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Visualizing Value: The Gratitude ProjectTony Riojas SOC 6903

• From the gratitude project I have learn to realize that as a society there is a bunch of things that we take for granite that we really should be appreciated of. Without any one of these things/items in my project would make it tougher to get by with some of my daily living activities. I'm glad to have taken part in this project into opening my eyes of some of the things that I should really be grateful in having and access to.

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• Jan 14th- I am grateful for my protein shaker. I have had many protein shakers but they are definitely clutch in a time when I get hungry and don’t have time to cook anything or warm anything up. Also has helped me get through many classes!

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• Jan 15th – I am very grateful for my car (Bluescluess). I paid it off about 8-9 months ago and it has low mileage for its year. It gets me to and from work, school, and other places I need/choose to go.

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• Jan. 16th – I am very grateful for my house. I just moved in on August of 2013, it still needs some work on the inside but its coming together nicely. Also it beats paying rent, I’ll have something to show for my money when I decide to move.

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Jan 17th- I am super grateful for my bed. It is so comfortable and I am a huge fan of sleep and naps especially. This bed has been with me for about 4 or 5 years and is by for the best one I have had.

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Jan. 18th – Since I was a little boy I have always loved shoes. Might have been because my parents couldn’t get me them that often so when I got a new pair It made me just feel so fresh in a sense. So I would take care of them usually well for being a little boy. So naturally got older and could buy my own. (wasn’t able to get all of my shoes in the picture but you get the idea).

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Jan. 19th Grateful for my tooth brush. Without it can lead to some serious bad breath and teeth problems. Unfortunately I have had to get some root canals before and experienced tooth aches and they are no fun at all. Tooth paste is good too.

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Jan 20th- I am grateful for the shower/bath. There is nothing more relaxing then taking a nice warm shower after a hard workout or long day. Without the shower can lead to hygiene problems such as rashes.

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Jan 21th- I am grateful for my stove top and oven. I’m not the best cook but I do make all my meals one way or another. Its rare for me to eat fast food, for two reasons. 1. it is too fatting and has too many calories and second because I’m too cheap, think its too expensive to eat.

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Jan 22th- I am so grateful for my glock 23. This is my home security good thing we live in Texas. At times Ill have troubles sleeping but with Betty on my night stand loaded puts me at so much ease and allows me to be comfortable enough to close my eyes and get my sleep. (Sox is my first alarm warning)

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Jan. 24th- I am grateful for my dog Sox, she is over 4 years old right now and without her my house would be a lot more quite and uneventful. She is my best friend and also a great watch dog.

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Jan. 24th – I am grateful for my gloves. I have grown up in the south my whole life so naturally I do not do well in cold weather at all. Also due to poor circulation my hands and feet can get extremely cold. These gloves are definitely clutch!

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Jan 25th- Due to this freezing weather literally. It is so nice to get in my car from a long walk on school campus to heat right up. Grateful for my car heater.

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Jan 26th- I am grateful for the John Peace Library. Without it, their is no way I would have gotten this far in my education.

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Jan 27th- Grateful for my refrigerator. I cook all my own meals and with this bad boy I’m able to store food and keep it good until I’m ready to eat, which is all the time.

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Jan 28th- Grateful for my George Foreman grill. I’ve had this grill for years now and its still kicking. Can cook up some chicken, meat, or fish on this real quick. It’s a little dirty in this picture.

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Jan. 29th- I’m very grateful for the weight room! My second home, I’ve spent countless hours in this gym working out to keep my body in shape as well with my muscle tissue and skeletal system up to par. Also great for a break from school work and to relieve stress.

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Jan. 30th- I am grateful for caffeine. I naturally don’t like to intake too much caffeine more of a tea drinker but, it sure does help get me through long hours of school work and reading assignments after a long day of working. School work would be so much harder without the little picker upper in these cans.

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Jan 31st- I am grateful for this open, empty football field. I have always been involved in sports as a kid and just can’t get away from the act of moving as fast as I can. I go every Saturday for the most part, I take my cleats and do ten 100-yard sprints as fast and hard as I can. Great workout!

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Feb. 1st- I am grateful for H.E.B. this is where I get all of my food. I cook majority of all my meals, I wont go to fast food or restaurants too expensive for a meal I can cook up for a fraction of the price.

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Feb. 2nd- I am grateful for this nice home cooked meal. It took my years to master how to cook chicken without drying it out. Hm! Taste so good and its cheap and good for me doesn’t get any better.

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Feb 3rd- I am grateful for water. Without water we can not have life. I drink this stuff all the time.

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Feb 4th- I am grateful for chairs. The are every where and I do try to use them and get off my feet as much as I can. So relaxing to a certain point then need to switch to a bed.

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Feb 5th- I am grateful for water fountains and also these new purified water dispenser to fill up empty bottles.

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Feb 6th- I am grateful for these recycle bins. I really try and do my part on recycling and trying to take care of our beautiful planet earth.

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Feb. 7th- I am grateful for my garage. I love the idea of my car being locked in the garage being safe and sound at night, also can protect my car from missing rainy morning sometimes which it stays clean.

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Feb 8th- I am grateful for chewing gum. Keeps the breath fresh after a tuna sandwich, and during workouts sometimes for whatever reason can keep me focused sometimes.

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Feb 9th- I am grateful for bananas. They are so easy to take on the go and provide our body with plenty of nutrients are body loves to get. They are also cheap!

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Feb 10th- I am grateful for trees and for the oxygen they deliver to us humans to breath

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Feb 11th- I am grateful for the recycle bin, I do try and do my part to keep a green earth.

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Feb 12th- I am grateful for my blue-ray collection. I don’t have cable so when I have time to relax and kick my feet up I can put a movie on to entertain me.

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Feb 13th- I am grateful for my headphones. I use these almost everyday and for all my workouts.

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Feb 14th- I am grateful for my backpack. It makes carrying my books and other school stuff very easy.

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Feb 15th – I am grateful for Pandora music. I’ve always been a big fan of music and Pandora is able to provide me with a variety of it.

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Feb 16th- I am grateful for my G-shock watch I use it everyday for work. Keeps track of time and rest periods I allow for my clients.

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Feb 17th- I am grateful for my Bose doc. I a fan of music and listen to it constantly. When I’m at home I can play music off of this guy and get good quality.

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Feb 18th- I am grateful for this arm band. I did something to my bicep brachii and with this compression on my muscle it allows me to do curls without as much pain if I didn’t use it.

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Feb 19th- I am grateful for this nice weather been waiting too long for it and finally here. Hope it stays for a while.

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Feb 20th- I am grateful for my new Jordan's. I have always been a shoe fan and it is because of Jordan's. I'm grateful I was able to get these shoes before they sold out.

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Feb 21st- I am grateful for these Olde English bulldogge puppies. My dog had pups and it is always a joy taking care of these little guys

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Feb 22nd- I am grateful for a nice cold beer on the weekend after getting my school work done. Its so relaxing for me to have one or two of these guys once I finish a long week of school and work.

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Feb 23rd- I am grateful for creatine monohydrate. This is great for me when it comes to lifting weights and trying to put on muscle mass.

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Feb 24th- I am grateful for this protein powder. It is hard to get in your daily intake of protein, but this powder makes it some much easier and cheaper.

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Feb 25th- I am grateful for my dryer. After I wash my clothes this dryer will dry them in one hour some I can wear some clean clothes pretty quickly.

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Feb 26th- I am grateful for my washing machine. I can just throw my dirty clothes in this machine and come back in less then hour and have a lot of my clothes clean. Helps me save a lot of time if I didn’t have this machine and had to wash my clothes by hand.

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Feb 27th- I am grateful for this dishing washing soap. Helps me keep my dishes clean so I can have something to eat my cooked meals on.

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Feb 28th- I am grateful for the access to an ATM machine, always handy when you need cash.

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March 1st- I am grateful for these Yankee tickets! Going June 27th against the Red Sox right behind the Yankees dugout.

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March 2nd – I am grateful for my school folder. Holds all my papers and notes in order really helpful.

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March 3rd- I am grateful for my pen, helps with note taking and remembering to do important things for school and learning.

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March 4th- I am grateful for this fan. Try to keep that CPS bill down and this fan helps with keeping my room cool enough to sleep.

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March 5th- I am grateful for my lotion, helps to keep my skin moisture and not dried out.

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March 6th- I am grateful for scissors, never know how useful they are until you really need to cut something.

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March 7th- I am grateful for medicine, for some reason I have been sick more then normal this semester, but this meds as helped with keeping in the game of school.

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March 8th- I am grateful for razors. Help to keep me looking presentable and clean cut.

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March 9th- I am grateful for the toilet. Don’t know where we would be as a society without the toilet hmmm. . . .

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March 10th – I am grateful for the toilet plunger. Sometimes the toilet might get backed up and this guy helps to keep from a BIG mess.

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March 11th- I am grateful for toilet paper. After the use of the toilet need something to clean us up and toilet paper works also pretty cheap.

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March 12th- I am grateful for lighters, never realize how useful they are until you need to light something on fire. Caveman definitely would be jealous of these guys.

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March 13th- I am grateful for deodorant, helps keep us from smelling funky and good hygiene.

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March 14th- I am grateful for towels also come in handy during a wet mess.

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March 15th- I am grateful for soap, you can really tell when some go without it.

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March 16th- I am grateful for exercise mats. Keep you some what comfortable while doing your floor exercises.

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March 16th- I am grateful for core training boards. Great tool to use for balance and core training.

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March 17th- I am grateful for the bosu ball. Also a great tool to use for balance and core training.

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March 18th- I am grateful for this awesome meal! NY strip steak with mac & cheese. Even better made at home a lot cheaper then going somewhere.

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March 19th- I am grateful for this awesome salmon and cucumbers, doesn’t get much better then that.

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March 20th- I am grateful for my results letter of my comprehensive exam(s). I passed getting closer to starting another chapter in my life.

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March 28th I am grateful for the television it is a great way to bring sports to us and news.

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March 29th I am grateful for this cable cross machine for resistance training. Can do many exercises on it also effectively

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March 30th- I am grateful for this simple step up. Can make different heights for easy which is great when training my clients or myself

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March 31st- I am grateful for this couch at work. It’s a great place to sit and wait for my clients/ rest in between sets of my workout.

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April 1st- I am grateful for the prone leg curl machine. Great way to workout the hamstrings. We need our hamstrings for knee flexion and hip extension.

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April 2nd – I am grateful for the lat pull down machine. We need out lats for shoulder extension/ pulling our self up

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April 3rd- I am grateful for the foam roller. I use this guy everyday. Awesome for releasing those tight muscles and giving us our full range of motion at the joints and relieving stress.

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April 4th- I am grateful for plyometric boxes. Can use these guys for a number of things, but great for those athletes trying to improve their vertical jump.

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April 5th- I am grateful for medicine balls. These are great for workouts also core training and numerous exercises.

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April 6th- I am grateful for the incline bench. Can use this bench for a number of exercises, I use it mostly for the upper chest fibers and incline curls

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April 7th- I am grateful for these dynamax balls. They come in different weight and can be used for a lot of explosive& core exercises. Which really burn those calories.

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April 8th- I am grateful for resistance bands. Great for rehabilitation exercises or to use with my clients that have really low strength. Also can take these anywhere and can provide a good workout with enough resistance.

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April 9th- I am grateful for dumbbells. I have been using dumbbells since I was in middle school and you can provide yourself with a total body workout as long as you have the right amount of weight.

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April 10th- I am grateful for kettelbells. Great for core training and can really use for high intensity workouts which burn a lot of calories.

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April 11th- I am grateful for treadmills. Great way to get cardio in without having to worry about traffic or extreme weather conditions. Also lower impact on your joint then concrete

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April 12th- I am grateful for weight clips. Keep the weights from sliding off when your getting your lifts in which also keeps you safe and balanced.

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April 13th- I am grateful for sanitizer whips. Things get a little sweaty at the gym and these guys are a quick way to wipe of the machines and keep it clean and germs free.

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April 14th- I am grateful for these 2.5 weights. A great way to push yourself to that next level of strength

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April 15th- I am grateful for these weights that you can place on the barbell can get a variety of weight to push around for a variety of exercises for which ever body part your trying to work.

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April 16th- I am grateful for the back extension machine. The lower back is one of the first to give out on people so its important to keep the lower back strong.

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April 17th- I am grateful for the ac/heater in my house. It is really clutch for making the inside of my house comfortable.

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April 18th- I am grateful for the elliptical machine. Great way to get cardio in also keeping it low impact if you have joint problems.

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April 19th- I am grateful for my ceiling fans. I can be pretty cheap at times and try to save everywhere I can so during the day/night sometimes I try and get away without using my ac unit. My ceiling fans help in this.

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April 20th- I am grateful for these low hurdles. Great for using when training for agility and also speed work. Can also use if just trying to burn a lot of calories.

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April 21st- I am grateful for this decline bench I use for sit-ups. Have to keep those abs strong to help with a lot of daily activities and posture. Also when summer comes around this helps around the pool/bbq.

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April 22nd- I am grateful for the squat rack. Can use this rack for a number of exercise, but I use it mostly for squats. Have to keep those leg strong that's our wheels, so I always say we need to keep air in our tires.

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April 23rd- I am grateful for sunglasses. Very helpful when driving on a sunny day to help your vision and to keep you from squinting.

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March 24th- I am grateful for UTSA. Happy they excepted me as a student back in 2009 and have try to make the best out of attending college here.

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March 25th- I am grateful for light/street lights. They are so helpful for getting around and seeing when it is night time. Never know how lucky we are to have light until its gone.

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March 26th- I am grateful for windows. I will never forget one point in my life that all I wanted to have was a window, just to see what was going on outside. Never know how beautiful they are until you have no windows.

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March 27th- I am grateful for bicycles. Have many great memories on my bike as a kid and they are a great way to travel if your distance isn’t too far.

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March 28th- I am grateful for my UTSA parking pass when you forget it and have to park on UTSA campus it gets pricey.

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March 29th- I am grateful for socks. Really feel good when your wearing shoes also helps minimize the smell of your shoes when you take them off.

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March 30th- I am grateful for being a spurs fan. I have always liked basketball and being a spurs fan they have brought some titles to San Antonio hopefully can bring another one this year.