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Green Design and Web 2.0 Andrew Sweatman WSP Environment & Energy

Social networking site announced on October 13 that it has

switched from using hard disk drives in its servers to using PCI Express cards loaded with solid state chips as primary storage

for their data center operations. MySpace said the solid state storage uses less than

1% of the power and cooling costs that their previous hard drive-based server


Press Release October 13, 2009

Since 1980, Chicago’s average temperature has risen approximately 2.6 degrees.Our current trajectory poses risks to

our economy and health. They demonstrate that we need to act now to reduce our emissions, while preparing for climate

changes that cannot be avoided. We face a big challenge - but we have also been granted a big opportunity. Every Chicago resident and business has a role to play in implementing the

Chicago Climate Action Plan, which will not only ensure a more liveable climate for the world but also for the city. The

economy and quality of life could improve. Jobs could be created. New technologies will emerge. 

Chicago Climate Change Action Plan

Green Design and the WebGreen Design and the Web are two key drivers changing the technology sector

Almost every product launch today highlights interactivity and environmental features

Greening of Web 2.0

The term "Web 2.0" is commonly associated with web development and web design which facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design and collaboration on the World Wide Web

Services such as PowerMeter blend the web and energy monitoring into tools that can be integrated and shared


EIATRACK is an online tool for quickly and cost-effectively navigating the maze of environmental regulations and legislation in every country


Expands the Environmental Regulatory Compliance system into a web .20 service

Pages can be “tagged” and “shared” within an organization


Pages within EIATRACK 2.0 can be customized to the users needs and “mashing” up content from around the web

Web 2

“Almost certainly, many people will have to work together dynamically and at high speed if we are to respond adequately to the next decade’s key challenges of oil, water and global food shortages and climate change. A big idea of Web Squared is that this may be achieved by applying the philosophies of Web 2.0 to mainstream politics and business thinking.”

Tim O’Reilly inventor of the term 2.0