
By Marta Montojo Torrente - A4



Greece is the second most montainous country in Europe...- Mount olympus- Greek gods- Pindus- Dinaric Alps

Mineral deposits...- Bauxite

Largest river Aliakmonas (297 km)

The country is bordered by the Aegean sea, the Sea of Crete and the Mediterranean sea



Mild, wel winters and hot, dry summers

Montainous parts feature an Alpine climate with snowfalls

Athens and Apollo Coast


Bordering countries : Bulgaria, the Republic of Macedonia and Albania on the North and Turkey on the East.

Greece's capital is Athens (population: 745514), which is the oldest capital of Europe and one of the oldest cities of the world. The city hosted the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.

Since Greece is a part of EU and NATO,supposed to have all of these members as allies. Time has proved that the real allies are Serbia and Cyprus, though.

Not by governments means but by people's means Fyrom is considered an enemy because they are trying to steal Greece's history and cultural inheritance.


- Greece is a Parliamentary republic- They have a president but he's not elected by the people, he is elected by the parliamentary deputies for 5 year terms at a time . He becomes the Prime Minister- Greece's current Prime Minister is George Papandreou.


- The largest city in Greece is Athens, which is also its capital.- The total population is 11,283,293 - Literacy rate is 97.1- Infant mortality is 2.8 per 1000 live births- GDP per capita: 28,434- Monetary unit: Euro 1 = 1.468 $

What is pictured in the Euro coin is Europe


- The major language in Greece is Greek.One = Two = Three = Four = Five = Hello = Goodbye = Please = Thank you = I love you = '

- Major religion: Christianity

- European Music Day: June 21st it's the summer solstice the longest day of the year but in Europe it's also European Music Day. Music all over Greece for these days. There are live shows in every square of Athens. - A really typical food from Greece is the yoghurt- Spitting in Greece for luck. Dont be too offended if an old-timer in Greece spits at your baby, three times. This is a traditional way to ward off evil spirits and bad luck.- Typical types of clothing worn in Greece are the chiton, the peplos, the himation and the chlamys.- Jennifer Aniston, El greco, Andreas Papandreou and Athanasia Perra are some famous people that are from Greece.

2010- 2011 debt crisis

In the first weeks of 2010, there was renewed anxiety about excessive national debt. Some politicians, notably Angela Merkel, have sought to attribute some of the blame for the crisis to hedge funds and other "speculators" stating that "institutions bailed out with public funds are exploiting the budget crisis in Greece and elsewhere". Greece, Portugal and also Spain have a 'credibility problem', because they lack the ability to adequately repay due to their low growth rate, high deficit, less FDI, etcEuropean countries must decide how to plug potential funding gaps for Greece next year before the International Monetary Fund can release the next batch of loans, an envoy from the Fund said Tuesday, as the struggling country's prime minister convened party deputies to discuss further austerity measures.

The flag

- The number of the lines is based on the number of the syllables in the Greek phrase: " " ,which means Freedom or Death- The line pattern resembles the wavy sea that surrounds the shores of Greece. - The square Cross that rests on the upper left-side of the flag and occupies one fourth of the total area demonstrates the respect and the devotion the Greek people have for the Orthodox Church and signifies the important role of Christianity in the formation of the modern Hellenic Nation- The two colours, blue and white, symbolizes the blue colour of the sea that surrounds the land and the whiteness of the restless Greeks waves. According to the mythic legends, the Goddess of Beauty, Aphrodite emerged from these waves. In addition, it reflects the blue of the Greek sky and the white of the few clouds that travel in it.

Conclusion and Bibliography

The most interesting thing I've learned about Greece is the fact that they spit for luck

What I've learned and it was unpleasent is the current economic situation of a lot of countries in europe.

I would love to visit this country, not only because I think is gorgeous, but also it would contribute to the economy of Greece that is not working well at all right now, so it would help both, Greece and me, while having a great vacation on the beautiful Greek mediterranean islands.

Work Citation:"Greece." U.S. Department of State. Web. 07 June 2011. .

.Lad, Kashmira. "Ancient Greek Fashion." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. Web. 07 June 2011. .