  • 8/13/2019 Guidelines for Successful Project Milestone Planning


    12/8/13 Guidelines for Successful Project Milestone Planning

    Project Milestone Planning

    writtenby: Ginny Edwards edited by: Michele McDonough updated: 3/11/2011

    Milestones are more than jus t stepping s tones on the critical path to the completion of a project. Read moreto discover why setting miles tones is an important

    managerial tool in project planning, evaluating outcomes, and rewarding team mem bers.

    Milestones in Project Planning and Scheduling

    This article is the first part of a series that discuss es the effective use of m ilestones in project planning and s cheduling. This opening article provides an introduction

    to project milestone planning, empha sizing its importance and providing general guidelines on how to select mi lestones that will be the most relevant for your


    hat is a Milestone?

    We encounter milestones in all asp ects of our lives, as an individual striving to achieve our life goals, as an employee working to

    advance an organization's mis sion, and as a mem ber of the human race trying to expand our collective knowledge and understanding

    about the world and beyond. Astronaut Neil Armstrong sum med up the concept of a miles tone perfectly as he s tepped onto the lunar

    surface and enthusias tically declared, "That's one sm all step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Milestones are the sma ll steps that

    lead to the ultim ate goal whether it be developing of new product or s ervice or advancing the exploration of space to the far reaches of

    the universe.

    In its basic form, a mil estone is an important event marked on a timeline and recognized when s uccessfully reached. Milestones are the building blocks for the

    project's s chedule and often create forward momentum to propel the project along to completion. They can also be used effectively as prim ary checkpoints to see

    how well your project is doing and whether the project is on schedule and on budget.

    Guidelines for Setting Milestones

    Whenembarking on project milestone pl anning, you will first need to create a work breakdown structureto get an overview of all the tasks in a m anageable outline or

    diagram. With this overview in hand begin to look for opportunities to setup m ilestones around the completion of key tasks and activities. Try to visuali ze a timel ine of

    the important events that will advance the project to the next level. For example, in NASA's "Race to the Moon"that began with President Kennedy's pledge in 1961 to

    put a man on the moon by the end of the decade, there were several significant miles tones achieved before the Apollo 11 mis sion, including the s uccessful m iss ions

    of the Ranger series of unm anned probes that photographed, studied, and soft landed on the Moon. When selecting miles tones be conscience of these param eters:

    Frequency As a project manager, you may be tempted to overuse m iles tones as a motivation tool to keep the team m oving along the ladder to reach the

    surface of succes s, but don't fall into the trap of label ing every task com pletion as a m ilestone. In turn, don't adopt the other extreme approach by ignoring or not

    recognizing s ignificant and relevant events as miles tones particularly atjunction s of the critical path. A good compromise is to consistently designate important

    deliverablesas milestones.

    Timing Milestones that are spaced too far apart will not have the benefit of the momentum derived from motivating team mem bers by recogni zing their majo r

    achievements. However, when m ilestones , appropriately represented as diamonds in MS Project, are placed too closely together they quickly lose their lus ter

    and dis tinctiveness. As a rule of thumb try to space m ilestones at intervals for no longer than every two weeks for projects of s everal m onths in duration.Visibility Milestones need to be placed prominently in the project's schedule and tracked periodically. Make sure that your milestones have been incorporated

    into your project scheduling, calendar, or other project tracking software program.

    Accountability Milestones are commitments that mus t be met on time. If a milestone is m iss ed, it needs to be addressed imm ediately by reexamining the

    resources to determine if they are properly matched to the objectives.

    Fallibility It may sound counter-intuitive, but you should select challenging miles tones that carry a degreeof risk for failure. Not every venture of NASA

    undertaken to pave the way for the Apollo 11 mis sion wa s s uccessful. Ranger 3, an unmanne d probe sent to study the Moon miss ed its target by 22,000 miles .

    Don't forget to treat miles tones as learning experiences and opportunities to m ake adjustme nts early in the project's execution.

    By keeping these guidel ines in mind when project planning miles tones, you will able to achieve an appropriate balance between the easy and challenging

    miles tones that will inspire your team mem bers to stay motivated and feel a greater sense of accomplis hment.


    Author's own experience in project m iles tone planning.

    "American Experience | Race to the Moon | Timeline | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. (accessed

    March 7, 2011).

    " Moon Timeline." http://www.absoluteas (access ed March 7, 2011).

    Image Credit: Astronaut Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11 Miss ion) courtesy of NASA's public domain license atWikimedia Commons


    This series of articles provides information and guidance on incorporating and managing miles tones in project planning and scheduling.

    Project Milestone Pla nning

    Project Planning Typical Mile stones

    Filling MS Proje ct Milestones
  • 8/13/2019 Guidelines for Successful Project Milestone Planning


    12/8/13 Guidelines for Successful Project Milestone Planning

  • 8/13/2019 Guidelines for Successful Project Milestone Planning


    12/8/13 Guidelines for Successful Project Milestone Planning
