestinaland multivisceral transplantation being anessential part of the treatment algorithm, therehabilitation center should be establishedunder the umbrella of a tertiary care center,with ample experience in the field of gastroin-testinal surgery and abdominal organ trans-plantation, particularly of the liver. Theincreasing practicality of the procedure com-piled with cumulative improvement in sur-vival, underscores the growing role of the localgeneral gastroenterologists in the long-termmanagement of these patients in collaborationwith the primary tertiary center.

Figure 7B. Cumulative risk of graft loss from rejection in the intestine-only and composite visceral grafts that contained liver.

Kaplan-Meier survival curves of the three different types of intestinal grafts. Reprinted with permission from [31].

Figure 8. The intestinal transplant registry patient survival according to the status at the time of transplantation.

Note a significantly higher survival rate for patients who were transplanted while waiting at home. Reprinted with permission from [28].

Isolated intestine (n= 65)

Composite graft (n= 95)

Time after transplantation (year)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100












ft lo

ss d


to r



n (


p = 0.00001

Years Post Tx


















Years post-treatment

% S



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Gut rehabilitation and intestinal transplantation – SPECIAL REPORT


• The field of short bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal failure has recently evolved particularly after the clinical introduction of intestinal and multivisceral transplantation.

• Intestinal and multivisceral transplantation has added a new dimension as a creative therapy to the short bowel syndrome patients as well as those with extensive abdominal pathology that could not be treated with conventional methods.

• Based on individual single center experience as well as the database of the intestinal transplant registry, most intestinal and multivisceral transplant survivors achieve full nutritional autonomy with excellent long term physical and psychiatric rehabilitation.

• With the current high therapeutic indices of the procedure including cost effectiveness and quality of life, we believe intestinal and multivisceral transplantation should be promptly offered to short bowel syndrome patients who fail conventional rehabilitation and those with complex abdominal pathology.

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Kareem M Abu-Elmagd, PhD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, MUH, 7 South, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USATel.: +1 412 647 1458Fax: +1 412 647 [email protected]

Geoffrey Bond, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, [email protected]

Laura Matarese, MS, RD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Guilherme Costa, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Darlene Koritsky, RN,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Karen Laughlin, PharmD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center,Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Bonnie Schuster, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Kyle Soltys, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Hossam Kandil, PhD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Rakesh Sindhi, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Stephen O’Keefe, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

George Mazariegos, MD,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation Center, Thomas E. Starzel Transplatation Institute, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
