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1. Gravity 1. Gravity requires air/atmosphere. 2. The strength of a gravitational force depends on the mass of objects. 3. ALL objects in the Universe attract each other through gravitational force. 4. The farther you get from Earth, the less you are affected by its gravity. 5. When dropped, all objects fall to Earth at a constant rate. 2. A force of attraction 3. Gravity True or false: Gravity is a force that pulls things to the center of Earth. Is this ALWAYS true? 4. Gravity Gravity is a force of attraction between objects due to their masses. ALL matter has mass, so ALL objects experience an attraction toward ALL other objects. 5. Weight vs. Mass Mass and Weight Based on the illustration, what are the differences between mass and weight on the moon and Earth? Earth Moon 6. Weight vs. Mass Weight is a measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object. Weight changes as gravity changes. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Mass NEVER changes. 7. Weight, Gravity and Mass ___________ is determined by ___________ which is caused by an objects ___________. Complete the sentence below using the following words: Gravity Mass Weight 8. Gravity Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation ALL objects in the Universe attract each other through gravitational force. 9. Gravity 3 Key Facts: 1. Gravitational force is small between objects with small masses. This is why you arent pulled toward your desk. 10. Gravity 3 Key Facts: 2. Gravitational force is larger between objects with larger masses. This is why the planets stay in orbit around the sun. 11. Gravity 3 Key Facts: 3. Gravitational force decreases as distance increases. The closer you get to Earth (or any other object) the stronger the force of gravity. Whats the opposite? 12. Gravity Review 3 Key Facts: 1. Gravitational force is ________ between objects with small ________. 2. Gravitational force is _______ between objects with larger ________. 3. Gravitational force _________ as distance _________. 13. Gravity 1. Gravity requires air/atmosphere. 2. The strength of a gravitational force depends on the mass of objects. 3. ALL objects in the Universe attract each other through gravitational force. 4. The farther you get from Earth, the less you are affected by its gravity. 5. When dropped, all objects fall to Earth at a constant rate. FALSE! TRUE! TRUE! TRUE! ??? 14. Gravity What is the pattern? 9.8, 19.6, 29.4, 39.2, 49 Acceleration Due to Gravity 15. Gravity Scientific fact: Due to the force of the Earths gravity, when dropped, ALL objects accelerate towards the ground at a constant rate of 9.8m/s/s (or m/s2) Time (s) Speed (m/s) 1 9.8 2 19.6 3 29.4 4 39.2 Acceleration Due to Gravity 16. Gravity Acceleration Due to Gravity Why does the bowling ball fall faster than the feather? 17. Gravity Acceleration Due to Gravity Vacuum (No air!) 18. Gravity Acceleration Due to Gravity 19. Gravity Acceleration Due to Gravity Scientific fact: Due to the force of the Earths gravity, when dropped, ALL objects accelerate towards the ground at a constant rate of 9.8 m/s/s However, due to air resistance caused by the force of friction between the air and the falling object, not all objects on Earth fall at the same rate. 20. Gravity Acceleration due to Gravity: Earth = 9.8 m/s2 Moon = 1.6 m/s2 Neptune = 14.0 m/s2 Saturn = 12.0 m/s2 Where would you fall the fastest? The slowest? 21. Gravity Free Fall and Terminal Velocity 22. Gravity Projectile Motion
