  • 8/13/2019 Growing in Grace - Living Well & Under God


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    growing in grace living well & under god

    i found the root causes of my ailmentsAfter maybe ten years of experiencing dwindling health, a year and a half of suspecting my increasing physical

    distresses was caused by a disease or something like it, after a year of feeling handicapped because of its

    intensity, after talking to four or five different chiropractors, three or four doctors, two or more nurses, trying

    maybe thirty or more different supplements to cure it, reading a book on several of my symptoms, reading a

    never-ending supply of internet info. with facts scattered here and there which were not well connected,

    continually concluding I have more and more things wrong with me, a few days ago I figured out where all of my

    many ailments have stemmed from, and can now figure out how to cure it effectively.

    Much stress, a poor diet growing up (including moldy and old and long-left-out food), many antibiotics and a

    steroid medication having helped cause this, I have a Candida Albicans invasion throughout my body. I also have

    intestinal parasites (flukes- they look like leeches- I have two kinds: black and red,) in my intestines, colon,

    stomach, liver, lungs, and brain. Or at least, I'm assuming they've traveled throughout my body that much. The

    Candida is a yeast and evidence indicates that it has traveled throughout my entire body killing off beneficial

    bacteria, causing malabsorption, causing broad-scale nutritional deficiencies, and plugging up my digestive

    system. The yeast in my colon numbs the signal for my body to release excrement, (almost like paralyzing it;)

    the yeast in my large intestines prevents moisture from softening my stool and so making it very sticky... and so

    stuck; the yeast in my small intestines prevents nutrients from entering my blood stream causing

    mal-absorption; it also bores holes into the lining of my small intestines and so spreads throughout my body, and

    because of this partially digested food also enters my blood through these holes causing Leaky Gut Syndrome,

    which my immune system then attacks as "alien"; the yeast in my stomach disrupts the pH balance there causing

    poor digestion, and deadens the signal for the valve to close and so allowing stomach acid up i nto my esophagus

    which causes Acid Reflux Disease; the yeast in my esophagus causes a stench sometimes, and when the yeast

    breaks free of the wall there my throat works it up and into my mouth, where it stinks it up, and I have to spit it

    out somewhere immediately or swallow it. Every professional I've asked about these white chunks that come out

    of my throat have been baffled by it and suggested random guesses which were all incorrect, and a doctor

    poo-pooed it, said a lot of people get that, and that it was just probably scar-tissue coming from my lungs... but

    isn't scar tissue in your lungs a bad things? And where would it have come from in the first place? He could have

    diagnosed me, what was it, EIGHT years ago??? The parasites also, of course, prevent proper digestion and other

    bodily processes.

    The yeast eats sugar in your body, and because its eaten what's in my cells I have no sugar, (which is our main

    source of energy,) in my cells, but elevated sugar in my blood. This has caused hypoglycemia, which means I'm

    pre-diabetic. Stress throughout my life as well as little nutrients to my adrenal glands from the malabsorption


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    have caused adrenal exhaustion, which increases the sugars in your blood making the hypoglycemia worse. Also

    from the malabsorption my endocrine system is entirely screwed up, the adrenals being part of it. My thyroid

    probably works just fine, but because it doesn't get the essential amino acid tyrosine and iodine I have

    hypothyroidism; without these two things the thyroid can't produce the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. To sum up,

    things like this are happening with all aspects of my endocrine system. My hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid,

    adrenal, and lymphatic glands are all out of whack, as well as because of this my hormones and reproductive

    system, my immune system... and probably every organ of my body is i ncorrectly functioning right now from all

    this craziness. "Systematic organ failure" and "multiple organ dysfunction syndrome" are the terms they use to

    describe it. I also have toxicity (I am very toxic,) and I have pyroluria, which is the same as Generalized Anxiety

    Disorder. I am a great c andidate for not only diabetes but heart attacks, strokes, mental illnesses, cancer, AIDS,

    and all sorts of other things. I don't know how close I am to these kinds of health problems, but from what I've

    read, probably close. Oh, and something interesting is that the yeast releases ethanol alcohol into my body,

    causing me to be constantly "semi-drunk." That could be why any itty-bit of alcohol I consume, (through sips of

    drinks or medications,) causes such a strong reaction in me: I 'm already semi-drunk and it just adds to it.

    So, then, to cure all this craziness I need to kill the Candida and re-supply my body with beneficial bacteria and

    all sorts of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids. To do this I have been

    studying the extremely specific Candida diet and various products and methods. In the Candida diet you starve

    the yeast so that it dies and then leaves the body. When it dies it releases the all the mycotoxins that it

    contains, which while it was alive was excreting into your body and making your toxicity worse than otherwise.

    It then comes out in your stool and your body, when it's able to, cleans the mycotoxins out of your system-

    which in the meantime give you bad headaches and worse fatigue. The diet is very strict and excludes all fungi

    (like mushrooms... and yeast [duh! lol]), molds (like cheese, and no left-overs), most fermented things

    (including most vinegars), all sugars of any kind (even chocolate), dairy, and also carbs, which your body

    instantly converts into sugar. This carb group includes all fruit and fruit juices, wheat, gluten, most breads and

    pasta. As if that's not difficult enough, it gets more specific and restrictive. I also can't have corn, carrots,

    peanuts, cashews, soy, many beans, pork, any meat with antibiotics or hormones in it, and who knows what

    else. I've just begun to research this diet, and after a trip through the grocery store I've realized by necessity I'm

    going to need most things to be organic and special, and a lot from natural foods stores. I'm also going to need a

    Candida cookbook, which, thankfully, there are many of. The problem with that, though, is that many disagree

    with what you can and can't have. Some are lenient and some are super restrictive. I found one article online

    which states that you can include certain complex carbs in your diet, but as only 5% of it.

    I didn't find any bread that would okay for me at Target, and am learning just how poor the nutrition selection is

    in the typical food stores here in America. Simply knowing how crappy nutrition is in non-organic foods makes

    finding good food in these stores near impossible! I hate corporate greed. (I'm currently reading a book called

    Fight For Your Health on how evil and corrupt the FDA and pharmacological companies are. It makes me

    speechless, and I want nothing to do with them.)

    The products I'm looking at to cure myself include very cheap oil of oregano, which was already been extremely

    affective. It soothes my stomach, stops acid reflux, is killing the Candida so much I have "die-off" headaches...

    and is killing the parasites that I've been seeing in my poop. While writing this I investigated one of the red

    "things" after wiping... and it was official confirmation I was right that I had parasites because it WAS a parasite,

    and looked EXACTLY as the net pictures showed! Creepy. I've been preparing myself for a year and a half for the

    possibility I have these horrid creatures, and I'm glad I have been, because these things are nasty, and the

    thought of them alone is nasty, and you can get them in not only your muscles, organs and brain, but your

    eyeball as well! Mine look like small leeches; I'm very glad they're not long worms. So far the largest I've seen

    was 1 cm... but they can get up to 3" long. That's like a big leech, and sucking on your insides, from all over

    inside of you. I'm in denial that they can be that big i n me right now, and doing that kind of damage. I see small

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    eggs in my poo as well... I think I have a CRAP-load of these awful things in me (har...har).

    I'm also eager to get this type of plankton in a product called Syclovir that encapsulates parasites, yeast,

    bacteria and viruses. That's going to be my main weapon against all this crap, and i t's popular and well-trusted,

    (at least on the net, as I've seen.) I'm also going to get this virus killing stuff because the Syclovir removing the

    yeast allows hiding viruses to attack you. Probiotics are also needed because they replenish the good bacteria in

    your gut, and bacteria fight yeast, (that's part of why antibiotics are horrible for you). I've been taking those

    already, and ones specifically formulated for yeast infections. In addition to those, I'm taking vitamins,

    magnesium (a mineral), and glandular support supplements. I'm also taking kelp for it's iodine... wow does that

    improve my skin! It heals my acne, scars, black under the eyes, and just makes my skin look a lot more healthy.

    Most Americans need more iodine: long story for elsewhere. So that's my plan. After all this time and after living

    in ignorance as to what exactly was going wrong with me, this is what it's turned out to be. ...Hopefully.

    Oh, and as for God allowing me all this illness in the first place- He told me that it was, at least in part, to turn

    me into a "medical student" so that I study health like I have. This lesson, which I might write of more

    elsewhere, though it's been extremely difficult, will allow me, my husband, and our potential children, to reap

    such benefits that it cannot have been but well worth it. More to tell of i t that I won't here, however. God puts

    everything in the life of those who love Him for their benefit, (New Testament verse paraphrased,) and that's

    something we should never forget, no matter what we it is that God puts in your life. I had such a hard time

    with these particular struggles that I got really mad at God many times, lost faith in His wanting good for me,

    lost faith in my purpose in life, was humiliated, a lot of my pride was killed, and all sorts of things happened.

    Despite all my negative feelings towards God, myself, my life and my future, I learned that no matter how little

    faith I have, I will always have faith, no matter how much I doubt God I will always trust Him, and no matter

    how angry I get at Him I will always love Him. I was tempted to renounce God and try to live without Him- not

    liking the tough lessons He teaches and doubting Him and all- but I learned I could never do that... and would

    never want to, no matter what. He is, simply, Good. :)

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    wing in Grace - Living Well & Under God

    3 12/12/2013 1:30 AM