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NAME: Wagner Ona..

The IB Group 4 Project - May 2015

Ecuador&Global issues


The Group 4 Project is a collaborative project undertaken by all students together, during their IB/BSQ Diploma course. The collaboration may extend to other local institutions and IB schools or to schools in other countries, through the internet. The Project is a group experience and the emphasis is upon: Participation; Interdisciplinary cooperation; The methodology involved in scientific investigation.

Collaboratively, students explore aspects of one scientific question or topic or problem, within the different science disciplines offered at BSQ - Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Successful participation in the Group 4 Project is an obligatory component of the IB Diploma course, and therefore also of the BSQ Diploma.

The products of the research and investigation are not as important as the process and the collaboration.

The Group 4 Project should attempt to address #10 of the IB Group 4 Sciences Aims, that is to: develop an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas of knowledge.The Project may also be used to address Aims 7 & 8:Aim 7: develop and apply 21st century communication skills in the study of science.Aim 8: become critically aware, as global citizens, of the ethical implications of using science andtechnology.

The Group 4 Project as BSQ is also used as a full introduction to the needs of the single, moderated IA practical investigation, which is carried out by every student in the second year.

The Group 4 Project Process10 hours is allocated to the Group 4 Project, divided into three stages: PLANNING and DEFINITION OF ACTIVITIES