Page 1: Gratitude Project: Erin N. Kidder Spring 2014

Erin N. Kidder

January 2014 – May 2014

University of Texas at San Antonio

Michael Miller, PhD

Visualizing Value:Gratitude Project

SOC 6903

Page 2: Gratitude Project: Erin N. Kidder Spring 2014

I am grateful for my running shoes. They help me knock out mile after mile of running bliss. Whether the sky is pouring down rain or sunshine, they help me make it happen. They get me through marathons and if a bear were to chase me, I know they could get me out of danger. Well, maybe not, but I’d feel like I have a fighting chance with my running shoes on! Tuesday, January 14, 2014

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I am grateful that it is now 2014!! Seriously. 2013 was one of the toughest years of my life and while I love to live in the present, I gotta be honest, I could not WAIT for 2014. My expectations aren’t terribly high, but I do hope for a better year. So far, so good (insert smiley face here). Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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I am grateful for beautiful crisp mornings and gorgeous blue skies under which I may run. While I am grateful to draw breath each and every day of my life, I feel most fortunate on days like today when it feels like the Earth is smiling! Thursday, January 16, 2014

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This is a stray dog I spotted while out on a run. I am grateful that, while on his journey, he was able to take a few moments to play with another dog through the fence. Hopefully it made his journey through the not-so-nice streets of San Antonio a little less burdensome. Friday, January 17, 2014

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This is Brazos, a stray dog that either jumped from an overpass or vehicle, or was thrown (not uncommon, believe it or not), and ended up with two severely broken front legs. A few co-workers and I rescued him and got him into the Animal Defense League (ADL) where he is being helped. I am grateful to the ADL, those who have donated to his care, and most importantly, I am grateful that he is such a happy dog despite his situation. Saturday, January 18, 2014

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I am grateful for being satisfied enough with almost getting the green side of the Rubik’s Cube and being okay with walking away from it. Sunday, January 19, 2014

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I am grateful for this bowl my Mom gave me for Christmas 2013. It reminds me of the creativity that others possess and produce to allow for others to beautify their homes and lives. Monday, January 20, 2014

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I am grateful for people like Jane Cardea. I met her when I managed the foster program at the Animal Defense League. She is a truly amazing individual with an abundance of space in her heart for animals and people alike. She was a go-to person for me, especially when I needed emergency care for kittens. She has also offered to help advise me on my thesis when the time comes. She is a superb human being! Tuesday, January 21, 2014

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I am grateful for having opportunities to see up and coming Texas Politicians who value women in our state and country. Thank you Wendy Davis for your efforts to bring true equality to the lives of all! Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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I am grateful for being able to find Marty, the outdoor cat that adopted us a while back. Tonight the temperatures dropped to freezing with precipitation. I was thankful that Marty got to hang out inside, safe, sound, and warm. He slept pretty soundly without a worry in the world. Thursday, January 23, 2014

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I am grateful that the man who hit me was insured! Friday, January 24, 2014

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I am grateful to be trusted and loved by animals who have had a rough start to life. Saturday, January 25, 2014

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This guy was wandering up and down our street one day. He didn’t hesitate to come running up to me when I whistled to get his attention. He was incredibly friendly and playful. I am grateful that we were able to find his humans! They lived in Houston and lost him here during a recent visit. After a few days with us, they returned for him – once I tracked them down. They brought us a gift basket, but honestly, we were just thrilled to reunite him with the family that loved him! Sunday, January 26, 2014

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I am grateful that this guy doesn’t have a care in the world! Monday, January 27, 2014

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I am grateful for finding a wonderful, earthy, relaxing place to get married to my sweetheart in October 2014. This place is perfect for us – an intimate setting to celebrate with our closest family and friends. Tuesday, January 28, 2014

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I am grateful that my beautiful Border Collie/Heeler Mix, Hatti, has graced me with her presence for 13 years and counting. I watched her survive Parvo, the onset of distemper, and an almost lethal poisoning episode. There are times that I just look at her and tear up with gratefulness. She has brought me so much joy in the last 13 years, with all of her snuggling and tender kisses. She has always liked for me to hand feed her. I think it comes from when she didn't have the strength to feed herself when she had Parvo and I hand fed her till she did have the strength. Periodically, she still loves when I do it, and in fact, she prefers it. I don't mind. For all of the joy she has brought into my life, I would hand feed her every day for another 13 years and beyond if I could! Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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I am grateful for cool reminders of my childhood. Johnny and I went to Pizza Hut close to our house on Fredricksburg, and there was this anniversary edition dual Ms.Pac Man/Galaga game. In 1981, when these games came out, I was 10 years old. I remember many fun evenings at pizza Joints with family and friends – begging my folks for quarters to play.Thursday, January 30, 2014

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I am grateful for products like Dawn dish detergent. I can feel good about making the purchase knowing that part of their proceeds goes to help clean up animals in the wild that are affected by disasters like oil spills. Dawn is also great for bathing puppies and kittens. It is mild and kills the fleas. I have used it on many little ones that were too small for harsh and invasive cleansing. Friday, January 31, 2014

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I am grateful for relaxing nights at the Friendly Spot. Southtown/King Williams is one of my most favorite parts of San Antonio to hang out in. Saturday, February 1, 2014

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I am grateful to my friends who ask me to watch their house and pets when they go on trips.. It is relaxing to sit by their pool, which I usually do with a glass of champagne (they always leave me a bottle for my stays). It is absolutely peaceful and pleasant. Sunday, February 2, 2014

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I am grateful for the Packers! They are owned by their community, which I think is amazing and they are just a great team. I share a love of the Packer’s with my Dad. My fiance, on the other hand, is a Cowboys fan. I feel grateful that the Packers are better! Monday, February 3, 2014

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I am grateful that my parents raised me to stay true to my convictions. It is important to stay involved and have a strong voice! Tuesday, February 4, 2014

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I am grateful for Arnold Horshack! No, not the Welcome Back Cotter character – although I am grateful for the laughs he provided. I am talking about this little guy! I fostered him when he had sarcoptic mange and absolutely fell in love with him! He was beautiful from day one. He managed to finagle his way permanently into the Kidder-Pruiett household and at 9 months of age, he is bringing us endless amounts of laughs and happiness daily! Wednesday, February 5, 2014

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I am grateful for funny confrontations between my cats and dogs. Little Arnold Horshack is actually afraid of Hildebrand. Of course, Hildebrand is a bully. Arnold Horshack isn’t quite sure what to make of her, especially when she just sort of imposes herself into his space. Thursday, February 6, 2014

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I am grateful for the creativity of local bartenders. On one of our Guinness outings, my beer came to me with the faint imprint of a shamrock. I felt like one lucky Irish gal! Friday, February 7, 2014

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I am grateful for the days I get to take a stroll down the San Antonio Riverwalk and see the ducks, birds, fish, and any other creatures enjoying the beautiful weather. Johnny and I decided to take a break from studying to take our dogs, Jack, and Arnold D. Horshack out for a walk, on what proved to be a glorious day! This is right by the Pearl Brewery, just below the restaurant, La Gloria. Saturday, February 8, 2014

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I am grateful when my fiance, Johnny, wears this cool newsboy style hat. I think he looks incredibly handsome in it, especially when drinking a delicious Texas beer! Sunday, February 9, 2014

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I am grateful that my good friend found her missing dog, Delihah. Her precious baby was only missing for a day. We posted flyers, sent pleas out over social media, and within about 10 hours, her little Delilah was returned safely. A good samaritan and neighbor scooped Delilah up and thankfully saw the posters in the neighborhood. My friend could not have been happier. Monday, February 10, 2014

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While waiting in the supermarket parking lot for Johnny to return to the car, I was grateful to have Arnold Horshack perched on my driver’s seat and shoulder. I felt very protected! Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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I am grateful for finding twelve bucks hidden in a pocket of one of my purses. All I was looking for was my lip balm and SURPRISE! - Wednesday, February 12, 2014

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I am grateful for my wedding jewelry. My mom and I searched high and low for some vintage and elegant jewelry that would be perfect for my dress and we just could not seem to find what I was looking for. My Mom found a woman who makes jewelry and after providing her with my specifications and examples, this is what she came up with. I am excited and grateful to have custom made jewelry for my upcoming special day!Thursday, February 13, 2014

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I am grateful that my friends trust me to dog sit for them. I love their dogs, cats, dragons, and all of the other critters their sons see fit to share their space with. Friday, February 14, 2014

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I am always grateful for my close friends. One of my best buds, Eddie, took me in and gave me a home and some support when I was down. I rented the loft in his home for nearly 10 years! It was a blast! Eddie is like a big brother to me and I am grateful have him in my life. Saturday, February 15, 2014

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I am grateful for good wine deals! I haven’t eaten at Grimaldi’s in a long time, bit was pleased to see that I could order a half carafe of the house Pinot Grigio at the bargain price of $9. I was slightly apprehensive, but the wine was actually good! Sunday, February 16, 2014

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I am grateful for my back scratcher! Honestly. This thing has been with me for over twenty years and I can’t imaging my nightstand without it! My back scratcher is a staple in my life and I hope it NEVER goes missing! Monday, February 17, 2014

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I am grateful to have this beautiful china cabinet. My paternal grandmother, who passed away in 2007, sent it to me many years before she passed away. They do not make them like this anymore. I take great care of it and look upon it with so much appreciation daily. Tuesday, February 18, 2014

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I am grateful for sharing this Earth with all of its wonderful, beautiful inhabitants. Today, when visiting the place Johnny and I will get married at in October, we spotted this rock in the creek that runs along side the venue. It was covered with turtles basking in the sun. Wednesday, February 19, 2014

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Okay, so it may still not be the healthiest, but for a vegetarian who likes a BLT or bacon & eggs every now and then, I am grateful for Morning Star Farms for giving me a soy option! Thursday, February 20, 2014

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I am grateful for warm evenings out at La Tuna! The La Tuna Grill food is incredible, the beer is cold, and every so often you can get serenaded by good musicians! I love evenings like this when I can relax Johnny, Arnold D. Horshack, and good friends. Friday, February 21, 2014

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I am grateful for public radio. I can hardly go a day without listening to National Public Radio (NPR). One of the first things my Mom and I did when we moved to San Antonio in 1988 was to look up the local public radio station to become members. I have been a loyal listener and sporadic member of Texas Public Radio (TPR) for over 25 years now! Saturday, February 22, 2014

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I am grateful for the reminders – the stamps in time – that people from the past leave for us. I must have passed this five hundred times on my daily runs. Oddly enough, I noticed this set of tiny footsteps and today’s date from 1954, permanently carved into the sidewalk in front of a house I was passing. I wonder if the person or their family still lives there? Sunday, February 23, 2014

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I picked this cat up on Hildebrand when she was about 5 weeks old. It was during rush hour and she bounced across the access road at Hildebrand and IH10. I was terrified she would get squished, Instead, she hunkered down in the gutter and I was able to pull over, jump out, and scoop her up. All the while she hissed, growled and swiped at me. Seven years later, she is still the odd little kitty I named Hildebrand, and she still likes to hiss, growl, and take random swipes at me when I least expect it. But, I am still grateful! Monday, February 24, 2014

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I am grateful for the late Howard Zinn. I was introduced to his writing in junior high school (back in the early 1980s). His account of history rings true and should be more prevalent in our classrooms. Tuesday, February 25, 2014

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Today is my 43rd birthday. I am grateful for many things! While picking up the intent to write a thesis form in the sociology office, this is what I saw – a cool calendar. This is how I have felt for much of graduate school; however, today, I am able to find the humor, especially when faced with something as silly as this calendar. Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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I am grateful for the goofy salt & pepper shakers I found at Pier One. Seriously! I cannot wait to have a dinner party and put out the salt dog lifting his leg on the pepper fire hydrant, or the monkey salt shaker holding the pepper banana! Thursday, February 27, 2014

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I am grateful for our Kurig coffee brewer. This appliance has been one of my best friends throughout graduate school. Friday, February 28, 2014

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FLIP FLOPS! I am not only grateful for the shoe, but I am grateful for the name. I love throwing my flip flops on and I love saying I am throwing my flip flops on. Every time I put them on, I have at least one momentary thought of being on a beach, relaxing. March 1, 2014

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I am grateful for my new wine rack. I will be even more grateful when it is full of wine! March 2, 2014

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I am grateful for the toys that keep our puppy, Arnold Horshack, busy. While he still thinks our arms, hands, and feet are chew toys, he is slowly learning that these toys don’t give him grief when he chews on them. March 3, 2014

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I am grateful for Jack and Barrett. In some tragic turn of events in a span of less than 24 hours, Johnny and I lost both of our furry babies. Though we are broken hearted and devastated, we feel unbelievably fortunate to have spent the last six to eight years with them. They nestled into our hearts with warmth and love – spots they will forever reside in. Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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I am grateful for thoughtful gifts that friends five to me. All of my friends know how much I love animals. My friend Sonia gave this to me for one of my birthdays and I just love it! I will always cherish her thoughtfulness. March 5, 2014

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This is another birthday gift, recently given to me by my friend Valerie. She always gets me the coolest items, and I am grateful for that. I will be even more grateful once I find a great place to hang it. March 6, 2014

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I am grateful for some of the odds and ends I have collected over the year. This one records temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity. I am not necessarily confident in it’s accuracy, but it’s fun to look at anyway. March 7, 2014

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I am grateful that we found a great place outside on our fence for this. While Johnny would have loved to have it loom over us in our living room, he was happy when I suggested this spot. March 8, 2014

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I am grateful for the “cat” gate in our house. Sadly, one of our dogs likes to eat the cat poop. This keeps her out of their area and it gives the cats a quick and safe reprieve when our dogs get a bit unruly and intolerable. March 9, 2014

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I am grateful for inexpensive wines that are still decent enough to drink! I am especially grateful for this when we are financially struggling, yet still want to indulge a little. March 10, 2014

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I am grateful for beautiful spring days in San Antonio. With a few wispy clouds in the blue sky, it was truly picture perfect. March 11, 2014

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While I am not particularly religious (more spiritual I guess), I am still grateful for the life and lessons of St. Francis of Assisi. I grew up Catholic and was always drawn to this saint. Go figure! I March 12,2014

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Well, it is with a heavy heart that I write this one. Marty showed up on our porch a few years ago. He was skinny and we plumped him up with cat food and affection. He remained an outdoor cat, which is where he yearned to return to every time I put him indoors. We provided him shelter during freezing temps and sustenance to tackle the elements outdoors. He recently stopped showing up, which saddens me; however, I am hopeful some lucky home is the new recipient of his awesomeness! March 13, 2014

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I am grateful for odd and unique pieces of who knows what! I have had this bloated fish with a lizard crawling out of it for years now. Some may think it is a bit creepy, but I love it! March 14, 2014

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During each semester in graduate school, I live and breath by this style guide. I am incredibly grateful for the ease with which I am able to cite the work of others and the guidance this little manual gives to me while writing my sociology papers. March 15, 2014

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It 16, 2014has been a little over a year now, but I am still so grateful to be engaged to Johnny. March 2, 2013 was one of the best days of my life, and now I look absolutely forward to October 4, when we say “I DO” to each other! March 16, 2014

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I am grateful for items like this that my Mom brought to me from her stint overseas. While living in Germany, she traveled to Italy and got me this lovely piece, which I cherish. March 17, 2014

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I am grateful for this foot massager that also has a heating element. This foot massager is especially wonderful on days when I run for 8 or more miles. It is also comforting when it is incredibly cold and I just can’t seem to warm up. March 18, 2014

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I am grateful for Darwin and his theories of evolution. To someone raised in the Catholic church but who the message did not entirely resonate with, reading about Darwin was a real eye opener. March 19, 2014

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I am grateful for the vision many of my friends have. My friend Patrick took this photo while in Iran on a motorcycle trip a few years back. He had a photo exhibit at a local coffee house shortly after he returned and gave a talk about his journey. This photo just drew me in. I loved how the girls are sightseeing and as they are taking a photos, one turns to see Patrick taking a photo of them. I told him how much I liked the photo. A week later, when I got home from work, I had a package on my doorstep. It was this photo, framed, and delivered as a gift from my dear friend who had a beautiful vision and was able to capture it on film. Friday, March 21, 2014

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I am grateful for sunrise around Woodlawn Lake. This is one of the many places I run around in the early morning. It is always peaceful, especially in the morning. March 23, 2014

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When driving through a friend’s neighborhood, we spotted this perfect patch of bluebonnets! It was gorgeous. Bluebonnets always make me think of Johnny, my fiance, because he is pure Texan! March 27, 2014

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I am grateful for awesome fridge magnates, like "Visualize Whirled Peas" and "Jesus is Coming, Look Busy". They just put a smile on my face anytime I look at them. Simple, but truly amusing to me. Friday, March 28, 2014

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I am grateful for brunch at the Liberty Bar with my wonderful friends. This brunch was held in honor of our friend’s visit from New York. She was the one taking the photo. March 30, 2014

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I’m not joking! I am grateful for my friend and co-worker saving this little fluffy girl’s life. This pup was rescued from Animal Care Services (animal control) and is now in a truly loving and wonderful home. April 1, 2014

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I am grateful for my brother, Brent. Today is his birthday! We are only 10 ½ months apart (he is older), so for a short span of time each year, I joke with him that he can not boss me around since we are the same age. He usually doesn’t take me seriously. April 2, 2014

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I am grateful for my protective running gear accessories. The visor keeps the sun off of my face or the rain drops from hitting my eyes. I often run in the dark, so my flashing light protects me from the drivers on the road,. The pepper spray always gives me a sense of protection from the unsavory characters I sometimes encounter and the dogs who aren’t too keen on my presence. Thankfully, I have never had to use the pepper spray. April 3, 2014

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I am grateful for Café Tuti, a little coffee house around the corner from our house. Every Friday night, they host a little open mic night. It is relaxing and entertaining! April 4, 2014

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I am grateful for reminders of days gone by. My best friend in high school, in Huntington Beach, CA, had a Honda Accord just like this - only her's was blue. At that time (mid 1980s), it was practically new. I saw this car at a local H.E.B. and all of those wonderful memories of piling in to go to the beach flooded right back to the surface of my mind. Saturday, April 5, 2014

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I am grateful for the beauty I see during my morning run. Today, I spotted these cute little ducklings. As I was snapping a few photos, the adult ducks in the area moved in to keep a close watch and make sure I didn't hurt the little ones. These guys were adorable and truly made my morning run a special event, getting my day off to a wonderful start! Wednesday, April 9, 2014

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I am grateful for cool photo opportunities, like this one. Thanks to Arnold Horshack who made himself available for my “Just a dog and his beer” photo. This got lots of “likes” on my Facebook. April 12, 2014

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I am grateful for long run Sundays! Long run Sundays are never less than 8 miles and sometimes as much as 24 miles. This one was an 8 miler and it felt oh so good. April 13, 2014

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I am grateful that the Zombie Outbreak Response Team is on hand, you know, just in case! (Sorry for the glare from the sun, but this was the best pic I could take and I simply could not pass it up! By the way, I was at a stop light and not actually in motion). Tuesday, April 15, 2014

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I am grateful to my friend who shared this photo with me. This puppy is adorable and looking for a home. I sure wish that home could be with me, but as I look forward to hopefully getting into a PhD program, I unfortunately cannot take this beauty in. Who knows where we will end up and besides, we already have our other three dogs and two cats. Wednesday, April 16, 2014

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Sometimes, while studying or working on school projects, I break and have a glass of wine! Yes, Dr. Miller, that is my Media Applications project in the background; however, if you look closely, you will notice it is in the midst of a VERY long saving & sharing process. Believe me, a glass of wine was in order! Sunday, April 20, 2014

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This is the apron I wear when I have a dinner party where I cook (its pretty rare). I love it, because it is so tacky! I am always grateful for the response I get when I have it on. Tuesday, April 22, 2014

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I am grateful for this coffee mug! It has been in my family since the late 1970s. I protect it with my life. It is just as groovy as the day it was made and coffee always tastes delicious out of it. Wednesday, April 23, 2014

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I am grateful for doggy daycare! After a day of play, Arnold Horshack knocks out! Today was a good play day. Friday, April 25 2014

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That’s my fiance kissing one of my best buds! It was a sweet little birthday kiss. I’m sure I have nothing to worry about. Johnny makes me smile and laugh every day. Even onon days when we may be on each other’s nerves, he inevitably does something that makes me smile and laugh. I think he is pretty darned special for being able to do that! Saturday, April 26, 2014

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This is one of the best movies, EVER! I thought I had lost it, but while looking for something else in a storage bin, we found it. Secondhand Lions is a treat and I recommend it to everyone. Most favorite scene, the bar scene. Watch it and find out why! Sunday, April 27, 2014

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I am grateful for witnessing one of the absolutely cutest things I have ever seen!! This little bulldog loves to snuggle with his alpha dog terrier mix. They are super cute snuggle bugs and I could barely contain my glee at seeing this! Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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I am grateful for happy endings. Ellie (FKA Minnie) was a personal rescue and is not in a wonderful family with two other dogs who look similar…but different. She is happy and a Spurs fan. What m0re can you ask for? Wednesday, April 30, 2014

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