





Their motivation …



The writing process

Happiness at work

Becka Walton


ponsible off








art time






1. To be off2. To be on maternity3. To have good 4. I hope to get5. He´s the head of the 6. We can get a pay 7. I´m on a short- 8. I´m self-9. Or I 10. They´re losing money and I was 11. There´s no high staff

__. Sales department__. work__. Leave__. Run my own business__. Made redundant__. Term contarct__. Prospects in his job__. Rise__. Employed__. Turnover__. Promoted

That shop has C _____ D _____ . We can ´t buy there any more

When a country´s economy is going back, it´s got R _____

When you can´t pay for something you C ___ A ___ it

Don´t want to do something= R ____ or accept= A ____it

A Synonym with in the end E ________

Start or S ____ O ___ a journey

Las cifras de ventas or S _____F ____

Money you pay in advance in case of an accident I ____

No me apetece hacerlo= I ___________________

The results of a questionaire a S ______

Opposite of at Dusk = At D _____

You have S _____ of paper and in your bed

If you did something wrong you must A____ responsibility

Ser fiel a tus principios= S ____ to your G __

consultora de recursos humanosH ___ R ___ C ____

When there is lots of traffic R___H __

He was painting and S _____ his clothes with paint

Money you get back if you aren ´t happy =R ____

If you´re behind with your work you have to C ___ U __

When your bank acount has got no money = O ______

Marta´s mum can cook nice R ______

Surveys can R_____ conclusions

Happiness can D ____

Logros, proezas=A ______

Say sorry= A ___for being late= D ____

Closed downSet off

at dawn Rush hour


RecessionSales figuresSheetssplashReveal

Can ´t affordInsurance


Refuse/agreeDon´t feel like

doing itStick to ypur

gunsCatch up withAchievements

EventuallyA surveyHuman

resources consultancy


Synonym with I don ´t mind= I don ´t C ______

Brokers can buy (acciones) here = The S ____ E _____

It will be close U ___ F ___ N _____ (=hasta nuevoaviso)

People who go to a shop to buy is a C ______

IRFP in Englis is I _____ T ___


Brokers buy and sell Acciones= S _____

They are R ______ the road (=laying a thin layer of stuff)

Piece of paper the shop assisstant gives you R _____

He didn ´t get the job as he didn ´t M ___ the R ____

Unfortunately I M ____ (= perderse)the show

It was so funny that I C _____ H ____ laughing

Una calle en una pista athletismo is T _____

Marta´s mum R ____ (=lleva) a restaurant

I went to bed very early or H _____ an E ___ N ____

Rellenar un informe= F ____ I ___ a F ____

Hde sell fruit in a S ____ =(puesto) in the market

She didn ´t like the shirt and asked for a R ______ (=devolución)

Spanish people are worried about the high unemployment R ______

He works N ____ - S ____ (=turno de noche) this week

The waiter was rude and I made a C _____ (=queja)

(cita) with a girl/boy is a date, with the dentist is A _______

Ojos que no ven corazón que no siente= O _______

Anuncios are A ____ / A ____ and C _____

Un recordatorio de algo is a R _____

I don´t careProposalsMiss sth

Fill in a formComplaint

Stock ExchangeShares

Couldn ´t helpStall


Until Further notice


RefundOut of sight, out of mind





Income TaxMeet/


Have an early nightNight-shiftreminder

Summary about jobs1. You look for a job because: a) you´ re U _____________ ; b) you were F _______ / D _____ /

G __________2. You need to look for a V ________ for a post of (?) - that it ´s usually A _________ in

newspaper, the net, …3. Once you find one, you can A ________ F ___ it, so, you´re an A _________, and you have to F

______ I ___ F _______ send in your Q __________ and R __________4. Then the interview. They make a selection of 5 or 6 people called: S _________5. Once you have the job, if you do it right you can: a) get a P ________ or b) get I ___________ or

c) get C ___________ or d) get P _________6. Some jobs have P _______ such as: H ________ I ________ / a C ________ car / a P _______7. If you aren´t lucky because you don ´t like the job you can R ________ due to the working

conditions, e.g. it´s a part-time job, you have to work the N ______ - S _______ or you have to work O __________. In this case you can go on S ________ helped by the T ________ U _____

8. Sometimes the company isn ´t doing well and has to L _______ O ___ workers making them R _________. In this case, the government pays them for a period of time, so they´re on the D ____

9. When you are paid, the government charges you the I _______ T _______ , from which you can get your S ______ P ______ when you are sick or the M _________ L _______ when you have a baby

Unemployed Fired DismissedGiven the sack

Vacancy Advertised

Apply for ApplicantFill in Forms Qualifications References

ShortlistPay rise increments

Commissions PromotedPerks Health Insurance Company Pension

ResignNight shift

Overtime Strike Trade UnionsLay off


DoleIncome Tax

Sick pay Maternity leave


1.Es una de las empresas con los empleados más felices. Esta compañía con sede en Londres fue montada por 3 universitarios en 1999 y comenzó haciendo smoothies, una bebida de zumo y yogur que emplea a más de 200 personas. Parte de su estrategia comercial es usar furgonetas de reparto decoradas como si fueran vacas o campos de hierba. Se enorgullecen de tener un buen ambiente de trabajo

It´s one of the companies with the happiest employees. This London-based company was set up by 3 university studentsin 1999 and they started making smoothies, a drink with fruit juiceand yoghurt. It employs over 200 people. Part of their commercialstrategy is to use cow or grass- decorated delivery vans. Theypride on having a good working environment.

Short- termWork-lifeWorkingLineStaffCompetitiveCatchFaceGetGo withHurtKeepMakePlantell

One´s gut feelingBalanceStuckThe truth / a lieA decisionPeople´s feelingsSalaryA problem head onIn advanceTurnoverContractsOne´s eyeEnvironmentManagerSomething short

Food preparation1.Shell2.Peel3.Slice4.Chop5.Shred6.Dice7.Grate8.Coat9.Beat10.Knead11.Glaze12.Grease13.Toss14.Mash15.Sift16.drain

noun Verb Adjective adverb







White ------



strength strengthen strongly

width widen widely

height highten highly

lownes lower low

length lengthen long

depth deepen deeply


shallowness To be … shallowly