Page 1: Grow your business with call center services

Grow Your Business with Call Center ServicesThe Advantages of Utilizing a Call Center

Personalized Communications Answering & Call Center Services

Page 2: Grow your business with call center services

Enhance Customer-to-Business Relations

• Customer experience is more important than ever in today’s competitive world.

• While customers are using email and live chat to communicate with companies more than ever before, nothing matches the personal touch of a live agent who can professionally handle their needs, day or night.

• A call center links customers to your business, providing them with the information and help they need quickly and efficiently.

• A professional call center helps you build trust with your customers

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Improve Customer Retention

To illustrate the importance of a excellent customer service, consider these statistics from a study conducted by Harris Interactive:

• 86% of consumers quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience

• 50% percent of consumers give a company only one week to respond to a question before they stop doing business with them

• 89% of consumers began doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience

You can’t afford to lose your valuable customers to another company due to a poor experience.

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Grow Your Business

• By utilizing the services of a call center, your staff will be free to focus on growing your business.

• One of the main reasons executives fail to grow their businesses at the pace they desire is because they tie themselves up with tasks like answering phones and performing other general administrative tasks.

• By outsourcing functions like order taking and customer service to a professional call center, you can focus on the big picture and grow your business.

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Create a Competitive Edge

• Customer service consistently ranks at the top of the list of what makes a successful business.

• Businesses that deliver excellent customer service and focus on customer experience are simply more competitive.

• Remember that your customers keep you in business! is a prime example of a company with excellent customer service at the heart of its success.

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Reduce Your Costs

Eliminate the need for a large helpdesk staff, and save money on expensive equipment costs.

Consider all of the expenses that go into hiring phone representatives, including:

• Recruitment and hiring• Training• Equipment costs• Office space• Salary • Benefits

By utilizing the services of a call center, you’ll save significantly on the overall costs of hiring phone service representatives.

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Boost Your Bottom Line

• Utilizing a call center allows you to focus on the core competencies of your business.

• With your calls being handled by a professional agency you can spend your time and energy on strategic ways of attracting new customers and increasing sales.

• The money you’ll save on equipment, office space, hiring and training new employees will provide an automatic boost to your bottom line.

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Get Expert Help for All Your Needs

Grow your business and stay competitive with the services offered by Personalized Communications, including:

• Customer Support• Order Entry• Reminder Calls• Emergency Dispatch• Survey

These are just some of the call center services we offer to businesses in a wide variety of industries, from healthcare to advertising to retail.

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About Personalized Communications

Personalized Communications has been providing expert inbound call center and answering services for over 30 years.

We serve businesses and organizations of all sizes and pride ourselves on our highly trained, professional staff of phone representatives and state-of-the-art telecommunications equipment.

Personalized Communications tailors services to meet the specific needs of each client, and we have helped countless clients improve their bottom lines.

Learn more about our services at
