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Green Connection Center Design Specifications


The Mak Model is a proof-of-concept prototype,

merging living and learning into a co-existing en-

vironment. It will be replicated as a one-story

green structure in various geographical regions

of Cambodia to assist Khmer families improve

village health on a daily basis. The structure de-

fined within this report is the residence of the

Mak family. It is designed as a zero carbon foot-

print site. The entire facility is privately-funded

for the public good of Khmer and is the first to

be donated to a chronically-poor rural family.

The Siem Reap campus will additionally be used

in teaching Khmer villagers about the full effect

of living green in five areas: housing safety, food

security, water purity, health maintenance and

economic diversification – and how each of

these areas affect the quality of family health on

a daily basis. Therefore, the Mak Model embod-

ies facilities with two highly practical purposes: living green and building green. The family members live

at the home and gain practical experience with greenness and also teach classes in the use of green tech-

nologies to generate sustainable sources of family income and lower their monthly expenses. The educa-

tional component is part of a not-for-profit Cambodian Non-Governmental Organization, the Community

for Khmer Children (CKC). CKC’s website is The campus is referred to as the Green

Connection Center (GCC).

The Green Connection Center is a demonstration laboratory and provides a

transformative, flexible means for Khmer villages to use and understand

sustainable technologies from sophisticated to simplified, from expensive

to economical, from integrated to individualized – plus, receive tailored

hands-on experience with green technologies, obtain assistance in funding

a village application and gain an evaluation of specific village family needs.

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The family is a chronically-poor, multi-generational Khmer village family which recently relocated to Siem

Reap to occupy the Mak Model and manage the GCC. They relocated from a small hamlet in Takeo prov-

ince. The Model‘s housing goal is similar to the well-respected worldwide organization, Habitat for Hu-

manity Cambodia – a partner of the NGO: to assist Khmer living in poverty who require access to shelter.

The Mak home will be the family’s full-time residence at no cost. Ms. Mak Mao, a principal in the campus,

will receive title to the land and home once the purchases and construction activities are finalized and a

hard title is received from Siem Reap provincial officials. The educational goals of the Mak Model are

equal to the enthusiasm of the Peace Corps Program Cambodia which addresses a variety of quality of life

programs to increase village skills, provide income generation options, improve overall individual and

community health, and reduce family budgets.

All GCC classes, including room and board, are offered to village students at $1 USD/daily. GCC curricula

covers the complete spectrum of living green and building green, from renewable energy to disposal of

human waste, from water conservation to water quality. The members of the Mak family are the care-

takers of the model site, as well as participants in the teaching processes with Khmer villagers, providing

an authentic understanding of each green component within the Model.

As an essential element of the proof-of-concept is the formation of observable and sustainable sources of

on-site revenues: a Khmer cooking facility as a cultural immersion opportunity for tourists; a teaching

site focusing on Khmer village health – directly linking greenness and health; a comprehensive spectrum

of building green classes, ranging from very simple to sophisticated technologies; renewable energies,

including solar, wind and rain-generated power sources; a full-scale commercial laundry; the Khmer Acad-

emy of Massage Therapies, featuring Thai Rue-Si Datton certification training for foreigners; the sale of

fish and vegetables raised in on-site fish ponds and vertical aquaponics farms using potable water; the

discounted sale of excess renewable energies to the public electrical grid of Cambodia; and the sale of

hydrogen energy pellets, as an energy source, which is one of the by-products of human waste disposal



Proof-of-Concept Overview

The Mak Model will be built demonstrating that everyday green living offers a teachable hands-on expe-

rience for Khmer of all ages. The buildings are Khmer in style and function, integrating the Habitat for

Humanity Cambodia’s award-winning Khmer principles. It incorporates an expandable 5-meter by 5-me-

ter base level design, with the central facility being a modular 10-meter by 10-meter structure. The entire

three-floor structure is raised 1-meter off the ground as a flood control measure.

The first floor offers traditional Khmer living, with a large open room. The kitchen is adjacent to the great

room and offers a combination of three components: an open Khmer kitchen, an in-door Western kitchen,

and a food pantry. Khmer cooking classes will be offered as a source of revenue and cultural immersion.

Ms. Mak Mao’s room, campus manager, is located on the first floor level, adjacent to the kitchen. The

open first floor has two functions: (1) as a meeting, greeting and eating location for the family; and (2) as

an edutainment center, equipped with a high resolution television for educational and entertainment

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purposes. The Mak Model will accumulate an electronic library featuring of green media for its GCC clas-

ses and featuring human anatomy for the Academy’s Rue-Si Datton sessions. No furniture is located in

the open great room, with the exception of three low wooden platforms, again Khmer style, situated in a

U-shape to facilitate family functions and classroom discussions. Also on the main level is located a com-

mercial laundry facility, as well as an Engineering Room for classes in human waste treatment, water pu-

rification processes and energy-monitoring and distribution functions.


The stairs are enclosed in an attached structure with entrance from the north. This provides uninterrupted

usage of internal space within the main 10x10 square meter structure. There are two therapy rooms for

Thai Rue-Si Datton classes (one on the second and one on the third floors) and a large training room for

GCC classes (on the 2nd floor) designed into this attached structure housing the stairwell. The second floor

is occupied by the family of Ms. Mak Mao’s older brother. The third floor contains a suite of four private

smaller bedrooms, each with a green toilet and optional hot water for showers. The roof-top system

features wholly-accessible solar and rain power-collection panels. It also features a vegetable garden of

traditional Khmer edible plants and condiments for traditional cooking: Kaffir Lime Krauch soeuch, Kaffir

Lime Leaves Slirk krote sirk, Star Anise Chan kari, Tamarind Ampil khui, Cilantro Chee van suy, Galangal

Romdeng, Fingerroot Khchiey, Jicama Root Peh-coc, Lemongrass Kuel Skey, Taro Root Trao, Rice Paddy

Herb Ma-om, Turmeric Lamiet, Sweet Basil Chee Korhom, Asian Coriander Chee bonla, Water Spinach

Traw Kuon, M’rum, M’reah, Angkeadei and Kantrup (no English counterparts).

Water throughout the facility is potable water through faucets. Solar-heated hot water is available in the

kitchen, for showering and washing hands inside each of the toilet areas.

Water Overview

The land must be graded and sloped so that any rain not captured off buildings flows into a hole two

meters squares and two meters deep which has been filled with fine and coarse gravel topped with sand

for filtering and drainage purposes. This water table should be accessible as an alternative source of po-

table water, once it is purified before usage. Water conservation is a key design feature of the model.

There are four sources of water for the site: (1) a deep well for backup purposes of non-potable water

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supply in the event of seasonal drought, (2) a rainwater underground cistern collecting water from rainfall

off all surfaces – once it is purified supplies the site’s potable water, (3) water runoff from the land fun-

neled into the six cubic meter collection and filtering area; and (4) a grey water collection cistern accumu-

lating all water from washing clothes and dishes, as well as from showers, once treated with the CALTECH

solar-based purification system becomes potable water, destined to be recycled for future grey water and

toilet functions. The fifth source of water is generated as a by-product from another CALTECH solar-based

purification system for human waste disposal which is used for non-potable site applications requiring

water, but not as irrigation of edible plants. Human waste disposal is depicted at the bottom of the prior


Human waste disposal is significant in the site design. It is a solar-based process from one of the leading

U.S. technical universities, CALTECH, and involves a minimum of water usage, using water inputs from the

grey water conversion process. Its by-products result in two of life’s basics: potable water and hydrogen

energy pellets. There is no need for the diversion of site potable water into human waste disposal, no

flushing of human effluent into private or public sewage disposal infrastructures, no use of chemicals, no

burning, no composting and no drying functions. One long-term objective beyond living and teaching is

to evaluate the possibilities of building, as an economic development program, both the solar-based hu-

man waste system and the solar-based grey water purification system in Cambodia for distribution

throughout the ASEAN countries.

Energy Overview

Energy generation is a critical design characteristic. In the long-run, both

solar and wind will be used to generate power. The GCC is also evaluating

an innovation engineered in China which collects energy from the sun and

the rain using the same renewable energy panels. Solar is primary; wind,

secondary; rain, tertiary. At the start-up phase in 2016, connection to the

public grid is planned. The roof of the building will be covered with molded,

flexible thin film CIGS solar cells from Midsummer, a leading Swedish solar supplier. Considering their

solar cell is made on stainless steel, it contains no cadmium. The production process is an all-dry, all

vacuum process where every layer, including the buffer layer, are deposited by sputtering. Solar-gener-

ated energy (80%) and wind energy (20%) will power the home, the human waste purification system, the

grey water conversion water system, the equipment for the fish ponds and vertical aquaponics gardens,

including its specialized scaffolding for harvesting and maintenance, and the multi-system water pumps

and other site electrical devices. In the long-term, the site will be connected to the public grid for backup

purposes and to transport excess energy from solar and wind generation to the public grid, at a discounted



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The on-site agricultural design features are essential for sustainability of the GCC,

both during and after its initial proof-of-concept phase. After discussions with the

building contractor, the agricultural component may be relocated to an adjacent

site, if additional space is required. The fish ponds will grow indigenous Khmer fish

and will experiment with fast-growing tilapia, both for local protein and local econ-

omy. The fish waste in the ponds is pumped into a vertical aquaponics farm, feed-

ing the plants. The clean water is recycled back into the fish ponds. There is also a

fingerling nursery and small plant nursery greenhouse for continual replacement

plants for the vertical aquaponics farm. Rice hulls are being used as the experi-

mental growing medium to hold plants in placed while their roots grow in the nu-

trient-rich cycled fish water. An innovative ladder and walkway system allows for

daily harvesting from the high 3½-story growing surface. In addition, all trees, shrubs and plants on the

site are edible and native to Cambodia. The critical element is that all fish and edibles are grown in potable

water ensuring good health.


Green infrastructure supporting the Mak Model include all architectural features, color-coded plumbing

lines (blue, grey and brown water systems), private and public electrical systems, site access and person-

nel transport systems. All are required to be documented and illustrated for support purposes.


Because of cost, the land for the site is a relatively small profile, 15-meters by 20-meters. The structures,

as well as the above ground and underground site support systems, are compressed into this profile. The

architect and contractor need to verify the feasibility of containing within this site the following: the home,

balconies and extended porches, classrooms and therapy rooms, enclosed stairwell, fish ponds and aqua-

ponics. If the entire design cannot be contained with the 15-meter by 20-meter property, the solar-pow-

ered fish ponds and aquaponics will be located on a nearby site.

The 10-meter by 10-meter basic structure will be supported by cement pillars, with an integrated steel

frame to support the three-story structure. Stairs are external to the building using as little space as pos-

sible and featuring landings and switchbacks to minimize space used at the floor access points. The stairs

and ramps supporting the operation of the fish ponds and the vertical aquaponics farm also are required

to minimize space, while providing safe access to all water and growing features with specialized non-slip


Railings will be a consistent design around the extended porches

and porches, as part of the protective barrier around the 1-2 meter

deep fish ponds, and at the top of the property security wall, as il-

lustrated to the left. Fiber cement siding is a building material used

to cover the exterior of the structures. It is a composite material

made of sand, cement and cellulose fibers. In appearance, fiber ce-

ment siding for this application is in a sheet form and is used not

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only as cladding but is also commonly used as a soffit/eave lining and as a tile underlay on decks and

extended porches and in bathrooms.

Fiber cement siding is not only used as an exterior siding, it can also be utilized as a substitute for timber

fascias and bargeboards, as a fire prevention measure. This is at the discretion of the contractor. Sheet

sizes vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer, but generally range between 2400-3000 mm in

length and 900-1200mm in width, with 600 and 450 mm increments. The manufactured size minimizes

on-site waste as residential flooring, wall and roof structures lay structural members at 450 or 600 centers.

When used as siding boards, widths between 130mm and 300mm (5.25 inch to 12 inch) are available.

Fiber cement thicknesses vary between 4.5-18mm and also vary in density, the lower density resulting in

a fibrous rough edge when cut and the higher density having a cleaner smoother edge when cut. Higher

density will be used for the Mak Model. Thermal resistance and sound transmission vary greatly between

fiber cement products. Fiber cement sheet products rate poorly in thermal resistance and sound trans-

mission. Therefore, separate wall insulation is highly recommended and will be used. Generally the

thicker and denser the product the better resistance it will have to temperature and sound transmission.

The contractor will need to determine the proper thickness of fiber cement sheets, the necessary insula-

tion and the materials for the internal walls given the heat and humidity of the region.

The subflooring for all floor surfaces will be covered with non-slip and non-skid industrial grade floor tiles

selected by the Mak family and in conjunction with the building contractor. Roof tile composition is at

the discretion of the contractor, although the selection of the actual shape and color are the responsibility

of the Mak family. The contractor needs to ensure heat accumulating at the height of each floor’s ceilings

is released by designing a sufficient heating ventilation mated with roofing system. If portals are used,

they need to be heavily screened as a prevention against insects and small rodents.

Doors and Windows

All doors will be dark bronze, metal framed sliding,

lockable patio doors with lockable sliding screened

doors, with extra strong, rigid heavy-duty screens.

One design feature is that all screened doors are

pocket doors, sliding into recesses between the

walls when not in use. This allows air circulation at

all times, without concern for mosquitos, other pests and small rodents, while

maximizing useable internal space. The rooms requiring

doors are itemized in the attachment – refer to each slide. Toilets and showers will

have single, lockable pocket doors to save on space, especially in separating the third

floor bedrooms and bathrooms. Windows throughout the site match the doors –

metal framed sliding and lockable with extra strong sliding screens, also lockable.

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Fans and Air-Conditioning

All rooms, excepting toilets and showers will have an overhead fan with an

overhead single light as integral part of the fan design. The fan should be three

speed, with on-the-wall controls. The lights should also have low-, medium- and

high-capacities, controlled by on-the-wall dimmer swtiches. Standalone air

conditioners will be located at a later time in the every bedroom, in the kitchen

classroom and therapy room. The kitchen requires three lights within the fan

system allowing for full visibility coverage.

Water Systems

The contractor will need to evaluate alternatives for col-

lecting rainwater, eliminating debris from entering the

water supply. The design requirement is to collect as

much mater as possible with each rainfall from every

building. Water landing on the ground has been ad-

dressed earlier. Storing water for later use is more diffi-

cult than collecting water. Ways to store water for

household use include tanks or cisterns. Tanks can be

constructed of bricks, masonry, corrugated steel sheets,

or reinforced concrete, either above ground or below

ground. Given the size of the property, mostly under-

ground is desirable. he capacity of the tanks should be determined based on discussions between the

Mak family and the contractor based on the run-off expected and on the estimated daily use.

Separate systems will be needed for the collection of rainwater (blue water); the collection from showers,

washing of clothes and dishes (grey water), and non-potable well water. The CALTECH system provides

its own integrated waste accumulation cisterns, dealing with human waste disposal.

If rainwater is simply funneled into a storage tank, it will create turbulence that will suspend

solids that accumulate at the bottom and submerge debris floating on the surface. Until

the water column has sufficient time to re-stratify, often several days, the quality of ex-

tracted rainwater will be diminished. This problem can be largely avoided by using a dif-

fuser at the bottom of the tank, a device that reduces the water velocity and re-directs the

water upward and away from the sediment layer. Depending on the filter and tank, it will

also be appropriate to use a rainwater tank trap, a very large version of a sink trap. A

properly designed trap will prevent insects and small animals from entering a rainwater

tank through the overflow system. All underground water collection systems need access

for maintenance, problem-solving and cleaning.

Because management of water is life’s basic for maintaining good health, proper water management for

the entire cycle from infusion of water to the use of potable water is essential for the contractor to con-

sider. Fresh or purified water can quickly become re-contaminated because:

The containers used to store the water are not clean.

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Unclean things are dipped into the water, including the effects from grey water.

Water is not covered and so insects, dust, small rodents or other foreign substances enter the water.

Chemically disinfected water can have a residual protection which will deal with light recontamination,

but even this protection disappears in time. To prevent recontamination, only clean storage containers

should be used and the water should be protected from any contact with objects other than the container.

The contractor needs to consider the container requires periodic emptying, washing, and rinsing with

scalding or heavily chlorinated water to prevent the growth of biofilms – unless the container is guaran-

teed by the manufacturer to eliminate the growth of biofilms. Each storage container should be equipped

with a practical mechanism to retrieve the water, a tap (spigot) especially when bigger containers are


Before the rain starts, the tank or storage area should be clean. The first direct flush of rainwater should

be directed away from the storage, since it contains the dirt from the catchment area. All tanks need

covers to prevent evaporation, keep the water surfaces clean, and prevent mosquitos from entering the

water. The storage tank should be placed near the place of usage, example: the kitchen. Furthermore,

there should be a possibility to redirect the overflow or spilled water to a nearby garden or orchard.

Storage tanks and reservoirs can become breeding places for malaria mosquitos. The open water surface

should not be accessible to mosquitos: the tanks should be covered and all other inlets (taps, ventilation

pipes) screened with mosquito-proof mesh. It should also be avoided that breeding sites are established

downstream of the overflow.

Electrical System

The Mak Model will use a Tesla Powerwall as an energy

storage battery for its solar and wind systems in Phase

two, beyond 2016. Phase one involves connection with

the public grid, starting 2016. Powerwall is a lithium-ion

battery module storing backup electricity from solar pan-

els, charging up during non-peak energy usage periods

and providing energy back to the home during peak hours.

Designed to balance loads on the power grid, Powerwall

is offered in 7- and 10 kilowatt-hour (kWh) modules, avail-

able for $3,000 and $3,500 USD, respectively. A 7-kWh

model has been on backorder from Tesla for use in GCC.

The proof-of-concept framework of the Mak Model will enable the GCC to interface with the Cambodian

public network providers for seamless compatibility testing and evaluations of transfer pricing. Because

of the way electricity is sold by retail providers and then bought off homes that generate their own elec-

tricity, Tesla says certain markets in North America and Europe are set up for solar stand to benefit from

the Powerwall. The 7kWh daily cycling Powerwall is a compelling option for residential solar users, but

feasibility of usage in Cambodia needs to be assessed at the public grid level. Research indicates the

Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) invites private sector investment to top up donor and government

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funds already earmarked for the project, ensuring maximum coverage. Under the government’s 2013-

2018 Cambodia Power Development System plan, the proposed national grid will be controlled by the

state-run Electricité du Cambodge, but special purpose transmission licenses will be available to private

companies to operate sections of the grid. It is expected that these will mostly be used to supply large

individual consumers as well as rural areas off the main grid. The contractor is responsible for obtaining

all appropriate licenses and certifications. Major industries and special economic zones (SEZs) within

10km of electricity substations will be able to source electricity on a direct feed, which would give them a

comparatively lower grid tariff by exempting them from network transmission charges. Rural areas would

likely face greater costs due to higher charges.

Powerwall will enable the GCC to store solar energy produced during peak sunlight hours with a newly

announced power of 3.3kW, continuous and peak. GCC can then use this energy in the night time hours,

rather than purchasing electricity at the retail price and meanwhile selling their solar back to the grid for

the feed-in-tariff rate. The Mak Model will provide Cambodia’s public grid executives a test environment

to assess exchange tariff rates for future use in rural areas.

Previously, the Powerwall was only capable of providing power of 3.3kW in peak periods, but not contin-

uously. Tesla has confirmed that both the 7kWh and 10kWH Powerwalls will be available in 2016, with

the 7kWh set to big the main seller for those looking to manage peak and off-peak energy use, thanks to

its daily cycling. The 10kWh weekly cycle Powerwall is more likely to be geared to rural sites as a back-up

solution, though both models can be stacked up to a total of nine connected units.

The Powerwall is wall mounted, rechargeable lithium ion battery with liquid thermal control. It carries a

ten-year warranty. Powerwall’s efficiency is rated at 92% DC efficiency. Power is 2.0 kW continuous, 3.3

KW peak. Voltage is 350-450 volts. Current is 5.8 amp nominal, 8.6 amp peak output. Powerwall is

compatible with single-phase and three-phase utility grid. Powerwall operates efficiently at -20C to 43C,

and can be installed either indoors or outdoors. Installation requires a trained electrician. DC-AC inverter

not included. Weight of the unit is 100 kg, and dimensions are 1300 mm x 860 mm x 180 mm.


Sustainability Philosophy Green Connections Center

The living green house and green connection center mentioned throughout are privately funded.

External funding is being requested for the purchase, delivery, installation, support and integra-

tion of green technologies, appliances, equipment and tools to operate the Center.

Technology is an often misunderstood word. Bamboo is a building technology versus traditional Khmer

hardwoods versus brick and cement versus cement fiber board. Similarly, clothes have a technology base,

where cotton is a great topical technology when compared to wool; but athletic clothes made for runners

are far better than cotton, as it whisks away moisture from the body and allows it to evaporate keeping

the athlete cool and dry. The conclusion is, in this report, the word technology is used as broadly as

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possible including rice husks as a medium to bed plants in the vertical aquaponics farm, as compared to

heavier lava stones, which are also substantially more expensive.

GCC approaches technology sustainability from four perspectives. It believes teaching a person about

actual, natural and normal daily behaviors and routines is more important as a framework than teaching

the same person about abstractions inherent within discrete technologies. The later approach places the

technology outside of the person, where the individual is required to interact in a prescribed and in lan-

guage and constructs about the technology to achieve its intended long-term desired results. Whenever

technology is newly introduced, the possibility of a direct disconnect between the person and the tech-

nology is quite high.

GCC’s approach with its practical green living learning modules enables an external item (technology) to

actually become a natural extension of a person’s daily functions, therefore motivating and empowering

the person to internalize the tool, not through the technology’s functions, but with respect to the individ-

ual’s daily functions. This is GCC’s first step in achieving high rates of sustainability. Its guiding premise is

that success begets success, and word of mouth endorsements intra- and inter-villages are essential.

Regardless of cultural disposition and economic means of a person, a family or a village, technology is

often distant and alien, larger than life and not easily integrated into a person’s daily routines, whether

personal, private or professional. Studies have shown younger individuals display less resistance concern-

ing change, alteration and transformation in the human embrace of technological approaches. In 2015,

the average actual age in Cambodia was 21.6 years. It is recommended that children within a Khmer

family should be an active part of technology evaluation, selection, implementation and use – hence, ver-

tical inter-generational education programs strengthen the entire family’s capacities and capabilities.

Human adaptation challenges represent the highest barrier to ensuring technologies are sustained, as

technologies and technology projects are neither sustainable nor unsustainable by themselves, as this

depends upon the person’s integral grasp of the technology and how it fits into his or her personal envi-

ronment. The old proverb “…give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you

feed him for a lifetime...” applies when addressing healthy behaviors and technology adaptations.

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The second principle used by GCC acknowledges everything is connected. CKC, GCC’s parent, fulfills its

mission by understanding this vital connectionist reality, especially in its strategic initiatives affecting the

improvement of overall village health. In the case of adapting and adopting technology, the concept of a

person’s Environment, whether urban or rural locations, or city or village environs, is simply “A person’s

environment is the connected atmosphere that surrounds the individual and touches his or her life daily.”

GCC endorses the practice that health begins in the home, again on a personal and engaged basis. This is

shown in the graphic below. GCC provides a transformative and flexible practice for Khmer families to

evaluate and incorporate tech-

nologies from sophisticated to

simplified, from expensive to

economical, from totally inte-

grated to highly individualized

– and in a wide range of appli-

cations, all of which affect a

Khmer family’s overall quality

of life. The wide range of appli-

cations is highly interdepend-

ent including housing safety,

food security, water purity,

economic security and health preservation. This occurs after observing and experiencing the impact of

actual technologies in a real Khmer home environment, through the eyes and hands of an authentic poor

multi-generational Khmer family and following the completion of an evaluation for specific home or village

needs, as part of the hands-on learning process.

This quality control practice, the needs assessment, instills ownership of the technology as part of every-

day life and helps to increase the probability of sustainability from the outset, on a case-by-case basis. It

also provides authentic testimonials to be used and evaluated in two ways: (1) evaluated by additional

Khmer villages seeking a higher quality and healthier life; and (2) assessed by possible funders, volunteers,

non-profit organizations and for-profit enterprises who seek to partner and improve the health profile of

Khmer living in isolated rural settings.

The third principle of sustainability used by GCC is borrowed from systemic technology integration models

developed in the late-1980s and early-1990s within the worldwide computer industry. These models rev-

olutionized the entire industry making technologies easier to apply, cheaper to buy, and more accessible

to populations-in-need. The compelling environmental situation of the 1980s encouraged the emergence

of open standards for computer technologies, the evolution of systems integration and the convergence

of the computer, telephone and television technologies.

With open standards, the user made choices based on human and environmental needs regarding the

type of technology chosen to meet real human needs. Technologies involved a range of complexities,

functionalities, costs and variety of suppliers. What evolved was a plug-and-play strategy across many

vendors, a multitude of industries and all users. GCC recognizes building human capacities and capabilities

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of chronically poor Khmer villagers is fundamental to the use and support of technological products and

platforms, thereby increasing their overall quality of everyday life. The strategic goal of GCC is to use

education as a means of placing technology into a natural everyday place within the lives of multi-gener-

ational Khmer families.

The final principle involving sustainability is the innate belief in the creativity and willingness of rural

Khmer to use their ingenuity to help design cost-saving improvements in partnership with the providers

of installed technologies – and, from a position of strength, as informed users. An example will illustrate

this assertion. Many Khmer villagers do not have toilets and use the land around their homes for normal,

daily functions involving human waste. This is considered undesirable. Many Khmer villagers have in-

stalled toilet systems that allow effluent to flow out-of-sight and smell, but to flow directly into water-

ways. The second is considered more desirable than the first situation. Both present identical risks to

villagers’ health. The form is different; but the processes are the same – leading to non-potable, danger-

ously contaminated water supplies that cannot be purified through the process of boiling the water.

One isolated technology being installed in the GCC living and learning center, already referred to above,

is a highly sophisticated human waste system. CALTECH, a GCC partner and one the leading technical

universities in the U.S., won a challenge grant from The Gates Foundation and was awarded $300,000 USD

for its innovative design of a solar-based human waste toilet system. CALTECH is providing its prototype

system to this project for evaluation. The cost of an updated system delivered and installed is $30,000

USD. The design of the system renders the human waste, including discharged pharmaceuticals, harmless

by ultimately reducing waste into two of life’s essentials: hydrogen energy pellets and potable water.

There are a variety of available interchangeable technologies that can upgrade the overall existing quality

of life for multiple villages throughout Cambodia, but not necessarily achieve the same results. These

technologies range from composting, chemical infusion, burning and the like. Each has a comparative

upside and downside – all teaching principles through GCC classes.

The demonstration of the CALTECH system to Khmer villagers deals with daily routines and the conse-

quences of these routine behaviors. Whatever the technology ultimately selected, it is learned as an in-

tervention to an existing behavior, with counters to routine consequences. As for funding, there are a

series of businesses on-site to sustain the entire site. These have been mentioned above, in an earlier


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Educational Modules

Educational Catalog

Green Building and Living Green

Bathrooms, Accessories

Building Construction Materials

Ceilings, Internal Walls, Partitions

Coatings, Paint Finishes

Construction Equipment

Cooling Systems: Passive, Active

Doors, Door Hardware

Electrical, including Solar Battery

Environmental Products

Exterior Wall Materials

Fire Protection

Floors, Flooring Alternatives


Kitchens Design, Kitchen Equipment

Laminates, Solid Surfaces

Landscaping, Outdoor Priorities


Lighting, Accessories

Plumbing, Gas, Air Systems


Sealants, Adhesives, Admixtures

Shelving, Storage

Solar and Wind

Stairs, Ladders, Ramp

Structural Elements

Sun Control and Shades

Tiles, Pavers

Toilets, Human Waste Disposal

Wall Coverings

Waste Management

Water Conservation

Water Sanitation: Grey, Brown

Window Furnishings

Windows and Glazing

Page 14: Green Connection Center 2016




The Mak Model Abbreviated Presentation

Page 15: Green Connection Center 2016



Page 16: Green Connection Center 2016




The Mak Model

Page 17: Green Connection Center 2016



Page 18: Green Connection Center 2016



Page 19: Green Connection Center 2016

