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Goldweaver Family Legacy Family Tree

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I’ve finally decided that after all this time to sit down and try to give my readers a comprehensive who’s who in the Goldweaver family. I focused by dividing the relations into their respective branches.. Hopefully this won’t be too disorganized and you’ll find it somewhat useful. I’ve been meaning to do this forever; I just haven’t gotten around to it.

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I think everyone remembers my founder Oloros Goldweaver. Oloros was adopted by Tym and Yari Ordell at birth. His birth parents died from the disease that ran rampant in Valenwood. Oloros grew up in Harmonious Haven. He made a prophecy at the age of six which later led to attempts on his life. He never spoke of the prophecy to his family and it did not resurface for six generations. He sailed to Lorian at the age of 24 to escape the assassins. When his ship crashed into the shores of Lorian, he was the only Valen elf left behind

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Marylena was born and raised in Lorian. She put aside her life`s goals to take care of her sickly parents. She later fulfilled her dreams after marrying Oloros. She was instrumental in aiding the people of Lorian through the first years following the storm.

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Main Line: (House of the Fountain) (Current Family Name Vijayakar)

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Allill ( means elf in Irish Gaelic) was the second generation heir to the family line. Having been raised in Lorian, he could not abandon it to the fate of the storm. He chose to stay behind and do what he could to help the people. He did doubt this choice briefly when his mother became ill and again when his little sister died of illness.

Ivy was the second generation spouse. She discovered the cure for the illness and restored sanitary water to her homeland. However she discovered the cure too late to save her sister-in law Cassia, a fact which haunted her. Due to the illness, Ivy was left unable to bear children later in life and therefore never produced a son to carry on the family line.

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Generation 3: Kalina Goldweaver ( means rowan tree)

Eldest of Allil and Ivy`s three daughters. Kalina was given the title of heiress by her grandfather Oloros despite heavy pressure from the council to name one of her male cousins heir. She was a strong leader and was well loved by all who knew her. Her name means Rowan Tree

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Generation 3 spouse, Derek Vijayakar. A local paperboy and friend of the family, he and Kalina met each other early on. The two knew almost instantly they were meant to be together. Derek supported his wife throughout her time as head of the family and was a loving father and grandfather.

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Generation 4:

Unlike his mother, Atreyu was not a natural leader, but he inherited the main line. With much help from his mother Kalina, the family continued to prosper through dark times. He was killed by Gal`s supporters along with his wife Opal.

Opal was born and raised by a gypsy family in the heart of Valenwood`s capital of Waterfall Springs. She convinced many of her people to leave Valenwood before the disaster turned the land into a wasteland. She was not a natural leader or mother, but grew better at motherhood as time went by. Tragically both Trey and Opal were killed during Gal’s takeover of Lorian.

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Generation 4 Spare Family: Elestelle Vijayakar

Elestelle Vijayakar was the first born child of generation four. She married twice. Her first husband was a gypsy named Remington London. He was tragically murdered for marrying Elestelle shortly before the birth of their daughter Alfhild London. Elestelle later remarried a family friend Uruvion Ravendark, a dark elf from Rainbow City. They had one son together named Valen. Valen, Elestelle and Uruvion were all tragically murdered when Gal took over Lorian.

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Generation 5:

Glyndwr (Meaning Valley Water) or Glyn, is the fifth generation heir to Oloros` family. He is a natural story teller and highly admired his grandmother Kalina. He managed to uproot the corrupt business in Lorian, and restore a short time of peace to the land, before he and his family were forced into exile.

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Kali (means the black one in Sanskrit) was a natural born vampire to Edward and Julie Midlock. She fell in love with the fifth generation heir to the Goldweaver family Glyndwr Vijayakar. At her wedding, Kali was transformed into a mortal by an ancient magic and gave birth to two gifted children.

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Generation 5 Spare: Maya Vijayakar Midlock

Maya (means water in Hebrew) is the younger brother of Glyndwr Vijayakar. While her older brother was serious, Maya was the exact opposite. She could always be found getting into trouble with her cousin Pyrrhus or her future husband Jeff Midlock. Her husband Jeff was the adopted child of generation four spare Julie Midlock and family guardian Edward Midlock. He was killed by Gal, but his wife escaped to Rainbow Valley. She gave birth to one son that she named Jeff. Soon after her son’s birth she said good-bye to her older brother and his family and moved away. A/N: Maya and her son Jeff were lost when my second Lorian exploded. I chose not to recreate either of them since they no longer played a crucial role in the story.

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Generation 6:

Toren (means chief in Irish Gaelic) is the sixth generation heir to the family. He inherited his grandfather`s ability to dream about the future. After discovering the ancient prophecy made by Oloros Goldweaver, Toren felt it was related to his family`s exile and worked to understand its contents and unite the remainder of Valenwood with Lorian.

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Tristen was the youngest of the Walosenko twins and the sixth generation spouse. She was born to a gypsy noble family, but always struggled with her reserved nature. Most skills did not come naturally to her, but Tristen was extremely hard-working and learned most skills with the right teacher. She dreamed of returning technology to her world, and was often accused of having her head in the clouds.

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Generation 6 Spare: Silvana Vijayakar (means wood, forest)/Jonathon Mendez

Sixth generation spare Silvana Vijayakar was the second born half vampire born to Glyndwr and Kali Vijayakar. She was gifted with the ability to read and control someone’s mind. She was very cautious with how she used her ability, but also was rather naïve. She married the first man who professed he loved her and gave birth to one son that she named Edward Fairchild. Her first husband left her when he learned she was pregnant. Eventually Silvana met and fell in love with a fellow half vampire Jonathon Mendez.

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Generation 7:

Rhiannon Vijayakar (means great queen) is the eldest child born to Toren and Tristen. She is the only child to show any half-vampire gifts. She discovered shortly after her seventh birthday that she is capable of speaking to the dead. She is the most serious of the children and is quite driven. She does have a tendency to second guess herself probably more than she should.

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Lir Vijayakar is the second born child of generation seven and has no gift. He seems to have a way of bringing out a smile and lighter side in anyone he meets. Lir appears to be very flexible and capable of going with the flow in any given situation. (Irish variant of the name Llyr which means “the sea” in Welsh)

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Kalana Vijayakar is the third born child of Toren and Tristen. From an early age she seemed to share her mother’s love of nature and was the most mischievous of the twins. She was also the only child to inherit any of her mother’s genetic features. (combination of Kali and Silvana)

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Xanthe Vijayakar is the youngest and last possible heir for generation seven. She took her father’s looks, but seems to have inherited her mother’s naturally quiet nature. She is soft spoken which goes hand in hand with her name. (Name means yellow)

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Generation 7 Spare Family: Edward Fairchild (Son of Silvana Vijayakar and Avri Fairchild)

Edward Fairchild (means rich guard) proved to have inherited his mother’s ability to read minds though he seemed to suffer far fewer doubts than his mother. From an early age he showed a love for bugs. He also inherited his mother’s huge heart and friendly disposition.

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Secondary Branch (Day Branch)- All relatives in this branch of the family tree can trace their way back to Oloros’ second born child Elfreda Goldweaver.

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Elfreda (from old English meaning Elf Strength) was the second born child of Oloros and Marylena Goldweaver. She had a difficult time getting along with those that did not share her value system, and in fact was at odds with her youngest sister for most of their lives. She never quite got over the fact that her son was passed over for heirship by her father.

A local cop and friend of Allil Goldweaver, Jessie Day married his wife Elfreda. He was a family minded man, but chose to stay out of the politics surrounding the third generation heirship. Not many visual records of Jessie actually remain.

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Oek was the eldest son born to Elfreda and Jessie Day. He was born after his sister Calista, but was next in line to inherit the family being the son of the eldest daughter born to Oloros. Irresponsible and greedy, Oek was passed over for heirship much to his mother`s displeasure. He gave birth to a single child named Ilos. Ilos grew up on the streets with her homeless mother Celeste. Ilos gave birth to a single child named Gal Day.

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Gal Day ( means wave in Hebrew) was born on the streets of Lorian. Always intelligent, Gal was able to work his way into a place of power within the gang organization that ran the town. When his relative Glyndwr Vijayakar threatened to take everything he’d worked for away, he retaliated by sending his newly amassed army to destroy his relatives. His greatest hope was that with his relatives gone he could at last keep his promise to his daughter.

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Lyrika Day is the only child of Gal Day. She died of illness as a small child, but was brought back to life by her mother using one of the ancient relics. Always curious she learned of a secret door which eventually led her to meeting with her distant cousins residing in Rainbow Valley.

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Other descendents of Elfreda Day who no longer play a role in Lorian and Valenwood’s history:

Calista and Ricky Cormier: Calista Day was Elfreda’s first born child. She is named for a close family friend Calista Despret. Calista was pushed into marrying Ricky by her mother. Together they produced four children despite a very unhappy marriage. The Cormier family left Lorian behind shortly after the destruction of Valenwood and has not been heard from since.

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Brach Three: Goldweaver Family

The only member of the third branch is Siofra Goldweaver. (Means elf, sprite in Irish Gaelic) Siofra was the third child born to Oloros Goldweaver and the eldest of his twin daughters. Siofra had no children of her own, but instead devoted her life to raising her twin sister’s only child. Of all of Oloros children Siofra was always the most independent and often the least understood. She had a strained relationship with her older sister Elfreda for most of their lives.

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Ceberlandon Brach- All descendents in this line can trace their family back to Oloros’ fourth child Cassia Goldweaver.

Cassia Goldweaver (means empty, vain )was the fourth and last child born to Oloros and Marylena Goldweaver. She was also the only child to inherit the Valen elfin blood. She married her husband Norhorn Ceberlandon who died shortly after their marriage due to illness.Cassia gave birth to a single son Lalawethika Ceberlandon, but tragically died soon after his birth. Wow that name didn’t fit her did it?

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Generation 3:

Lalawethika Ceberlandon (means he makes noise) married childhood sweetheart Julie Despret. Since both had been raised by someone who was not their parent, they decided to adopt a child of their own.

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Generation 4:

Lalawethika and Julie’s son was in fact a Valen elf named Artax. He and the dark elf Uruvion had a rocky start to their relationship, but after the other elf saved Artax from burning to death in a fire the two became friends. Artax was very serious like all Ceberlandon’s and ended up marrying a gypsy named Tracy. They produced a set of twin sons.

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Generation 4 Ceberlandon Spare Family:: Julie Ceberlandon/Edward Midlock

Julie Ceberlandon was adopted by Lalawethika and Julie Ceberlandon as a toddler. Once she visited the family’s former homeland of Valenwood she unexpectedly fell in love with the family’s new guardian protector Edward Midlock. The two married and gave birth to two children. Edward and Julie were both killed by Gal during his takeover of Lorian.

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Generation 5 (Midlock Family)

Kali Midlock (means the black one) was the only biological child of Edward and Julie Midlock. She later married fifth generation heir to the Goldweaver main line Glyndwr Vijayakar and was transformed by an ancient magic into a mortal. Despite the fact that her father was a vampire, she did not inherit a gift. Instead the trait passed onto her two children and later onto two of her grandchildren.

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Generation 5:

Cinaed Ceberlandon (means born of fire in Gaelic) was the first born of Artax and Tracy’s twins. He inherited the family line giving birth to two elfin children. Cinaed and Pyrrhus were Kali’s cousins.

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Generation 5 Spare Family: Pyrrhus Ceberlandon

Pyrrhus Ceberlandon (means flame-colored, red)was the first playful Ceberlandon. While his brother went on to become a doctor, Pyrrhus spent his life attending parties. He did marry a gypsy named Lala, and the produced one daughter named Gallia. Records of the family end after Gallia’s birth.

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Generation 6 Spare: Iruviel Ceberlandon

Loyal to her family and friends, but having a no nonsense attitude, Iruviel stood out in her family from the beginning. The first and only girl born into the Ceberlandon family many expected her to be dainty and girly. Iruviel turned out to be anything but. A lover of adventure and quests, Iruviel was disappointed that she missed out on many of the life journey adventures her older cousins were part of. She later was able to play an instrumental role in reclaiming the family’s home of Lorian. Having been born in Lorian, she chose to return as soon as the family was able.

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Generation 6: Arden Ceberlandon (The last true elf born into my game before my first computer and was destroyed)

Arden Ceberlandon (taken from a Celtic place name means high) is the second born child of Cinaed and Lindsay Ceberlandon. Like his father, Arden showed an interest in medicine and took over as Chief of Staff of the Nectu Hospital so his father could retire. Having never lived in Lorian, Arden and his Nectu wife Diane chose to remain in Rainbow Valley after Gal was overthrown by his distant cousin Toren. They are the happy parents of one Valen elf child named Mordin.

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Generation 7: Mordin Ceberlandon

Modin is the seventh generation heir and only child of Arden and Diane Ceberlandon. He is also the first Valen elf in generations to have recessive genes. Mordin seems to enjoy creative pursuits and spends many an hour with his toy xylophone.

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McCarthy Branch: This family can be traced back to Elestelle Vijayakar generation four spare of the main family line.

Generation 5 Spare: Alfhild London McCarthy( means elf battle) lived through many personal tragedies. Almost every member of her immediate family tree was murdered by some enemy of the family starting with her birth father Remington London. She married a Nectu named Christian McCarthy and they produced one biological child together. She also helped raise Christian’s alien daughter Kaya.

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Generation 6 Spare: Tala McCarthy/ Ravi Walosenko

Alfhild and Christian’s biological daughter Tala ( means wolf) went on to marry close family friend Ravi Walosenko a gypsy military officer. The two produced two children. A daughter named Elysium and a son named Zeric.

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Generation 7: Zeric Walosenko

Zeric Walosenko is the second born child of Tala and Ravi Walosenko. He is the heir to the Walosenko family line. He looks a great deal like his father, though he took his mother’s hair color.

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Generation 7 Spare: Elysium Walosenko

First born child of Tala and Ravi Walosenko, Elysium or Ely took after mother though she took her grandmother’s hair color. Elysium developed a close bond with her cousin Rhiannon from a very young age.

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Kim Family BranchGeneration 6: Kaya McCarthy/Ryker Kim

Christian McCarthy’s alien daughter Kaya married the family’s new guardian protector Ryker Kim. The two produced a set of twins. A son named Omri and a daughter named Edith. Kaya is Tala’s half sister. Omri and Edith are Elysium and Zeric’s cousins.

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Generation 7: Omri Kim

Omri Kim (means my sheaf in Hebrew) is the first born son of Ryker and Kaya Kim. At this time Omri and his twin both appear to have taken the mother’s alien heritage. Only time will tell if they are also half vampires.

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Generation 7 Spare: Edith Kim

Edith Kim (means rich, blessed) is the youngest twin born to Ryker and Kaya Kim. She is a daddy’s girl following Ryker wherever he goes. Like her older brother she appears to have taken her mother’s entire alien heritage. Only time will tell if she is also a half-vampire.

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Extra Character:

Generation 7: Jason Mendez (means to heal)

Jason is the adopted son of Silvana Vijayakar’s second husband Jonathon Mendez. Jonathon found Jason on his doorstep as an infant and took it upon himself to raise the young boy. He grew up alongside the Goldweaver’s and his brother Edward. He eventually learned his true parentage with the help of Edward and others during his life’s journey as a young man.
