Page 1: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE

Date of next Parish Council Meeting

Tuesday 22nd February 2011 at 7pm @ Langtoft Village Hall

Editor; Karen J MacQuarrie, 01778 345530,

Email: [email protected]


Parish Council Notes & Advertising Rates 2 - 9

Langtoft Road Run 2011 / Tree Pruning 10

Ness Group Services for Dec 10 & Jan 11 12 & 13

Church News - Judy Robinson 14

Letter from the Vicarage 15

Parish Register / Editors Comments 16

LVHMC Quiz Night 17

Diary of Events 18 - 19

Deeping Gang Show 20

Langtoft Players “ A kick in the Baubles” 22

Langtoft Pearl Bowls 27

LVHMC Race Night 29

LVHMC Numbers Club Draw for July & August 33

LVHMC News 34

LVHMC Gardening Talk 35

February & March 2011


LangtoftLangtoftLangtoftLangtoft GrapevineGrapevineGrapevineGrapevine

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Minutes of Council Meeting held on Tuesday 30 November 2010 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Jim Winstone (Chairman), Bob Cramp, Velma Denniston, Andy Halfhide, Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Amanda Johnson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike Thompson.

In Attendance: Derek Risk (Clerk), Jim Haw (Internal Auditor) and Guy Porteous (Computers4U). Apologies were received from District Cllr. Moore. There were no members of the public present.

Public Forum

The meeting commenced at 7pm with the open forum and items raised were:

• Concern was expressed that the Clerk had arranged to delay the issue of the December/January edition of the Grapevine to allow for the publication of the precept decision. It was agreed that this would be raised formally under the Clerk’s Report on the main agenda.

• In the absence of additional road gritting provision from LCC it was suggested that

perhaps the Parish Council could investigate the possibility of some form of alternative provision or self help.

As there were no further questions the open forum closed at 7.20pm.

Main Agenda

132/10 Apologies for absence. There were no apologies for absence from parish councillors.

133/10 Declarations of interest. There were no declarations of interest for items on the agenda.

134/10 Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (19th October 2010)

The approval of the previous minutes was proposed by Cllr Denniston, seconded by Cllr A Hallam and agreed unanimously.

135/10 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk presented the report, which was accepted by the Council and it was noted:

• The Clerk would organise a meeting between the Football Club and residents living adjacent to the playing fields with the aim of resolving issues over the use of the playing fields.

Langtoft Parish Council


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Langtoft Village Hall News

The Christmas Bingo in December brought to an end our Centenary

Celebrations. The events over the past year have been well attended

and enjoyed by all.

Towards the end of the year the Centenary Clock was installed in the

apex at the front of the village hall.

We still have the book on the history of the Village Hall to publish,

this is to be completed in the next few months.

Christmas at the Crossroads was well attended on what was a very

cold night, over 40 people joined in the singing of Carols led again

by Mrs Sandra Lane, our thanks to her for this. The lights very

switched on by all the children then it was into the Waggon and

Horses for Mulled Wine and mince pies.

Christmas at the Crossroads


• At the request of the Chairman, Guy Porteous of

Computers4U outlined his plans for the outreach internet

courses using UKOnline. Computers4U would provide all

computer equipment and a tutor to start the training. It was

hoped that someone from the village would be available to be trained to assist

with the tutoring. The only cost to the Parish Council would be the hire charges

for the venue in the village. Guy was thanked for his presentation and the

Council agreed that the Clerk should work with him to set up the course starting

in January. It was also noted that the course could accommodate 7 people and

there were already 5 residents interested.

• LCC Highways had advised that they intended to delay any further pruning of the

trees in West End until the spring. It was still unclear as to the plans for the trees

and samplings further down West End and the Clerk was asked to check again

with LCC Highways.

• The meeting expressed its concern on the impact on advertisers of the Clerk’s

decision to delay to the December/January issue of the Grapevine to allow

publication of the precept decision. It was agreed that every effort should be

made to get the edition out as soon as possible and that the Clerk should review

the impact on any adverts for events in early December. (Clerk’s note: Edition

was distributed on 3 December)

• The provision of a grit bin at the Truesdale Gardens junction was still not resolved

as the latest advice from LCC Highways was that it was not justified despite the

apparent agreement in the letter from Brian Thompson, the LCC Divisional

Highways Manager. The Clerk was asked to contact Kevin Brumfield again. • Despite some support from County Cllr Peter Robinson, LCC Highways had

advised that HGV restrictions were not justified on the level of traffic on East

End/West End. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Brian Thompson and

invite him to attend the next Council meeting to discuss the LCC policy.

• LCC had issued some Government guidance on self-help clearing on snow from

footways. This would be published on the notice boards and website.

• The Chairman and Clerk had attended the annual Towns & Parishes Conference

organised by SKDC. The theme was mainly about co-operative working between

local authorities and the third sector. However, Parishes were asked to take note

of the freeze in the District Council Tax when setting their precept for 2011/12.

Also further workshops would be arranged in the New Year on the Local

Development Plan and the new arrangements for Neighbourhood Plans.

• The Clerk had arranged for the removal of moles which had appeared again in

East End park.

Langtoft Parish Council

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• The annual contract for grass cutting in the parks was due for

renewal in the near future and it was agreed that the Amenities

Group would review the specification ready for the tender

process. It was also agreed that consideration should be given

to options for reducing the annual cost by having a longer term


• The Clerk would contact the Lincoln Diocese to progress the arrangements for

the consecration of the remaining section of the cemetery as agreed at the

previous meeting.

The meeting RESOLVED:

“To approve the sum of not exceeding £500 to cover the cost of the accommodation for the proposed internet training course to be provided locally by Computers4U”

This was proposed by Cllr A Hallam and seconded by Cllr Jackson and agreed unanimously.

The meeting also RESOLVED:

“To authorise the Clerk to refund any time sensitive Grapevine advertising affected by the delay to the issue date”

This was proposed by Cllr Halfhide and seconded by Cllr Thompson and agreed by majority with one abstention.

The meeting also RESOLVED:

“To authorise the sum not exceeding £500 for the Lincoln Diocese charges for the consecration of the remaining section of the cemetery.”

This was proposed by Cllr Denniston and seconded by Cllr Thompson and agreed unanimously.

136/10 Amenities Group Report

The Council accepted the Amenities Group Report and noted:

• The recommendation to accept of the latest quotation from Associated Surfaces

& Materials Limited for the complete replacement of the safety surfaces around the play equipment in East End Park.

• The recommendation to accept of the quotation from Set in Stone for the repair of the monuments in the Cemetery.

• The ramp at the rear entrance to Black Bull Green had now been completed and a number of residents had given positive feedback.

Langtoft Parish Council

Chairman - Mrs S. Castley Tel: (01778) 344173 or


Secretary - Mr D. Scholes Tel: (01778) 343781

Treasurer - Mrs A. Fisher Tel: (01778) 346546

Draw for November 2010 winning numbers as follows: £40.00 No. 29 Mrs. A. Ravenhill £5.00 No. 20 Mrs. P. Allies £5.00 No. 19 Mrs. S. Lauredson Draw for December 2010 winning numbers as follows:

£40.00 No. 96 Mr. A. Clingo £5.00 No. 36 Mr. A Boon £5.00 No. 98 Mrs. M. Peasgood

Langtoft Village Hall

Management Committee Registered Charity No. 501924


Date of next meeting

Tuesday 1st February 2011 @ 8pm

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• Subject to the outcome of the new SKDC dog control orders that will apply to Black Bull Green and the SKDC playing fields the Council would pursue the introduction of its own dog controls in the two parks managed by the parish council. The Clerk would check with SKDC on the implementation of the new controls.

The meeting RESOLVED:

“To accept the quotation of £5,245 excluding VAT for the replacement of the play surfaces in East End park and to authorise the spend as a virement within the 2010/11 budget.”

This was proposed by Cllr Halfhide and seconded by Cllr Denniston and agreed by majority decision with one abstention.

The meeting also RESOLVED:

“To accept the quotation of £2,770 excluding VAT for the repairs to the memorials in the cemetery and to authorise the spend as a virement within the 2010/11 budget.”

This was proposed by Cllr Jackson and seconded by Cllr A Hallam and agreed unanimously.

137/10 Cemetery Group Report

There had not been a meeting of the Cemetery Group since the last Council meeting work on the review of plots and the cemetery rules was continuing.

138/10 Events Group Report

There had not been a meeting of the Events Group since the last Council meeting but the problems in obtaining a Christmas tree for the crossroads were noted. The tree was required for the working party planned for 4 December.

139/10 Planning Group Report

The Council accepted the Planning Report and noted that there had been two new applications and three planning decisions received since the last Council meeting.

It was noted that a shed structure had been erected in New Road and the Clerk was asked to confirm any permission requirements with SKDC Planning.

140/10 F&GP Group Report

The Council accepted the F&GP Group Report and agreed:

• The Clerk should write to County Cllr. Peter Robinson to confirm that Langtoft would

wish to be considered each year for any allocation of LCC funded speed indicators.

• The Clerk was also asked to contact Mr Cattermole to see if he had made any progress in getting an agreed site from LCC Highways for the memorial bench.

Langtoft Parish Council

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141/10 Budget and Precept 2011/12

The Council agreed to accept the recommendations of the F&GP Group for the budget for 2011/12 and to reduce the annual precept to £20,000.

It was noted that the Council is using its current reserves this year to make improvements and essential maintenance to the two parish managed parks and the cemetery. The precept of £20,000 should enable the Council to meet the maintenance costs next year and make some further improvements to the parks and cemetery.

The meeting RESOLVED:

“To approve a precept of £20,000 for the 2011/12 financial year.”

This was proposed by Cllr Cramp and seconded by Cllr A Hallam and agreed by majority decision with one abstention.

142/10 Site Allocations & Policies DPD

The Council noted this further consultation about some specific items mostly relating to Stamford, Bourne and Market Deeping. Although not directly affecting Langtoft residents the Clerk was directed to respond on the general issues of affordable housing, the rural exception policy and the methods used for the housing needs analysis. It was also noted that there would be a series of workshops in the New Year for Councillors to attend covering all the sites included in the originally consultation.

The meeting ended at 9.00pm Clerk’s Informal Notes of Council Meeting held on 11 January 2011 in the Village


(Minutes of the meeting will be published after approval at the next Council meeting on 22 February 2011.)

Present: Cllrs Jim Winstone (Chairman), Bob Cramp, Velma Denniston, Andy Halfhide (from 7.38pm), Andy Hallam, Debbie Hallam, Roy Jackson, Amanda Johnson, Yvonne McCulloch, Mike Thompson.

In Attendance: Derek Risk (Clerk), Jim Haw (Internal Auditor) . Apologies were received from County Cllr. Peter Robinson. There were two members of the public present.

Public Forum

The meeting commenced at 7pm with the open forum and items raised were:

• It was understood that as Back Lane was a restricted byway it should be

maintained by the local highways authority. It was agreed that the Clerk would check this with LCC.

Langtoft Parish Council


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• It was noted that contractors working on the New Road Affordable Housing site had left mud on New Road. It was also noted that SKDC Planning had not replied to a number of queries raised by local residents about the planning process. The Clerk would write to the Planning Officer.

• One resident enquired if anything could be done to improve the street lighting within the village. This would be logged for future reviews with LCC Highways.

As there were no further questions the open forum closed at 7.15pm.

Main Agenda

143/10 The Chairman noted how good the Christmas Tree and lights at the crossroads had been this year and recorded his appreciation to all those involved in the arrangements. He also wished to thank Mary Cramp for the decoration of the PC tree in the Church which along with all the other trees made a wonderful celebration of Christmas.

144/10 Apologies for absence. There were no apologies for absence from parish councillors but Cllr Halfhide had advised that he had been delayed and would be arriving late.

145/10 Declarations of interest. There were no declarations of interest for items on the agenda.

146/10 Approval of Minutes of previous meeting (30 November 2010)

With the one correction to the reference to the date of the next Council meeting the approval of the previous minutes was proposed by Cllr Denniston, seconded by Cllr Cramp and agreed unanimously.

147/10 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk presented the report, which was accepted by the Council and it was noted:

• That the planning application by the Football Club for the floodlights and portacabins on the SKDC playing fields was expected to go to the Development Control meeting on 1st February 2011.

• The outreach internet course to be run by Computers4U was due to start on 27 January in the village hall and run for two hours each week until Easter. The only cost to the Parish Council would be the hire charges for the village hall. There were 6 residents who intended to attend the course.

• LCC Highways had asked for parish views on the pruning of the trees in the verges from 49 to 71 West End. It was agreed to publish a note in the

Langtoft Parish Council

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February Grapevine to advise residents that a decision would be made at the next Council meeting and those interested in expressing a view may wish to attend the open forum or write to the Clerk.

• The Clerk had written to County Cllr Peter Robinson to request that Langtoft should be considered for any allocation of LCC funded speed indicators in the coming year. He had replied indicating that he would support such a bid but it was not yet known whether any funding would be available. The position should be clearer when the overall LCC budget is approved in February.

• The consecration ceremony for the remaining section of the cemetery has to be arranged through Solicitor Caroline Mockford, the Registrar for the Lincoln Diocese. This was being progressed by the Clerk.

• Parish Council Elections are due in May 2011. SKDC would be providing more details of the arrangements in March.

• The orders for the work in the Cemetery and in East End Park had been placed and the Council’s year end cash reserves were now expected to be just under £10,000 which is consistent with the assumptions made in setting the 2011/12 precept and budget.

148/10 Internal Auditor’s Report

Jim Haw introduced his report on the third quarter of the year and the Council noted the satisfactory conclusion and his comments cash reserves and the funding of safety measures in the parks. The Chairman thanked Jim for his comprehensive report.

(Councillor Halfhide joined the meeting at this point.)

149/10 Amenities Group Report

The Council accepted the Amenities Group Report and noted:

• That the new SKDC dog control orders for the enclosed play areas in the parks would come into effect from 1st February 2011.

• The Group recommendation that whilst not wanting to ban dogs altogether from other areas of the parks they should be kept on leads at all times.

• It was agreed that the Clerk should be instructed pursue the process to create orders to require that dogs should be on leads at all times in the un-enclosed areas within the two Parish Council managed parks.

Langtoft Parish Council


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Page 9

150/10 Road Gritting & Salt Bins

The Council also noted that the Amenities Group had been working on possible options to grit the roads in the village not currently covered by LCC Highways, when there was significant snowfall or icy conditions. The main options were to arrange for private contractors to do the gritting, buy equipment and rely on local volunteers or possibly a mix of the two.

It was agreed that the Amenities Group should continue with its investigations and present its recommendations to the next Council meeting.

Consideration had also been given to the provision of a grit bin at the Truesdale Road junction. It was also agreed to delay further work pending the outcome of the more general review of gritting the local roads.

151/10 Events Group Report

There had not been a meeting of the Events Group since the last Council meeting but the Council noted the report on the Christmas events.

152/10 Planning Group Report

The Council accepted the Planning Report and noted that there had been five new planning applications and three planning decisions received since the last Council meeting.

It was noted that there had been no apparent progress on the planning application for 47 East End. This would be followed up with SKDC. The meeting ended at 8.15pm

Langtoft Parish Council

Grapevine Business Advertising

(subject to availability of space)

Single Annual

1 edition 6 editions

Quarter Page £6 £30

Half Page £10 £50

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Please contact Karen MacQuarrie, 29 Ryefield, Langtoft

Tel: 01778 345530 & Email: [email protected]

Page 10: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE

Page 10

Tree Pruning in West End There are a number of trees growing in the road

verges between 49 and 71 West End with branches

growing through overhead power lines and some

pruning will be necessary this spring. Some of these

trees also have saplings struggling to grow alongside

them. LCC is responsible for these trees but has

asked the Parish Council to canvas views on the extent of the pruning of

the main trees and the future of the saplings. Your Parish Council will be

deciding on a response at its next meeting on 22 February. All residents

are welcome to attend the public forum at the start of the meeting to

express their views. Alternatively please write to the Parish Clerk (email

address [email protected])

SUNDAY MAY 1ST is the date this year for our annual runs,

and, as usual, we shall be looking for help as marshals etc. for the big day. So, after the expected euphoria

for the Royal Wedding, continue the up-beat mood and come and help us; even take part as well if you wish.

The profits, as usual, will be allocated to village projects. So, if you think you are

eligible please contact one of the committee members named below.

New this year will be The Langtoft Cup which has been kindly donated by the Vil-lage Hall Management Committee. This will be awarded to the first Langtoft

School pupil to finish the Fun Run. The cup would then be kept at the school, to

be awarded again in future years. Along with this comes a special prize to this pupil. So come on boys and girls, start training - it is well worth your while!

More news later.

CONTACTS: SUE 341845 BOB 348294 DON 343781

Langtoft Road Run 2011

Langtoft Pearl Bowls


Regrettably this Report starts on a sad note as our most senior member passed away on the 9th of January. Vernon Ashes had been a member of the Club for many years and was much respected and liked by all who came into contact with him. During the last couple of seasons he had struggled to play, mainly due to his age, he was 95, but he was still determined to do whatever he could to help the Club and only at the end of last season did he accept that probably his playing days were over. However we all still enjoyed his company at the Coffee mornings most weeks. He will be very much missed and our sympathy is with his daughter and son-in law Anne and Peter White, who are such great stalwarts of our Club.

Needless to say there has not been a great deal of activity at the Club during these cold winter months, although our Wednesday Coffee mornings have been very well supported, despite the weather. When the weather permits some further work will be started at the Club to continue to improve our facilities.

Unfortunately we are losing two other Club stalwarts this month when Mike Brimmer and his wife Dinah move to High Wycombe and we wish them all the best in their new home and new Bowls Club.

Our major fund raising event will have taken place by the time this article is read, but I am pleased to advise that once again the Village Hall will be packed to capacity for what I hope will be a very enjoyable Quiz evening on 29th January.

Finally, a couple of signing-on mornings will be arranged for early March at the Club House for next season which commences mid to late April. If anybody is interested in joining the Club for the 2011 season you will be most welcome. For further information please contact our Secretary: Anne White (01778-344190).

Roy Sharland, Roy Sharland, Roy Sharland, Roy Sharland,

Committee Member

Page 11: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE


Page 26

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Page 12: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE


The Ness Group Services— February 2011


Tuesday 1ST 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 6th 8am BCP Holy Communion Thurlby

9.30am Holy Communion Thurlby

10am Holy Communion Langtoft

10am Holy Communion Baston

Tuesday 8th 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 13th 8am BCP Holy Communion Baston

10am Family Service Baston

9.30am Holy Communion Thurlby

10am Holy Communion Langtoft

Tuesday 15th 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 20th Holy Communion with Healing Prayer



Tuesday 22nd 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 27th 8am BCP Holy Communion Langtoft

10am Family Service Langtoft

9.30am Holy Communion Thurlby

10am Holy Communion Baston


Page 13: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE


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The Ness Group Services— March 2011


Tuesday 1ST 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 6th 8am BCP Holy Communion Thurlby

9.30am Holy Communion Thurlby

10am Holy Communion Langtoft

10am Holy Communion Baston

Tuesday 8th 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Wednesday 9th 7.30pm Holy Communion with Ashing Langtoft

Sunday 13th 8am BCP Holy Communion Baston

10am Family Service Baston

9.30am Holy Communion Thurlby

10am Holy Communion Langtoft

Tuesday 15th 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 20th Holy Communion with Healing Prayer



Tuesday 22nd 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Sunday 27th 8am BCP Holy Communion Langtoft

10am Family Service Langtoft

9.30am Holy Communion Thurlby

10am Holy Communion Baston

6pm Deanery Evensong Baston

Tuesday 29th 10am Holy Communion Almond Court

Page 14: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE


Church News

Langtoft Church Travelling Nativity

Our ‘Church News’ begins with a request for assistance in replenishing our travelling nativity! It would be very helpful to have some spare figures for our nativity set, which travels round the village every December, visiting different families in turn. The figures are knitted, about 10 inches tall, and fun to make. If anyone would enjoy having a go at making one or two ‘people’ or a donkey or sheep, please contact me, Judy Robinson on 343383 or e-mail [email protected]. If necessary, we can provide the wool, and you don’t have to be an expert knitter to make an acceptable figure!

Langtoft Church South Aisle Roof

After receiving a grant from English Heritage and making a great effort with fundraising, we are now able to meet the costs of repairing the south aisle roof. Rain has been coming in for a couple of years now, so it will be a great relief to have the church watertight again. The work should start sometime in March and will cause considerable disruption, but Sunday services should continue as usual. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed towards the cost of this work.

Lent Lunches

With Easter being so late this year, our Lent Lunches are not starting until March 9th. They will continue every week from 12 noon to 2pm in the village hall until April 13th. The lunches will be held every Wednesday, except for one on March 24th, which is a Thursday. The date has been changed because the St Barnabas Hospice tea and coffee tour is visiting the village hall on Wednesday 23rd March.

The lunches include a choice of delicious home-made soup, with bread or rolls; followed by cheese and biscuits and finally tea or coffee. A donation of £2.50 covers the lunch, and all proceeds are divided between Christian Aid and Langtoft church. There is no need to book – just come along, enjoy a home-made lunch in pleasant company, and support two good causes at the same time.

All Age Family Services These short and informal services take place on the 4th Sunday of each month at 10am, and everyone is most welcome, whatever their age. There are musical instruments, songs, a short talk, some prayers and a reading. The service lasts about half an hour and is an excellent introduction to the Christian faith. After each service there are craft activities for the younger ones, while older people can enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or coffee.

Forthcoming Events

April is a busy month for the church with the Easter celebrations, and each side of Easter there is something special to enjoy. On Saturday 16th April there will be our usual Easter Egg trail, and on Saturday 30th April the ‘Taste of Langtoft’. More details later on these!


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Langtoft Players

“A Kick in the Baubles” It is the comedy of familiar people and familiar situations.


17th to 19th March 2011


Letter from the Vicarage

This may seem a slightly gloomy way to start the New Year but sadly we’ve had a large number of deaths in each of my three villages over the last two months.

There is much grieving going on and this short meditation was read out at a funeral this week. I hope that may offer you some hope and light:

He is Gone

You can shed tears that he is gone

Or you can smile because he lived

You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back

Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left

Your heart can be empty because you can’t see him

Or you can be full of the love that you shared

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday

Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember him and only that he is gone

Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back;

Or you can do what he would want, Smile, open your eyes, love and go onO..

Several people have also said to me that they would have liked to have held the funeral service in the parish church but as he/she “wasn’t a church-goer” they felt that they couldn’t. That’s the beauty of the Church of England – it’s open to everyone in the parish – for baptisms, weddings and funerals – you don’t have to attend but it is your parish church. So many people in the village support the building financially – for which I am so grateful – and there’s always a need for more money! A medieval building takes some upkeep, I can tell you and the clergy – Michael and myself, are here to help you in any way we can.


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From the Parish Register


‘We Congratulate’

Jason Medlycott and Tracey Pumpr

Anthony Machin and Paula Forge

Editors Comments

A few lines I have put together from comments I have received recently.

Firstly residents of Langtoft, including myself, would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Parish Council for the beautiful Christmas Tree at the crossroads. It looked amazing, a lovely focal point for the village.

Secondly I matter affecting the whole village. During the extreme weather conditions at the end of last year, we all had to again endure, for weeks on end, roads and paths covered with ice and compacted snow. I know this is not a new issue and that dangerously lethal road conditions are part of life but that shouldn’t be the case.

Lets avoid another accident in the village.

To avoid weeks of iced up, slippery roads, it has been suggested by several residents, that as a village we could all contribute towards having Grit Bins at strategic points around our village. This would be a big project and would need a “project manager” with a team and I’m not sure how feasible it would be to organise but it could be a solution.

Let me know what you think by the 15th March and then we can maybe progress this further. You can contact me by post, phone or Email, details below.

Karen MacQuarrieKaren MacQuarrieKaren MacQuarrieKaren MacQuarrie

29 Ryefield, Langtoft

Tel 01778 345530

E Mail - [email protected]


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Tickets on sale on 01778 343443


Page 18: Grapevine February March 2011 - Lincolnshire County · 2011-02-03 · February & March 2011 THE GRAPEVINE MAGAZINE


Langtoft Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting -

Tues 22nd @ 7pm,

Village Hall

Langtoft Primary School Langtofts Got Talent

Fri 11th @ 6.30pm

Langtoft Church

St Michael & All Angels

Lent Lunches.

Wed 9th

, Wed 16

Wed 30

Langtoft Pre School

Bumps to Four Half term, no group - Fri 25th

Trip to Let's Play, Bourne

Fri 18th

Grapevine—Copy Deadline and

expected delivery dates

Delivery by end Jan Articles, Information,

Comments, Adverts and posters

by 15th

Village Hall Meeting— Tues 1st @ 8pm

Race Night — Sat 19th @ 7.30pm

Meeting—Tues 1st @ 8pm

Quiz Night —Sat 25th @ 7.00pm

Meeting—Tues 29th @ 8pm

Langtoft Players, Langtoft

Juniors & Langtoft Minis

“A kick in the Baubles”

Langtoft Pearl Bowls



Parish Council Meeting -

Tues 5th @ 7pm,

Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting -

Tues 10th @ 7pm,

Village Hall

Lent Lunches.

, Wed 16th

, Thurs 24th


Wed 30th

Lent Lunches. Wed 6th

, Wed 13th


Easter Egg Trail Sat 16th


‘A Taste of Langtoft’. Sat 30th

Trip to Let's Play, Bourne -

Fri 18th

Last session before Easter

Holidays - Fri 8th

Group returns for summer term

- Fri 6th

Articles, Information,

Comments, Adverts and posters

by 15th

Delivery by end March Articles, Information,

Comments, Adverts and posters

by 15th

Tues 1st @ 8pm

Sat 25th @ 7.00pm

Tues 29th @ 8pm

Easter Bingo-Mon 11th @7.00pm

Gardening Talk - Fri 15th @7.00pm

Meeting—Tues 3rd @ 8pm

“A kick in the Baubles” 17th to
