Page 1: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Green and Healthy Outdoors

Topic 9: Waste

Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere have the potential to cause changes in our climate. Some of these emission increases can be traced directly to solid waste. The manufacturing, distribution, and use of products, as well as management of the resulting waste, all result in emissions of greenhouse gases that affect the Earth’s climate. Waste prevention and recycling are real ways to help address climate change. At the conclusion of this unit students should:

Know that trash goes to landfills that pollute the outdoors and our communities.

Sort their recycling from their trash every time they throw something away.

Lesson Overview

Objectives: Students will be able to…

Students will gain an understanding of the environmental benefits of recycling


Pictures of recyclables (for instructor use only) Recycle Bingo game board card for each student Recycling Bingo master calling card for teacher use 12 bingo makers for each student

Procedure (Total Time):

Activity 1 (10 minutes): Pictures of Recyclables

Activity 2 (20 minutes): Recycle Bingo

Home Activity: Cloth in the Kitchen

Source: Solid Waste Authority

Page 2: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 1: Pictures of Recyclables 1. Explain and discuss the importance of waste mitigation:

Waste is items we don’t need and that we discard. Waste is either burned (producing a large amount of carbon dioxide) or sent away to a landfill (taking up space and hurting our natural resources).

Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new, useful products. Recycling prevents pollution and saves natural resources by using less energy, water, and land.

Increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere threaten to disrupt the diversity of habitats and the life dependent on them.

i. Climate change is caused by “greenhouse gases” that trap heat into our atmosphere. Most of these gases are generated when fossil fuels are burned for energy. A considerable amount of energy is used to produce bottles and cans, which means a high amount of greenhouse gases enter the environment. Recycling uses far less energy when making new materials-this action cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Ask students, “What is garbage?” 3. Create a list of student ideas. 4. Elicit responses from students as to what happens to garbage after the

garbage truck comes to collect it at their houses. Stress the fact that landfills are filling up quickly and that means more land will be used for this purpose instead of for providing homes to animals, people and plants. Emphasize that we can reduce the amount of garbage we throw away by recycling.

5. Draw the recycling symbol on the chalkboard. Write the word “Recycle” and explain what recycling means. Show a recycle symbol on a product.

6. Tell the students that we can recycle many things. Review the items that can be recycled at home and at school (use enclosed pictures).

Activity 2: Recycling Bingo 1. Cut out squares of one Recycling Bingo board to create bingo pieces. 2. Explain the directions for “Recycle Bingo”. Directions: Students must get

five in a row; horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

Page 3: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

3. Distribute the bingo cards and markers. 4. Play five rounds of bingo. 5. Ask the students the following discussion questions:

o Why is it important to recycle? o How would you explain the benefits of recycling to someone who

thinks recycling is not important? o Why is it important to protect natural resources?

Home Activity: Cloth in the Kitchen 1. Try using cloth rags in the kitchen, and when you eat, instead of paper

towels. See how many days in a row you can go without using a paper towel!

2. Challenge every member of your family to eat dinner using a reusable cloth. 3. Discuss with your family the benefits of using reusable cloths!

o Save money o More absorbent o Washable o Colorful

Page 4: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 1: Pictures of Recyclables

Page 5: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 1: Pictures of Recyclables

Page 6: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 1: Pictures of Recyclables

Page 7: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 1: Pictures of Recyclables

Page 8: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 1: Pictures of Recyclables

Page 9: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

Page 10: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

Page 11: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

Page 12: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

Page 13: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

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Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

Page 15: Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo · Green and Healthy Outdoors Topic 9: Waste Recycling Bingo Grade Level 4-5 Rising levels of gases in the Earths atmosphere

Activity 2: Recycle Bingo

Activity 2

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Activity 2: Recycle Bingo
