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SECTION 'A'I. (d) Melodrama

II. (a) German

III. (b) Affectionate

IV. (d) DemocracyV. (b) Inattentive

VI. (c) Relativity

VII. (a) Essence

VIII. (d) Witty

IX. (d) An honest man

X. (b) Revenge

XI. (d) FutureXII. (b) CelticXIII. (b) Thoughts

XIV. (b) QuietXV. (c) WavesXVI. (b) MarinersXVII. (c) Bread  XVIII. (c) the pipeXIX. (c) Cap  XX. (d) The Commander ordered the soldiers to March on.


i. (Please refer Page # 02-04 of notes)ii. (Please refer Page # 11-14 of notes)iii. (Please refer Page # 19-12, 29-31 of notes)iv. (Please refer Page # 42-44 of notes)v. (Please refer Page # 54-55 of notes)vi. (Please refer Page # 63-66 of notes)vii. (Please refer Page # 78-79, 82-83 of notes)viii. (Please refer Page # 87-88 of notes)ix. (Please refer Page # 93-94 of notes)x. (Please refer Page # 97-98, 101-102 of notes)xi. (Please refer Page # 106-107, 110-111 of notes)xii. (Please refer Page # 113-114 of notes)xiii. (Please refer Page # 117-125 of notes)xiv. Ans: The teacher declared in the class that the next day was a holiday. The students

asked if they would go the day after the next day. The teacher replied positively.xv. Match any three idioms of Column “A” with their meaning in column “B”. Use

them in your sentences: (Please refer Page # 178 of notes)

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SECTION 'C'Q.3: Answer any one of the following.

i) (Please refer Page # 41 of notes)ii) (Please refer Page # 19 of notes)iii)  Give the character sketch of Mrs. Judy Oakentubb as described in the Play "Twenty

Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb". Was her murder justified?

INTRDUCTION:Mrs. Judy Oakentubb is one of the two important characters of Frank Arthur’s short play“Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb”. It is a melodrama full of suspense and thrill.  

APPEARANCEMrs. Oakentubb is a middle-aged woman of fair complexion, average height and average figure.Her hair is mouse brown, well streaked with gray, nicely done. Once she had been a blonde butnow time has changed her complexion and hair. When she enters in the waiting room, she isheavily wrapped with costly clothes. This proves that she is the wife of a prosperousprofessional or a rich businessman.

FOND OF WINE AND PARTIES:She is very fond of attending parties. She is often drunk in the parties. It was after attendingsuch a party and under the influence of wine that she killed two pedestrians, the wife and thedaughter of the gentlemen in a car accident. Moreover she was driving for a bet.


She is a reckless and irresponsible person. She does not care for the lives of others. She caresonly for herself. She is driving very fast in a congested area. After overtaking a vehicle, shesees a truck coming from the opposite direction. In order to save her life, she does not hesitateto mount her car to the pavement causing the death of two pedestrians who have their backtowards her.

Mrs Oakentubb considers that eighteen months imprisonment was fair punishment for theaction. She tries to justify the killing of two persons as an accident. But the gentleman does notforgive this selfish woman and shoots her with his revolver.

CONCLUSION:The readers do not feel sorry at her death. While pleading with the gentleman, she appears to

be sincere and repentant. But very soon this proves to be mere acting therefore her death isfully justified.

iv) (Please refer Page # 28 of notes)v) (Please refer Page # 62 of notes)vi) (Please refer Page # 105 of notes)vii) (Please refer Page # 110 of notes)viii) (Please refer Page # 92 of notes)ix) (Please refer Page # 113 of notes)x) (Please refer Page # 97, 86 of notes)xi) (Please refer Page # 77 of notes)

Q.4: Answer any one of the following.i) (Please refer Page # 138 of notes)ii) (Please refer Page # 139-142 of notes)iii) (Please refer Page # 135-137 of notes)iv) (Please refer Page # 143-144 of notes)v) (Please refer Page # 119-121 of notes)

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Q.5: Write a short essay on any ONE of the following topics.

(i) FLOODS & ITS DISASTERThe 2010 Pakistan floods began in late July 2010, resulting from heavy monsoon rains in theKhyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan and affected theIndus River basin. Approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater,approximately 796,095 square kilometers (307,374 sqmtr). According to Pakistani governmentdata the floods directly affected about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property,livelihood and infrastructure.

The Pakistani economy was harmed by extensive damage to infrastructure and crops.Damage to structures was estimated to exceed 4 billion USD, and wheat crop damages wereestimated to be over 500 million USD. Total economic impact may have been as much as 43

billion USD.

The floods were driven by unprecedented monsoon rain. Heavy rainfalls of more than 200millimeters (7.9 inch) were recorded during the four days wet spell from 27 July to 30 July,2010 in the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab based on data from the PakistanMeteorological Department. A major concern was that farmers would be unable to meet the falldeadline for planting new seeds in 2010, which implied a loss of food production in 2011, andpotential long term food shortages. On 24 September the World Food Programme announcedthat about 70% of Pakistan's population, mostly in rural areas, did not have adequate accessto proper nutrition

By the end of July 2010, Pakistan had appealed to international donors for help in respondingto the disaster, having provided twenty-one helicopters and 150 boats to assist affectedpeople, according to its National Management Authority. A Pakistani army spokesman saidthat troops had been deployed in all affected areas and had rescued thousands of people.Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani visited the province and directed the Pakistan Navy to helpevacuate the flood victims. By early August, more than 352,291 people had been rescued.

(ii)  THE MOST CRITICAL PROBLEMS OF KARACHII live in Karachi. It is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan. As a matter of fact the life in bigcities looks charming but it has also many problems or we can say there are many advantagesas well as disadvantages of living in a big city. Since Karachi is ever expanding, so are the

problems ever increasing.

Transport is one of the problems of people in Karachi. Majority of people in Karachi travel inbuses, minibuses and coaches. The traffic in Karachi is now beyond control. Due to recklessdriving thousands of lives are lost every year. The supply of electric power is inadequate andfar from satisfactory. Low voltage can easily damages electric appliances. Frequent power failures are common.

Great rush of people and heavy traffic is a part of life in big cities, here people work likemachines. Atmospheric pollution is common due to the smoke of vehicles and the use of chloroform carbon. Noise pollution also makes the life of people uneasy. In Karachi people are

suffered from the short supply of water. The broken roads and unsanitary conditions nearlyevery where make difficult to move. Crimes are at peak in Karachi. In buses and wagonspockets are usually picked. Theft, dacoities and burglaries are common. Besides thisadulteration, corruption, bribery in offices and violence are the major problems which arefacing the citizens of Karachi. Street beggars are common in Karachi. They get together on theplaces of amusement and try to convince people.On considering the problems of Karachi and the busy life of people in Karachi, we concludethat the life of big cities has many charms but its is also full of mental confusions and worrieswhich destroy the creativity of a person.

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(iii) USES AND ABUSES OF MOBILE PHONESThe invention of mobiles phones is a great achievement and plays an important part in our 

daily life. Its many aspects are beneficial but some are negative effects as well.

i) Its development brought convenience and advantages to the world.ii) Communication between people to people becomes so easier and very fast.iii) We can communicate with people from any place i.e. in bus, in street or in a meeting to

send messages for less than the price of a call.iv) Internet can be accessed through it and also used to make photos and videos.v) At the same time, parents can control their children and it is essential for Business deals can be done on a single call through cell phone outside of office in park

or in any shopping centre.vii) This invention gets closer the world to a single point.

viii) Internet is also available at cell phone.

Mobile phones have so many advantages, if it is used positively without caring any falsemeans and attractive charms. Mobile phones are producing false trends especially among thestudents which easily become a victim of its colorful and charming aspects. Somedisadvantages of mobile phones may be described as following.

i) The radiations of mobile may be dangerous to health and may cause headache, earache

and blurring vision.

ii) These invisible hygienic radiations destroy the cells located in ear and head region which

causes damage to the brain and nephrons in head region.

iii) It’s uses in certain places causes disturbance sometimes, such as in classrooms etc.

iv) Mobile phones with camera are causing privacy problems such as using it as a hidden

camera to take pictures and making videos.

By putting some precautionary measures in mind, we can get much more advantages from cellphone. Firstly, when the battery of mobile is at end then don’t make a call, because at thisstage the cell phone contain very destructive radiations which may cause severe problems tothe brain. Secondly, do not use cell phones in study hour to avoid disturbance problems.Thirdly, when cell phone is on vibration mode, do not put it in front pocket .Because it maydamage the heart beat system. Due to which it may cause severe heart attack.

(iv) ISLAM-THE RELIGION OF PEACE AND TOLERANCEPeace:The state of freedom from war of violence is called “Peace”. It is the state which can make thisworld like a heaven.The importance of Peace in the World:The importance of peace in the world can be described by short comparison of war and peace.

i) War is destructive, peace is constructive.

ii) War destroy, peace preserves.

iii) War calls beast in man, peace makes man civilized.

iv) War creates hate, peace promotes love and friendship.

v) War causes blood shed, peace bring progress and prosperity.

People long for peace and raise their hands in prayers. The victories of peace are no less thanthe victories of war. In the first place, peace is indispensable for human progress. All themighty inventions of science and the creations of arts are the victories of peace. Peace givesus the message of universal brotherhood and friendship. Humanity cannot survive without loveand peace.

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Prospects of peace in our religion:Islam is a religion of peace. It gives clear ideas and the best reforming laws about social and

political systems. The great purpose of Islam is to produce an everlasting state of peace in theworld. Islam gives also very clear ideas bout the peaceful individual life. Hazrat Muhammad(Peace be upon him) showed practically the examples of peace. He always prayed for hisenemies. After the conquest of Makkah, he forgave all his enemies and tried to create apeaceful atmosphere there. He established a harmonious society in Madina. Islam teach

es thelessons of mutual respect but it also gives lesson to fight against the evils and to establish thestate of peace after making struggle, war and efforts.

War to Win Peace:Is war necessary for peace? It is a very difficult questions to answer. Before answering it manmust see its ins and outs. If war is necessary, it is a necessary evil. Its evil is sometimes

concealed for a time by its glamour and excitement, but when we see its reality, there is a verylittle glory about it. At its best, it is a hideous calamity. Think of the awful loss of life. In thegreat wars, millions of men, women and children were killed, or died of disease, famine anduntold sufferings.

After the event of 11th September, and the destruction of the World Trade Center in the UnitedStates of America, was to win peace has become more expeditious. The Americanestablishment has tried to interfere the politics of the countries which are thought as working touse their energies for warfare. The destruction and killing in Afghanistan and Iraq is the part of war to win peace. The American establishment calls their struggle is for the end of nuclear trend in the world but it is making the explosion of human rights. The war to win peace is

actually a devilish plot to destroy the power of those who are trying to get their basic rights.

War is not necessary to win the peace. The peace can be established by showing great moralvalues and by providing the equal rights for every one. So that the world could be made apeaceful and happy place.

Islam teaches the lessons of peace and tolerance. Islam is the religion with the greatest ideasabout human rights. It gives a complete description of duties and rights. It gives the teaching of mutual respect and it provides all such qualities, if they are implemented rightly than no war isneeded to establish the peace in the world.


Commerce is a very important part of business. It is concerned with the buying and selling of goods. It includes all those activities which are related to the transfer of goods from place of production to the ultimate consumers. There are two sub-division of commerce which is tradeand aids to trade. Trade means buying and selling of goods. It is exchange of goods andservices among buyers and sellers. The buying and selling of goods within the boundary of acountry is called Internal Trade while the buying and selling of goods between two countries iscalled External Trade. Trade is also classified into wholesale trade and Retail trade.Transportation, insurance, warehousing, banking, advertisement and mercantile agents areincluded in aid to trade.

The commerce is making the best use of scare resources for producing goods on a larger scale. The use of automatic machines, new processing methods etc. have not only loweringthe cost of production of goods but has helped the producers in producing goods in desiredquality and quantity. In the modern world, goods are produced according to the needs andexpectations of the customers. The commerce remains all time busy in making improvementsby introducing new products, for example, credit card, digital diary, mobile phones etc. it is alsointroducing new methods of distribution, for example E-Commerce, tele-shopping. The fastdeveloped means of transportation and communication providing help to the traders and

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provide goods to the customers at the right time, right place and right price. In the modernworld, the commercial banks and the other specialized credit institutions are providing, credit

to the agriculture, traders to earn their living either as the owners of a business or asemployees. Commerce is providing revenue to the state with which the government maintainslaw and order, undertakes defense and carried on welfare and development activities.

(vi) AN EXCITING CRICKET MATCHCricket is an interesting and exciting game it gives pleasure both players and viewers. Once Ihad seen an interesting and exciting cricket match. The match was played between Pakistanand West Indies at Karachi National Stadium.

The match was very exciting and there was huge gathering at Karachi National Stadium. Theplayers of Pakistan cricket team and West Indies cricket team were in high spirit of nationalism

and self power of playing. It was a fine day, the captains of both team tossed for batting first.Fortunately the Pakistani team won the toss and elected to bat first and the members of WestIndies team took field.

The two batsman who went in first from Pakistani team were quite good players. One wasfamous for his good hitting while the other was very careful. The bowling of West Indies wasvery strong but Pakistani players played very well and they scored 250 runs with sevenwickets.

The West Indies player started batting after lunch. The famous West Indies player played veryfast but soon he was out. The audience was cheering and clapping at the bowling performance

of Pakistani players. Another famous player of West Indies played strongly and he made ascore over a century but he was caught out smartly at mid off the last fifteen minutes of thematch were very exciting. The players of West Indies tried to make a great score butunfortunately the whole players were out at the score of 240 runs and Pakistan had own thatexciting and interesting match.


ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011The 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup is the tenth cricket world cup and was played in Bangladesh,India and Sri Lanka. It is Bangladesh’s first time co-hosting a world cup. All matches in theworld cup were played according to One Day International status, with all matches beingplayed over 50 overs. Fourteen international cricket teams participated in the tournament,including ten full members and four associate members. The world cup took place betweenFebruary to April 2011, with the first match played on 19th February 2011 with co-hosts Indiaand Bangladesh facing off at the Sher-e-Bangla national stadium in Mirpur, Dhaka. Theopening ceremony was held on 17th February 2011 at Bangabandhu national stadium, Dhaka,two days before the start of the tournament, with the final on 2nd April 2011 at Wankhedestadium, Mumbai.

The fourteen teams were divided into two groups. Group “A” and Group “B” In group “A” theteams participating were Australia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Canada andKenya and in group “B” the teams participating were India, South Africa, England, West Indies,Bangladesh, Ireland and Netherlands.

In this world cup Pakistani cricket team performed very well. They played their first match withKenya on 23rd February and Pakistan won by 205 runs. The 2nd match Pakistan played againstSri Lanka. This time the Sri Lankan team was hard but our Pakistani team gave the hardcompetition and won this match by 11 runs the 3rd match played against Canada and also wonthe match comprehensively. The 4th match Pakistani team played against New Zealand andthis time the luck did not give chance to Pakistani team and Pakistani team lost this match andNew Zealand won by 110 runs. The 5th match Pakistani team played against Zimbabwe andwon this match by 7 wickets. The 6th match Pakistani team played against the world most

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popular and best team who already won 3 World Cup. There was not any chance of winningbut Pakistani team work hard and won this match by 4 wickets. After winning this match the

Pakistani cricket team has become the strongest and the leader of Group “A”.

After beating the Australian team our team reached at quarter Final and played against WestIndies our team showed great efficiency and won the quarter final by 10 wickets.

Pakistani cricket team reached at Semi-Final and this time our team was facing the Indiancricket team. The whole nation was thinking that Pakistan would win this Semi-Final and winthe world cup too. Keeping in view the passion of the nation, Prime Minister announced thehalf-day off across the country. Not only this, but also in Sindh, a complete public holiday wasannounced by the authority. The match was witnessed by more than 28,000 people includingthe Prime Minister of Pakistan and India. But unfortunately our team lost the match and

eliminated from the tournament.

The final match was played between Sri Lanka and India but Indian team was in form and beatthe Sri Lankan team by six wickets and proved themselves a truly world champion team.

(vii) ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONIn the last two or three centuries, Science has made great progress. We are living in the age of continuous industrial revolution. We have built vast industries that are providing largequantities of goods and machines.

Millions of factories in all parts of the world are sending huge quantities of carbondioxide and

other poisonous gases and the atmosphere. This is not the whole story. They are pouringcontinuous streams of harmful chemicals into the rivers of the world. Every hour our cars,buses and aeroplanes are discharging deadly poisons into our atmosphere. There are threekinds of pollutions which we are facing.

(i) Atmospheric Pollution.

(ii) Water pollution.

(iii) Noise pollution.

Efforts are being made to control the pollution throughout the world. The hole of ozone layersis being tried to repair. Many special organization has been made to control the pollution. Theelectronic and print media is trying to produce complete awareness about the pollution and itscauses and about its results in future. I think following attempts can be made to controlpollution.

(i) Complete awareness should be provided to people by using electronic and print


(ii) It should be ordered to all factory and mills owners that they must destroy their wastes

in the most careful way.

(iii) Recycling of the wastes should be introduced in factories.

(iv)The smoke of the transporting vehicles should be controlled by using special


(v) The rattling of machines and the pressure horns should be avoided and the noisy

process should be controlled.

(vi)The discharge of the wastes into the rivers should be stopped.

On acting upon above suggestions, every kind of pollution can be controlled by further expanding. We should try to keep our environment neat and clean and try to developthe habit of tree plantation.


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Media is a way of communication in modern world. Media is divided into Electronic media andPrint media. Newspapers, Magazines and other weekly editorials etc are included in print

media while Television, Radio, Cable TV Network, Internet etc. are called electronic media.

Print media has its great influence on society, Majority of people read newspaper daily early inthe morning. Electronic media in its every form is a big source of mass communication. Itproduces its direct effect on common people. It is the great source of providing entertainment.The impact and influence of electronic media, satellite, dish and cable transmission. Theelectronic media in the form of satellite transmission, internet, cable net, dish and cablenetwork has many useful effects. It helps to give information about different parts of the world.It gives current news and information about what is happening in the world. Electronic media isthe great source of knowledge about geographical facts of the world. It also providesinformation about new discoveries, Media is the wonderful source of knowledge about science,

universe, oceans, sociology and politics.

As media has its positive effects, it has also some negative effects of society student youngboy and girls waste their precious time on chatting and visiting useless websites on Internetand Cable net. Sex materials, sex entertainment talks on internet directly influence on thecreative capabilities of generation. This kind of entertainment destroys the moral value anddue to this sex crimes are increased. The movie channels on satellite transmission and cableTV network channels provide movies and dramas with full of glamour, fashion and sexmotivating scenes which cause to damage the peaceful life. In movies, the violence containingscene produce great effect on young people, they also try to react like that they had seen inthe movies, the violence terrorism and crimes are increased: The role of media is very

important in the modern world. It is a source which is directly related to try to broadcast suchprogrammes which build up the moral values in the society.


“Fortune of a nation is in the hand of its people” The use of violence such as bombing, shooting or kidnapping to obtain political demands iscalled Terrorism, It is a form of violent action which is used to force the government for aspecial purpose or to achieve political demands in a country or worldwide.

Causes of Terrorism:

The world is full of little quarrels among the nations of the world. Every nation calls itself thebest and tries to exploit the rights of the others. Terrorism is used as a political weapons or policy. Terrorism is the most severe problem of this age that people are facing all over theworld. It is equally occurring in the western world as well as in the Eastern countries. Theimportant causes of terrorism are following:

i) A huge production of weapons like guns, pistols, machine guns, klashinkoves,

atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, distant marking missiles and nuclear weapons.

ii) The growing population and less resources of life.

iii) A great run after money and after materialistic things.

iv) Economical, social and political injustice.

v) Unsatisfactory condition of life in different countries.Effects of Terrorism:

“Life of heart (soul) is harmony, prosperity & physical pleasures ”The main function of the terrorism is to produce a great disturbance in the social and politicalsystem of a country. The major effects of terrorism which appear directly are following:

i) Terrorism produces great fear among the people and they feel themselves

unsafe in their state and then in the world.

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ii) Due to the increasing events of terrorism, the government and establishment

becomes weak and the confidence of people on the government and establishment

is ended.iii) On the basis of terrorism any government can easily be kicked out.

iv) Due to the violent actions of terrorism, many innocent people are killed and a lot

of public and private property is destroyed or damaged.

The Fight Against Terrorism:“I am neither sunni nor shia; this division hurts me” 

(Hazrat Sakhi Sult 

an Bahoo) After the destruction and killing on large scale during the Second World War, the nations of theworld decided to organize an institution for world peace, thus United Nations (UN) was born tofight against the evil and the terrorism. Thus the fight against terrorism was started. Thedestruction of World Trade Tower on 11th, September was a great incident of terrorism. After this incident the president of U.S.A announced their fight against terrorism. He requestedmany other countries to assist him in fight against terrorism. As the result of this efforts anetwork has been spread all over the world to find out terrorists and to find out nuclear weapons in different countries. The most remarkable thing is the those who call them selvesas the model of humanity are using also modern technology and weapons for terrorism. In thename of fight against terrorism, the open opposition of human rights is being done. It is thenew game of super powers to interfere in the politics of those countries who have less qualitiesin industrialization and stability than them. We have seen the examples in Afghanistan andIraq. Is it not terrorism to attack on Iraq without the permission of the United Nation? They callit the war against nuclear weapons but it is also a part of terrorism. The policy making natureof big countries causes to produce hostile little group who show the act of terrorism for thepurpose of their rights. The hostile little groups which are known as freedom fighters try toproduce disturbance.

i) By killing people.

ii) By destroying national property.

iii) By doing bomb blasts.

The fight against terrorism is actually a well organized scheme to kill all those who raise their voice for their basic rights.

Oh! Sad people of my countryLet’s move and take care of your country

Don’t feel yourselves inferior Don’t think yourselves tinythat anyone want you to clearifythat anyone want you to kill your desiresthat anyone want you to handed over your loyaltiesthat anyone want you to handed over your country.Be stand & show them…that “we all are Muslims”& there is one & only the God in our heart.Oh! Sad people of my countryLet’s move and take care of your country


DEVELOPMENT OF A CIVILIZED SOCIETY Women play an important role in the construction of a civilized society. Women wereconsidered as second degree creation in the ancient civilization. Islam first time gave the rightstatus to women and stated the rule of inheritance for women. Islam also gave socialprotection to a woman as mother, sister, wife and daughter. It can be observed by reading thehistory of the world that no society became organized without the participation of women. A

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women is considered as “Tender Sex” but it is a fact this women beats the braves soldiers,scientists, Scholars, traders and other prominent personalities who revolutionize the world.

The role of women is important whether she makes part in the activities of life related to socialconstruction or economic development or she only serves the society as a house wife. Theresponsibilities of a woman are to build up a strong family which has an ability to face the lifecheerfully. Education may be a luxury to a few fortunate women, but to an average middleclass woman education is a means of earning her livelihood. It is an armour against anyaccident of life. Those women who receive professional education can serve the society indifferent field side by side with men, but those women who remain at home they also serve thesociety by doing their honourary services to their families.

The views about woman have been changed and there are many fields have been opened for 

women. Women are working with men nearly about every field of life. Advertising is a field thatcan appeal to girls with imagination. Either a part time or full time as a copy writer can betaken. Training can be acquired on the job it self. For the girls with a passion of books, a librarywould be the ideal place to work in. if a girl or woman has ability to put down her thoughts inwords. Journalism can prove a rewarding career. For the science students who want to makeuse of their institutions welcome them. Some of them can become nurses after training. Goodstudents can get admission to M.B.B.S and after five years they become doctors. Then there isthe fields of education. People have acknowledged the importance of education. After receiving a good degree of masters, she can join as a lecturer. Now a days there are manycareers opportunities for women and women are playing their role in different fields of life,hence women have their equal share in the development of a civilized society.

Q.6: Read the following passage and answer the question below:

(i) In what way was Nature of enemy of man in the past?Ans: In the past man lived on the mercy of nature because he did not know that ways to

control the power of the natural forces so a wet summer could bring death to the wholenation and every winter was a menace.

(ii) How has nature been subdued and conquered today?Ans: Today man has an ability to control the forces of nature. He has discovered many

scientific methods. He is able to grow more quality foods. He countraved time. He canfly in the air and he can move in the sea. The discovery of medicine is helping to

decrease the death ratio in the world, thus nature has been conquered.(iii) To what extent has man not been yet able to conquer, Nature fully?Ans: Man is not able to conquer the nature fully because we are still at the mercy of the more

violent convulsions. Against earth quake, flood, Tsunami and hurricane man has, asyet, devised no adequate protection.

(iv) Give the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage:Cataclysms, impossible divisions, natural convulsions, hurricane, Tsunami,pestilence.

Ans: (1) Cataclysms: Floods of water.(2) Impossible Convulsions: Net capable division.(3) Natural convulsions: Contraction which appear naturally.(4) Hurricane: Storm of great violence.(5) Tsunami: Sea earth quake.(6) Pestilence: Any deadly epidemic disease.

(v) Give a suitable title to the above Passage.Ans: The suitable title to the above passage is “Nature an Enemy of Man”
