Page 1: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Grant Administration

FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee MeetingSan Antonio, TX December 7, 2006

Rich LuceyEducation Program Specialist, U.S. Department

of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Bryan WilliamsProgram Analyst, U.S. Department of

Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Page 2: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

Faith-Based Organizations Fiscal Management Audit Requirements Expanded Authorities Freedom of Information Act Useful Resources


Page 3: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Monitoring & Reporting Requirements

Notify Monitor of ChangesPost-Award Performance

CallSemiannual Monitoring CallGrant Performance Reports

–Interim and Final Reports

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Grant Performance Report (ED 524B)

ED's generic performance report for discretionary grants

Used by ED's program offices as an interim and final performance report

May be submitted electronically through e-Reports

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Purpose of the ED 524B

ED collects performance measures data from grantees to demonstrate program success to Congress (Government Performance and Results Act)

Performance information: – Guides ED's budget request for programs– Ensures program implementation is

focused on results– Ensures success is measured by results


Page 6: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Purpose of the ED 524B

Financial and performance monitoring tool for ED program offices for individual grants

– Interim Reports: Grantees provide data to demonstrate that they are making substantial progress toward meeting approved goals, objectives, and performance measures to receive continuation funding.

– Final Reports: Grantees provide data to demonstrate overall project success and impact.

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Highlights of the ED 524B

Project Objectives: State what you hope to achieve with your funded grant project

Performance Measures: Demonstrate whether you have met or are making progress toward meeting your project objectives, including GPRA measures

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Highlights of the ED 524B

ED 524B Cover Sheet (Item 7)

– Interim Performance Reports: Reporting period is from start of current budget period through 30 days before due date of report.

– Interim performance reports are generally due 7 to 10 months after the start of each budget period.

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Highlights of the ED 524B

Budget Expenditures Data (Item 8) – All financial questions must be completed

by your Business Office

– Submit actual budget expenditures for:

1) Entire Previous Budget Period 2) Current Reporting Period

– Break down expenditures between federal and non-federal funds

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Highlights of the ED 524B

Budget Information (Section B of the Project Status Chart) - must address– Provide an explanation if funds have not

been drawn down from GAPS to pay for budget expenditures reported in item 8 on Cover Sheet

– Describe significant budget changes resulting from modification of project activities

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Site Visits

Site visits are a grant monitoring tool as provided for in EDGAR Part 74.51(g), "The Secretary may make site visits, as needed."

Also called an on-site review

A site visit may last multiple days

Page 12: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Site Visits

Reasons to conduct a site visit Program performance - Excellent

•Goals and objectives achieved in unique or innovative ways

•Development of effective strategies that may be replicable at other sites

Page 13: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Site Visits

Reasons to conduct a site visit Program performance - Problem

•Difficulty achieving goals and objectives

•Compliance issues•Fiscal improprieties•Technical assistance

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Site Visits

What goes into site visit decision Review of materials

– Performance reports– Financial reports– Performance calls– Correspondence– Request for technical assistance

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Site Visits

What to expect during the site visit–Entrance and exit interviews–Review of grant activities to date–Review recent budget and expenditures with fiscal staff

–Review evaluation plan

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Site Visits

What to expect after site visit Reviewer's written report

– Positive findings•Exemplary practices

– Negative findings•Required Actions: Compliance•Recommended Actions: Non-

binding suggestions

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Site Visits

What to expect after site visit Grantee's response

– Required Actions•Detail corrective actions that will

bring grant into compliance with programmatic/fiscal guidelines

•Dispute findings and present supporting documents

– Recommended Actions•Respond to recommended actions

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Site Visits

What to expect after site visit Follow-up and closeout

–Grant monitor will follow up to ensure that all corrective actions have been accomplished

–Grant monitor will inform grantee in writing when review is closed

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Faith-Based Organizations

White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives - January 2001

Federal Agency Centers - January 2001

Equal Protection of the Laws for Faith-Based and Community Organizations - December 2002

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Faith-Based Organizations

Focus of the Initiative– Identify and eliminate barriers that

impede FBCOs in the federal grants process

– Increase accessibility to the federal grants process through training and technical assistance

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Faith-Based Organizations

Core Principles– Equal treatment for faith-based

organizations applying for grants– Preservation of religious

liberty/character– Protection of beneficiaries– Federal funds may not be used for

inherently religious activities

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Faith-Based Organizations

The U.S. Department of Education amended its regulations (EDGAR) to reflect these principles.– 74.44: Procurement procedures– 75.52: Grant eligibility– 75.532: Use of funds for religion


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Faith-Based Organizations

Monitoring– Faith-based organizations are subject

to the same accounting and reporting requirements as all other grantees

– Federal funds may not be used for inherently religious activities

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Faith-Based Organizations

Section 75.532: Use of funds for religion prohibited– (a) No grantee may use its grant to

pay for any of the following:• (1) Religious worship, instruction, or

proselytization• (2) Equipment or supplies to be used

for any of those activities

Page 25: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Faith-Based Organizations

Guidance to Faith-Based and Community Organizations on Partnering with the Federal Government–

U.S. Department of Education's Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives–


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Fiscal Management

Memo to discretionary grantees Draw down funds only as necessary Project director should continually

monitor fiscal activity Excessive Drawdowns

– First Quarter: 50 percent or more– Second Quarter: 80 percent or more– Third Quarter: 100 percent

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Fiscal Management

Large Available Balances– 70 percent of the project's

budget is available 90 days or less before the budget period ends

– Grant monitor works with grantee to reconcile situation

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Fiscal Management

Indirect Cost Rates (ICR)– Grantee must have a current ICR

agreement to charge indirect costs– Applicants without a current

negotiated indirect cost rate that are selected for funding are subject to the terms and conditions included in Attachment D: Prohibition against Indirect Cost Recovery

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Fiscal Management

Attachment D: Prohibition against Indirect Cost Recovery– Grantee shall submit ICR proposal to

cognizant agency (i.e., ED) within 90 days after award of the grant

– Grantee may not charge its grant for indirect costs until negotiated ICR agreement is in place

– Grantee must provide proof of its negotiated ICR agreement to grant monitor

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Audit Requirements

Two types of audits– Grantee-Initiated Audit

•Independent Auditor•Compliance with OMB Circular A-133

•Annually expend $500,000 or more in federal funds must have a single audit or program-specific audit performed for that year

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Audit Requirements

Two types of audits– OIG Audit

•Office of Inspector General•Not every grantee is audited•Office of Chief Financial Officer

reviews A-133 audit reports•OIG audit triggered by serious audit

findings identified by OCFO•Questions? Contact grant monitor

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Expanded Authorities

Budget TransfersNo-Cost Time Extensions

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Expanded AuthoritiesBudget Transfers

Parts 74.25 and 75.264 No prior approval required unless:

– Change in project scope or objectives– Change in key personnel

Notify grant monitor of transfer– Amount of money– Identify categories– Purpose

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Expanded AuthoritiesNo-Cost Time Extensions

Parts 74.25(e)(2) and 75.261 One-time extension for up to 12 months

without prior approval Written justification needed at least 10

days prior to extension Cannot be for the purpose of exhausting

unexpended funds Cannot require additional funds nor

change the project's scope or objectives

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information

All records must be made available, except:– Privileged or confidential

information– Personal information

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

FOIA Process– Project Director contacted– 10 days to respond to ED– Memo to FOIA Officer from ED– Information sent to requestor– Fee involved: research and


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Useful Resources

Web Sites Publications Telephone Numbers

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Useful Resources

OSDFS Web Site–

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Useful Resources

What Works Clearinghouse–Gathers studies on effectiveness of educational interventions


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Useful Resources

The Challenge Newsletter– OSDFS Publication– Provides information and resources to help create safe and healthy learning environments


Page 41: Grant Administration FY06 ERCM Initial Grantee Meeting San Antonio, TX December 7, 2006 Rich Lucey Education Program Specialist, U.S. Department of Education,

Useful Resources

Training and Technical Assistance Centers– Character Education and Civic

Engagement– Emergency Response/Crisis

Management– Higher Education– Mentoring

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Useful Resources

Character Education and Civic Engagement Technical Assistance Center– Provides state program administrators,

local educators, and the public with information on character education and civic engagement

–– Contact: Rita Foy Moss

[email protected]

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Useful Resources

Emergency Response and Crisis Management Technical Assistance Center– Provides technical assistance and

resources to grantees and non-grantee local educational agencies regarding crisis planning


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Useful Resources

Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention– Provides training, technical assistance,

and publications related to drug abuse and violence prevention on college campuses and in their surrounding communities

–– Contact: Rich Lucey

[email protected]

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Useful Resources

Mentoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center– Ensure that programs funded under

the Mentoring Program receive help in management and implementation of projects

– Contact: Bryan Williams•[email protected]
